• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간제정비

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Estimation and Adjustment Model Considering Time Value of Money for Long-Term Maintenance Cost of Apartment House (시간적 가치를 고려한 공동주택 장기수선충당금 산정 및 조정 모델)

  • Koo, Seonkeun;Kim, Jonghyeob;Jun, Inyeong;Kim, Yeongjin;Yoon, Yousang;Hyun, Changtaek
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2017
  • From 1960, the government decided to build apartment houses on a large scale in order to resolve the rising housing problems. However, the maintenance issues that have arisen from the deterioration of housing has not received adequate attention. The policy focuses only on the supply of housing. By passing new laws, the durable period during which buildings allowed reconstruction was increased, and long term maintenance plans were treated as important issues. The government was then obligated to establish certain long term maintenance plans and costs by legislating a Housing Act and requiring it be adjusted every three years. However, when planning long-term repair costs, doing so without considering the time value of money would become a problem. In addition, if differences between the planned repair costs and actual costs occur, it becomes necessary to adjust the long-term repair costs but, as of yet, the criteria to adjust such things does not exist. For these reasons, if there is lack of money to execute large-scale repair work, a building is unlikely to respond to deterioration of housing; on the other hand, an unnecessary reserve or pool of money can lead to conflict among residents. Therefore, this paper will propose estimation and adjustment models considering the time value of money for long term maintenance costs of apartment houses.

Development of Immunochromatography for the Rapid Detection of Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria monocytogenes 신속 검출을 위한 면역크로마토그래피법의 개발)

  • Choi, Jin-Gil;Shim, Won-Bo;Je, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Kyu-Ho;Kim, Min-Gon;Ha, Sang-Do;Kim, Keun-Sung;Kim, Kwang-Yup;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Chung, Duck-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.299-303
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was the development of immunochromatography (ICG) for the rapid and accurate detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Here, monoclonal antibodies (MAb) were conjugated with 40 nm colloidal gold particles, where the conjugate was used as the detection reagent in the ICG. The ICG was composed of three pads (sample, conjugate, and absorbance pads) and one nitrocellulose membrane. The colloidal gold-MAb conjugate was applied to the conjugate pad, and the test line and control line on the membrane were treated with MAb (FKLM-3BI2-37) and anti-mouse IgG, respectively. The detection limit of the ICG was $10^{5}$ cell/mL and it showed no cross-reaction to food borne pathogens. We inoculated meat and lettuce samples with various counts of L. monocytogenes, and analyzed them by ICG. All the inoculated meat samples gave positive results after enrichment for 24 h in LEB. These results indicate that ICG was able to serve as a primary screening tool for L. monocytogenes in various foods and agricultural products within 20 min after enrichment.

Relationship Between Standardized Precipitation Index and Groundwater Levels: A Proposal for Establishment of Drought Index Wells (표준강수지수와 지하수위의 상관성 평가 및 가뭄관측정 설치 방안 고찰)

  • Kim Gyoo-Bum;Yun Han-Heum;Kim Dae-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2006
  • Drought indices, such as PDSI (palmer Drought Severity Index), SWSI (Surface Water Supply Index) and SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index), have been developed to assess and forecast an intensity of drought. To find the applicability of groundwater level data to a drought assessment, a correlation analysis between SPI and groundwater levels was conducted for each time series at a drought season in 2001. The comparative results between SPI and groundwater levels of shallow wells of three national groundwater monitoring stations, Chungju Gageum, Yangpyung Gaegun, and Yeongju Munjeong, show that these two factors are highly correlated. In case of SPI with a duration of 1 month, cross-correlation coefficients between two factors are 0.843 at Chungju Gageum, 0.825 at Yangpyung Gaegun, and 0.737 at Yeongju Munjeong. The time lag between peak values of two factors is nearly zero in case of SPI with a duration of 1 month, which means that groundwater level fluctuation is similar to SPI values. Moreover, in case of SPI with a duration of 3 month, it is found that groundwater level can be a leading indicator to predict the SPI values I week later. Some of the national groundwater monitoring stations can be designated as DIW (Drought Index Well) based on the detailed survey of site characteristics and also new DIWs need to be drilled to assess and forecast the drought in this country.

