• Title/Summary/Keyword: 아동 건강

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Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction of Jangan Primary School Building (서울 장안초등학교 재건축 계획 설계 연구 요약)

  • Kim, Seung-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1996
  • 장안초등학교는 한국전쟁 이후인 1955년에 개교된 초등학교이다. 처음에는 8학급의 가교사시설에 18학급으로 편성되어 초기부터 시설이 양적으로 부족하였다. 또한 이 지역의 학생수 증가로 거의 매년에 걸쳐 학급수의 증가와 교실증축이 함께 이루어 졌다. 현재 건물의 건립년도를 살펴보면 1965년 6월에 처음 신관 1층 부분이 건설되어 70년대와 80년대에 걸쳐 꾸준히 증축되어 왔으며, 대지 동측의 별관은 1993년 12월에 건설된 새건물로, 학교교사 건물이 30년된 건물과 최근의 건물이 함께 공존하고 있다. 철근콘크리트 건물이 구조적으로는 100년도 견딘다 하지만 실제로는 약 30년이면 콘크리트의 산성화가 가속화되면서 구조적으로 안전하지 못하다는 학설이 인정되어, 최근 30년이 경과된 학교 건축의 재건축이 사회적 문제로 대두되고 있다. 실제로는 25년이상 경과된 건물에서도 구조적인 하자가 발생하는 예 가 많아 교육부에서는 대체로 25년이상 경과된 건물에 대하여 재건축을 실시하고 있다. 장안초등학교는 20년에서 30년 경과된 건물이 많은 부분을 차지하는 관계로 재건축이 실시되는 예이다. 아직까지 사용이 가능하다고 판단되는 건물은 본관의 남측부분의 교사(1983년 증축)과 신관의 우측부분(1985년 9월 23일 증축)과 별관(1993년 12월 14일 신축)교사동을 들수 있다. 때문에 이 부분에 대하여 철거할 것인가 혹은 그대로 사용할 것인가에 대한 의견이 있어, 최종적으로 별관은 그대로 사용하는 것을 원칙으로 하고 본관 남측부분은 가장 마지막 건설시기에 철거하고 신관 우측부분은 규모가 작아 철거하기로 하였다. 학교건축은 다른 일반건물과는 달리 교육이라는 기능을 충분히 발휘할수 있는 공간구성이 필수적이라 할수 있다. 여기서 말하는 교육이란 예전의 주입식 교육이 아니라 21세기를 바라보는 정보화 세계화를 지향하는 교육으로 학생 개개인의 창의성과 자주성을 발휘시킬수 있는 교육이라는 점에 대하여 의견은 없을 것이다. 이러한 교육이란 다양한 교육방법을 전제로 하며 하나의 학년을 하나의 학습그룹으로 생각하는 것은 중요한 출발점이 될 것이다. 한 학년의 그룹을 교대상의 기본으로하여 이러한 그룹에 대하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습이 이루어 질수 있는 공간을 제공하는 점을 본 장안초등학교 기본계획에서 출발점으로 하였다. 물론 학교전체 학생을 콘트롤할 수 있는 교육방법도 존재한다. 선진 외국의 예를 살펴보면 아동의 능력별 교육을 위하여 무학년제(Non-Grade)를 도입하는 경우도 있지만 아직 우리나라에서는 학급단위가 중요시되고 있다. 이 학급단위는 교육단위이면서 생활지도 단위이기도 하다. 이러한 점을 인식하여 학교건축의 간장 기본 단위가 되는 보통교실 계획을 보통교실과 오픈스페이스를 연속시킨 유니트로 계획하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습 등이 이루어 질수 있도록 하였다. 실제로는 36학급을 계획할 경우, 한학년의 6개 학급이 하나의 공통된 공간내에 그룹핑 되는 것이 바람직하지만(제3안의 배치에서 제안하여 보았지만 북측교실, 오픈스페이스의 통로화등의 문제점이 있었다), 그 규모가 너무 커서 3개학급을 하나의 유니트로 하였다. 물론 한학년이 동일한 층에 배치시켜 서로의 관련성을 높게 하였다. 특별교실 계획은 보통교실과의 관련성과 장래 지역개방의 역할을 고려하여 계획하여야 할 것이다. 장안 초등학교의 경우는 별관을 그대로 사용 한다는 조건이 있기 때문에 기존의 편복도 형식의 교실에서는 보통교실 계획의 어려움이 있어 특별 교실동으로 고려하였다. 때문에 지역개방에 대해서는 문제점을 안고 있다. 체육관은 기준령에는 권장시설로 되어 있지만 학교시설에 필수적인 시설이라 생각한다. 체육은 국민건강에 직결되기 때문이다. 또한 체육관 건설은 실외체육 실내체육에 대응할 뿐 아니라 학교 행사등에 유용히 사용되기 때문에 더욱 필요시설이라 할수 있겠다. 또한 지역개방을 위하여 정문 혹은 후문 가까이에 배치시키는 것은 필수적이다. 별관, 체육관, 운동장, 후문측에 12학급용의 단독건물 등의 기본적인 제약조건을 고려하여 배치하자면 자연히 교실동들이 분산되는 결과를 낳게된다. 이러한 각각의 교사동을 A동을 중심으로 구름다리로 연결하여 동선의 불편함을 해소시켰다. 주차장은 후문 가까이에 약 10정도의 주차공간이 확보가능하다. 이외에는 운동장을 사용하는 방법과 체육관의 1층부분을 필로티로 하여 그곳에 20대 정도 주차시키는 방안이 있다. 주차는 많을수록 편리는 하겠지만 제한된 대지에 모두 만족 시켜주기는 불가능하다. 공공용의 주차와 소방에 필요한 동선이 요구된다. 특히 도심주차난을 생각할 때는 차라리 적극적으로 지하주차장을 계획하는 방안이 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 현재 67학급은 초대형 규모로 초등학교 규모로는 적합하지 못하다. 장래를 고려하여 48학급에서 최종적으로 36학급으로 계획하였으나 한동안은 67학급이 그대로 유지될 것으로 보인다. 신설 초등학교가 가까운 시기에 개교될 것을 기대한다.

