• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수직구분

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Regeneration Processes of Nutrients in the Polar Front Area of the East Sea II. Distribution of Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Winter, 1995 (동해 극전선의 영양염류 순환과정 II. 1995년 동계 입자태 유기탄소 및 유기질소의 분포)

  • YANG Han-Soeb;MOON Chang-Ho;OH Seok-Jin;LEE Haeng-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.442-450
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    • 1997
  • The chemical properties of water masses were investigated at 33 stations of the southeastern last Sea in February, 1995 on board R/V Tam-Yang. The water masses were not clearly distinguished due to the vortical mixing in winter. However, on the basis of the T-S and $T-O_2$ diagrams, water masses in the study area were divided into five groups (Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, Type V). (1) $>9.0^{\circ}C,\;>34.35\;psu,\;5.08\~5.60m\ell/\ell$ at Type I, (2) $6.0\~9.0^{\circ}C,\;34.15\~34.35\;psu,\;5.60\~5.90\;m\ell/\ell$ at Type II, (3) $4.0\~6.0^{\circ}C,\;34.00\~34.15\;psu,\;>5.90m\ell/\ell$ at Type III, (4) $1.5\~4.0^{\circ}C,\;34.00\~34.05\;psu,\;5.40\~5.90\;m\ell/\ell$ at Type IV, (5) $<1.5^{\circ}C,\;34.05\~34.07\;psu,\;4.80\~5.40\;m\ell/\ell$ at Type V. In the vertical profiles of nutrients, the concentrations were very low in the surface layer and increased rapidly with depth. The highest concentrations occurred in Type IV, while the concentrations in Type I were the lowest. The N/P ratios were less than Redfield ratio, indicating that nitrogenous nutrients were the limiting factor tor phytoplankton growth. The concentrations of POC and PON were in the range of $0.49\~20.03\;{\mu}g-at/\ell\;and\;0.09\~5.34\;{\mu}g-at/\ell$, respectively. The relatively high concentration occured in the surface layer of inner shore, showing that the concentration at each water mass followed the order Type I > Type II > Type III > Type IV > Type V, respectively. The C:N ratio in particulate organic matter was lower than the values reported in other region due to relatively high concentrations of PON in the study area. Relatively high ratios of POC to chlorophyll $\alpha$ during the study periods indicate that non-living detritus comparised most of the POC in the study area.

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  • Lee, Dong-Geun;Suhr, Cheong
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.359-372
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to discern differences of craniofacial, dentoalveolar structure and model measurements between sex and between class n openbite group and non-openbite group. The sample consisted of 49 adult patients with class Il malocclusion. 24 linear measurements, 22 angular measurements and 12 ratios were selected in lateral cephalometry. Also, arch width, length, anterior crowding, average molar relation were measured or calculated in diagnostic model. The data were evaluated by t-test and multiple discriminant analysis. The results were as follows, 1. Most linear measurements, with the exception of MnBL and AUDH, were significantly larger in male(p<0.05). but, intermaxillary relations and spatial position of maxilla and mandible relative to cranial base were not different for both sex. 2. With the exception of upper and lower anterior crowding, lower arch width, upper arch length, AMR, male exhibited significantly larger measurements in model analysis (p<0.05). 3. Size differences of maxilla and mandible between openbite and non-openbite group were not significant(p>0.05). but openbite group showed significantly increased genial angle(p<0.05), FH-CoGo(p<0.01), FH-NA(p<0.01) and FH-NB, FH-NPog (p<0.05). 4. ALFH and PUDH were larger(p<0.05) in openbite group. this result served as compensation for the spatial position of mandible relative to cranial base. AUPUDH (p<0.001) and ALPLDH(p<0.05) were lower in openbite group. upper anterior crowding was the only measurement which showed difference between openbite and non-openbite group(p<0.05). 5. For the purpose of classifying adult class n openbite and non-openbite group, multiple discriminant analysis was done genial angle, ALPLDH, AUPUDH, FH-NA were included in multiple discriminant equation. 39 cases($92.86\%$) were correctly classified when applied to the sample used in this study.

