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The Actual Condition and Development Direction of A Community Child Center (전라북도 지역아동센터 현황과 발전방안)

  • Yee, Young Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.67-100
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    • 2011
  • This study assesses the current status of community child centers in Jeollabuk-do by analyzing data from evaluations of 225 centers in 2009. The results are as follows. First, as of 2004, there was a total of 37 Jeollabuk-do community child centers; the number has been increasing at a rate of 20~40% yearly. The number of community child centers has been increasing since government funding was implemented, especially as an authorization is not required to open a center. In order to prevent an excessive amount of childcare centers, and to ensure that new centers meet a standard of quality, it is necessary to examine replacing the current reporting system with an authorization system. Second, out the 6,144 children in the 255 centers, 1,711 children (27.8%) were not from low-income families. This may be positive in that children from various income level families are learning together. However, in order for the community child centers to operate as they were intended, it is necessary to reinforce the itemized regulations. Third, the community child centers scored relatively poorly in utilizing community and human resources. This is because although most Jeollabuk-do childcare centers are using volunteer personnel, they are not fully utilizing community resources. The governments of the cities and counties should support the community child centers by promoting their services and roles, and thereby enable the centers to develop a network of professionals in the community.


  • Korea Animal Health Products Association
    • 동물약계
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    • no.104
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    • pp.3-6
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    • 2006
  • 동물약사감시 행정처분 결과 홍보/환경개선제 등 동물의약품 구매 협조 요청/제주 돼지콜레라 관련 제도개선 협의회 참석/소부루세라병 간이지니단킷트 도입 협의회 참석/구제역 특별방역대책 추진/동물용의약품등 자율점검제 실시 결과/방역용 소독약품 다수공급자물품계약 요청/통관단일창구 사용자 설명회 개최/제1차 이사회 개최/제14차 정기총회 개최/농협중앙회 소독약품 구매 관련 회의 참석/동물의약품등 제조업체 현황/동물용의약품등 수입자 현황/국내생산 동물용의약품 연도별 판매 현황/국내생산 동물용의약품 연도별 수출 현황/수입완제 동물용의약품 연도별 판매 현황/동물용의약품 연도별 내수 시장 규모/동물용의약품 약효별 허가(신고) 현황/내수 유통경로별 판매 현황(원료제외)/축종별 판매현황(원료제외)/원료 동물약품 원산지별 수입 현황/완제 동물약품 원산지별 수입 현황

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Comparisons of Attitude on Media's Report for Avian Influenza between Poultry Breeder and Non-breeder (언론의 조류인플루엔자 보도에 대한 조류사육업자와 비사육업자의 태도 비교)

  • Oh, Gyung-Jae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Active participation of poultry breeder in surveillance system of Avian Influenza (AI) is very important. Therefore this study was conducted to present basis data for active report of AI that is affected by media's coverage in poultry breeder. Methods: Subjects were 88 persons, 28 who were poultry breeder at epidemic area of AI and 60 who were general person at non-epidemic area. Data were collected by the trained investigator from Jul. 1 to Aug. 31, 2008. Respondents were interviewed by means of a structured questionnaire. Results: The third-person effect among perceptions of influence in media's report on the AI was higher in breeder (32.1%) than in non-breeder (10.0%). However, Confidence to media report on the AI was lower in breeder than in non-breeder. Intention to report of the AI was 71.4% in breeder respectively, was 90.0% in non-breeder. There was statistically significant lower in breeder than non-breeder. The cause of avoidance of report was 'economic damage' for 87.5%, which acocounted for the majority of cases. Confidence to media report on the AI were positively correlated with concern on the AI and perception on seriousness of the AI, but negatively correlated with the third-person effect. Conclusions: These results showed that intention to report of the AI of breeder was susceptible to influenced by the third person effect and confidence in media's report on the AI. Therefore we should give a special attention to increase active report of poultry breeder during epidemic period of AI which is consideration of reasonable strategy of media's coverage, including mind and emotion state of poultry breeder.

