• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생환경

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Model Experiment for Evaluating Internal Erosion Resistance Around Embankment Box-culvert Using Biopolymer T reated Soil (바이오폴리머 혼합토를 활용한 제방 통문 주위 내부침식 저항성 평가를 위한 모형실험)

  • Kim, Minjin;Moon, Junho;Kim, Chanhee;Kim, Younguk
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2021
  • River-side Embankment collapse involves various causes. The embankment collapse due to internal erosion around embedded structures reaches up to more than 10% in Korea. Many studies are being attempted to prevent from the collapse of the embankment rooted from overtopping and instability as well as internal erosion. One of them is the study on the application of biopolymers. The application of biopolymers to soils are divided into enhancing strength, vegetation and erosion resistance. This study investigated the effect of biopolymer treated soil on erosion resistance. The main goal of the study is to obtain basic data for real-scale experiments to verify the effectiveness of biopolymer treated soil embankment including a review of the collapse pattern in the model embankment with various test conditions. The optimized experimental conditions were selected by examining the erosion patterns according to each induction path with three compaction degree of the model embankment. As a result of the experiment, the internal erosion rate in the embankment to which the biopolymer treated soil was applied is greatly reduced, and it could be concluded that it might be applied to the actual embankment. However, in this study, the conclusion was drawn only within the scaled-down model embankment. In order to practically apply the biopolymer treated soil to the embankment, the study considering the scale effect would be needed.

A Pollen Analysis on the Environmental Changes during the Later Half of the Postglacial Age around the Basin of Onyang River, Asan (화분분석을 이용한 아산시 온양천 유역의 후빙기 후기 환경변화)

  • PARK, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2010
  • This is a case study to research the environmental changes that occurred during the Latter Half of the postglacial age around the Basin of Onyang River in Asan, Korea. In line with this purpose, the author performed a pollen analysis and a radiocarbon dating on the deposits of alluvial fan around the upper Geumgok River, a tributary of Onyang River. Sampling point was at the altitude of about 67.5 meters, which belongs to the central zone of the cool temperate forest. The followings are the results of the study. The study area has passed through SC-I (the coniferous forest period in which Pinus was dominant), SC-II (the deciduous broad-leaved forest period in which Quercus and Castanea were dominant) and SC-III (the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest period, in which Pinus, Quercus and Ulmus/Zelkova were dominant) respectively since about 3,000 yrB.P. SC-I period and SC-II period are presumed to be between about 3,000 and 2,000 yrB. P., and SC-III period to begin after 2,000 yrB.P. In comparison with the nationwide pollen zone during the postglacial age, SC-I and SC-II periods are contrasted with the R-IIIa zone and also the SC-III zone with the RIIIb zone. In addition, it is assumed that Pinus densiflora forest luxuriated there since 2,000 yrB.P. due to the destruction of forests, and that a lot of Fagopyrum pollen appeared; altogether, it was the so-called human interference period, from which forests began to be markedly destroyed. It is concluded that in those days inhabitants leaded agricultural life.

Estimation of Weight Distribution of Rockfall Block by Joint Measurement And Study on Its Application to Rockfall Simulation (절리조사결과에 의한 현장 낙석무게분포추정 및 추정결과의 낙석시뮬레이션 적용성 검토)

  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Kim, Su-Chul;Yoon, Sang-Kil;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2007
  • The characteristics of rockfall are determined by virtually all factors and conditions e.g. the physical figure of the slope such as inclination, height, roughness, the elemental figure of the slope such as vegetation and material deposited, and the shape and weight of the rockfall itself. Although it is one of the major factors to be considered in rockfall simulation, little attention has been given to the weight of the rockfall. And, since the size of the rockfall is dominated by joint spacing, the distribution of the rockfall block weight can be predicted as a function of the joint spacing. In this study, the weight distribution of rockfall was estimated by using the method of volumetric joint count, $J_{\nu}$, based on joint spacing, and $RQD-J_{\nu}$. The results indicate that the weight distributions were analogous in two methods, and the distribution was to be $75.3{\sim}76.7%$ for 200 kilograms or lesser, $15.0{\sim}16.6%$ for $200{\sim}400$ kilograms, and $6.7{\sim}9.7%$ for 400 kilograms or more, which show good matches with the actual on-site weight distribution. Therefore, the weight distribution of rockfall suggested in this paper is able to be considered as appropriate data for rockfall simulation.

