• Title/Summary/Keyword: 섬유분석

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Slump and Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Steel-PVA Fiber Reinforced Concrete (강섬유와 PVA 섬유로 하이브리드 보강된 콘크리트의 슬럼프 및 역학적 특성)

  • Yang, Keun-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2010
  • Sixteen concrete mixes reinforced with hybrid steel-polybinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers and a control concrete mix with no fiber were tested in order to examine the effect of the micro and macro fibers on the slump and different mechanical properties of concrete. Main variables investigated were length and volume fraction of steel and PVA fibers. The measured mechanical properties of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete were analyzed using the fiber reinforcing index and compared with those recorded from monolithic steel or PVA fiber reinforced concrete. The initial slump of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete decreased with the increase of the aspect ratio and the volume fraction of fibers. In addition, splitting tensile strength, modui of rupture and elasticity, and flexural toughness index of concrete increased with the increase of the fiber reinforcement index. Modulus of rupture and flexural toughness index of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete were higher than those of monolithic fiber reinforced concrete, though the total volume fraction of hybrid fibers was lower than that of monolithic fiber. For enhancing the flexural toughness index of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete, using the steel fiber of 60 mm length was more effective than using the steel fibers combined with 60 mm and 30 mm lengths.

Preparation and characterization of melamine resin microcapsules by in-istu polymerization. (In-situ 중합법에 의한 마이크로캡슐의 제조 및 특성분석)

  • 백남중;박연흠;김영준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.316-319
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    • 2001
  • 기능성 섬유는 원하는 기능을 발휘할 수 있는 기능성 물질을 섬유 또는 직물상에 물리적 혹은 화학적으로 처리함으로써 제조할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 기능성 물질들이 물리적 혹은 화학적으로 불안정하거나 섬유에 대한 친화력이 약할 경우에는 기능성 물질들의 내구성이 저하되는 문제점이 발생한다. 이러한 문제점을 마이크로캡슐을 이용한 가공기술로 극복하려는 노력이 있었다. (중략)

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A Study for the Blob and Weft Float Detection on the Textile (섬유의 이물질유입 및 위사빠짐 검출에 대한 연구)

  • 오춘석;이현민
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2000
  • 섬유의 자동 검사에서는 섬유 패턴과 연관이 있는 결함과 패턴과 연관이 없는 결함의 2 부류를 검사하게 된다 본 논문에서는 이들 결함의 검사를 2 단계에 거쳐서 하게 되는데, 섬유 패턴에 독립적인 결함을 프로파일 분석을 통해 우선 검출하고, 섬유 패턴에 종속적인 결함을 co-occurrence 행렬을 이용해 검출하는 기법을 소개한다. 이렇게 해서 검출된 결함들은 Back-propagation 알고리즘을 사용해 분류된다. 이 기법을 통한 실험에서 백색 유광택 타포린에서 발생하는 이물질유입 및 위사빠짐을 97.1%이상 검출할 수 있었다.

Performance Evaluation of High Strength Concrete with Composite Fibers in Accordance with High Temperature (복합섬유가 혼입된 고강도 콘크리트의 고온가열에 따른 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Seung-Ki;Kim, Woo-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2015
  • The objective of the present study is to investigate how elevated temperature ranging from $100^{\circ}C$ to $800^{\circ}C$ as well as room temperature affects the variation of mechanical properties of high strength concrete ($over\;f_{ck}=60MPa\;grade$). In this experiment, specimens were exposed for a period of $2^{\circ}C/min$ to temperatures of $20^{\circ}C$, $100^{\circ}C$, $200^{\circ}C$, $300^{\circ}C$ $400^{\circ}C$, $500^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$, $700^{\circ}C$ and $800^{\circ}C$, respectively. Accordingly, the study investigated the fire resistance performance of high strength concrete mixed with composite fibers which composed with hybrid fibers and steel fibers. After cooling down to ambient temperature, the following basic mechanical properties were then evaluated and compared with reference values obtained prior to thermal exposure: (i) compressive strength in room temperature; (ii) residual compressive strength; (iii) Poisson's ratio; (iv) weight change; (v) SEM analysis & XRD analysis In addition, XRD and SEM Images analyses were performed to investigate chemical and physical characteristics of high strength concrete with composite fibers according to high temperature.

A study on Sliding Friction and Wear Characteristics of Hybrid Composites at Medium Sliding Speed (중속에서의 하이브리드 복합재료의 미끄럼 마찰 및 마모 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 정형범;윤재륜
    • Composites Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2000
  • Tribological properties of fiber composite materials were measured and wear resistant hybrid structure was proposed based upon the understanding of tribological behavior of the composite materials. Unidirectional composites with glass fibers, carbon fibers, and aramid fibers were tested for tribological properties in order to propose a wear resistant hybrid structure. Hybrid composites which contain carbon and aramid fibers were prepared, the specimens were sliced by a water-jet cutter, and friction and wear properties were measured. An experimental set-up was designed and built for the friction and wear test of the composite specimens. Unidirectional fiber composite and hybrid composite specimens were tested to evaluated the tribological behavior for biomimetic applications. It is observed that the friction and wear behavior of fiber composites depends upon fiber orientation, sliding speed, and type of reinforcing fibers.