Passenger's Right to Compensation in relation to Delayed Flights - From the perspective of EU case law - (운항지연에 따른 승객의 보상청구권 - EU 및 프랑스 판례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.249-277
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    • 2015
  • Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 ("Regulation") is a common rule on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights. In some recent cases of European nations, passengers sued the air carrier in order to obtain monetary compensation under Article 7(1) of the Regulation. Some courts dismissed the actions on the grounds that, unlike denied boarding or cancellation of the flight, the Regulation provides no compensation in relation to delayed flights. However, Court of Justice of the European Union(CJEU) ruled that Regulation 261/2004 must be interpreted to mean that passengers whose flights are delayed have a right to compensation in cases when the loss of time is equivalent to, or is in excess of three hours - where the passengers eventually reached their final destination three hours or more later than the originally scheduled arrival time. It is true that a strict interpretation of the regulation would suggest that passengers whose flight has merely been delayed are not entitled to compensation. They should only be offered assistance in accordance with the Articles 6 and 9. Nevertheless, the Court recognized the same right to the same compensation for passengers of flights delayed by more than three hours as that explicitly provided for passengers of cancelled flights. On the one hand, the Court bases this ruling on the recitals of the Regulation, in which the legislature links the question of compensation to that of a long delay, while indicating that the Regulations seek to ensure a high level of protection for passengers regardless of whether they are denied boarding or their flight is cancelled or delayed. On the other hand, the Court interprets the relevant provisions of the Regulation in light of the general principle of equal treatment. Furthermore, the Court delivered a ruling that the loss of time inherent in a flight delay, which constitutes an inconvenience within the intention of Regulation No 261/2004 and which cannot be categorized as 'damage occasioned by delay' within the meaning of Article 19 of the Montreal Convention, cannot come within the scope of Article 29 of that convention. Consequently, under this view, the obligation under Regulation No 261/2004 intended to compensate passengers whose flights are subject to a long delay is in line with Article 29 of the Montreal Convention. Although the above interpretation of the Court can be a analogical interpretation, the progressive attitude of the Regulation and the view of Court forward to protect passengers' interest is a leading role in the area of international air passenger transportation. Hopefully, after the model of the positive support in Europe, Korea can establish a concrete rule for protecting passengers' right and interest.

A Delphi Study of Standardization Strategies for Disruptive Technologies (파괴적 기술 분야에 대한 표준화 전략 연구: 전문가 델파이 조사를 중심으로)

  • Eom, Doyoung;Kim, Dong-hyu;Lee, Heejin
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.483-510
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    • 2016
  • Disruptive technology is increasingly gaining attention by industries, standards development organizations (SDOs), academia, government and regulatory bodies due to its massive scope of impact on the incumbents and consumers. Companies that take a lead in new technologies intend to dominate the global market by making their technologies into an international standard. However, they tend to seek ways of by-passing the slow procedures of formal SDOs that often hinder prompt action in response to rapid changes in technology and market situations. In the area of disruptive technologies, there is a need to harmonize standardization efforts in formal SDOs for various companies and stakeholders to reap the benefits of technological development and diffusion of innovation. This paper examines the reasons why standardization is more active using market-based mechanisms than through formal SDOs for disruptive technologies. We conducted a Delphi study to investigate standardization strategies in the area of disruptive technologies. This research found that experts understood the core element of disruptive technologies as creating new markets and changing the competition basis in existing industries through the transformation of consumers' behavior. Based on these core characteristics, experts agreed that flexibility and speed are the most important factors for standardization. Results also show that the perception that standardization activities are not directly connected to companies' profit-making is the key barrier to links between research and companies' participation in standardization. This research provides implications for formal SDOs and policymakers.

