• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학적 대화

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A study on the CCFL parallel driving circuit for the large LCD TV (대화면 LCD TV용 CCFL 병렬 구동에 관한 연구)

  • Jnag Young-Su;Yoon Seok;Nam Won-Suk;Lee Jae-Kwang;Roh Chung-Wook;Han Sang-Kyoo;Hong Sung-Soo;SaKong Suk-Chin;Kwon Gi-Hyun;Kim Jong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.245-247
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    • 2006
  • 현재 LCB 인버터의 경쟁력을 키우기 위해 인버터 하나로 다수의 램프를 병렬 구동하는 방식이 많이 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 병렬 구동방식 중 Jin Balance와 O2 Micro 방식에 대해 이론적으로 분석하고, 특히 각각의 램프 전류 편차를 일정하게 유지하기 위한 자화 인덕턴스 값의 설계에 대하여 설명하였다. 위의 결과를 이용하여 새로운 전류 평형 방식을 제안하고 수학적으로 분석하였으며, 제안 방식의 정확성을 시뮬레이션을 통해 검증하였다.

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A Study of Using Concrete Materials and Mathematical Communications in the Primary Mathematics Class - Focused on 2nd Grades in Primary school - (초등학교 수학 수업에서의 구체물 활용과 수학적 의사소통에 관한 연구 - 2학년 아동을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Me Ae;Kim Soo Hwan
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.99-120
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this thesis is to find the guiding direction of mathematical communication in lower grade students of elementary school and to present a new direction about the effect of using concrete material in communication. It is expected that mathematical communication increases when concrete material is used for the students of the lower grades, who are in concrete operational period. Therefore, this study ai s to investigate what characteristics there are in mathematical communication of second grade students and what effect concrete materials have on mathematical communication and learning. The analysis of the teaching record shows that the second grade students use alternative terms in the process of communication since they are not familiar with mathematical symbols or terms, which is a characteristic of communication in a mathematics class in which concrete material is used. In the process of teaming the students apply their living experiences to their teaming. Since a small number of students lead class, the interaction between students is also led by them. The direction of communication in a small group is not centered around solution of a problem, and most students show a more interest in finding answers than in the process of learning. The effect that concrete material has on communication plays an important role in promoting students' speaking activity; it allows students to identify and correct their errors more easily. It also makes students' activities more predictable, and it increases a small group activities through the medium of concrete material. However, it was also noticed that students' listening activities are not appropriately developed since they do not pay attention to a teacher who uses concrete material. The effects that concrete material has on mathematics class can be summarized as follows. Concrete material promotes students' participation in class by triggering their interest of learning of mathematics and helps them to understand the course of learning. It also helps the teaming and formation of concepts for children of low academic performance. And it makes a phased learning possible according to students' ability to use concrete material and to solve a problem. Based upon the results above mentioned, the use of concrete material is absolutely needed in mathematics classes of lower grade elementary school students since it increases communication and gives much influence on mathematics learning. Therefore, teachers need to develop teaching or learning method which can help increase communication, considering the characteristics of students' communication.

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Analysis of the scholastic capability of ChatGPT utilizing the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test (대학입시 수능시험을 평가 도구로 적용한 ChatGPT의 학업 능력 분석)

  • WEN HUILIN;Kim Jinhyuk;Han Kyonghee;Kim Shiho
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2023
  • ChatGPT, commercial launch in late 2022, has shown successful results in various professional exams, including US Bar Exam and the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), demonstrating its ability to pass qualifying exams in professional domains. However, further experimentation and analysis are required to assess ChatGPT's scholastic capability, such as logical inference and problem-solving skills. This study evaluated ChatGPT's scholastic performance utilizing the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test (KCSAT) subjects, including Korean, English, and Mathematics. The experimental results revealed that ChatGPT achieved a relatively high accuracy rate of 69% in the English exam but relatively lower rates of 34% and 19% in the Korean Language and Mathematics domains, respectively. Through analyzing the results of the Korean language exam, English exams, and TOPIK II, we evaluated ChatGPT's strengths and weaknesses in comprehension and logical inference abilities. Although ChatGPT, as a generative language model, can understand and respond to general Korean, English, and Mathematics problems, it is considered weak in tasks involving higher-level logical inference and complex mathematical problem-solving. This study might provide simple yet accurate and effective evaluation criteria for generative artificial intelligence performance assessment through the analysis of KCSAT scores.

