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Present Status of Non-Native Amphibians and Reptiles Traded in Korean Online Pet Shop (한국 온라인 펫샵에서 거래되는 외래 양서파충류 현황)

  • Koo, Kyo Soung;Park, Hye Rin;Choi, Jae Hyeok;Sung, Ha Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.106-114
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    • 2020
  • The development of transportation and the expansion of the pet market has become the main causes of the increase in the cross-border migration of non-native species. Moreover, recent sales over the Internet were a factor that has promoted pet trades. While the import of non-native species has been steadily increasing in the Republic of Korea, it is not clear how these imported species are traded and how large the trade is. Considering that most of the non-native species found in the wild are the results of release by humans understanding the present situation of pet trades can identify potential non-native species that can enter the wild. This study surveyed the number of species, frequency, and prices of non-native amphibians and reptiles sold in 25 online pet shops from January 22 to February 10, 2019. The results of the survey showed that a total of 677 species of non-native amphibians and reptiles were sold, and the Squamata group accounted for the largest part of them at 65.4% (443 species). The number of non-native amphibians and reptiles sold in online pet shops in 2019 was 2.1 times larger than the 325 species officially imported in 2015. The non-native amphibians and reptiles sold in most pet shops were Litoria caerulea (21 shops) and Correlophus ciliatus (24 shops). The lowest price for non-native amphibians and reptiles was 3,000 won, and the highest price was 100 million won for Rhacodactylus leachianus of Squamata. Among the non-native amphibians and reptiles sold in online pet shops, 11 species were found in the wild and were sold at relatively low prices. We confirmed that Mauremys reevesii, an endangered species class II and natural monument no. 453, and American bullfrogs (albino), an ecosystem disturbing species, were being sold in online pet shops. Moreover, 21.6% of the 677 non-native amphibians and reptiles sold in online pet shops were species designated as CITES. The results of this study can be the important reference data for understanding the status of non-native amphibians and reptiles that are imported and sold in Korea and evaluating and predicting the potential for them to enter the wild.

생강 엑기스의 국산화 및 산업화를 위한 연구

  • 신애자
    • Food Industry
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    • s.99
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 1989
  • 양질의 국산 생강엑기스 제조기술 개발을 위한 본 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 본 연구에서 시료로 사용한 생강은 전라북도 봉동산과 충청남도 서산산이며, 이들 건강은 수분이 약$10\%$, 회분 $8\~9\%$, 조지방 $4\~5\%$이다. 2) 생강엑기스의 유효성분들은 건강입자에 내포되어 있는 상태에서 추출 속도는 반응층을 통한 확산모델로 설명된다. 침출 효율을 개선하기위해서는 다음과 같은 조건이 필수적이다. 3) 건강의 입자는 $10\~20{\mu}m$정도의 전분입자가 될수록 많이 노출되도록 160목을 통과하는 작은 입자로 분쇄하면 추출효율은 최대화 할 수 있다. - 추출온도는 엑기스의 주요성분의 손실이 무시되는 최대온도, $40^{\circ}C$가 최적이다. - 160목, $40^{\circ}C$에서 추출시간 3-4시간이 최적이다. - 이같은 조건에서의 엑기스 회수율은 약 $8\%$이다. 4) 엑기스내의 비자극성 성분은 회분 $0.5\~0.8\%$, 조지방 $1.2\~1.8\%$, 조단백 $2.8\~3.5\%$이고, 유리당은 거의 침출되지 않는다. 엑기스내의 주요 지방산은 Linoleic acid가 가장 많이 함유되어 있다. 5) 기계건조보다 일광건조에 의한 건강에서 추출된 엑기스의 품질이 양호하며, 외국산 고급 엑기스와 품질면에서 대등한 것이다. 6) 위와 같은 결과는 TLC로 분리하고 분리된 각 Spot를 HPLS로 분석, IR, NMR, LC/MS를 사용하여 주요성분을 확인 및 정량화하였다. 이로부터 엑기스내의 주요성분은 gingerol이 약 0.38, Shogaol이 약 0.027, 그리고 Paradol이 0.03의 농도분율을 가지고 있음을 알았다. 7) 기계건조 건강으로부터 얻은 엑기스는 상온 $\~100^{\circ}C$ 범위에서 휘발 및 열분해에 의한 무게감량이 양건강에 비해 약 2.7배나 높다. 그러므로 생강엑기스를 사용하여 제조되는 생강차 제조시 열풍건조($60^{\circ}C$, 30분)는 품질에 지대한 영향을 미친다는 것을 발견하였다. 8) 생강엑기스 제조는 건강 재배방법 저장기간과 방법, 건조방법이 건강특성을 좌우한다. 9) 본 연구에서 제시된 열분석(DSC와 TGA)방법을 도입한다면 신속하고 경제적으로 생강 엑기스 품질을 평가하는 데에 큰 기여가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 10) 양호한 생강차를 만들 수 있다고 선정된 엑기스는 수입 엑기스와 함께 양건강의 제품이다.