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Obese Children's Self-Efficiency Feeling and Health Promotion Behavior (비만아동의 자기효능감과 건강증진행위에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon Jae-kyun;Lee Jung-im
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.199-218
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to examine obese children's self-efficiency feeling and health promotion behavior in order to provide basic information on prevention of children obesity. Data were collected in June, 2001 from 349 normal weight children and 351 obese children, who were fifth or sixth graders at 14 primary schools located in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Ansan, chungju, and Gumi. The data were analyzed through using Chronbach's $\alpha$, frequency analysis, $X^2-test$, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The results of this study can be summarized as follow. 1. The factor of children obesity was significantly different in the variables of sex, parents obesity, brother or sister obesity, father's occupation, level of living, health condition, and satisfaction level with their bodies. On the other hand, it was not significantly different in the variables of father's education level, mother's education level, mother's occupation, level of father's concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. 2. In the case of normal weight children, dietary efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of level of father's concern about health and level of children's concern about health. In th case of obese children, the dietary efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of mother obesity, parents' education level, father's occupation, and the children's satisfaction level with their bodies. In the case of normal weight children, exercise efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of sex, level of parents's concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the exercise efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of grade, brother and sister obesity, parents' education level, father's occupation, and the children's satisfaction level with their bodies. In the case of normal weight children, social efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of brother and sister obesity, parents' education level, level of parents' concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the social efficiency feeling was significantly different in the variables of parents' education level, father's occupation, level of living, the children's health condition, and the children's satisfaction level with their bodies. 3. In the case of normal weight children, personal hygiene was significantly different in the variables of sex, level of parents's concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the personal hygiene was significantly different in the variables of parents' education level, father's occupation, mother's occupation, level of living, and level of parents' concern about health. In the case of normal weight children, dietary habit was significantly different in the variables of sex, level of parents's concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the dietary habit was significantly different in the variables of father's education level, mother's education level, level of living, and the children's satisfaction level with their bodies. In the case of normal weight children, exercise habit was significantly different in the variables of grade, sex, father's education level, mother's education level, and level of children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the exercise habit was significantly different in the variables of grade, mother obesity, parents' education level, father's occupation, level of parent' concern about health, the children's health condition, and the children's satisfaction level with their bodies. In the case of normal weight children, prevention of infectious diseases was significantly different in the variables of sex, father's occupation, level of parents' concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the prevention of infectious diseases was significantly different in the variables of mother's education level and father's occupation. In the case of normal weight children, prevention of accident was significantly different in the variables of mother's education level, level of parents' concern about health, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the prevention of accident was significantly different in the variables of brother and sister obesity and mother's occupation. In the case of normal weight children, mental health was significantly different in the variables of father obesity, brother and sister obesity, parents' education level, and level of the children's concern about health. In the case of obese children, the mental health was significantly different in the variables of parents' educational level, father's occupation, mother's occupation, level of living, and the children's health condition. 4. According to the correlation between self-efficiency feeling and health promotion behavior, the higher the self-efficiency feeling was, the higher the level of health promotion behavior was. 5. The children obesity was influenced by the factors of level of living, level of parents' concern about health, the children's health condition, level of the children's concern about health, the children's satisfaction level with their bodies, dietary efficiency feeling, exercise efficiency feeling, social efficiency feeling, personal hygiene, dietary habit, exercise habit, prevention of infectious diseases, prevention of accident, and mental health. From the results of this study, it is clear that obese children's self-efficiency feeling is closely related with health promotion behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen children's self-efficiency feeling in order to make children control efficiently obesity for themselves.