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Exploring the Possibility of Using Lesson Play in Pre-Service Teacher Education (예비교사 교육에서 레슨 플레이의 활용가능성 탐색)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Park, Jung Sook;Park, Jae Hee;Park, Ji Hyun;Oh, Hye Mi;Jo, Hyung Mi
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.819-832
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of pre-service teachers and to explore the possibility of using Lesson Play in pre-service teacher education. Lesson Play refers to a lesson written in script form, featuring imagined interactions between a teacher and his/her students. The participants of this study were 20 pre-service teachers enrolled in mathematics education at a University in Seoul and they conducted a dialogue between a teacher and students who said that 91 is a prime number and 462 is a multiple number of 4. Conclusions were drawn based on the virtual scripts of pre-service teachers. First, it was found that the teaching strategies of pre-service teachers were not diverse. Second, pre-service teachers mainly explained the mathematical principles and concepts. Third, pre-service teachers could not understand the current state of students. Therefore, Lesson Play is helpful to analyse the pedagogical knowledge of pre-service teachers and is a applicable teaching method that can improve the practical knowledge of pre-service teachers.

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The Simulator Design for the Analysis of Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamic Characteristics (항공기 세로 동특성 해석을 위한 시뮬레이터 설계)

  • Yoon, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2006
  • State-space method for the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a body motion is set up as mathematical tool for the solution of differential equation by computer. Representation of a system is described as a simple form of matrix calculation and unique form of model is available for the linear or nonlinear, time variant or time invariant, mono variable or multi variable system etc. For the analysis of state-space method a complicated vector calculation is required, but this analysis can be simplified with the specific functions of a software package. Recently as the Graphical User Interface softwares are well-developed, then it is very simplified to execute the simulation of the dynamic characteristics for the state-space model with the interactive graphics treatment. The purpose of this study is to developed the simulator for the educational analysis of the dynamic characteristics of body motion, and for the analysis of the longitudinal dynamic characteristics of an aircraft that is primarily to design the simulator for the analysis of the transient response of an aircraft longitudinal stability.

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Study on The Decryption Method and Analysis of MalangMalang Talkcafe Application Database (인스턴트 메신저 말랑말랑 톡카페 애플리케이션 데이터베이스 복호화 방안 및 분석)

  • Kim, Giyoon;Lee, Jonghyeok;Shin, Sumin;Kim, Jongsung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.541-547
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    • 2019
  • As leakage cases of personal information increase, the concern of personal information protection is also increasing. As a result, most applications encrypt and store sensitive information such as personal information. Especially, in case of instant messengers, it is more difficult to find database where is not encrypted and stored. However, this kind of database encryption acts as anti-forensic from the point of view of digital forensic investigation. In this paper, we analyze database encryption process of MalangMalang Talkcafe application which is one of instant messenger. Based on our analysis, we propose a decryption method and explain the meaningful information collected in the database.

A Study on the Practice of Performance Assessment in the Elementary School Mathematics - Focussing on Self-assessment and Peer-observation - (초등학교 수학과 수행평가 실천에 관한 연구 - 자기평가.동료평가.관찰평가를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Song-Ja;Choi Chang-Woo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 2006
  • This study is to recognize a problem in the practice of performance assessment in elementary school, and to find out some suggestive points for improvement of teaching·learning method in elementary mathematics through assessment by reducing time restriction according to assessment through the practice of self-assessment, peer-assessment and observation, and then by reflecting the results of assessment on teaching learning plan. For that, the questions of study set up are as follows ; 1. How should self-assessment and peer-assessment be applied to in elementary mathematics assessment? 2. How should the time for 'let's play an interesting game' be managed for assessment of elementary mathematics? 3. How should the results of assessment be reflected on the Process of teaching and learning of mathematics? To solve these problems, a researcher of this thesis performed self-assessment, peer-assessment on 40 students of second grade under her charge as a class teacher, and applied observation in the time management process for 'let's play an interesting game' for a semester. self-assessment was made by mathematics journal, self-assessment chart, peer-assessment was by the analysis of conversation record among students in the situations of assessment, and observation was by observation of activity when playing with the results data of play analyzed. the concrete methods of application as follows ; First, mathematics journal was applied $1{\sim}2$ times by each unit with reconstruction into the level of second grade on the basis of the preceding-study models. Second, peer-assessment was applied to the unit-assessment time and the play-activities time by the method of recording·analyzing the contents of conversation among students in the process of assessment. Third, mathematical attitude & dispositions of students making use of the self- assessment table were examined referring to the teaching learning plan. Fourth, the time management for 'let's play an interesting game' was made through the prior recognition of play method and the joyful play-activities by use of the play-plate. Assessment depended on analysis of play-activities results of students making use of an observation form. Fifth, the results of self-assessment, peer-assessment, and observation were analyzed, and then they were made use of as self-observation data, of teacher her/his self, or teaching·learning improvement data. Students' self-assessment datum (mathematics diary, self-assessment sheets, conversation contents in the process of assessment) and observation materials (check lists, Play-activity result materials, conversation contents in the process of play) obtained in the process of application was analyzed as follows ; 1. From the practice of self-assessment in form of mathematics journal, I could obtain not only datum showing how much students was understanding the learning aims by unit time and to any degree they reached but also information about their response to learning datum and favorable type of learning. 2. Assessment by self-assessment chart was useful in planning the mathematics teaching learning process because it helps ascertain mathematical attitude & dispositions of students. 3. Through the application of peer-assessment, students had the opportunity of communicating with other students looking back on his/her explaining process, and teachers could obtain basic materials for assessment of students. 4, In case of time management for 'let's play an interesting game', there was natural extension of play made through time-security by prior looking into the method of play-activity, and then, for a remained time, by making children play a new game. 5, I could easily record the activities of students by use of the observation. form, and make use of it as basic data for descriptive assessment. 6, Each kinds of data obtained from the results of assessment was helpful for securing self-observation materials in the process of teaching learning and for their betterment in mathematics subject. However, because they were in the second grade of elementary school and there was an individual difference, some students could not make use of mathematics diary or self-assessment form properly. In case of these students, assessment data would be obtained through interview or observation. And for effective operation of play, its purpose & method and matters that demand special attention when play-acting should be clearly guided. Also, when applying an effective play in addition to play activities in textbook, to lessons, interesting mathematics lessons could be guided.

