• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성장선

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Preparation of Ta-doped $TiO_2$ thin rums by co-sputtering and their photo-electrode properties (동시스퍼터법에 의한 Ta 도핑된 $TiO_2$ 박박 합성과 광전극 특성)

  • Yoon, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.165-168
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    • 2008
  • Ta-doped thin films were deposited on quartz and indium-tin oxide glass substrates using a co-sputtering method. The Ta-doped films formed a solid solution that induced structural changes from rutile to anatase phase. The anodic photocurrents of the Ta-doped $TiO_2$ electrodes were observed not only in UV but also in the visible light range. The photocurrent response in visible light on Ta-doped $TiO_2$ films are due to bandgap reduction.

Seasonality of shellfish collection determined by growth-line analysis of the hard clam, Meretrix petechialis (Lamarck) recovered from the Eurwang-dong Shell Midden, Incheon, Korea (인천 을왕동 패총 출토 말백합 Meretrix petechialis (Lamarck) 의 성장선 분석을 이용한 패류 채집의 계절성 연구)

  • An, Deog-im;Ryu, Dong-Ki
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2016
  • Growth-line analysis was carried out on 80 hard clam (Meretrix petechialis) from the Neolithic Age Eurwang-dong Shell Midden, Incheon, Korea, to determine the seasonality of shellfish collection and site occupation. Growth increments and the marginal index (MI) of the specimens were examined. And then the marginal index was compared to the monthly MI of modern specimens under the assumption that the growth pattern was the same as it is today. MI of the archaeological specimens ranged from 0.12 to 1.55 and was divided into four categories: < 0.63, spring; 0.63-0.76, summer; 0.76-0.89, fall; $${\geq}_-0.89$$, winter collection. As a result, 57 specimens (71.25%) of 80 specimens represented spring, 8 (10.0%) summer, 3 (3.75%) fall and 12 (15.0%) winter collection. The result indicates that shellfish could be collected year-round at the site with an emphasis on spring. Based on the size distribution of shells and the content of the midden, however, it seems that the midden site was not occupied permanently throughout the year but was used repeatedly but temporally for shellfish gathering and processing.

A study on the SiC selective deposition (SiC의 선택적 증착에 관한 연구)

  • 양원재;김성진;정용선;오근호
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 1998
  • SiC thin films were deposited by chemical vapor deposition method using tetramethylsilane (TMS) and hexamethyldisilane (HMDS). The chamber pressure during the deposition was kept at about 1 torr. Precursor was transported to the reaction chamber by $H_2$gas and SiC deposition was carried out at the reaction temperature of $1200^{\circ}C$. Si-wafer masked with tantalum and MgO single crystal covered with platinum and molybdenum were used as substrates. The selectivity of SiC deposition was observed by comparing the microstructure between metal (Ta, Pt, and Mo) surfaces and substrate surfaces (Si and MgO). The deposited films were identified as the $\beta-SiC$ phase by X-ray diffraction pattern. Also, the deposition -behavior of SiC on each surface was investigated by the scanning electron microscope analysis.

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Electrical Properties of ZnTe:Cu Films Grown by Hot-Wall Evaporation (열벽 증착(hot-wall evaporaton) 방법으로 성장한 ZnTe:Cu 박막의 전기적 특성)

  • Park, S.G.;Nam, S.G.;O, B.S.;Lee, K.S.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1997
  • Cu-doped ZnTe thin films have been grown by hot-wall evaporation. The electrical conductivity of the intrinsic ZnTe film was of p-type and as low as $10^{-6}({\Omega}{\cdot}cm)^{-1}$. As the doped Cu concentration was increased, the electrical conductivity was increased. up to $10^2({\Omega}{\cdot}cm)^{-1}$, but the mobility was decreased a little. The heavily doped sample shows the metal-like electrical resistivity.

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A Study on Activation Methods of Connection System for Changwon & Masan Station in Gyeongjeon Line (경전선 창원.마산역의 연계체계구축 및 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Cheon-Hi;Oh, Yoon-Sic;Shim, Myeong-Gu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.703-721
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    • 2010
  • Railroad is the environment-friendly green growth transportation system and it needs connection and transfer system. Connection system can be a national core project centered in main railroad stations. If there is no transfer system for customers, it's very difficult to achieve green growth and the activation service for public transportation. This study will introduce the establishment of connection & transfer system and the activation methods between main stations in South Gyeongsang area (Changwon, North-Changwon, and Masan) and other transportation modes. These methods will be the model for connection & transfer system of main stations, and will be applied to adopt methods for customers' convenience of railroad public transportation.