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Competitiveness Analysis of Forest Products for the Korea-EU FTA (한-EU FTA에 대비한 임산물 경쟁력 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Min;Chang, Cheol-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.3
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2009
  • Trade specialization index, import market share, unit value index, market comparative advantage index have been applied to compare the competitiveness of forest products in Korean and European markets for the case of Korea-EU FTA. The results say that no items of non-timber products would show a surge of imports as a result of FTA. Timber products, however, such as non-coniferous plywood, continuously shaped wood (non-coniferous), densified wood, wood wool and flour, other (plywood), other (particle board, 441039)), other (fiberboard), oriented strand board (other), other (particle board, 441090), other (particle board, 441031), Prefabricated buildings of wood, fibreboard (of a density exceeding $0.5g/cm^3$ but not exceeding $0.8g/cm^3$), wooden frames (for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects) and wood marquetry and inlaid wood are expected to increase of their imports by eliminating tariffs. For Korean exports no items of non-timber products have competitiveness in European market. For Korean pyroligneous liquid, which is the only competitive timber product in EU market in terms of MCA and TSI, it is difficult to decide whether it has competitiveness, since the actual exports have taken place occasionally during a period of last five years.

List of Intercepted Scale Insects at Korean Ports of Entry and Potential Invasive Species of Scale Insects to Korea (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) (우리나라 입항지에서 검출된 깍지벌레 목록 및 침입이 우려되는 깍지벌레(노린재목, 깍지벌레상과))

  • Suh, Soo-Jung;Yu, Hye Mi;Hong, Ki-Jeong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2013
  • An updated list is given of 113 species of scale insects which have been intercepted on plants imported into Korea during the period of 2007 to 2011. Information on the number of interceptions, origin, host plants and distribution of species intercepted at Korean ports of entry is provided. In addition, data on intercepted species was analyzed to determine potential invasive species of scale insects that could threaten Korean plants.

Economic Impact of the Tariff Reform : A General Equilibrium Approach (관세율(關稅率) 조정(調整) 경제적(經濟的) 효과분석(效果分析) : 일반균형적(一般均衡的) 접근(接近))

