• Title/Summary/Keyword: 에너지 정의

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Evaluation of Shear Deformation Energy and Fatigue Performance of Single-layer and Multi-layer Metal Bellows (단층 및 다층 금속 벨로우즈의 전단 변형 에너지 및 피로성능 평가)

  • Kyeong-Seok Lee;Jin-Seok Yu;Young-Soo Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2024
  • Seismic safety of expansion joints for piping systems has been underscored by water pipe ruptures and leaks resulting from the Gyeongju and Pohang earthquakes. Metal bellows in piping systems are applied to prevent damage from earthquakes and road subsidence in soft ground. Designed with a series of corrugated segments called convolutions, metal bellows exhibit flexibility to accommodate displacements. Several studies have examined variations in convolution shapes and layers based on the intended performance to be evaluated. Nonetheless, the research on the seismic performance of complex bellows having multiple corrugation heights is limited. In this study, monotonic loading tests, cyclic loading tests, and fatigue tests were conducted to evaluate the shear performance in seismic conditions, of metal bellows with variable convolution heights. Single- and triple-layer bellows were considered for the experimentation. The results reveal that triple-layer bellows exhibit larger maximum deformation and fatigue life than single-layer bellows. However, the high stiffness of triple-layer bellows in resisting internal pressure poses certain disadvantages. The convolutions are less flexible at lower displacements and experience leakage at a rate related to the variable height of the convolutions in certain conditions. At lower deformation rates, the fatigue life is rated higher as the number of layers increase. It converges to a similar fatigue life at higher deformation rates.

A Study on the Treatment of Combine Electron Beam in the Treatment of Breast Cancer Tumor Bed (유방암 Tumor bed 치료 시 혼합 전자선 치료 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Geon Ho;Kang, Hyo Seok;Choi, Byoung Joon;Park, Sang Jun;Jung, Da Ee;Lee, Du Sang;Ahn, Min Woo;Jeon, Myeong Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The usefulness of using single-electron radiation for secondary radiotherapy of breast cancer patients after surgery is assessed and the use of a combine of different energy. Methods and materials : In this study, 40 patients (group A) using energy 6 MeV and 9 MeV, and 19 patients (group B) using a combine of 9 MeV and 12 MeV were studied among 59 patients who performed secondary care using combine electronic radiation. Each patient in each group, 6 MeV, 9 MeV, Combine(6 MeV / 9 MeV) and 9 MeV, 12 MeV, Combine (9 MeV / 12 MeV) were developed in different ways, and the maximum doses delivered to the original hospital, D95, D5, and $V_3$, $V_5$, $V_{10}$ were compared. Result: The D95 mean value of Group A treatment plan was $785.33{\pm}225.37cGy$, $1121.79{\pm}87.02cGy$ at 9 MeV, and $1010.98{\pm}111.17cGy$ at 6 MeV / 9 MeV, and the mean value at 6 MeV / 9 MeV was most appropriate for the dose. The mean values of the low dose area $V_3$ and $V_5$ in the lung of the breast direction being treated were $3.24{\pm}3.49%$ and $0.72{\pm}1.55%$ at 6 MeV, the highest 9 MeV at $7.25{\pm}4.59%$, $3.07{\pm}2.64%$, the lowest at 6 MeV. Maximum and average lung dose was $727.78{\pm}137.27cGy$ at 6 MeV / 9 MeV, $49.16{\pm}24.44cGy$, highest 9 MeV at $998.97{\pm}114.35cGy$, $85.33{\pm}41.18cGy$, and lowest 6 MeV at $387.78{\pm}208.88cGy$, $9.27{\pm}6.60cGy$. The value of $V_{10}$ was all close to zero. Group B appeared in the pattern of Group A. Conclusion: Relative differences in low-dose areas of the lungs $V_3$ and $V_5$ were seen and were most effective in the dose transfer of tumor bed in the application of combined energy. It is thought that the method of using electronic energy in further radiation treatments for breast cancer is a more effective way to use the energy effect of limiting energy resources, and that if you think about it again, it could be a little more beneficial radiation treatment for patients.

