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한국(韓國)의 거시경제(巨視經濟) 분기모형(分期模型) : KDIQ92

  • Baek, Ung-Gi;O, Sang-Hun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.3-86
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    • 1993
  • 본(本) 거시경제모형(巨視經濟模型)은 "케인즈"적인 소득지출모형(所得支出模型)으로서, 최근 개방화 및 자율화추세에 따라 크게 변모한 경제구조하에서 예측의 정확도를 높이고 대내외여건(對內外與件) 변화(變化)에 기인한 제반 영향을 보다 명확하게 분석하기 위해서 작성되었다. 모형(模型)의 구조(構造)는 6개 부문, 162개의 방정식으로 구성되어 있으며, 70년대와 80년대의 구조변화(構造變化)를 고려하여 1982년부터 1991년까지를 추정대상 기간으로 삼았다. 기존의 KDI 분기모형과 비교할 때 본(本) 개정모형(改定模型)의 가장 두드러진 특징은 총량변수를 항목별로 세분하여 대내외여건 변화시 경제에 마치는 영향을 기존의 총량수준보다 한 단계 더 세분화된 수준에서 파악하고자 한 점이다. 또한 각종 가격변수들의 시장조절기능(市場調節機能)을 반영하기 위해서 금리(金利), 임금(賃金), 환율(換率) 등을 내생화(內生化)하였고, 총통화(總通貨)와 장기자본수지(長期資本收支) 등도 모형내에서 결정되도록 하였다. 역사적(歷史的) 시뮬레이션의 결과, 주요 내생변수의 평균자승근퍼센트오차가 5% 내외의 양호한 수준을 나타냄으로써 본(本) 모형(模型)이 80년대의 구조변화(構造變化)를 적절히 반영하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 정책(政策)시뮬레이션은 원유 및 원자재수입가격과 같은 해외여건(海外與件) 변화(變化)와, 기타건설(其他建設), 정부소비지출(政府消費支出), 국내민간신용(國內民間信用)의 확대와 같은 정책변화(政策變化)의 두 부문으로 나누어 시행하였다. 원유 및 원자재가격의 상승은 우리 경제에 부(負)의 공급충격(供給衝擊)으로 작용함으로써 성장을 둔화시키고 물가를 상승시켰으며, SOC 투자를 포함한 기타건설(其他建設)의 증가(增加), 정부소비지출(政府消費支出),의 확대(擴大), 민간신용(民間信用)의 증가(增加)는 모두 단기적으로 경기부양의 효과는 있으나 장기적으로 물가를 더욱 상승시키는 것으로 나타나 물가(物價)와 성장(成長)이 서로 상충관계에 있는 것으로 파악되었다.

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정책알림 - 정부, 친환경 축산 종합대책 발표

  • 대한양계협회
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2014
  • 앞으로 축산업은 지속가능한 친환경산업으로의 전환이 추진된다. 생산과 유통, 소비 전 과정에 걸쳐 친환경산업으로 자리매김하며, 정부는 이를 위해 친환경 축산종합대책을 마련했다. 농림축산식품부는 "환경 사회적 고려가 부족했던 우리 축산업이 적절한 사육환경에서 고품질 안전 축산물을 생산하면서 환경을 보전하는 산업으로 전환되도록 '지속가능한 친환경 축산 종합대책'을 마련했다"고 지난 16일 밝혔다. 축산업은 그간 국민소득 증대에 따른 수요 증가에 힘입어 성장을 지속, 생산액이 1990년 4조원으로 전체 농림업 중 21.7%를 차지했으나 2012년 16조원, 34.6% 비중이 확대됐다. 또한 육가공, 사료 등 전 후방 연관산업을 포함시 생산액 약 56조원, 종사자수 약 36만명에 달하는 등 국가경제의 중요 일자리 산업이자 국민들의 주요 영양공급 산업으로 자리 잡았다. 실제 우리 국민의 연간 1인당 축산물(육류 계란 우유) 소비량은 1990년 71.1kg에서 2012년 119.8kg로 68.5% 증가한 반면 같은 기간 쌀 소비량은 119.6kg에서 69.8kg으로 41.6% 감소했다. 농림축산식품부는 "하지만 이러한 양적 성장과정에서 축산업이 환경 사회적으로 부정적인 영향을 끼쳤다"며 "이에 우리 축산업이 나아갈 방향을 재정립하고자 지난해 6월부터 생산자단체 및 전문가 등과 여러 논의를 거쳐 이번 대책을 마련했다"고 밝혔다. 한편 농림축산식품부는 이번 대책은 환경 보전 뿐 아니라 FTA 등 시장개방 확대 및 소비자 수요변화에 대응하면서 향후 우리 축산업이 지속가능한 발전을 위해 생산 유통 소비 전 과정에 걸쳐 친환경산업으로의 전환이 필요하다는 인식하에 이번 대책을 준비했다고 설명했다. '국민에게 신뢰받는 축산업' 육성을 비전으로 2012년 0.7%에 불과한 친환경 축산물(유기 동물복지) 공급비중을 2017년까지 5%로 늘려 나가고, 가축분뇨 공동자원화율을 9%에서 17%로 확대한다는 목표 아래 5대 중점과제를 선정했다. 지속가능한 친환경 축산 종합대책 주요내용은 다음과 같다.