출판 및 인쇄진흥법 제정

  • Korean Printers Association
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • s.3
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    • pp.146-147
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    • 2002
  • 21세기 지식정보화 시대의 도래에 대비하여 출판 및 인쇄산업을 지식산업의 중심기반으로 육성.진흥하기 위하여 그동안 의원입법(심재권의원 대표발의, 의원32명 공동발의)으로 추진해 오던 "출판 및 인쇄진흥법"이 7월 31일 국회 본회의를 통과했다. 5장 27조로 구성된 동 법률은 현행 출판인쇄 관련 법령인 '출판사 및 인쇄소의 등록 등에 관한법률'과 '외국 간행물 수입배포에 관한법률'을 통합하여, 문화산업의 핵심기반 콘텐츠인 출판 및 인쇄산업의 미래지향적이고 종합적인 진흥을 목적으로 제정되었으며, 법률 시행령 제정 등 후속 절차를 거쳐 공포 6개월 후에 시행될 예정이다. 이 법률의 주요골자는 첫째, 문화관광부장관이 출판 및 인쇄문화산업 지원 육성을 위한 진흥시책을 매 3년마다 수립.시행하도록 했다. 둘째, 출판사 및 인쇄사의 등록제를 신고제로 전환하며, 외국 간행물 수입추천을 받고자 하는 자의 수수료 납부 규정을 삭제하는 한편, 외국 간행물 수입관련 벌칙규정을 형벌에서 과태료로 대폭 완화하는 등 규제를 완화했다. 셋째, 출판의 형태가 점차 디지털 방식으로 변화하는 시대적 추세에 발맞춰 이에 대한 제도적인 체제를 초기에 정립하여 전자출판사업을 육성하고자 전자출판물에 관한 개념규정을 신설하였다. 넷째, 위기에 처한 출판.서점업계를 살리기 위해 지난 77년부터 시행되어 왔으나 최근 위기에 봉착한 도서정가제를 규정함에 있어 공정거래위원장이 문화관광부장관과 협의하여 지정하는 발행된지 1년 이내의 도서에 한하여 정가판매를 의무화 하였으며, 동 규정의 적용시한을 5년간으로 하되, 이를 어긴 사람에게는 과태료를 부과하게 하여 시행에 있어서는 좀더 강제성을 가지도록 하였다. 다섯째, 현행 '청소년보호법' 상에 있던 한국간행물윤리위원회의 설치.운영근거를 이 법으로 이관하여 동 위원회가 사실상 문화광광부에 속해있는 점을 감안, 형식과 내용이 일치되도록 하였다. 여섯째, 불법복제간행물 및 유해간행물에 대하여는 관할 행정관청이 수거.폐기를 명할 수 있고, 이에 불응할 경우에는 직접 수거.페기할 수 있도록 하였다. 일곱째, 이 법의 제정에 따라 '출판사 및 인쇄소의 등록에 관한법률'과 '외국간행물 수입배포에 관한법률'은 폐지하도록 하였다. 한편 이번 동법 제정으로 21세기 지식정보시대에 문화산업의 핵심기반이 되는 출판인쇄산업의 발전에 있어 출판인쇄산업의 중흥과 건전한 출판유통의 질서확립 등 새로운 이정표를 제시한 것으로 평가되고 있다. 다음은 동법률 중 인쇄와 관련된 조항을 요약, 소개한다.

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  • Korea Mechanical Construction Contractors Association
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • no.6 s.191
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 2006
  • 본회(4개 단체와 공동 연명, 국민연금∙건강보험제도 및 임금지급조서 제출제도 개선에 대한 탄원서 제출,국민연금ㆍ건강보험제도및 임금지급조서제출 제도개선탄원서)/ 자동제어협의회(제11차 자동제어설비공사협의회 및 자동제어전문분야 등록업체 간담회 개최, 최동호 상임부회장 취임)/서울특별시회(대표회원 조찬간담회 개최, 지방계약법 해설 강습회 개최, 2006년도 제1차 시공품질 현장점검 실시)/ 부산시회(2006 설비기술 세미나 개최)/ 울산∙경남도회(일용근로자 소득자료 신고 및 4대 보험 관련 간담회 개최)/ 충북도회(가스시설시공업 1종 회원사 간담회 개최)/ 강원도회(저소득층 자녀 학교 급식비 지원금 전달 및 기계설비 분리발주 건의, 제4회 회원 친목 단합대회 개최)

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A Study on the Reorganization for Non-Licensed Radio Devices in Domestic (국내 비신고 무선기기 체계개편에 관한 연구)

  • Park, J.A.;Park, S.K.;Cho, P.D.;Park, D.K.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.20 no.6 s.96
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    • pp.156-165
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 비신고 무선기기의 이용을 활성화하고, 전파를 효율적으로 이용하기 위하여 2005년 6, 7월에 개정된 전파법 시행령 제30조와 정보통신부 고시 제2005-29호의 개정 내용을 소개한다. 특히, 정보통신부 고시 제2005-29호는 ‘신고하지 아니하고 개설할 수 있는 무선국용 무선기기’의 무선국 분류체계 개편에 관한 것으로서, 현행 단일용도 중심의 국내 비신고 무선기기 분류를 주파수와 통신방식을 중심으로 포괄용도중심으로 재정립하여, 다양한 용도의 신규 소출력 무선기기 출현에 능동적으로 대처할수 있는 틀을 마련하였다. 또한, 본 논문에서는 포괄용도 통합에 따른 국내 소출력 무선기기의 기술기준인 ‘방송해상항공전기통신사업용외의 기타업무용 무선설비의 기술기준’의 개정방향 및 구체적인 개정안을 제시한다.