The Characteristics of Early Changes in Vegetation Structure by Forest Cover Type after Forest Fire Damage in Uljin region (울진지역 산불피해지의 산림피복형별 식생구조의 초기 변화 특성)

  • Kim, Tae-Woon;Han, Young-Sub;Lee, Sung-Ho;Lim, Chae-young;Hur, Tae-chul;Im, Chang-Kyun;Gil, Min-Kyung;Park, Joon-hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • The study aims to establish a direction for forest ecological restoration by classifying forest types and understanding the ecological characteristics of the Uljin forest area damaged by a large fire in 2022. Hierarchical cluster analysis and indicator species analysis were conducted on 78 survey plots located in the forest fire-affected area, and four forest cover types were derived: P. densiflora pure forests, P. densiflora dominant forests, mixed broad-leaved forests, and Q. variabilis dominant forests. As a result of visually comparing changes in forest types before and after forest fire damage, by classifying data according to whether or not upper dead trees are included, it was confirmed that pine forests, which have a high proportion of pine trees, spread widely due to forest fire damage. However, broad-leaved mixed forests and oyster oak dominant forests showed characteristics of maintaining concentration, indicating that pine forests were severely damaged. As a result of the important value analysis, during the process of natural recovery after a forest fire, the species that appear early in the lower layer are the sprouts of existing species such as Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., Quercus variabilis Blume, Fraxinus sieboldiana Blume, Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. The distribution of diameter at breast height by forest cover type showed that among areas with extreme forest fire damage, the proportion of dead trees was relatively high and structural changes were large in P. densiflora pure forests and P. densiflora dominant forests where pine trees had a high distribution ratio. However, if continuous monitoring is carried out in the future with reference to the results of this study and plant data is collected and analyzed from a mid- to long-term perspective, it is believed that it will be used as useful data to promote forest ecological restoration projects in forest fire-affected areas.

The Comparative Studies on the Urban and Rural Landscape for the Plant Diversity Improvement in Pond Wetland (농촌과 도시지역 비교를 통한 연못형습지의 식생다양성 증진방안 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Kong, Min-Jae;Kang, Dong-Hyeon;Nam, Hong-Shik;Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 2015
  • Urban areas are variously under threat including deterioration of ecological functions. Many pond wetland types have been created as part of an effort to improve and restore this urban environment. This study was arranged to examine improvement plans of wetlands in urban areas by analyzing semi-natural wetlands in farm areas. As for environment for water quality, it suggested the inflow of natural water neighboring rivers or the direct inflow of rain as the improvement plans. The result which analyzed soil pH, OM, and T-N content of the soil environment mentioned that urban areas supplied artificial sluices, removed apoptotic bodies, and used artificial soil and waterproofing materials and use of natural materials in design and construction, the sluice state of the natural form, and negligence of autumn plants were suggested as the improvement plans. Florae appeared in the subject sites of the study have found that there are 35 families 69 species in urban areas and 53 families 142 species in rural areas. As the average has found that there are 18.5 families 29.3 species in 4 urban areas and 26.3 families 53.5 species in 4 rural areas, the big difference between them was analyzed. As the cause has found that there are differences in yearly plants in farming areas when compared to urban areas, creation of various basic environments including soil and water quality was suggested to make yearly plants settle down widely. Naturalized plants have found that there are no big differences between urban areas and rural areas. However, the average of the naturalized ratio in urban areas is 17.4% as the naturalized plants are about 1/4 of the appeared plants. As it was analyzed to be higher than 7.7%, the average of the naturalized ratio in farming areas as the big difference, creation of various inhabiting environments was suggested to make more yearly plants appear like the analyzed result of the life type. Consideration of placement, materials, and inhabiting environments was suggested to make creation of wetlands well appreciated to improve functions of wetlands in urban areas. It is expected that the above results of the study will be utilized in creation and improvement of the pond wetlands which can play a huge role in increase and improvement of biological diversity in urban areas.

