• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식물정화기술

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Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils (오염 토양의 phytoremediation)

  • Young-Gyun Cho;Sung-Keun Rhee;Sung-Taik Lee
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 1997
  • Phytoremediation, using plants to remediate toxic organic and inorganic pollutants in contaminated soils, is an emerging technology for environmental cleanup. Three strategies of this technology are applicable to the remediation of toxic heavy metals, radionuclides, and toxic organic pollutants: They are (1) phytoextraction, in which plants anumulate the contaminants and are harvested for the downstream processing; (2) phytodegradation, in which plant-released enzymes or plant-associated microorganisms convert toxic pollutants into non-toxic materials; and (3) phytostabilization, in which toxic pollutants are precipitated from solution or absorbed in either the plant tissue or the soil matrix. Phytoremediation is more effective and less expensive than other current treatment technologies.

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Model Study of the Fate of Hydrocarbons in the Soil-Plant Environment (녹지 토양내 탄화수소화합물의 분포변화에 관한 모델링 연구)

  • Yoon-Young Chang;Kyung-Yub Hwang
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 1996
  • In recent years, phytoremediation, the use of plants to detoxify hydrocarbons, has been a promising new area of research, particularly in situ cleanup of large volumes of slightly contaminated soils. There is increasing need for a mathematical model that can be used as a predictive tool prior to actual field implementation of such a relatively new technique. Although a number of models exist for solute-plant interaction in the vegetated zone of soil, most of them have focused on ionic nutrients and some metals. In this study, we developed a mathematical model for simulation of bioremediation of hydrocarbons in soil, associated with plant root systems. The proposed model includes root interactions with soil-water and hydrocarbons in time and space, as well as advective and dispersive transport in unsaturated soil. The developed model considers gas phase diffusion and liquid-gas mass exchanges. For simulation of temporal and spatial changes in root behavior on soil-water and with hydrocarbons, time-specific distribution of root quantity through soil was incorporated into the simulation model. Hydrocarbon absorption and subsequent uptake into roots with water were simulated with empirical equations. In addition, microbial activity in the rhizosphere, a zone of unique interaction between roots and soil microorganisms, was modeled using a biofilm theory. This mathematical model for understanding and predicting fate and transport of compound in plant-aided remediation will assist effective application of plant-aided remediation to field contamination.

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Ethylenediamine as a Promising and Biodegradable Chelating Agent in Aluminum Phytoremediation (알루미늄 식물학적정화에 사용 가능하고 생분해 되는 킬레이트로 후보로서의 ethylenediamine)

  • Lee, Sang-Man
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.1041-1046
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    • 2010
  • Phytoextraction is a technique which uses plants to clean up metal-contaminated soils. Recently, various chelating agents were introduced into this technique to increase the bioavailability of metals in soils. Even though the technique is an economic and environment-friendly method, this cannot be applied in highly metal-contaminated areas because plants will not normally grow in such conditions. Therefore, this research focuses on identifying chelating agents which are biodegradable and applicable to highly metal-contaminated areas. Alunimum (Al) as a target metal and cysteine (Cys), histidine (His), citrate, malate, oxalate, succinate, and ethylenediamine (EDA) as biodegradable chelating agents were selected. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was used as a comparative standard. Plants were grown on agar media containing various chelating agents with Al to analyze the effect on plant growth. His slightly diminished the inhibitory effect of Al on root growth of plants, whereas, Cys, citrate, malate, oxalate, and succinate did not show significant effects. Both EDTA and EDA strongly diminished the inhibitory effect of Al on root growth. The effect of EDA is correlated with decreased Al uptake into the plants. In conclusion, as a biodegradable chelating agent, EDA is a good candidate for highly Al-contaminated areas.

A Study on IT System Design for Eco-Amenity (식물을 이용한 실내공기정화용 정보시스템 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Noh, Yong-Deok;Lee, Jung-Hoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.7 s.110
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    • pp.971-976
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    • 2006
  • Recently, people is interested in the indoor air pollution because of the well-being life. One of the effective way to remove the air pollutants is to use the eco-friendly houseplants. Eco-friendly houseplants absorb substances out of the stomata in their leaves and improve the indoor environment by plant emission such as phytochemical, anion, etc. In this paper, Eco-Amenity IT system is discussed which provide the data about the eco-friendly plants and related management information depending on the indoor air pollutants.