  • 대한한약협회
    • 대한한약신문
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    • s.121
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • 국세청, 7월부터 현금거래 신고.확인제 시행/수입한약재 정밀검사품목 90품목 추가/제63차 한약수급조절위원회 회의/서울약령시 한의약문화축제 성황리 폐막/'녹용없는 녹용탕' 유명 프랜차이즈 한의원 '눈속임'/'한약재 포제품' 제법.규격 표준화 추진/세명대, '한방바이오산업 임상지원센터' 설치사업 확정/안궁우황환 사건 관련 한조약 VS 한의협 주장 엇갈려/국내 우수한약제품 해외시장 진출 본격화/"맥문동.시호.황금.백수오 개방 유예"/희귀난치성질환 정보 이용 접근 더 쉬워져/커피, 간암 예방 효과 있어 하루 2잔 이상, 간암 위험 43% 감소/고려 홍삼 중국 진출 '청신호'/아토피 피부염 한약치료 임상시험자 모집/한의약 R&D투자, 과기 전체의 0.13%/생약협 '함양 하고초 마을 약초기행' 실시/중국, 중의약 규범 국제표준화 추진/동의의료원, 양한방협진 강화/'양.한방 협진의 미래 지향적 접근' 세미나/비증 이야기/명칭이 비슷하여 감별하기 어려운 한약재/지부탐방-지부장에게 듣는다/우리 약초를 찾아서-황기

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Legal System Reasearch Relating to Retaliatory Crime (보복범죄 관련 법제연구)

  • Kang, Maeng-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2015
  • Social unrest from retaliatory crimes is increasingly becoming problematic. Recently, there was an accident involving a suspect who went to a hospital and committed acts of retaliatory violence 11 times. This person's reasoning was that he was imprisoned due to the hospital's reporting to the police. He was consequently arrested in Boeun Choongbook on December 27th 2014. Accidents like this one take place frequently around our surroundings. There are regulations and systems in place. Nevertheless, similar cases that continue to take place makes us wonder if criminal judicial systems work well. Lukewarm responses to retaliatory crimes is not only threatening social security, but also placing fears in the minds of ordinary citizens. If retaliatory crimes take place, most citizens become apprehensive about criminal judicial activities of the police and mistrust for criminal judicial system. This at times discourages people from reporting incidents and could eventually increase crime rate and cause various social problems. Even though there are legal and systemic control measures, retaliatory crime is an increasing trend. This study is going to examine tendencies of internal retaliatory crimes and discuss legal-systemical responses.

Control Effect of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate for Pear Scab (Venturia nashicola) on Niitaka Pear during Flowering Period (신고배 개화기 NaDCC 처리에 의한 검은별무늬병의 방제)

  • Nam, Ki-Woong;Han, Mi-Kyong;Yoon, Deok-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the control effect of sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) for Venturia nashicola on Niitaka pear during flowering period. As a nontoxic disinfectant, sodium dichloroisocyanurate is widely used in the field of hygiene and disease prevention, medical treatment, aquiculture as well as plant protection. NaDCC was sprayed on the pear tree inoculated with conidia ($4.5{\times}10^5spores/mL$) of Venturia nashicola and as a result the incidence of pear scab was 23.8% in 750mg/L and 26.2% in 1,000mg/L compare to the 51.6% incidence in untreated tree. No damage in the pollen of pear flower was detected with NaDCC treatments in the full bloom period for six pear cultivar including Wonwhang. A NaDCC single treatment in the early bloom of Niitaka pear showed more than 98% of fertilization rate. Furthermore, there was no incidence of Venturia nashicola on Nitaka pear trees treated with NaDCC 4 times during their growth period.

A Study on Optimal Auditing Under the Living Wage System (생계급여하에서의 최적 소득조사)

  • Yoo, Hanwook
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.207-237
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    • 2009
  • One of the main problems in Korea's public assistance program, the NBLS (National Basic Livelihood Security), is that the loophole of welfare system is continuously growing. Living wage program is the largest sub-program of the NBLS, and the most important determinant of amount of living wage for each beneficiary is the level of reported income. Therefore, accurate and effective income detection is essential in improving policy effects and furthermore reducing the leakage of wage expenditure as beneficiaries always have an incentive to underreport their income. Since most of them do not pay income tax, the welfare authority should exert an independent effort to effectively detect their income. Considering that living wage is a special kind of income tax of which marginal tax rate is -1, one can apply a classical theory of tax evasion to understand illegal or excessive receipt of living wage caused by income underreporting. Utilizing a classical theory given by Alingham and Sandmo (1972), this paper provides a theoretical analysis of the optimal income reporting of the beneficiary. Then an optimization problem is constructed from the government's viewpoint to derive optimal income detecting device (auditing). This paper proves that cut-off discriminated auditing outperforms random auditing and cut-off auditing which implies if the government assigns a positive audit probability to every reported income less than a certain level and the probability is inversely proportional to the level of reported income, it can minimize underreporting and then gradually reduce the leakage of wage expenditure.

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