Design of the Condenser and Automation of a Solar Powered Water Pump (태양열 물펌프의 운전 자동화 설계)

  • Kim Y. B.;Son J. G.;Lee S. K.;Kim S. T.;Lee Y. K.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 2004
  • The solar powered water pump is very ideal equipment because solar power is more intensive when the water is more needed in summer and it is very helpful in the rural area, in which the electrical power is not available. The average so]ar radiation energy is 3.488 kWh/($m^2{\cdot}day$) in Korea. In this study, the automatic control logic and system of the water pump driven by the radiation energy were studied, designed, assembled, tested and analyzed for realizing the solar powered water pump. The experimental system was operated automatically and the cycle was continued. The average quantity of the water pumped per cycle was about 5,320 cc. The cycle time was about 4.9 minutes. The thermal efficiency of the system was about $0.030\%$. The pressure level of the n-pentane vapour in flash tank was 150$\%$450 hPa(gauge) which was set by the computer program for the control of the vapour supply. The pressure in the condenser and air tank during cycles was maintained as about 600 hPa and 1,200 hPa respectively. The water could be pumped by the amount of 128kg/($m^2{\cdot}day$) with the efficiency of $0.1\%$ and the pumping head of 10 m for the average solar energy in Korea.

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Performance Estimation of Large-scale High-sensitive Compton Camera for Pyroprocessing Facility Monitoring (파이로 공정 모니터링용 대면적 고효율 콤프턴 카메라 성능 예측)

  • Kim, Young-Su;Park, Jin Hyung;Cho, Hwa Youn;Kim, Jae Hyeon;Kwon, Heungrok;Seo, Hee;Park, Se-Hwan;Kim, Chan Hyeong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • Compton cameras overcome several limitations of conventional mechanical collimation based gamma imaging devices, such as pin-hole imaging devices, due to its electronic collimation based on coincidence logic. Especially large-scale Compton camera has wide field of view and high imaging sensitivity. Those merits suggest that a large-scale Compton camera might be applicable to monitoring nuclear materials in large facilities without necessity of portability. To that end, our research group have made an effort to design a large-scale Compton camera for safeguard application. Energy resolution or position resolution of large-area detectors vary with configuration style of the detectors. Those performances directly affect the image quality of the large-scale Compton camera. In the present study, a series of Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to examine the effect of those detector parameters. Performance of the designed large-scale Compton camera was also estimated for various monitoring condition with realistic modeling. The conclusion of the present study indicates that the energy resolution of the component detector is the limiting factor of imaging resolution rather than the position resolution. Also, the designed large-scale Compton camera provides the 16.3 cm image resolution in full width at half maximum (angular resolution: $9.26^{\circ}$) for the depleted uranium source considered in this study located at the 1 m from the system when the component detectors have 10% energy resolution and 7 mm position resolution.

Between-and Within-person Variability of Nutrient Intake in 7-day weighed Food Records (7일 실측법에 의한 영양소섭취량의 개인간변이와 개인내변이)

  • 정해랑
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 1992
  • Dietary intakes of 57 college women were measured by 7-day weight food records(7WR) Nutrient intakes of 7WR were compared with results of using 1-day weighted food records(1WR) and 2-day weighed food records(2WR), 7WR were recorded for 7 consecutive days by subjects and its first two days were chosen to provide 1WR and 2WR Mean nutrient intakes of the group were not significantly different between 1WR or 2WRand 7WR. Within-person variations were found to be greater than between-person variations. The ratio of within- and between-person variability was lowest for the vitamin A and highest for the calcium. Data on 7WR were analyzed to estimate the number of recording days needed to ensure r$\geq$0.9 between observed and turn mean intakes. The 11 to 13 days needed for energy sugar protein and vitamin A and 20 days for calcium The results indicated that the number of days needed varied substantially among individuals for the same nutrient and within individuals for different nutrients.