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A Case Study of "Engineering Design" Education with Emphasize on Hands-on Experience (기계공학과에서 제시하는 Hands-on Experience 중심의 "엔지니어링 디자인" 교과목의 강의사례)

  • Kim, Hong-Chan;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Kwan-Ju;Kim, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.44-61
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    • 2007
  • The present investigation is concerned chiefly with new curriculum development at the Department of Mechanical System & Design Engineering at Hongik University with the aim of enhancing creativity, team working and communication capability which modern engineering education is emphasizing on. 'Mechanical System & Design Engineering' department equipped with new curriculum emphasizing engineering design is new name for mechanical engineering department in Hongik University. To meet radically changing environment and demands of industries toward engineering education, the department has shifted its focus from analog-based and machine-centered hard approach to digital-based and human-centered soft approach. Three new programs of Introduction to Mechanical System & Design Engineering, Creative Engineering Design and Product Design emphasize hands-on experiences through project-based team working. Sketch model and prototype making process is strongly emphasized and cardboard, poly styrene foam and foam core plate are provided as working material instead of traditional hard engineering material such as metals material because these three programs focus more on creative idea generation and dynamic communication among team members rather than the end results. With generative, visual and concrete experiences that can compensate existing engineering classes with traditional focus on analytic, mathematical and reasoning, hands-on experiences can play a significant role for engineering students to develop creative thinking and engineering sense needed to face ill-defined real-world design problems they are expected to encounter upon graduation.

Optimum Size Selection and Machinery Costs Analysis for Farm Machinery Systems - Programming for Personal Computer - (농기계(農機械) 투입모형(投入模型) 설정(設定) 및 기계이용(機械利用) 비용(費用) 분석연구(分析硏究) - PC용(用) 프로그램 개발(開發) -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Kim, S.R.;Jung, D.H.;Chang, D.I.;Lee, D.H.;Kim, Y.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.384-398
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    • 1991
  • A computer program was developed to select the optimum size of farm machine and analyze its operation costs according to various farming conditions. It was written in FORTRAN 77 and BASIC languages and can be run on any personal computer having Korean Standard Complete Type and Korean Language Code. The program was developed as a user-friendly type so that users can carry out easily the costs analysis for the whole farm work or respective operation in rice production, and for plowing, rotarying and pest controlling in upland. The program can analyze simultaneously three different machines in plowing & rotarying and two machines in transplanting, pest controlling and harvesting operations. The input data are the sizes of arable lands, possible working days and number of laborers during the opimum working period, and custom rates varying depending on regions and individual farming conditions. We can find out the results such as the selected optimum combination farm machines, the overs and shorts of working days relative to the planned working period, capacities of the machines, break-even points by custom rate, fixed costs for a month, and utilization costs in a hectare.

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The improvement plan of course education and the recognition about the course&vocation of General high school student (일반계 고등학생의 진로 및 직업에 대한 인식과 진로교육 개선방안)

  • Lim, Byeong-Ung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.171-195
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is 1) to survey to identify how high school students think about career guidance and job and 2) to pursue effective career guidance. According to the survey result, first, most students have thought about their career. They chose friends as a counselor for their future. Among respondents, 39.84% of them said they did not consult with teachers. They said academic record is a stumbling block in choosing career. Second, many students responded career guidance should start at 'Junior High school'. 76.56% of respondents said they were lack of career guidance resources. With respect to career, an important subject was shown as the following order: social study, English, Korean, Science and Math. Third, students recognized the face that aptitude and ability should be the utmost important factors in choosing career. They chose mass media as a main source to gain information relative to career, which accounted for 52.34% and 20.31% for teachers. In the case of students who have rather 'poor'home background, teachers were the main sources for career information, whose proportion was relatively high. Forth, parents were the most influential people who helped students choose which high school to go(40.69%). In terms of scope of higher education, 65.63% said they wanted to graduate university. Students who has good academic records and good home environment wanted to pursue Master's or Doctor's degrees. 70.31% of respondents said they attended a high school just because they wanted to have a desired job.