IT 산업정책 성과와 2008년 추진방향

  • Seoul, Jeong-Sun
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2008
  • 우리 경제의 성장잠재력 저하에 대한 우려가 심화되는 상황에서 국민소득 2만불 시대 견인을 위해 2004년 수립한 IT 산업 발전전략이 IT839이다. 신성장동력 핵심기술 개발 등 IT839전략에 힘입어 세계 최초로 WiBro, DMB 기술개발과 국제표준화에 성공하는 등 IT분야 기술개발을 주도하여, 선진국과의 기술격차가 1년 이상 단축되었으며, 특히, 이동통신 DIV 분야는 미국, 일본 등 선진국 수준으로 경쟁력이 향상되는 성과를 보았다. 한편, 최근 IT를 둘러싸고 있는 환경은 IT를 기반으로한 융복합화 진전, 글로벌화 심화, 인터넷 확산과 웹의 진전이다. 2008년에는 이런 환경변화 속에서 IT산업의 지속적인 성장을 위한 전략을 수립.추진할 계획이다. 무선 융합환경에서 신시장 창출 및 선점, 고부가가치 IT산업의 집중 육성, IT중소기업, 핵심인력 양성 등 경쟁력 향상을 위한 기반 구축도 강화한다. IT R&D 정책은 기초 원천기술분야 R&D 투자비중을 확대하고, IT와 비IT융합 등 융합분야 기술개발 투자도 확대할 것이다. 혁신형 IT 중소기업 육성을 위해 민간 정책협력 네트워크인 IT전문협의회 운영을 개선하고, 중소기업의 원가절감을 위한 공통서비스 확대, 대 중소 기업의 상생협력을 제도화는 등 IT정책 인프라도 고도화한다. 또한, 반도체, 디스플레이 이후의 글로벌 주력품목군으로 IT SoC, u-센서, IT-BT-NT 융합분야 등 3대 핵심분야를 선정하여 집중 육성하고, 부품기업간 협업 활성화를 적극 유도할 것이다. 시장이 원하는 글로벌 수준의 인재양성을 목표로 공학교육인증 확산, IT 융합분야를 중심으로 대학의 R&D 지원도 강화하며, 전공역략을 갖춘 IT 전문인력, 석박사급 핵심 연구개발 인력, IT재직자 교육 등 시장이 원하는 맞춤형 인력양성도 병행 추진한다. 마지막으로 SW산업의 글로벌 경쟁력을 제고하고 신시장 창출을 위해 노력도 강화한다. 조선, 자동차 등 비 IT분야의 SW활용을 확산하기 위한 선도프로젝트를 추진하고, 틈새분야 중 세계적 시장점유율을 갖춘 중소기업 제품에 임베디드SW를 탑재하여 첨단기능을 구현하는 시범사업도 적극 추진할 계획이다.

A Study on the Influence on the Life Satisfaction according to the Type of Change Job Discrimination of the Disabled (장애인의 직장차별 변화유형에 따른 생활만족도에 대한 영향 연구)

  • Yeum, Dongmoon;Jang, Yumi;Lee, Jaekyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.526-534
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the degree of change of job discrimination of the disabled according to time and to identify factors affecting life satisfaction according to each type. For this study, data from the 3rd to 8th year of the employment panel for the disabled were used and 1,227 data were used. The longitudinal profile of the disabled person's discrimination was classified through latent profile growth analysis(LPGA), and then influential factors were verified through binomial logistic regression analysis. First, the types of change of the job discrimination of the disabled were represented as the decrease group and the increase group. The factors influencing the job discrimination were the degree of disability, chronic diseases, gross income, and life satisfaction. Second, the factors of predicting the life satisfaction according to the types of job discrimination of the disabled are as follows: job discrimination, decrease and increase group have higher life satisfaction as the self - esteem and socioeconomic status are higher. Based on these results, this study suggested the implications of this study to cope with the discrimination of the workplace with the disabled.

The Impact of College Education in the Korean Economic Growth (경제성장에 있어서 대학교육의 영향)

  • Kim, Seon Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.508-515
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to reanalyze the impact of college education in the Korean economic growth during the period 1971-2017. The study estimates the impacts of monthly average income per worker without college education with respects to the ratio of workers with college education to worker without college education, capital per worker without college education, and the number of patients per worker with college education. The results showed that the effect of the ratio of workers who had college education was 0.433 at 5% of significant level. In addition, it was estimated that the effect of the capital for each worker who didn't have college education was 0.45646 at 1% of significant level. These findings are similar to the results in the previous study of Kim and Lim. Finally, the number of patents per worker who had college education was estimated. Unfortunately, the coefficients on these were not statistically significant except for one period. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a positive spillover effect from the college education in the Korean economic growth.

