• Title/Summary/Keyword: 억양구

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A Prosodic Study of Korean Using a Large Database (대용량 데이터베이스를 이용한 한국어 운율 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jong-Jin;Lee Sook-Hyang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the prosodic characteristics of Korean through the analysis of a large database. One female and one male speakers each read 650 sentences and they were segmentally and prosodically labeled. Statistical analyses were done on these utterances regarding the tonal pattern and the size of prosodic units, correlation between the size of higher level prosodic units and the number of lower level prosodic units. and the slope and F0 of the falling and rising contours of an accentual phrase. The results showed that the duration and the number of words and syllables of a prosodic unit were significantly different not only between speakers but also between its positions within a higher level prosodic nit. The munber of a prosodic unit showed a high correlation with the duration and the number of syllables of its higher level units. The slope of the falling contour within an accentual phrase was inversely Proportional to the number of its syllables. The slope was different depending on the first tone type of an accentual phrase, which could be explained with the F0 rising and the different amount of rising between tones when an accentual phrase starts with an H tone. The slope of the falling contour across an accentual phrase boundary showed a constant and larger value compared to one within an accentual phrase. The rising contours in the beginning and end of an accentual Phrase were similar in their slopes but they differ in the amount of F0 change : the former showed a larger amount of change. The slope of the rising contour which forms an accentual Phrase on its own was inversely Proportional to the number of its syllables.

A perceptual study of the wh-island constraint in Seoul Korean (서울말의 wh-섬 제약 지각 연구)

  • Yun, Weonhee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the status of the wh-island constraint in Seoul Korean. The syntactic movement of a wh-phrase out of an embedded sentence so as to have wide scope at LF is known to be invalid as it violates the wh-island constraint, but there have been studies in which such a movement was possible when the sentence is read with a wh-intonation. We conducted perceptual tests in which subjects were asked to select an answer after listening to each of the four types of interrogative sentences. Three of them were with 'Nugu-leul', which is an accusative form of the wh-phrase 'who' as well as an indefinite form. The fourth sentence contained the name of a person. 'Nugu-leul' and the noun were positioned in the same embedded sentence to see whether the subjects accepted a matrix scope interpretation of the wh-phrases. Response time was transformed to normalized log response time and checked to find any differences in the time taken to select the answers depending on different types of interrogative sentences. The results showed the subjects had a definite preference for the matrix scope interpretation for the sentences with a wh-intonation. The response time required to select the matrix scope interpretation was longer than for any other type of interrogative sentence. We concluded that the wh-island constraint in Seoul Korean is weak.

Acoustic Analysis and Melodization of Korean Intonation for Language Rehabilitation (언어재활을 위한 한국어의 음향적 분석과 선율화)

  • Choi, Jin Hee;Park Jeong Mi
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to acoustically analyze Korean language characteristics and convert these findings into musical elements, providing foundational data for evidence-based music-language rehabilitation. We collected voice data from thirty men and thirty women aged 19-25, each providing six-syllable prosodic units composed of two accentual phrases, including both declarative and interrogative sentences. Analyzing this data with Praat, we extracted syllabic acoustic properties and conducted statistical analyses based on acoustic properties, sentence type, gender, and particle presence. Significant differences were found in syllable frequency and duration based on accentual phrases and prosodic units (p < .001), with interrogative showing higher frequencies and declaratives longer durations (p < .001). Female frequencies were significantly higher than males' (p < .001), with longer durations observed (p < .001). Particle syllables also showed significantly stronger intensities (p < .001). Finally, we presented melodies converted from these acoustic properties into musical scores based on pitch, duration, and accent. The insights from this analysis of six-syllable Korean sentences will guide further research on developing a system for melodizing large-scale Korean speech data, expected to be crucial in music-based language rehabilitation.

An Experimental Study of the Intonation of News Sentences - with focus of Korean Noun Phrase - (방송문장의 억양에 관한 실험음성학적 연구 - 명사구를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Kyung-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • autumn
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    • pp.387-390
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    • 1999
  • This study Is on the experimental explanation of Intonation of news sentences with focus on the Korean noun phrase, pronounced by announcers. For this, with a basic form as $'{\_}case particle\;+\;{\_}adnominal ending\;+\;Noun'$ which is a common structure in these sentences, we classified NPs according to the added constituents and examined their intonation. And with examining the connection or the breaking of intonation patterns, we described the relation between neighbouring words which build 'a rhythmic unit'.

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A Study on Searching proof of character in voice (목소리에 의한 성격규명에 관한 연구)

  • 서지호;배명진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.131-132
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    • 2003
  • 사람의 음성이 나오기까지 화자가 전달하고자 하는 생각이 언어학적 구조로 바뀌고 이 과정에서 생각을 나타내는 적절한 단어나 구가 선택된다. 또 특정언어의 문법규칙에 의해 어순을 배열하고, 전체 의미에서 중요한 면을 강조하기 위해 피치ⅰ), 억양이나 강세와 같은 특성들을 첨가하는 등의 처리 절차를 통하게 된다. 음성은 기본적으로 여기ⅱ) 성분과 성도ⅲ) 성분으로 구분할 수 있다. 성도는 인두강과 구강을 합쳐서 일컫는다. 따라서 입 모양을 어떻게 하느냐에 따라서도 같은 말이라도 명료성에 영향을 미치게 되고 이러한 특성은 자신감이 넘치고 외향적인 모습으로 비춰지게 된다. 본 논문에서는 입의 모양에 따른 음성의 특징과 발성습관을 통해서 나타나는 사람의 성격을 알아보았다.