A Proposal of Personal Information DB Encryption Assurance Framework (개인정보 DB 암호화 검증 프레임웍 제안)

  • Ko, Youngdai;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.397-409
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    • 2014
  • According to the Personal Information Protection Act(PIPA) which is legislated in March 2011, the individual or company that handles personal information, called Personal information processor, should encrypt some kinds of personal information kept in his Database. For convenience sake we call it DB Encryption in this paper. Law enforcement and the implementation agency accordingly are being strengthen the supervision that the status of DB Encryption is being properly applied and implemented as the PIPA. However, the process of DB Encryption is very complicate and difficult as well as there are many factors to consider in reality. For example, there are so many considerations and requirements in the process of DB Encryption like pre-analysis and design, real application and test, etc.. And also there are surely points to be considered in related system components, business process and time and costs. Like this, although there are plenty of factors significantly associated with DB Encryption, yet more concrete and realistic validation entry seems somewhat lacking. In this paper, we propose a realistic DB Encryption Assurance Framework that it is acceptable and resonable in the performance of the PIPA duty (the aspect of the individual or company) and standard direction of inspection and verification of DB Encryption (the aspect of law enforcement).

Nursing in Korea (한국의 간호)

  • Hong Shin Young
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.23 no.3 s.126
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1984
  • 한국간호 I. 간호행정제도 및 법규의 변천 1. 간호행정기구 한국의 의료행정은 현대의학의 도입과 더불어 1894년 6월 내부에 위생국을 둔다는 규정이 발표됨으로서 시작되었고 1901년 관제개편에 따라 위생국에 보건과와 의무과가 설치되었다. 그 후 1945년 12월 보건후생부 간호사업국내에 보건간호과 기관간호과 조산 간호과가 설치되었고 각 도에는 간호 사업계가 설치되었다. 1948년부터는 보건사회부 의정국내의 조산간호과가 간호 사업과로 개편되었다. 그후 1970년 간호사업과가 간호사업담당관제로 개편되었으며 1981년부터는 간호사업담당관제도 폐지되어 보건국의 가족보건과나 의정국 지역의료과에서 한 명의 간호원이 참여하는 정도로 간호행정기구가 점차 축소되었다. 2. 간호법규 1)면허 1962년 개정된 의료법에 의하여 간호원의 면허는 문교부장관이 인가한 간호교육기관 졸업자중 간호원 국가시험 합격자로 규정하였다. 조산원의 경우는 1914년 처음으로 조산원 면허등록을 시작하였으며 현재는 간호원 면허를 받은 자로서 보건사회부장관이 지정하는 교육병원에서 1년의 정규 교육과정을 필한자로 그 자격을 명시하고 있다. 2) 자격시험 자격시험은 1916년부터 실시되었으며 1920년 이후는 각 도에서 관할 실시하였다. 그 후 1962년부터는 보건사회부장관의 주도하에 국가시험을 시행하였으며 현재는 국립 보건원에서 간호원을 포함한 의료업자의 국가 시험을 주관하고 있다. 3)간호수가 간호원 조산원에 관한 간호수가 관계 규칙은 1911년에 발표된 것으로 간호원의 경우 출장 시에 출장비와 간호료를 환자가 지불하도록 하는 것이었다. 1925년 5월까지는 각 지역별로 간호수가에 차이가 있었으나 동년 6월부터 수가규정이 전국적으로 통일되었다. 그 후 1953년부터는 국공립병원 간호원들에게도 다른 일반 공직자와 같이 직급을 보함으로서 간호직에 대한 보수가 통일되었으며 1971년부터는 간호직 수당이 제정되었다. II. 간호사업의 분야별 발전 1. 임상간호제도의 발전 1)초기의 임상간호 한국에 서양의학을 기초로 설립된 최초의 병원은 1885년 의사 Allen에 의한 왕립병원이다. 그 후 정부에 의하여 1894년 군부병원이 설립되었고, 1899년 내부병원이 1904년에 적십자 병원이 설립되었다. 당시에 이루어진 현대간호는 일본인 간호원들에 의해 전해진 일본식 간호와 선교사 간호원들에 의해 전해진 서구식 간호방식이 있었는데 이 두 간호방법은 문화적 배경이나 사회적 인습에 의한 많은 차이점을 볼 수 있었다. 2) 일제하의 임상간호 이 당시에 이루어진 일본식 간호방법을 보면 간호원들의 주업무가 환자를 위한 간호보다도 의사 보조에 더 치중한 것을 볼 수 있다. 한편 선교계 병원에서는 입원환자에 대해서는 간호원들이 전인간호를 실시하였으며 병원당국과 의사들의 협조로 많은 간호사업의 발전을 가져올수 있었다. 3) 광복 이후의 임상간호 6.25 동란 후 한국에는 병원이 계속 늘어나 현재 20Bed 이상의 전국의 병원수가 431개소이고 이중 80Bed 이상의 종합병원이 148개소나 된다. 각 병원의 간호사업은 간호사업과 또는 간호사업부의 행정체제로 운영되고 있으며 최근에는 간호과정(Nursing Process)의 개념을 도입하여 문제중심 간호기록인 POMR(Problem Oriented Medical Record) 방법을 시도하고 있다. 또한 면허간호원은 매년 중앙회에서 실시하는 보수교육을 10시간 이상 받고 있다.