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Sorting and Abrasion Processes on Gravel Beach of Jeongdo-ri, Wando, Korea (한국 남해 완도 정도리 자갈 해빈의 퇴적작용)

  • 고영이;박용안;최강원
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1993
  • The shingle beach as a typical pocket beach located in Jeongdo-ri, Wando, Cheolanam-do, Korea has been investigated in terms of textural characteristics, mainly gravel shape and roundness. In the Jeongdo-ri gravel beach, changes of beach profile after storm weather and textural parameters of gravels were observed and measured from May 1992 to March 1993. Beach profile is divided into two different Fair-weather zone and Storm-weather zone influenced by dynamic condition of wave energy. The former is affected by wave and tide under fair-weather condition, the latter seems to be formed under storm-weather condition. Each zone comprises a series of beach faces and berms formed by continuous sedimentary processes of swash, overwash and backwash. Storm-weather zone is subdivided into three groups having a pair of beach face and berm respectively. Mean sizes of berm gravel(45.5 mm -123.6 mm) are coarser than gravels of beach face (36.8 mm - 78.3 mm) in fair-weather zone. On the other hand, in storm-weather zone, gravels of berms (33.1 mm -82.5 mm) are finer than those of beachfaces (46.2 mm - 105.2 mm). The proportion of disc shaped gravels of berm (50.0% - 58.5 %) is higher than that of beachface (45.9 % - 51.3 %) in each subzone except C-group of storm-weather zone. And the proportion of the equant shaped gravel increases about up to 10% seaward. Therefore, shore-normal distribution of gravels seems to be affected by shape and size sorting effects. Shore-parallel distribution pattern of gravel shape is more distinctive than size distribution patterns. That is, disc and blade shaped particles decrease up to 20% and 13% respectively, and equants increase up to 34% to the westward. Gravels plotted on Sneed and Folk's triangular diagram are more compacted and elongated with decreasing size. Therefore primary gravels are shaped by characteristics of country rock e.g. cleavage, joint etc., and secondary are affected by sorting and size-controlled process evolution by wave action.

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The cephalometric study of skeletal types in Cl III malocclusion with reduced lower anterior face height (전하안면 고경이 작은 III급 부정교합자의 골격유형에 관한 두부방사선 계측학적 연구)

  • Han, Dong-Hun;Cha, Kyung-Suk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.26 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 1996
  • A given facial type can be considered as a syndrome in which various features are aggregated, so a single parameter is not sufficient to accurately identify a given facial type. This study was designed to identify & characterize the skeletal types that blend under the headline-'Cl III,deepbite'. Cephalograms of thirty-four untreated mixed dentition patients, selected mainly on the basis of clinical impression of Cl III with reduced lower face heights were studied. The following conclusion can be drawn. 1. Cl III malocclusion with reduced lower face height could be classified into three types. 2. Subtype 1 was identified by the following features : strong ramus, more anteriorly positioned upper molars without alveolar hypoplasia, acutely reduced Mn. plane angle. 3. Subtype 2 was characterized by a short ramus, sharply reduced postrior alveolar height, and normal Mn. plane angle. In general, this type had hypoplasia tendency in the vertical dimension. 4. In subtype 3, the AUFH occupying more percentage than ALFH was a outstanding feature. Ramal height was in normal range, alveolar hypoplasia and slightly reduced Mn. plane angle was observed. 5. The features of the subtypes were reflected in certain indices, which can be regarded as discriminative index. LAFH: if reduced, regardless of subtypes, indicates reduced lower ant. face height consistently. FHR: when this ratio is increased, it indicates subtype 1. FHI: when this ratio is in normal range, it indicates subtype 2. FPI: if reduced greatly, it indicates subtype 3.