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Korean prosodic properties between read and spontaneous speech (한국어 낭독과 자유 발화의 운율적 특성)

  • Yu, Seungmi;Rhee, Seok-Chae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to clarify the prosodic differences in speech types by examining the Korean read speech and spontaneous speech in the Korean part of the L2 Korean Speech Corpus (speech corpus for Korean as a foreign language). To this end, the articulation length, articulation speed, pause length and frequency, and the average fundamental frequency values of sentences were set as variables and analyzed via statistical methodologies (t-test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis). The results found that read speech and spontaneous speech were structurally different in the form of prosodic phrases constituting each sentence and that the prosodic elements differentiating each speech type were articulation length, pause length, and pause frequency. The statistical results show that the correlation between articulation speed and articulation length was highest in read speech, explaining that the longer a given sentence is, the faster the speaker speaks. In spontaneous speech, however, the relationship between the articulation length and the pause frequency in a sentence was high. Overall, spontaneous speech produces more pauses because short intonation phrases are continuously built to make a sentence, and as a result, the sentence gets lengthened.

Some Prosodic Aspects of Read Speech and Dialogue in Korean (대화체와 낭독체의 운율에 관한 연구)

  • Park Jihye
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    • no.43
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, speech style is divided into two - read speech and dialogue. In the experiment, read speech and dialogue use the same sentence to control discrepancy from different sentence. While the number of AP in read speech is less than in dialogue, the number of IP in read speech is more than in dialogue. The number of syllables which consist of AP is more various in dialogue. Intonational patterns of the first AP in IP make a difference. In dialogue, there is a pattern which has many high tones - LHH. The FO range in dialogue is wider than in read speech.

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A Study on Implementation of Emotional Speech Synthesis System using Variable Prosody Model (가변 운율 모델링을 이용한 고음질 감정 음성합성기 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Min, So-Yeon;Na, Deok-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.3992-3998
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    • 2013
  • This paper is related to the method of adding a emotional speech corpus to a high-quality large corpus based speech synthesizer, and generating various synthesized speech. We made the emotional speech corpus as a form which can be used in waveform concatenated speech synthesizer, and have implemented the speech synthesizer that can be generated various synthesized speech through the same synthetic unit selection process of normal speech synthesizer. We used a markup language for emotional input text. Emotional speech is generated when the input text is matched as much as the length of intonation phrase in emotional speech corpus, but in the other case normal speech is generated. The BIs(Break Index) of emotional speech is more irregular than normal speech. Therefore, it becomes difficult to use the BIs generated in a synthesizer as it is. In order to solve this problem we applied the Variable Break[3] modeling. We used the Japanese speech synthesizer for experiment. As a result we obtained the natural emotional synthesized speech using the break prediction module for normal speech synthesize.

A comparative study of prosodic features according to the syntactic diversities between children with reading disability and nondisabled children (읽기장애아동과 일반아동의 통사적 다양성에 따른 운율 특성 비교)

  • Park, Sungsook;Seong, Cheoljae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2021
  • Proper prosody in reading allows the reader to naturally convey the meaning, which manifests as changes in pitch, loudness, and speech rate. Children with reading disability face difficulty in delivering information due to poor prosody. This study identified the difference in prosodic features between children with reading disabilities and nondisabled children through means of reading tasks. Reading tasks, according to sentence types (short sentences, assumptions/conditions, intentions, relative-clause), were recorded by 15 children studying in the 3rd to 6th grade in elementary school. Children with reading disability had a statistically significant wider range of pitch, slower speech rate, more frequent usage of pauses, longer total pause duration, and steeper pitch slope than nondisabled one in sentence-final and -medial words. Children with reading disability, therefore, exhibited a less natural and expressive reading than nondisabled children. Through this study, the characteristics of prosody observed in children with reading disability were identified and the need for an approach for effective intervention was also suggested.

Perceptual discrimination of wh-scopes in Gyeongsang Korean (경상 방언 의문문 작용역의 지각 구분)

  • Yun, Weonhee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • A wh-phrase positioned in an embedded clause can be interpreted as having a matrix scope if the sentence is produced with proper prosodic structures such as the wh-intonation. In a previous experiment, a sentence with a wh-phrase in an embedded clause was given to 40 speakers of Gyeongsang Korean. A script containing the sentence was provided to induce a matrix scope interpretation for the wh-phrase. These 40 utterances were prepared as stimuli for a perception test to verify whether the wh-phrases in the stimuli were perceived as having matrix scopes. Each utterance was played thrice to 24 subjects. The results showed that more than half of the 72 responses indicated a preference for an embedded scope rather than a matrix scope in 20 of the utterances. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that the matrix scope responses were best predicted by the magnitude of the pitch prominence in a prosodic word consisting of an embedded verb and a complementizer. The pitch prominence was calculated by subtracting the fundamental frequency (F0) at the right edge of the prosodic word from the peak F0 in the same prosodic word. The smaller the magnitude, the more matrix responses there were. These results suggest that the categorical perception of wh-scopes is based on the magnitude of pitch prominence.