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Technical and Policy Lessons for the Domestic Future Nuclear-powered Submarine learned from the U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (미해군 원자력추진 프로그램으로부터 얻은 미래 원자력추진 잠수함 확보를 위한 기술 및 정책적 교훈)

  • Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.142-149
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    • 2019
  • In the early 2000s, the Korean government first attempted to acquire nuclear-powered submarines as strategic assets. Acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines must overcome the challenges of the initial costs and operating costs of trillions of US dollars per ship, must be agreed to by the international community (including neighboring countries) and in a national consensus, and must have an established technical infrastructure (including manpower). The US navy has been working with governments that want to acquire nuclear propulsion warships since the 1950s, and in 1982, they enacted an executive order called the United States Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program to consolidate efforts and prepare for the future, which sets out the organizational structure, authority, and responsibilities of US governmental management, and integrates national efforts. This paper is to gain valuable wisdom from the U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program by analyzing all of its histories and contributions, thereby providing valuable lessons for a future program in Korea. It might not be possible to follow the U.S.A. one-on-one because of the scale of national and military forces, but at least we can avoid time and effort spent on trial and error.

Factors Influencing the Intention of Knowledge Sharing in Public Libraries: Based on Self-determination Theory (공공도서관 지식교류의도 영향 요인에 관한 연구 - 자기결정성 이론을 기반으로 -)

  • Kim, Youngeun;Park, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.247-265
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    • 2021
  • Recently, public libraries have increased in quantity, while various problems have arisen regarding the operation of public libraries, such as lack of librarian manpower and facilities. Additionally, an increase in the number of public libraries does not correlate to an increase in the utilization of public libraries, and thus developing various services is needed to maintain the continued use of public libraries. This study examined which types of use motivations affect the intention of knowledge exchange in public libraries when using public libraries based on the self-determination theory. It also looked at how the use motivations and the intention of knowledge exchange vary depending on the frequency of public library use. According to an online survey of 230 users of public libraries, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, autonomy, competence, and relatedness as independent variables had a positive impact on the level of knowledge exchange. In addition, the higher the frequency of public library use, the higher the needs for autonomy and relatedness were. Based on the results, it was suggested that the knowledge exchange needs to be established as a new service of public libraries by offsetting extrinsic motivation that emerged from by negative influences and promoting intrinsic motivation, autonomy and competence.

Semantic Computing-based Dynamic Job Scheduling Model and Simulation (시멘틱 컴퓨팅 기반의 동적 작업 스케줄링 모델 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Noh, Chang-Hyeon;Jang, Sung-Ho;Kim, Tae-Young;Lee, Jong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2009
  • In the computing environment with heterogeneous resources, a job scheduling model is necessary for effective resource utilization and high-speed data processing. And, the job scheduling model has to cope with a dynamic change in the condition of resources. There have been lots of researches on resource estimation methods and heuristic algorithms about how to distribute and allocate jobs to heterogeneous resources. But, existing researches have a weakness for system compatibility and scalability because they do not support the standard language. Also, they are impossible to process jobs effectively and deal with a variety of computing situations in which the condition of resources is dynamically changed in real-time. In order to solve the problems of existing researches, this paper proposes a semantic computing-based dynamic job scheduling model that defines various knowledge-based rules for job scheduling methods adaptable to changes in resource condition and allocate a job to the best suited resource through inference. This paper also constructs a resource ontology to manage information about heterogeneous resources without difficulty as using the OWL, the standard ontology language established by W3C. Experimental results shows that the proposed scheduling model outperforms existing scheduling models, in terms of throughput, job loss, and turn around time.