  • Lee, Won-yong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.69-91
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    • 1990
  • A major change in tariff rates was made in January 1989 in Korea. The benchmark tariff rate, which applies to about two thirds of all commodity items, was lowered to 15 percent from 20 percent. In addition, the variation in tariff rates among different types of commodities was reduced. This paper examines the economic impact of the tariff reform using a multisectoral general equilibrium model of the Korean economy which was introduced by Lee and Chang(1988), and by Lee(1988). More specifically, this paper attempts to find the changes in imports, exports, domestic production, consumption, prices, and employment in 31 different sectors of the economy induced by the reform in tariff rates. The policy simulations are made according to three different methods. First, tariff changes in industries are calculated strictly according to the change in legal tariff rates, which tend to over-estimate the size of the tariff reduction given the tariff-drawback system and tariff exemption applied to various import items. Second, tariff changes in industries are obtained by dividing the estimated tariff revenues of each industry by the estimated imports for that industry, which are often called actual tariff rates. According to the first method, the import-weighted average tariff rate is lowered from 15.2% to 10.2%, while the second method changes the average tariff rate from 6.2% to 4.2%. In the third method, the tariff-drawback system is internalized in the model. This paper reports the results of the policy simulation according to all three methods, comparing them with one another. It is argued that the second method yields the most realistic estimate of the changes in macro-economic variables, while the third method is useful in delineating the differences in impact across industries. The findings, according to the second method, show that the tariff reform induces more imports in most sectors. Garments, leather products, and wood products are those industries in which imports increase by more than 5 percent. On the other hand, imports in agricultural, mining and service sectors are least affected. Domestic production increases in all sectors except the following: leather products, non-metalic products, chemicals, paper and paper products, and wood-product industries. The increase in production and employment is largest in export industries, followed by service industries. An impact on macroeconomic variables is also simulated. The tariff reform increases nominal GNP by 0.26 percent, lowers the consumer price index by 0.49 percent, increases employment by 0.24 percent, and worsens the trade balance by 480 million US dollars, through a rise in exports of 540 million US dollars and a rise in imports of 1.02 billion US dollars.

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Breeding Status and Management System Improvement of Pseudemys concinna and Mauremys sinensis Designated as Invasive Alien Turtles in South Korea (법적지정 생태계교란생물의 사육 현황과 관리 개선 방안 - 리버쿠터와 중국줄무늬목거북을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Philjae;Yeun, Sujung;An, Hyeonju;Kim, Su Hwan;Lee, Hyohyemi
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2020
  • Exotic species have been imported for economic purposes, but more recently, an increasing number of animals are imported as pets. With the increasing popularity of two species of turtles, Mauremys sinensis and Pseudemys concinna, the number of pet turtle owners has gradually increased since 2014. The number of turtles increased by 180 in 2017 and 281 in 2019. However, these turtle species have been abandoned to nature, owing to their long lifespans and the changes in conditions of pet owners. The two turtle species have been designated as invasive alien species (AIS) in Korea considering their ecological risks, and the Biological Diversity Act prohibits their release. The owners of Mauremys sinensis and Pseudemys concinna are required to submit the "Application for Approval of Breeding and Grace for AIS" document. In this study, the breeding conditions for the two turtle species were investigated by analyzing the information in the submitted applications for six months (e.g., the suitability of breeding facilities, number of turtles, breeding period, type of pet adoption, and local district of pet owner). A total of 614 cases were analyzed. Because only 58% of breeders provided suitable breeding conditions, breeding information and responsible pet ownership training should be offered to prevent abandonment in natural ecosystems. In addition, continuous monitoring is necessary to prepare for potential problems caused by the lack of information in many applications and the one-off licensing policy.

A Study on Stable Isotope Ratio of Circulated Honey in Korea (국내 유통 벌꿀의 안정동위원소 비율에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Yoon-Jae;Kim, Jae-Young;Chang, Moon-Ik;Kang, Kyung-Mo;Park, Yong-Chjun;Kang, Il-Hyun;Do, Jung-Ah;Kwon, Ki-Sung;Oh, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2012
  • This study examines the authenticity discrimination of the circulated honey by using stable isotope ratio methods. In the case of domestic honey, the range of ${\delta}^{13}C$ for the samples labeled as pure honey was about -27- -21‰ at the $C_3$ origin, and the range of that for artificial honey was over -19‰ at the $C_4$ origin. The range of ${\delta}^{13}C$ for all imported honey was over -27- -23‰ originating from the $C_3$ plant. According to the nectar-source, ${\delta}^2H$ and ${\delta}^{18}O$ for domestic honey were significantly different for 6 and 5 groups, respectively. However, we could not explain the detailed relationship as well as the geographical feature of ${\delta}^2H$ and ${\delta}^{18}O$. The difference for ${\delta}^2H$ and ${\delta}^{18}O$ in the wide range of latitude, such as between Australia and Canada, was more or less shown. However, it was difficult to find out the trends of ${\delta}^2H$ and ${\delta}^{18}O$ for imported honey versus the geographical information in the similar latitudinal country.