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The Estimated Dietary Fiber Intake of Korean by Age and Sex (한국인의 연령과 성별에 따른 식이섬유 섭취 상태)

  • Lee, Hye-Jung;Kim, Young-Ah;Lee, Hye-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.1207-1214
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to determine the estimated dietary fiber (DF) intakes per capita/day of Korean as of 2001 by age groups and sex, and to analyze the major food sources of DF using the data on per capita consumption of each food reported in the 2001 Reports of Korean National Nutrition Survey and the newly-established DF database. The mean daily intakes of DF of Korean increased with increasing age until 49 years and thereafter decreased with aging. The intakes of DF/1,000 kcal increased with increasing age until 64 years and thereafter decreased with aging. On the average, the Korean people under age of 49 did not meet adequate intake (AI) of DF (12 g/1,000 kcal) in Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for the Koreans. The male people less satisfied the AI than the female did. The major food groups contributed to DF intakes of Korean adults were high in the order of vegetables, cereals, fruits, seasonings, legumes and seaweeds. Regardless of age and sex, vegetables, cereals and fruits were three major sources of DF for Koreans who obtained approximately 75% of DF from those sources. It has been shown that rice was the first single food source of DF intake for the age groups less than 12 years, however Kimchi was the first major source for all the age groups over 12 years. The infant and elderly groups obtained more DF from 10 major single food sources than the other age groups did. The results of the study revealed that the present levels of DF intakes of Korean in all age groups except the elderly group are insufficient to meet the AI for DF. Therefore the beneficial effects of DF on health and the increased consumption of DF from the variety of food sources should be emphasized through the continuous nutritional education.