Human Impact on the Environment of Highland Central Mexico during the Pre-and Post-Conquest (멕시코 중부 고산 지역에서 스페인 식민 통치 시기를 전후하여 일어난 인위적 환경 변화)

  • Park, Jung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.4 s.109
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    • pp.428-440
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    • 2005
  • There is currently no agreement among archaeologists, environmental historians, and paleoecologists as to the relative significance of pre- and post-Conquest human impact on the environments of Highland Mexico. This paper presents the results of pollen, microscopic charcoal, dung fungal spore, isotope, and magnetic susceptibility analyses on ca. 4m sediment core. The coring site is Hoya Rincon de Parangueo, one of the seven maar lakes in the Valle do Santiago. Amaranthaceae pollen, one of important disturbance indicators and Zea mays pollen obviously indicate two periods of agricultural activities. The first period begins ca. 400 B.C. and ends ca. A.D. 850. The second begins around A.D. 1550 and continues to the present. During the first period, the degree of agricultural activities was related to periodical sunspot cycles and the most intense activities were present between ca. A.D. 150-ca. A.D. 400. The abrupt increase of $\delta^{18}O$ around 280cm may reflect that an important transition to a dry phase took place around A.D. 450. People probably stopped cultivating crops due to dry conditions prevailing since ca. A.D. 450. The second period, the post-Conquest, exhibits a dramatic increase of sporormiella, dung fungal spores resulted fron the introduction of cattle. Low Poaceae frequency and charcoal production and high $\delta^{13}C$ values, magnetic susceptibility, and organic contents all indicate the arrival of the Spanish. Most importantly, it seems that mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) could have benefits from declined fire frequencies caused by cattle grazing. The study area is now entirely dominated by woody plants like mesquite, which clearly demonstrates that serious vegetation change occurred in the study area.

Study on Tree Growth and Soil Environment Relations of Sudokwon Landfill (수도권매립지수목생육과토양환경의관계연구)

  • Kang, Seong-Chil;Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo;Jang, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Hong-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the correlation between the trees planted on the slope of the first landfill where the landfill was completed and the soil environment. 69 plots (($7{\sim}20m{\times}5{\sim}20m$) were planted with 26 kinds of major trees in the first landfill slopes for vegetation survey. The survey was conducted from 2007 to 2009. Soil analysis from 2007 to 2008 was made on the basis of the injured index and the indicator species were selected. Depending on the rate of growth of the indicator species, seven survey locations were selected for soil sample analysis. 10 tree species appeared to adapt to the landfill environment. Among them, the coniferous trees were Pinus thunbergii (Seedling) and Juniperus chinensis and the deciduous trees were Quercus aliena, Salix preudo-lasiogyne, Castanea crenata (Seedling), Prunus armeniaca var. ansu, Quercus acutissima, Chionanthus retusus, Liriodendron tulipifera (Seedling) and Celtis sinensis. 8 species of trees did not adapt well to the landfill environment. Among them, two kinds were coniferous, the other six kinds were deciduous. In addition, judgment on the other 8 species of trees as to whether they adapted well or not was postponed. The species for which judgment was postponed included one coniferous tree and seven deciduous trees. Indicator species of injured index was the species that have more than 25 % of the defect. The soil was collected from where Catalpa ovata, Sophora japonica, Albizzia julibrissin and Acer palmatum were planted for analysis. According to the soil analysis, the soil pH showed that the soil was alkaline. Regarding the three phases of the soil, most sample soil showed 60 % for the solid phase or 55 % for the solid phase but with less than 10 % of gas phase. The organic matter content was found to be 0.14 to 2.52 %.