Design and Implementation of Trip Generation Model Using the Bayesian Networks (베이지안 망을 이용한 통행발생 모형의 설계 및 구축)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gi;Lee, Sang-Min;Kim, Kang-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.7 s.78
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we applied the Bayesian Networks for the case of the trip generation models using the Seoul metropolitan area's house trip survey Data. The household income was used for the independent variable for the explanation of household size and the number of cars in a household, and the relationships between the trip generation and the households' social characteristics were identified by the Bayesian Networks. Furthermore, trip generation's characteristics such as the household income, household size and the number of cars in a household were also used for explanatory variables and the trip generation model was developed. It was found that the Bayesian Networks were useful tool to overcome the problems which were in the traditional trip generation models. In particular the various transport policies could be evaluated in the very short time by the established relationships. It is expected that the Bayesian Networks will be utilized as the important tools for the analysis of trip patterns.

Species Identification of Wooden Elements Used for Daewungjeon Hall in the Bukjijangsa Temple, Daegu, Korea (대구 북지장사 대웅전 목부재의 수종 식별)

  • Yeon, Jung-A;Park, Won-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the species of 117 wooden elements which were used in the Daewungjeon Hall (National Treasure No. 805, constructed in A. D. 1659) of Bukjijangsa Temple, Daegu, Korea. Pillars were identified as 5 red pines (hard pines; most likely, Pinus densiflora S. et Z.), 2 Cerris section of subgenus Lepidobalanus (deciduous oaks) and 3 Tsuga spp. Hwalju columns were 3 Abies spp. and 1 red pine. Head-penetrating ties were 8 red pines and 1 Cerris sp.; Pyeongbang, 3 red pines and 6 Cerris spp. Purlins were identified as 17 red pines, 16 Cerris spp. and 1 Tsuga sp. Angle rafters were 3 red pines and 1 Cerris sp., and end angle rafters, 2 red pines, 1 Zelkova serrata and 1 exotic hard pine. All of brackets (31 woods), jangyeo (4) and deot-chunyeo (2) were identified as red pines. As a whole, red pines (70.1%) and Cerris (22.2%) were major species used in the Daewungjeon Hall of Bukjijangsa Temple. Tsuga, Abies and exotic hard pines seem imported woods used for recent repairs.

Classification of Herbs in Vegetable Part, Pen-tsao-kang-mu(Bon-cho-kang-mok) (본초강목(本草綱目) 채부(菜部)에 수재된 본초(本草)의 분류(分類))

  • Sung, Jung-Sook;Moon, Sung-Gi;Park, Hee-Woon;Seong, Nak-Sul
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2002
  • Pen-tsao-kang-mu(Bon-cho-kang-mok), chinese medicinal plant book, was written by Lee sijin(1578), China. The subject of this study were 158 articles of vegetable part in Pen-tsao-kang-mu. Among them only 139 articles were able to be identified by authority of several references. By Engler's system they were classified into 8 divisions, 10 classes, 6 subclasses, 31 orders, 22 suborders, 52 families, 85 genera, 99 species, 12 varieties and 2 forma, and were confirmed 113 kinds of original plants. Among the divisions, Angiospermae was the most numerous division with 92 kinds(80.70%) and the second division was Fungi with 12 kinds(10.53%). The next was Rhodophyta with 4(3.51%) kinds. Other 19 articles were unable to be classified because of their ambiguous name.