Trends in the Household Labor Time of Korean Adults by Gender and Generation over the Last 20 Years (1999-2019) (한국 여성과 남성의 세대별 가사노동시간의 변화(1999-2019) : 가정관리 및 가족돌봄 시간을 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jiwon;Ki, Eunkwang;Koh, Sun-Kang
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.53-78
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    • 2021
  • The concept of household labor is composed of housework and family care, and it provides a framework for understanding daily life from the perspective of work-life balance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the household labor time of Korean adults by gender and generation over the last 20 years. Data was taken from the five Statistics Korea Life Time Surveys from 1999 (t1) to 2019 (t5) (n=69,196). The major results are as follows: first, gender and generation were found to have a significant relationship with household labor time over the study period. Household labor time for females was 3.8 times that of males in 1999, but females' household labor time decreased over the next 20 years while males' increased, including both housework and family care. The female participation rate in household work also remained steady, while that for males increased. Second, in the younger and middle generations, a similar gender and generational pattern was seen. Third, in the older generation, household time and participation rates for both females and males increased. The family welfare policy and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.

Use of mothers' home meal replacement and diet quality of their young children (유아 어머니의 유아식사에서 가정간편식 이용 빈도에 따른 유아 자녀의 식사의 질 평가)

  • Kim, Bo-Yeon;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study investigated the association between the mothers' use of home meal replacement (HMR) in their children's meals and the diet quality of their young children. Methods: Three hundred and thirty-seven mothers with five-year-old kindergartners in Sejong city participated in the survey from June to July 2020. The questionnaire consisted of the status of HMR use in children's meals and questions for assessing the nutrition quotient for preschoolers (NQ-P). The subjects were classified into three groups according to the frequency of HMR use in children's meals: using HMR more than three times a week (high-frequency group; [HG], n = 65), one-two times a week (moderate-frequency group; [MG], n = 145), and less than once a week (low-frequency group; [LG], n = 130). Results: The mothers' mean age was 38.3 years. The average monthly cost of purchasing HMRs was highest at 200,000-300,000 won in HG, 50,000-100,000 won in MG, and less than 50,000 won in LG (p < 0.001). The consumption frequency of processed meats, fast foods, processed beverages, and sweet & fatty snacks was significantly higher in the HG group than the other groups. The mean NQ-P score was 60.5 in HG, 63.0 in MG, and 64.5 in LG, showing a significant difference (p < 0.01). In the sub-score according to the three areas, there were no significant differences in balance and environment among the three groups. In the moderation area, however, the score was 44.1 in HG, 51.3 in MG, and 57.5 in LG Group, showing a significant difference (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The increase in HMR use was related to the decreased diet quality in the overall and moderation areas of children's diet. These results support the importance of nutrition education for mothers, which aims to reduce their children's access and exposure to processed foods, such as HMR.

Job Characteristics and Status of Community Occupational Therapist : Focus on OTs in Public Health Centers (지역사회 작업치료사의 업무 특성 및 실태 조사 : 보건소 근무 작업치료사를 중심으로)

  • Min, Kyoung-chul;Kim, Eun-hee;Woo, Hee-soon
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2020
  • Objective : This study was conducted to identify occupational therapists working in public health centers, the characteristics and actual conditions of occupational therapists in the community, and use them as basic data on occupational therapists in the community as of 2020. Methods : 77 questionnaires were replied by e-mail from OTs work at nationwide health public centers. Job characteristics and status were analysed by descriptive statistics and check correlation between job satisfaction and other factors. Results : Most survey respondents were female(77.9%) and 20-30(96.1%).. Some occupational therapists worked for dementia related team(72.7%) and others worked for like visiting care, health care, and rehabilitation center etc. Rate of experiences of public health center was 1-2 years(67.5%), the most common type of contract was flexible part-time worker(61%) and work intensity(94.8%) and satisfaction of work was very high(85.7%). The highest difficulty of their job was budget administrative work(26.7%) and of non-work difficulty was inequality under contracts(27.2%). They usually participated at dementia shelter, visiting OT, group OT. Difficulty of their job was high in budget administration, dementia shelters, and visiting work treatments. Goals of treatment were high in improvement of cognitive ability and, family support. Frequency of treatment was high in improvement of cognitive therapy, family support, and evaluation. Occupational therapy targets for health centers were dementia, the general elderly, and adult brain lesions, including those for ordinary people, psychiatric disorders and children. It was found that the primary occupations for evaluation were nurses (35.7%) and occupational therapists (33.7%), and that MMSE-DS, SGDS, and SMCQ were used a lot. Conclusion : This study could identify the job characteristics and status of community OTs. We hope that this result could be basic data for building expertise and role for community OTs in changing situations like community cares.