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폐염균 다당류 정제 방법의 개발 및 한국형 폐염균의 수집

  • 임관기;김수남;강연현;이동권
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.144-144
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    • 1993
  • 한국에서 유행하는 페염균 type을 결정하기 위한 기초 실험을 수행하여 서울대병원과 서울중앙병원의 환자로부터 분리한 88개의 폐염균주를 담즙산에 의한 용해도 및 Optochin에 대한 민감성 등을 측정하고 폐염균의 type을 결정하기 위해서 Double diffusion, Countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis, Rocket immunoelectrophoresis 방법 등으로 폐염균 항혈청과 반응하였다. 또한 ATCC로부터 구입한 폐염균주를 이용하여 배지조성의 변화에 따른 폐염균 생장을 측정하기 위해 CAT broth, Brain Heart Infusion broth, Defined Media에서 3가지 type의 균주(Type I, III, IV)를 접종하고 37$^{\circ}C$에서 배양하면서 1시간마다 550nm에서 흡광도를 측정하였다. 3가지 type (Type I, III, IV)의 폐염균주로부터 협막다당류를 phenol Iysis 추출법으로 폐염균 Capsule 다당류의 분리하여 Total Sugar 함량, Uronic acid 함량, 0-Acetyl 함량, 단백질 함량, 핵산 함량, 분자량분포 Countr-current immunoelectrophoresis 등을 실시하여 폐염균 백신 규격에 부합되는지 확인하였다. 수집한 88개의 폐염균주가 모두 담즙산에 의해 용해되고 6mm Optochin disc를 사용하였을때 성장 저지원이 모두 14mm 이상으로 나타나 감수성이 있어서 폐염균임을 확인하였으며 폐염균의 type 결정에 필요한 방법을 설정하였다. 배지조성에 따른 폐염균의 생장을 측정한 결과 CAT broth 에서는 Type I만이 잘 배양되었고 Type III, IV는 늦게 배양되었으나, Brain Heart Infusion broth에서는 3가지 Type이 모두 잘 배양되었고, Defined Media 에서는 Type I만이 성장되었을 뿐 나머지 두 Type은 배양되지 않았다. 본 실험방법으로 분리된 폐염균 다당류는 폐염균 백신 규격중의 6가지 항목에서 적합하였으며 Statens(Denmark)로부터 구입한 항체와 뚜렷한 침강선을 나타내었다.

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Cloning of RNA1 Gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Saccharomyces cerevisiae에서 RNA1 유전자의 클로닝)

  • 송영환;고상석;이영석;강현삼
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 1989
  • The temperature sensitive (ts) mutation on RNA1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae prevents growth at restrictive temperature ($36^{\circ}C$) by accumulation of precursor tRNA, rRNA and mRNA (Hutchison et al., 1969; Shiokawa and Pogo, 1974; Hopper et al., 1978). RNA1 gene was cloned by complementation of the temperature sensitive growth defect of an rna1-1 mutant strain and identified by retransformation and concomitant loss of recombinant plasmid on non-selective condition. By deletion mapping, it was found that RNA1 gene resides within 3.5kb of BgII fragment.

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Dependence of the Morphology of Hydroxyapatite on pH and Solvent Species (용액의 산도 및 용매의 종류에 따른 수산화인회석의 형태 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Youngyon;Kwon, Ki-Young
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.543-545
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    • 2016
  • Four different hydroxyapatites (HAP) were prepared by a solvothermal method under different pHs and solvent species. The synthesized hydroxyapatites were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Four HAPs exhibited similar XRD patterns regardless of synthetic conditions. However, the morphology of hydroxyapatites was dependent of pH and solvent species under synthetic condition. The HAP prepared in pH 12 showed an elongated shape along the [001] direction compared to that prepared in pH 8. Also, the morphology of the HAPs synthesized in the presence of methanol and ethanol exhibited the more elongated hexagonal rod shape along the [001] direction with the high aspect ratio.

The Effects of Group Meridian Massage on Infant' Growth and Parenting Stress, Parenting Self-Efficacy in their Mothers (집단 영아경락마사지가 영아의 성장, 어머니의 양육스트레스와 양육효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Kyoul-Ja;Lee, Myung-Hee;Ji, Eun-Sun
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.252-260
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate effect of Meridian massage on the infant' growth and parenting stress, parenting self-efficacy in their mothers. Method: The participants were 65 mothers of infants who visited one public health center in Yangju city. Data were collected from February, 2007 to December, 2007. Infant in the experimental group were given Meridian massage for 50min(lecture 20min, practice 15min, preparation and arrangement 15min) once a week for 6 weeks. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Result: Regarding growth, infants in the experimental group increase in height compared to those in the control group. There was no difference in infants weight between the two groups. Parenting Stress of mothers were significantly lower for experimental group compare to control group. Parenting Self-efficacy of mothers were significantly higher for experimental group compare to control group. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that maternally administered Meridian massage should be applied clinical practice to improve growth of infants, emotional condition of mothers and interaction of infants and their mothers.

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The Adolescence's Lived Experiences of Group Home (청소년의 그룹홈 체험 연구 -삐뚤 혹은 삐딱한 선으로 그린 우리 집-해석학적 현상학적 접근)

  • Kim, Sun-Min;Cho, Sun-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 2010
  • Group home family has emerged in the era of various forms of family existing. There are adolescents who are 'living in group home' yet, the meanings of living in group home have received little attention in the literature. The authors attempts to reveal the lived experiences of group home residents and the meanings of living in a group home with group of people from different backgrounds. The authors reveals 'being cared for' and 'being there for each other' are the themes of lived experience to the group home residents. The study shows how the residents had survived in their family of origin and how those experiences have affected one's lived experience in their living in group home.

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