Interpretation of Landscape Restoration and Maintenance in Changgyeonggung Palace through the Preservation Principles of Cultural Heritage (문화재 보존원칙으로 본 창경궁 조경 복원정비 양상 해석)

  • Kang, Jae-Ung;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2022
  • This study interpreted the logical validity of the landscape restoration and maintenance patterns of Changgyeonggung Palace, where modern landscapes coexist. The results of the study are as follows; First, the changes in the landscape restoration and maintenance attitude concerning the Changgyeonggung management organization were identified. With the establishment of the Office of the Imperial Garden, an imperial property was nationalized. The Cultural Heritage Managing Department was opened in 1961, and Changgyeonggung Palace were preserved as designated as historical sites in 1963. An environmental purification was implemented by the Changgyeonggung Office as a follow-up measure for restoration in 1983. As the Cultural Heritage Administration promoted in 1999 and the Royal Palaces and Tombs Center was established in 2019, the palace has been managed professionally as a palace landscape to provide a viewing environment. Second, In the 'Purification Period of Changgyeongwon(1954~1977)', environmental purification was carried out to restore amusement facilities, install facilities for cherry blossom viewing, and develop the place into a national zoo. In the 'Reconstruction Period of Changgyeonggung(1983~1986)', restoring function as an urban park, reserving green areas, the outside space was recreated in the traditional feel, and the forest area was generally maintained. In the 'Supplementation Period of Traditional Landscape Architecture Space(1987~2009)', a uniform green landscape was created with pine trees and various vegetation landscapes centered on the flower beds. In the 'Improvement and Maintenance Period of Viewing Environment(2010~2022), a master plan was reestablished on the premise of utilization, but maintenance has been carried out in a small scale centering on unit space. Third, regarding the validity of the landscape restoration and maintenance, It was found in terms of 'originality' that the recovery of the palace system has not been expanded for over 40 years in existing areas. The 'characteristics of the times', which shows whether multi-layered history was taken into account, Changgyeongwon was excluded from the discussion in the process of setting the base year twice. In terms of 'integrity,' the area of the Grand Greenhouse where the historic states coexists needs a maintenance policy that binds the greenhouse, carpet flower bed, and Chundangji Pond. The 'utility' identified as the utilization of spaces suggests the establishment of a sense of place in the Grand Greenhouse area, which is concentrated with programs different from other areas.

The Environmental and Ecological Meaning of Bibo Landscape in Otgol Village (옻골마을 비보경관의 환경생태적 의미)