Exploration of the Knowledge Structure in the Field of Home Economics Education Using Social Network Analysis (SNA): Focusing on the Papers Published in the Journal of Home Economics Education Research (소셜 네트워크 분석(SNA)을 활용한 가정교육학의 지식구조 탐색: 한국가정과교육학회지에 게재된 논문을 중심으로)

  • Park, Mi Jeong;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.65-88
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to explore the knowledge structure of the field of home economics education. To achieve this, the knowledge network of the field of home economics education was analyzed using social network analysis on 758 articles published between 2004 and 2023, focusing on those in the Journal of Home Economics Education Research. The main findings of the study are as follows: First, the knowledge network exhibited characteristics of a small-world network. Papers on children, family, and career maturity significantly influenced the knowledge structure. Second, the knowledge structure is centered around the home economics subject and curriculum and is organized into four groups. A temporal analysis revealed that the influence of core keywords such as perception, content, unit, home economics teachers, practice, behavior, and influence has decreased, while the influence of curriculum, textbook, and development has shown a trend of increasing. Third, the sub-knowledge structures were identified as seven categories. The study found that the influence of 'perception and demand for home economics education' is decreasing, whereas the influence of 'home economics curriculum and textbooks' and 'application of home economics teaching and learning process' is increasing. Additionally, 'adolescent self-esteem and family relationships' and 'home economics curriculum and textbooks' were found to be the most influential in the knowledge structure of home economics education. This research is significant as it demonstrates the temporal changes in the core keywords and sub-structures of the knowledge structure within the field, thereby providing a foundation for understanding and expanding the research knowledge structure in the field of home economics education.

Development and evaluation of Home Economics teaching·learning process plans applied Problem Based Learning focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit for students with intellectual disability (지적장애 학생을 위한 문제중심학습(PBL) 적용 가정과 식생활 교수·학습 과정안 개발과 평가)

  • Kim, yun-ju;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop Home Economics(HE) teaching and learning process plans applied Problem Based Learning(PBL) focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit for students with intellectual disability and to evaluate the effects of the HE instruction on their food choice·management knowledge and problem-solving skills after implementing the instruction for students with intellectual disability. To develop HE teaching and learning process plans applied PBL focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit for students with intellectual disability, problems that arise in daily life to trigger interest of students were firstly developed. The selected problems and teaching and learning process plans were reviewed for validity by one home economics education professor and three teachers who are experts in special education. This study used the one group pretest and posttest design, sampling 6 students who are in special-education middle school with the intellectual disability. After HE instruction of 6 sessions applied PBL method, this study tested the effects of the instruction. The first three sessions taught how to choose and keep food. The fourth session taught purchasing food ingredients and keeping them for sandwiches. The fifth and sixth sessions let the students make sandwiches and give them to others. The instruments of the study comprised of tools for food choice and management knowledge, tools for problem-solving skills evaluation, self-evaluation sheets, evaluation form of course satisfaction for students, evaluation form of behavior in class for teachers, and daily observation journal and all tools. These instruments were proved to have reliability and validity. The results of this study are as follows. First, all six students who took HE instruction applied PBL method focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit scored 30 points higher out of 100 points after taking the instruction in food choice and management knowledge and scored 5 points higher out of 14 points in problem-solving skills on average. Therefore, it was interpreted that HE instruction applied PBL affected the food choice·management knowledge and the problem solving skills of students with intellectual disability. Secondly, the students with intellectual disability participated actively in HE instruction applied PBL focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit and expressed satisfaction. Three special education experts evaluated HE teaching·learning process plans applied PBL focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit to be well-developed. This study showed that HE instruction applied PBL focusing on 'food and nutrition' unit allowed the students with intellectual disability to acquire comprehensive skills in choosing, keeping, and making safe food and helped them solve problems of their life by themselves. Therefore I suggest that Home Economics should be adopted as a formal subject matter in special school curriculum for students with intellectual disability.