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Improvement of Fluid Penetration Efficiency in Soil Using Plasma Blasting (플라즈마 발파를 이용한 토양 내 유체의 침투 효율 개선)

  • Baek, In-Joon;Jang, Hyun-Shic;Song, Jae-Yong;Lee, Geun-Chun;Jang, Bo-An
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2021
  • Plasma blasting by high voltage arc discharge were performed in laboratory-scale soil samples to investigate the fluid penetration efficiency. A plasma blasting device with a large-capacity capacitor and columnar soil samples with a diameter of 80 cm and a height of 60 cm were prepared. Columnar soil samples consist of seven A-samples mixed with sand and silt by ratio of 7:3 and three B-samples by ratio of 9:1. When fluid was injected into A-sample by pressure without plasma blasting, fluid penetrated into soil only near around the borehole, and penetration area ratio was less than 5%. Fluid was injected by plasma blasting with three different discharge energies of 1 kJ, 4 kJ and 9 kJ. When plasma blasting was performed once in the A-samples, penetration area ratios of the fluid were 16-25%. Penetration area ratios were 30-48% when blastings were executed five times consecutively. The largest penetration area by plasma blasting was 9.6 times larger than that by fluid injection by pressure. This indicates that the higher discharge energy of plasma blasting and the more numbers of blasting are, the larger are fluid penetration areas. When five consecutive plasma blasting were carried out in B-sample, fluid penetration area ratios were 33-59%. Penetration areas into B-samples were 1.1-1.4 times larger than those in A-samples when test conditions were the same, indicating that the higher permeability of soil is, the larger is fluid penetration area. The fluid penetration radius was calculated to figure out fluid penetration volume. When the fluid was injected by pressure, the penetration radius was 9 cm. Whereas, the penetration radius was 27-30 cm when blasting were performed 5 times with energy of 9 kJ. The radius increased up to 333% by plasma blasting. All these results indicate that cleaning agent penetrates further and remediation efficiency of contaminated soil will be improved if plasma blasting technology is applied to in situ cleaning of contaminated soil with low permeability.

Dietary Factors and Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Men (중년 남성에서 대사증후군과 식이요인과의 관련성)

  • Na, Dae-Woong;Jeong, Eun;Noh, Eun-Kyung;Chung, Ji-Sook;Choi, Cheon-Ho;Park, Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study aims to identify dietary factors related to metabolic syndrome in middle aged Korean men who were participants in the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES IV) in 2007. Methods: The study targeted 361 of the 709 men aged between 40 and 64 years for a final analysis; the other 348 surveys had incomplete data which did not allow for the determination of metabolic syndrome. The definition of metabolic syndrome was based on the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III(NCEP ATP III). Results: There were significant differences in the metabolic syndrome of middle-aged men according to age, smoking pack-years, and number of resturant meals per week. Dietary factors such as vitamins, riboflavin, natrium, carbohydrate, protein and lipid intakes were not significant. Conclusions: It was verified that metabolic syndrome in middle-aged men is related to age, smoking pack-years and number of resturant meals per week. Dietary factors were not significantly related. However, further detailed studies in this area are needed.

Performance Evaluation for the A/O Pure-Oxygen Biofilm (POB) Process on the Removal of Organics and TKN in the Industrial Wastewater (혐기/호기 순산소 생물막공법에 의한 산업폐수의 유기물 및 TKN 제거 성능평가)