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Delineation of internal heterogeneities of Geum River point bar deposits in Buyeo area using GPR Data (지하 투과 레이다 조사를 통한 부여 지역 금강변의 충적 대수층 내부 불균질성 파악)

  • Rhee, Chul-Woo;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Lee, Kyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2002
  • The alluvial deposits along meandering rivers can be used as an artificial aquifer for infiltration of river waters. Internal heterogeneity of the alluvial deposits is a prerequisite information for the development of alluvial groundwater because vortical and lateral movement of alluvial ground water depends on the internal heterogeneity The internal heterogeneity due to variations in channel behavior can be delineated using GPR survey, GPR profiles for the point bar deposits near Buyeo county reveals two different stratigraphic units: the lower inclined heterogeneous strata and the upper horizontally stratified strata. The upper unit is largely indicative of vertical accumulation by overbank floods within a floodplain, whereas the lower one represents typical point bar deposits formed by lateral accretion. The stratigraphic variation in the heterogeneity shows that GPR survey is a useful and necessary investigation method for the development of alluvial ground water.

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Variation of Fine Structure of Wood Cellulose within Stems of 3 Commercial Softwood Species Grown in Korea (국내산 주요 침엽수 3종간의 수간 내 목재셀룰로오스의 미세구조 변이)

  • Eun, Dong-Jin;Kwon, Sung-Min;Kim, Nam-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2008
  • Radial and vertical variations of relative crystallinity and crystallite width of cellulose within stems of three softwoods (Pinus densiflora S. et Z., P. koraiensis S. et Z, P. rigida Mill.) grown in Korea were examined by an X-ray diffraction method. The mean of relative crystallinity was 61.7% in P. koraiensis, 60.6% in P. densiflora and 49.4% in P. rigida. The degree of crystallinity in earlywood and latewood increased with the age from pith to about 10~15 years, and then remained almost constant value. The relative crystallinitiy of latewood was slightly higher than that of earlywood. The relative crystallinity in P. densiflora was a little lower at the base of stem, but no significant difference by height was shown in P. koraiensis and P. rigida. The crystallite widths in the stems were 2.8 to 3.0 nm, but were not significantly different in earlywood and latewood by height. In conclusion, the relative crystallinity appeared to be a useful index for separating juvenile wood from adult wood in the softwoods of P. densiflora, P. koraiensis, and P. rigida grown in Korea.

Development of Depositional Landforms in Upstream Reach of Ulsan Sayeon Dam Lake (울산 사연호 상류의 퇴적지형 발달)

  • Chang, Mun-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.409-421
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to consider the formation processes and depositional conditions of bars formed at the upper-stream part of Sayeon Dam since Sayeon Dam construction in 1964. Results of analyzing the shape characteristics of bars and their sediment grain size distribution are as follow: Firstly, bars are able to categorized as subaqueous bars (A, B), mid-channel bars(C, D), and tributary side-bars(E). Secondly, the outline of bars has longish along the flow path, and their height lowers more and more going towards downstream. Also the height of bar surface tend to heighten from flow path to mountain slope. However, the near part of A is comparatively higher than its distant part, A is defined as a subaqueous natural levee and back swamp. Thirdly, the average particle size of A and B become smaller toward mountain slope. In transportation style, ratio of suspended load become higher toward mountain slope. Fourthly, sorting is worse to very worse according with lake's random changable water level. Fifthly, bar A and B were formed by vertical sedimentation of sediments according as sediments transported along flow path in the subaqueous conditions were spreaded out of flow path. C and D were formed by bed load as flood level lowered. And E was formed by vertical sedimentation while stream flow stopped in tributary's mouth areas with the water level heightening.