The Impact of Negative Ions and Plant Volume Changes in Space on Fine Dust Purification in the Atmosphere (공기 중 음이온과 공간 내 식물용적 변화가 미세먼지 정화에 미치는 영향)

  • Deuk-Kyun Oh;Jeong-Ho Kim
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the influence of anions in the air on the purification of fine dust (PM10 and PM2.5) and to evaluate the effects of plants on the generation of anions in the air and the purification of fine dust. Subsequently, the fine dust reduction models were compared according to each factor and plant volume. The characteristics of anion generation by each factor were observed to be in the order of Type N.I (negative ion generator; 204,133.33 ea/cm3) > Type P30 (plant vol. 30%; 362.55 ea/cm3) > Type C (control; 46.22 ea/cm3), indicating that the amount of anion generation in the anion generator treatment group and the plant arrangement group were approximately 4,417 times and 7 times higher, respectively, than that in the untreated group. Consequently, the fine dust reduction characteristics by anion generation source showed that for PM10, Type NI had a purification efficiency 2.52 times higher than Type C, and Type P30 was 1.46 times higher, while for PM2.5, Type NI had a purification efficiency 2.26 times higher than Type C, and Type P30 was 1.31 times higher. The efficiency of fine dust purification by plant volume was in the order of Type P20 (84.60 minutes) > Type P30 (106.50 minutes) = Type P25 (115.50 minutes) = Type P15 (117.60 minutes) > Type P5 (125.25 minutes) = Type P10 (129.75 minutes), and for ultrafine dust, Type P20 (104.00 minutes) > Type P30 (133.20 minutes) = Type P25 (144.00 minutes) = Type P15 (147.60 minutes) > Type P5 (161.25 minutes) = Type P10 (168.00 minutes). Thus, a quantitative analysis of the anions and plants for purifying fine dust and suggested matters to be considered for future green space planning and plant planting considering fine dust purification.

유류오염토양 정화를 위한 Phytoremediation 이용에 관한 연구

  • 심지현;이준규;장윤영;심상규;황경엽
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.146-150
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    • 1998
  • 현재 세계적인 토양환경복원의 추세는 단기간의 높은 처리효율을 기대하는 장치위주의 복원기술적용에서 좀 더 처리시간은 걸리나 저비용의 효율적인 처리기술선택으로 옮겨가고 있다. 이는 지금까지 무리한 투자에서 발생한 부작용을 최소화하기 위해서 취해지고 있는 변화로 식물을 이용한 환경복원기술(phytoremediation)은 이러한 변화에 가장 잘 부응하는 발전 가능성이 매우 높은 미래 복원기술 가운데 하나이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 phytoremediation을 이용하여 디젤로 오염된 토양을 복원하고자 하였다. 먼저 대상오염물에 대한 정화능을 나타내는 식물을 선별하기 위해 알팔파, 옥수수, 피, 물피의 오염농도별 생장 률을 살핀 결과 알팔파가 오염농도에 따른 성장저해를 가장 덜 받는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 알팔파의 발아 test를 거친 후 실제상황을 모사하기 위한 column test를 실시하여 디젤의 제거효율을 살펴보았다. 1)외부로부터 pipe line을 따라 공기를 주입하여 산소를 보충한 처리구와 2)알팔파를 심은 처리구, 3)알팔파와 공기를 넣어준 처리구를 설계하여 디젤의 제거과정을 알아본 결과 제거효과가 가장 높은 처리구는 공기와 알팔파를 함께 넣어준 처리구였다. 이를 통해 유류로 오염된 토양에서 산소가 미생물활동에 커다란 제한요인이라는 것과 공정에 공기주입구를 장착함으로써 식물만으로 처리할 때 대두되는 시간적 제약의 문제를 다소 경감시킬 수 있음이 밝혀져 앞으로 이의 활용가능성이 주목된다.