Parents' Opinions on Foodservices in Daycare Centers of Korea's Compensation and Welfare Service Institute (근로복지공단 보육시설의 급식 운영현황과 학부모대상 품질 만족도)

  • Kim, Ji Hyeon;Lee, Young Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine parental perceptions on the importance, performance level, and satisfaction with foodservice quality at daycare centers in the Compensation and Welfare Service institute. The questionnaire was developed to measure thirty-two attributes of foodservice operations are administered to 598 parents and 23 foodservice supervisors from June 22, 2009 to July 10, 2009. The parents placed a high importance on the need for foodservices, earning 4.70 points out of 5 points. Their perceptions of foodservice quality menu, foodservice ingredients and effects, facilities, sanitation, and service scored even higher than performance. The overall satisfaction level for foodservice compared to performance was 4.33 and 4.03 points out of 5 points, respectively. Multiple regression analysis indicated that 98.6% of the variance in parents' overall satisfaction scores was explained by six dimensions.

Case study of Music & Imagery for Woman with Depression (우울한 내담자를 위한 MI(Music & Imagery) 치료사례)

  • Song, In Ryeong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • This case used MI techniques that give an imagery experience to depressed client's mental resource, and that makes in to verbalism. Also those images are supportive level therapy examples that apply to positive variation. MI is simple word of 'Music and Imagery' with one of psychology cure called GIM(Guided Imagery and Music). It makes client can through to the inner world and search, confront, discern and solve with suitable music. Supportive Level MI is only used from safety level music. Introduction of private session can associate specification feeling, subject, word or image. And those images are guide to positive experience. The First session step of MI program is a prelude that makes concrete goal like first interview. The Second step is a transition that can concretely express about client's story. The third step is induction and music listening. And it helps to associate imagery more easily by used tension relaxation. Also it can search and associate about various imagery from the music. The last step is process that process drawing imagery, talking about personal imagery experience in common with therapist that bring the power by expansion the positive experience. Client A case targets rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support), searching positive recourse(child hood, family), client's emotion and positive support. Music must be used simple tone, repetition melody, steady rhythm and organized by harmony music of what therapist and client's preference. The client used defense mechanism and couldn't control emotion by depression in 1 & 2 sessions. But the result was client A could experience about support and understanding after 3 sessions. After session 4 the client had stable, changed to positive emotion from the negative emotion and found her spontaneous. Therefore, at the session 6, the client recognized that she will have step of positive time at the future. About client B, she established rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support) and searching issues and positive recognition(child hood, family), expression and insight(present, future). The music was comfortable, organizational at the session 1 & 2, but after session 3, its development was getting bigger and the main melody changed variation with high and low of tune. Also it used the classic and romantic music. The client avoids bad personal relations to religious relationship. But at the session 1 & 2, client had supportive experience and empathy because of her favorite, supportive music. After session 3, client B recognized and face to face the present issue. But she had avoidance and face to face of ambivalence. The client B had a experience about emotion change according depression and face to face client's issues After session 4. At the session 5 & 6, client tried to have will power of healthy life and fairly attitude, train mental power and solution attitude in the future. On this wise, MI program had actuality and clients' issues solution more than GIM program. MI can solute the issue by client's based issue without approach to unconsciousness like GIM. Especially it can use variety music and listening time is shorter than GIM and structuralize. Also can express client's emotion very well. So it can use corrective and complement MI program to children, adolescent and adult.

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