  • Jang, Byoung-Kwan;Whang, Bo-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2008
  • An empirical study and environmental and ecological analysis were conducted on Otgol Village(a village of the Gyeongju Choi's clan in Daegu) where an enclosed pond and groves are still observed. In particular, the enclosed pond and groves and village water system were investigated from an ecological perspective. The enclosed landscape is described based on feng shui principles and the environmental and ecological significance were examined. In general, the environmental and ecological significance is very broad; however, they were analyzed in terms of the quality of life as an empirical study as follows: First, water quality was measured to investigate the improvement of continuous water system functions. In other words, water quality was measured at East Valley(resting space), West Valley(living space), the enclosed pond where the two valleys merge, and the stream that flows out of the pond. Second, the climate functions of the enclosed groves that border the village were examined. In other words, temperature was measured in two places(200m distance from the center of the groves). Third, whether or not a sound ecosystem can be sustained was investigated. In other words, landscape ecological indicators were chosen and measured. The results are as follows: First, the enclosed pond played the role of purifying water quality. While the East Valley has been popular with men for its rock walls and torrents, the West Valley has been popular with women as a living space(ex: doing the laundry). Therefore, the difference of water quality can be explained. Second, since enclosed groves are in a small village forest, they are very weak in terms of being wind proof and temperature reduction effects. Instead, they play the role of the village boundary. Third, the groves are ecologically sound considering the landscape ecological indicators and are similar to ordinary traditional rural villages. In terms of the connection of the green zone, the village groves are well connected to the village boundary wood. If the village groves are restored, in particular, they would offer a decent habitat for grove creatures. According to this study, the traditional village space was formed upon the influence of Feng Shui theories that are based on environmental and ecological principles that focus on the harmony between humans and nature. From the environmental and ecological perspective, the enclosed pond and groves are important factors in building a sustainable village. The diverse water space would help to improve water quality and increase water volume by promoting the water circulation system. In addition, the village woods would surround the village and decrease the temperature and humidity difference between winter and summer. If the groves are small and badly damaged, however, they are meaningful only in dividing the region. The overall improvement of a forestation system and botanical composition may increase the biological diversity and promote the migration of species. Otgol Village has developed an enclosed landscape to improve the village environment. In other words, a sound and refreshing living environment can be developed when the natural ecological system is well understood and properly preserved. Additionally, this traditional village planning will be the environmental and ecological method. From the perspective of environmental ecology, therefore, a traditional village is recommended.

Study on PM10, PM2.5 Reduction Effects and Measurement Method of Vegetation Bio-Filters System in Multi-Use Facility (다중이용시설 내 식생바이오필터 시스템의 PM10, PM2.5 저감효과 및 측정방법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Han;Choi, Boo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2020
  • With the issuance of one-week fine dust emergency reduction measures in March 2019, the public's anxiety about fine dust is increasingly growing. In order to assess the application of air purifying plant-based bio-filters to public facilities, this study presented a method for measuring pollutant reduction effects by creating an indoor environment for continuous discharge of particle pollutants and conducted basic studies to verify whether indoor air quality has improved through the system. In this study conducted in a lecture room in spring, the background concentration was created by using mosquito repellent incense as a pollutant one hour before monitoring. Then, according to the schedule, the fine dust reduction capacity was monitored by irrigating for two hours and venting air for one hour. PM10, PM2.5, and temperature & humidity sensors were installed two meters front of the bio-filters, and velocity probes were installed at the center of the three air vents to conduct time-series monitoring. The average face velocity of three air vents set up in the bio-filter was 0.38±0.16 m/s. Total air-conditioning air volume was calculated at 776.89±320.16㎥/h by applying an air vent area of 0.29m×0.65m after deducing damper area. With the system in operation, average temperature and average relative humidity were maintained at 21.5-22.3℃, and 63.79-73.6%, respectively, which indicates that it satisfies temperature and humidity range of various conditions of preceding studies. When the effects of raising relatively humidity rapidly by operating system's air-conditioning function are used efficiently, it would be possible to reduce indoor fine dust and maintain appropriate relative humidity seasonally. Concentration of fine dust increased the same in all cycles before operating the bio-filter system. After operating the system, in cycle 1 blast section (C-1, β=-3.83, β=-2.45), particulate matters (PM10) were lowered by up to 28.8% or 560.3㎍/㎥ and fine particulate matters (PM2.5) were reduced by up to 28.0% or 350.0㎍/㎥. Then, the concentration of find dust (PM10, PM2.5) was reduced by up to 32.6% or 647.0㎍/㎥ and 32.4% or 401.3㎍/㎥ respectively through reduction in cycle 2 blast section (C-2, β=-5.50, β=-3.30) and up to 30.8% or 732.7㎍/㎥ and 31.0% or 459.3㎍/㎥ respectively through reduction in cycle 3 blast section (C-3, β=5.48, β=-3.51). By referring to standards and regulations related to the installation of vegetation bio-filters in public facilities, this study provided plans on how to set up objective performance evaluation environment. By doing so, it was possible to create monitoring infrastructure more objective than a regular lecture room environment and secure relatively reliable data.