• Title/Summary/Keyword: 암반사면 절리군

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Analysis of Rock Slope Stability for Natural Slope and Cut Slope of Gneiss Area in Andong, Korea (편마암지역 자연사면.절취사면의 안정성 분석 사례)

  • Kim, Man-Il;Bae, Du-Won;Kim, Jong-Tae;Chae, Byung-Gon;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2007
  • Slope failure that is occurred by rainfall generates a lot of property damages and loss of lives. Slope stability management and reinforcement countermeasure can be attained through continuous monitoring about various slope types that adjoin in human's life for reducing slope failure from natural and artificial cut slope hazards. The study area is rock slope that is consisted of gneiss, and large scale joint set is ranging by fault activity. This rock mass is exposed during long period and has lithological weathering property of weathered rock or soft rock. In-situ investigation carried out after divide by natural slope and cut slope. As a result, the natural slope appeared to high possibility of planar failure and wedge failure in few joint points that main joint set is formed. On the other hand, slope failure conformation in cut slope was superior only wedge failure occurrence possibility in eight joint points. In result of numerical analysis using SLIDE 2D, the minimum safety factor was analyzed slope stability for cut slope relatively low than natural slope in this study.

A Study on Slope Stability Analysis of Sedimentary Rock using Interfaces Module of FLAC (FLAC의 Interfaces Module을 이용한 퇴적암 사면의 안정성 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 오대열;정교철
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.345-360
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    • 2002
  • This study was for analysing the sedimentary rock slope stability and providing the reinforcement method that can heighten stability. The study area consists of Cretaceous basalt or basaltic tuff belonging to Hak-Bong Basalt Formation in Ha-Yang Group. Nature of geological structure confirmed in this area ars bedding, joint and fault. Majority of geological structure that affect most relationship rock slope stability is bedding. It is shown that dip direction is 120~160/15~25. In other structure, joint sets are shown that dip direction of set 1 is 310~330/65~85 and set 2 is 230~250/70~85. Joint set 3 shows above 85$^{\circ}$ high angle on NE trend although do not show clear. Stability analysis about rock slope used kinematic analysis, limit equilibrium method and FLAC by numerical analysis method. FLAC is continuum model that use Fintie Defferentce Method, but could use Interfaces Module and get discrete model's analysis effect such as UDEC.

Comparison Analysis of Factor of Safety on Rock Slope in Boeun Region Using Distinct Element Method and Limit Equilibrium Method (개별요소법과 한계평형법을 이용한 보은지역 암반사면 안전율 비교해석)

  • 이지수;유광호;박혁진;민경덕
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2003
  • The large planar failure has occurred in a rock cut slope of highway construction site in Boeun. This area is considered to be unstable since the discontinuity, whose orientation is similar to the orientation of the failure plane, is observed in many areas. Therefore, several analysis techniques such as SMR, stereographic analysis, limit equilibrium, numerical analysis, which are commonly used in rock slope stability analysis, are adopted in this area. In order to analyze the stress redistribution and nonlinear displacement caused by cut, which are not able to be obtained in limit equilibrium method, DEM and shear strength reduction technique were used in this study. Then the factors of safety evaluated by shear strength reduction technique and limit equilibrium were compared. In addition, the factor of safety under fully saturated slope condition was calculated and subsequently, the effect of the reinforcement was evaluated.

A Numerical Study on the Estimation of Safety Factor of Tunnels Excavated in Jointed Rock Mass (절리암반 터널의 안전율 평가를 위한 수치 해석적 연구)

  • You, Kwang-Ho;Park, Yeon-Jun;Kang, Yong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2001
  • Jointed rock mass can be analyzed by either continuum model or discontinuum model. Finite element method or finite difference method is mainly used for continuum modelling. Although discontinuum model is very attractive in analyzing the behavior of each block in jointed blocky rock masses, it has shortcomings such that it is difficult to investigate each joint exactly with the present technology and the amount of calculation in computer becomes trio excessive. Moreover, in case of the jointed blocky rock mass which has more than 2 dominant joint sets, it is impossible to model the behavior of each block. Therefore, a model such as ubiquitous joint model theory which assumes the rock mass as a continuum, is required. In the case of tunnels, unlike slopes, it is not easy to obtain safety factor by utilizing analysis method based on limit equilibrium method because it is difficult to assume the shape of failure surface in advance. For this reason, numerical analyses for tunnels have been limited to analyzing stability rather than in calculating the safety factor. In this study, the behavior of a tunnel excavated in jointed rock mass is analyzed numerically by using ubiquitous joint model which can incorporate 2 joint sets and a method to calculate safety factor of the tunnel numerically is presented. To this end, stress reduction technique is adopted.

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Distribution and Statistical Analysis of Discontinuities in Deep Drillcore (심부시추코어를 활용한 불연속면의 분포 특성 및 통계학적 해석)

  • Junghae Choi;Youjin Jung;Dae-Sung Cheon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 2024
  • This study undertook a quantitative analysis of the distribution of fractures in deep drillcore from a Precambrian metamorphic complex on the north face of Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea. The fracture distribution with depth, inclination of fractures, and grain size in the fracture zone were measured and statistical techniques applied to derive probability distributions of fracture intervals. Analysis of the inclination angles of fracture planes showed that sub-horizontal fractures are dominant, and fracture spacing is mainly ≤0.5 m, with a median of 0.09 m, first quartile of 0.04 m, and third quartile of 0.18 m, indicating very dense fracture development. Statistical analysis of joint properties was undertaken with fitting using five probability density functions (double Weibull, exponential, generalized logistic, gamma, and lognormal). The lognormal distribution (sum of squared errors, SSE = 2.80) yielded the best fit based on the sum of residual squares. Quantitative characterization of the fracture characteristics of deep bedrock in the Hongcheon area is important for various geotechnical applications such as groundwater flow modeling, slope stability assessment, and underground structure design. In future studies, it will be necessary to combine in situ stress measurements and geophysical surveys to determine the relationship between fracture development and the local stress field.

Analysis of Slope Stability and Property of Discontinuities Using Square-Inventory Method: The Changri area, Boeun-Gun, Chungbuk (정면적법을 이용한 불연속면의 특성화 및 사면안정해석: 충북 보은군 내북면 창리 지역)

  • Choi, Byoung-Ryol;Cheong, Sang-Won
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 2008
  • The study shows a method called a square-inventory method, which is a better and faster method than scanline survey and window method for an analysis of slope stability. The study area is located in the Changri area, Boeun-Gun, Chungbuk, and consists of many formations of the Okcheon Supergroup. Various types of failure are observed from the phyllite including the rocks in the study area. The physical properties of meta-sedimentary rocks are that minerals of the rocks are composed of microcrystalline quartz and sericite, which are arranged parallel to bedding (or schistosity) and crenulation cleavage. Therefore, such properties affect geotechnical ones of the rock. The slope stability are analyzed by selecting 3 areas, each of which are divided into 2 or 3 slopes of $1m{\times}1m$ area that represent each of 3 investigation sites. The possibility of wedge and toppling failure is very high in all 3 areas by using square-inventory method. Although possibility of plane failure is weak in the investigation site 2, the plane failures are frequently found from the slope of site 2. The bedding (or schistosity) plane and cleavage, another types of discontinuity coexist in meta-sedimentary rocks uulike igneous rocks, and therefore are important factors to be considered together with joint structures in th ε analysis of slope stability.