  • Jang, Am;Kim, Hong Suck;Kim, In S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.837-847
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    • 2000
  • For the treatment of wastewaters generated from beer industry and petrochemical company with high organic and nitrogen contents, laboratory scale of A/O Pure-Oxygen Biofilm (POB) process was developed and studied by means of the comparative economic analysis with extended aeration process. When the wastewater of beer company was initially treated by the A/O POB process in the ranges of 70 to 150 mg TOC/L diluted with tap water, higher than 92% of TOC removal was accomplished in the all ranges. In case of petrochemical wastewater, the initial TOC removal was as low as 52%, though, it increased to 86% after 32 days of operation and also the TKN removal marked 71% after 27 days. Continuous high removal rates were monitored in both the TOC and TKN parameters during the experimental period. Due to the cost for PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) setting and biomass supporting media installation, the initial construction cost of A/O POB process was 2.9 times higher than that of extended aeration process. However, the advantages such as low sludge production, no need for sludge recycling and low energy consumption allow the A/O POB process to have 2.5 times lower operation and maintenance costs. Consequently, in the long term of operation, it is likely that A/O POB process would show higher performance as well as cost effectiveness compared to extended aeration process.

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Behavior of Concrete Bridge Deck Using Hybrid Reinforcement System (Hybrid Reinforcement System을 이용한 콘크리트 교량상판 슬래브의 거동)

  • Park Sang-Yeol;Cho Keun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.4 s.82
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    • pp.451-458
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    • 2004
  • This study describes the basic concept and the applicability of Hybrid Reinforcement System using conventional steel reinforcing bars and Fiber Reinforced Polymer bars. The concrete bridge decks are assumed to be supported by beams and reinforced with two layers of reinforcing bars. In concrete bridge deck using HRS, the top tensile force for negative moment zone on beam supports is assumed to be resisted by FRP reinforcing bars, and the bottom tensile force for positive moment zone in the middle of hem supports is assumed to be resisted by conventional steel reinforcing bars, respectively. The FRP reinforcing bars are non-corrosive. Thus, the steel reinforcement is as far away as possible from the top surface of the deck and protected from intrusion of corrosive agent. HRS concrete bridge deck has sufficient ductility at ultimate state as the following reasons; 1) FRP bars have lower elastic modulus and higher ultimate strain than steel re-bars have, 2) FRP bars have lower ultimate strain if provided higher reinforcement ratio, 3) ultimate strain of FRP bars can be reduced if FRP bars are unbonded. Test results showed that FRP and HRS concrete slabs are not failed by FRP bar rupture, but failed by concrete compression in the range of ordinary reinforcement ratio. Therefore, in continuous concrete bridge deck using HRS, steel reinforcing bars for positive moment yield and form plastic hinge first and compressive concrete fail in the bottom of supports or in the top of the middle of supports last. Thus, bridge deck consumes significant inelastic strain energy before its failure.

BIM-based Repair&Replacement (R&R) Cost Estimating Process (BIM기반 건축물 수선교체비 산정 프로세스)

  • Park, Jieun;Yu, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2016
  • In a construction project, the portion for maintenance costs for a building is considerable compared to the initial construction cost. As such, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis is being increasingly utilized to assess the design value of engineering work in Korea. Additionally, the Public Procurement Service in Korea announced that it will be mandatory for all domestic construction projects to adopt BIM. Furthermore, the paradigm for architectural design has shifted from 2D to 3D, and to BIM, which includes a data management system. Within this background, however, there is currently no adequate BIM-based LCC analysis software and the requirements of cost estimation for repair and replacement cost for a building is not completely adequate in BIM tools such as Revit and Archicad. Therefore, this study suggests a process of cost estimation for repair and replacement (R&R) cost based on IFC data. First, we analyzed existing R&R criteria and defined BIM-based requirements when calculating R&R costs. These requirements were extracted from relevant IFC data. Subsequently, this was saved to a database and a BIM-based database was built for R&R cost estimation. Finally, this database was connected with external databases such as R&R Criteria DB and Cost Information DB to calculate R&R costs. This process is expected to improve upon the traditional process of cost estimation of R&R cost by applying a BIM model. The proposed process can contribute to a further standardizing of BIM-based LCC analysis thru application to initial construction costs, energy costs, and other maintenance costs.