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Sediment Characteristics of Waste Disposal Sites in the Southwestern UUeung Basin, the East Sea (동해 울릉분지 남서해역 해양투기장의 퇴적물 특성)

  • Chun, Jong-Hwa;Huh, Sik;Han, Sang-Joon;Shin, Dong-Hyeok;Cheong, Dae-Kyo;Hong, Ki-Hoon;Kim, Suk-Hyun
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.312-322
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    • 1999
  • We have studied both submarine morphology and sediment characteristics of waste disposal sites in the southwestern Ulleung Basin, East Sea, as part of a marine environmental preservation program. The Jung waste disposal site in the outer shelf is characterized by the thick accumulation of coarse-grained palimpsest sediments and fine-grained sediments from various sources. The Byung waste disposal site in the continental slope is generally characterized by hemipelagic muds with intermittent sandy sediments originated from the outer shelf and upper slope. The hemipelagic sediments, draping the seafloor, consist of fluidized muds. The core sediments show numerous bioturbation structures which cause vertical mixing of sediments. The surface sediments can be divided into four sand types (S-1, S-2, S-3, and S-4) and two mud types (M-1 and M-2) based on relative contents of reworked coarse-grained palimpsest sediments and fine-grained sediments. sorting and heavy mineral contents. The sands are probably relict sediments reworked during high-energy conditions such as typoon or storm. On the other hand, the muds were originated from various sources such as recent input from the Nakdong River, reworked fine-grained sediment from the shelf or suspended particulate matter from the East Sea Warm Current.

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Finite Difference Model of Unsaturated Soil Water Flow Using Chebyshev Polynomials of Soil Hydraulic Functions and Chromatographic Displacement of Rainfall (Chebyshev 다항식에 의한 토양수분특성 및 불포화 수리전도도 추정과 부분 치환 원리에 의한 강우 분포를 이용한 토양수분 불포화 이동 유한차분 수리모형)

  • Ro, Hee-Myong;Yoo, Sun-Ho;Han, Kyung-Hwa;Lee, Seung-Heon;Lee, Goon-Taek;Yun, Seok-In;Noh, Young-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2003
  • We developed a mathematical simulation model to portray the vertical distribution of soil water from the measured weather data and the known soil hydraulic properties, and then compared simulation results with the periodically measured soil water profiles obtained on Jungdong sandy loam to verify the model, In this model, we solved potential-based Richards' equation by the implicit finite difference method superimposed on the predictor-corrector scheme. We presumed that: soil hydraulic properties are homogeneous; soil water flows isothermally; hysteresis is not considered; no vapor flows; no heat transfers into the soil profiles; and water added to soil surface is distributed along the soil profile following partial displacement principle. The input data were broadly classified into two groups: (1) daily weather data such as rainfall, maximum and minimum air temperatures, relative humidity and solar radiation and (2) soil hydraulic data to approximate unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention. Each hydraulic polynomial function approximated using the Chebyshev polynomial and least square difference technique in tandem showed a fairly good fit of the given set of data. Vertical distribution of soil water as approximations to the Richards' equation subject to changing surface and phreatic boundaries was solved numerically during 53 days with a comparatively large time increment, and this pattern agreed well with field neutron scattering data, except for the surface 0.1 m slab.

Comparative analysis of cutting efficiency using culms of reed with genetic, environmental and methodological differences (유전 형질, 환경 인자, 식재 방법 차이에 따른 갈대 지상경 삽목 효율 비교 분석)

  • Hong, Mun-Gi;Kim, Jae-Geun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.603-611
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    • 2011
  • In order to enhance cutting efficiency of reed culms, we had assessed diverse methodology in cutting and applied better conditions among them into three vigorous eco-types of common reed. From the results, differences in a eco-type, a sampling area in reed population and substrata affected the shoot emergence slightly. On the other hand, differences in a type of burying culms and a burying part among whole culm affected shoot emergence strongly. Our results suggest that not only methodological condition but also appropriate kind of eco-types must be considered in using reed culms for better cutting. In addition that, sampling timing according to the geological and climatic condition of certain area should be considered for better cutting efficiency as well. We also recommend that the sampling area such as expanding area in a population, burying a middle part of the culm, substratum such as well-ventilated sand and vertical burying method for better cutting efficiency. Lastly, for more enhancement of cutting efficiency of reed culms, potential damages by blight and harmful insects such like aphids should be concerned very carefully.