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Life Cycle Assessment of Activated Carbon Production System by Using Poplar (포플러를 이용한 활성탄 제조 시스템에 대한 전과정 평가)

  • Kim, Mihyung;Kim, Geonha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.725-732
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    • 2014
  • Phytoremediation is a technology to mitigate the pollutant concentrations such as metals, pesticides, solvents, oils, or others in contaminated water and soils with plants. The plants absorb contaminants through the root and store them in the root, stems, or leaves. Rapid growth trees such as poplar are used to remove low concentrated contaminants eco-friendly and economically in a wide contaminated region. This study was practiced to evaluate an activated carbon production system by using poplar wood discarded after phytoremediation. Life cycle assessment methodology was used to analyze environmental impacts of the system, and the functional unit was one ton of harvested poplar. It was estimated that the small size rotary kiln for activated carbon production from poplar wood had an environmental benefit in optimized conditions to minimize energy consumptions. The results of an avoided environmental impact analysis show that the system contribute to reduce environmental impacts in comparison with activated carbon production from coconut shell.

Evaluation of water purification Ability using vegetation for water purification (수질정화를 위한 식생의 수질정화능력 평가)

  • Lee, Jong Jun;Kim, Byeong Jun;Choi, I Song;Park, Jae Ro;Oh, Jong Min
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.551-555
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 수체 내 오염물질을 직접적으로 처리할 수 있는 친자연형 소재와 생물을 통한 처리의 다양한 기술 및 공법 중 식생을 이용한 수질의 정화효율에 대해 조사 하였다. 사용된 식생은 환경부 '하천식물자료집'을 바탕으로 수질정화능력이 있고 다년생으로 안정적인 생육특성을 갖는 식생으로 노랑꽃창포, 부들, 수크령, 질경이택사, 창포를 선정하여 약 13 L 크기의 원통형 반응조내에서 실험을 진행하였다. 선별된 식생들은 물가에 서식하는 식물로 15 cm 마사토를 식재 기반으로 하여 반침수 조건으로 실험을 진행하였다. 유입수는 경기도 용인시 기흥구에 위치한 기흥저수지 샘플과 경기도 화성시에 위치한 황구지천 샘플 혼합액 7 L를 주입하여 유입수 대비 유출수의 COD, T-N, T-P에 대한 저감 효율을 검토하였다. 노랑꽃 창포와 창포의 경우 침수된 부분에 플럭이 발생하여 투명도가 낮은 것으로 확인되었고, 수크령과 질경이택사의 경우 노랑꽃 창포와 창포에 비해 플럭의 발생은 적었지만 투명도는 비교적 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 특히 부들은 다른 식생에 비해 성장이 왕성한 것을 관찰할 수 있었으며, 수체의 탁도 또한 매우 낮아 투명한 것으로 확인되었다. 실험 종료 시점에는 창포의 경우 수체 내에서 잎 자체가 분해되어 식재기반 상부가 검정색으로 혐기화 된 것으로 나타났고, 부들의 경우 플럭이 약간 형성되었으나 투명도가 좋고 성장이 왕성한 특징을 나타내었다. 부들의 경우 COD, T-P의 평균 제거효율이 각각 47.1%, 46.0%로 조사되었고, 노랑꽃창포의 경우 T-N의 평균 제거효율이 63.9%로 선별 된 식생 중 가장 높게 조사되었다. 따라서 수질정화를 위한 공법으로는 부들과 노랑꽃창포가 적용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

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Phytoremediation of diesel-contaminated soils using alfalfa (Alfalfa를 이용한 디젤오염토양의 phytoremediation)

  • 심지현;이준규;심상규;황경엽;장윤영
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 1999
  • In the past several years phytoremediation, defined as the use of plants for removing contaminants from media such as soils or water, has attracted a great deal of interest as a potentially useful remediation technology We attempted to assess the effectiveness of phytoremediation of diesel-contaminated soils in a green house. Screening test for selecting an appropriate plant was performed by observing the harmful effects of diesel dosage on the growth of 4 plants. Alfalfa was selected as a potentially useful plant among corn and barnyard grasses due to its high tolerance to the toxicity of diesel in growth. Bioremediation of the artificial diesel-contaminated soil packed in the PVC columns(0.3m in diameter ×× 1m in length) with air supplied, alfalfa planted, and alfalfa and air supplied was investigated for 100 days. The results of the column test showed plant effects on enhancing the biodegradation of diesel in the contaminated soils compared to the control column which had no plant. Injecting air to the columns during phytoremediation also showed additional effects on the removal rate of diesel. Comparison of microbial activity in each test column showed a beneficial effect of plants in the soil remediation processes. This results can be explained microbial activity in rhizosphere is a crucial factor for removing diesel.

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