An Empirical Analysis of the Agglomeration Effects of the 4th Industry on Local Economy (4차 산업 집적이 지역경제에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Joo, Mijin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.375-389
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    • 2021
  • Recent years have seen a rapid boom of the 4th industry and relevant policies in regions. However there are only a few studies about the impact of the 4th industry on the local economy. This study examines the agglomeration effects of the 4th industry on regional economy by using a spatial statistical models. As a result, it was found that the agglomeration of the 4th industry had a positive effect on the productivity of the local economy, while there is not good enough evidence to prove the relationship between the 4th industry and the income of the region. These findings indicate that the impact of the agglomeration of the fourth industry on the local economy is limited. In addition, the impact on the local economy was different by the type of the fourth industry, and the manufacturing industry and financial and insurance industries had a positive impact on the growth of the local economy.

Analysis of Determinants of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Korea: Considering Cross-sectional Dependence and Heterogeneous Coefficient (우리나라 이산화탄소 배출량 결정요인 분석: 횡단면 의존성과 계수 이질성을 고려하여)

  • Kim, So-youn;Ryu, Suyeol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.400-410
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the determinants of carbon dioxide emissions through the expanded STIRPAT model using panel data from 16 metropolitan cities and provinces in Korea from 2000 to 2019. After testing cross-sectional dependence and coefficient heterogeneity of panel data, we performed analysis using MG, CCEMG, and AMG estimation methods reflected these characteristics. The results of analysis using the AMG estimation method are as follows. The coefficients of income, population, and energy intensity were statistically significant with a positive sign, but urbanization was statistically insignificant. Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in Korea can be achieved through an increase in energy efficiency and sustainable economic growth. It is necessary to establish a policy that can contribute to sustainable economic growth by inducing productivity improvement through technology innovation reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the long-term as well as building a low-carbon society through active development of carbon dioxide reduction technology.

Market sentiment and its effect on real estate return: evidence from China Shenzhen

  • LI, ZHUO
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a phenomenon that analyze the impact of market sentiment on China's real estate market through the perspective of behavioral economics. Previously, real estate market analyzation basically focus on some fundamental principles which include market price, monetary policies and income, etc. However, little research has explored market sentiment and its influence. By using principal components analysis (PCA), this study first creates buyer's sentiment and seller's sentiment to measure the heat of China's real estate market. Different from using traditional estimation method, the vector autoregressive model (VAR) is used to analyze how both sentiments affect real estate return. The overall results show that from unit root test and impulse response analyzation, the impact of seller's sentiment is positive to real estate market while buyer's sentiment is negative. At the same time, the higher seller's sentiment will have different influence on the housing market compared with the higher buyer's sentiment.

The Determinants of FDI Inflow after Reform-Opening of China (중국에서 개혁·개방이후 FDI유입에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • Choi, Won-Ick;Han, Jong-Soo
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2016
  • China has retained economic growth rate of average 9% for more than ten years recently after China introduced capitalistic market economy system in 1979 by Deng Xiaoping. China has attracted foreign direct investment for a long time because it has retained very high economic growth rate, low labor cost, and various policies for foreign investors. This paper tries to analyse the determinants of foreign direct investment inflow after reform-opening of China with empirical analysis methods utilizing each province·city's specific characteristics by using the panel data from 1985 to 2013. For the empirical analysis we use random effect model, fixed effect model, pooled OLS, and random coefficient model. The results by pooled OLS and random coefficient model are presented for the comparison with the main results in the process of research. The research shows the results by fixed effect model are better than those by random effect model after doing Hausman's test. The results shows that GRDP, capital stock, and telecommunication exert a positive relationship with foreign direct investment, while express way variable exerts a negative one. China's education level surprisingly does not attract foreign direct investment even though it is not at a critical level. Therefore, the Chinese government should try to increase national income level as it symbolizes market size; encourage domestic investment; and construct high quality telecommunication infrastructure.

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A Study on Key Successful Factors of Cruise Port (크루즈 항만의 성공요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choong Bae;Lee, Jongkoo;Noh, Jinho
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.81-111
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    • 2013
  • Along with a general growth in living standards there has been a corresponding increase in the demand for tourism. Cruise based tourism, in particular, has become one of the most dynamic and dramatic growth sectors in the tourism industry over the last 20 years, including in the Northeast Asian region. In line with the growth of passenger numbers, the number of cruise ships and their berth capacities has increased significantly since the late 1970s. Korea, as a peninsular nation, has also experienced a rapid growth in cruise passenger numbers. The national economy has greatly benefited from this as the industry acts as an income generator, creating new jobs and potential investments and in developing local tourism. Ports play an important role in the development of any national cruise industry, providing not only ship berths but supply and bunkering facilities and a gateway to local tourism opportunities. The selection of the optimal cruise port location is an important and complex problem because the decision makers have to consider a large number of criteria which have a significant effect on the economy, environment, human life, and society. This paper investigates those criteria that are significant in developing a successful cruise port by employing a questionnaire survey of major cruise port users - shipping companies and tourism companies. The ports, surveyed in this study are Busan, Incheon, Yeosu and Jeju. All have been identified as important potential cruise ports in the Korean Government's 'The 3rd Port Basic Plan (2011-2020)'.