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Experimental and Phenomenological Modeling Studies on Variation of Fiber Volume Fraction during Resin Impregnation in VARTM (VARTM 공정에서 수지 함침에 따른 섬유체적율 변화의 측정 및 현상학적 모델링 연구)

  • Kim, Shin O;Seong, Dong Gi;Um, Moon Kwang;Choi, Jin Ho
    • Composites Research
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.340-347
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    • 2015
  • As resin impregnates through the fiber preform in vacuum assisted resin transfer molding process, the volume of fibers is changed by expansion of fiber mat according to filling time. It causes not only the change in dimension but also the decrease of mechanical properties of the composite product. Moreover, it results in the economic loss by increase of the used amount of resin especially in the large product such as wind turbine blade. In this study, the ways to control fiber volume fraction were investigated by both the experimental and theoretical analyses on the expansion of fiber preform as the preform was impregnated by resin in the VARTM process. Two kinds of swelling stage were observed as flow front progressed, which was analyzed by comparing the experimental and simulation results. The process parameters are expected to be optimized by investigating the swelling behavior of fiber preform in the manufacturing process of the composite product.

Reinforcing Characteristics of Hybrid Fiber Composite Fixed with Impact Anchor (타격식 앵커를 이용한 하이브리드 섬유보강재의 보강특성)

  • Ha, Sang-Su;Choi, Dong-Uk;Lee, Chin-Yong;Kim, Dong-Wan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.453-456
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    • 2008
  • Fiber composite is high anticorrosive, high strength and low weight ratio of strength(1/4 of reinforcing bar) so that strengthens concrete structures without increase of additional weight. But fiber composite has a brittle character which increases to the maximum stress point lineally and is suddenly destroyed. Hybrid fiber composite is developed to overcome weakness of fiber composite. The hybrid fiber composite is manufactured by bar type and consists of 9:1 volume ratio(glass : carbon). In this study the result indicates that it is purposed to find out reinforcing characteristics of hybrid fiber composite fixed with impact anchor.

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Analysis of General Components, Mineral Contents, and Dietary Fiber Contents of Synurus deltoides (수리취(Synurus deltoids)의 일반성분, 무기질 및 식이섬유에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Hee;Choi, Byoung-Gon;Lim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Heo, Nam-Ki;Yu, Seong-Hee;Kim, Jong-Dai;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.1631-1634
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to estimate the general components, minerals, and dietary fiber contents of Synurus deltoides. S. deltoides contained 81.1% moisture content, and the proportions of crude fat, crude protein, crude ash, and crude fiber were 0.3%, 4.2%, 2.6%, and 3.5%, respectively. Potassium (3,249.1 mg) was the most abundant component among the minerals in S. deltoides. In addition, S. deltoides contained many other minerals, e.g. calcium (854.8 mg), phosphorus (60.3 mg), magnesium (344.7 mg), sodium (57.3 mg), zinc (1.7 mg), iron (30.9 mg), copper (0.8 mg), and manganese (5.8 mg). Almost all of the mineral contents of S. deltoides were higher than those of Aster scaber and Ligularia fischeri, except for zinc, copper, and manganese. Total dietary fiber (TDF), insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) contents of S. deltoides were 42.6 g, 37.9 g, and 4.7 g, respectively, and these were also higher than those of A. scaber and L. fischeri used in this study. These results suggest that S. deltoides may be a valuable nutrient source.

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Natural Fiber Mat (수평 천연섬유배수재의 공학적 특성 평가를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Ju Hyong;Cho, Sam-Deok
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2005
  • Natural fiber mat made with compressed coconut mat and jute filter is in the spotlight recently as an alternative material for sand mat, which is getting expensive in Korea. Tensile strength and permeability tests for the natural fiber mat were carried out to evaluate for its practical use in this study. Despite of very low tensile strength of coconut mat, that of jute filter was satisfied with conventional criteria of geotextile suggested by Christopher and Holtz(1985). Besides, permeability of fiber mat under high compressive pressure was greater than that of conventional sand material used as sand mat. It was found that the fiber mat has a great potential in substituting the conventional sand material.

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Characteristic Change of PVDF-$SiO_2$ Composite Nanofibers with Different Thermal Treatment Temperature (열처리 온도에 따른 PVDF-$SiO_2$ 복합나노섬유의 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Young-Jin
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.605-609
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    • 2011
  • Composite nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning and thermal treatment from poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)-$SiO_2$ blend solution. The nanofibers were stacked on layers to produce fully interconnected pores. TEM micrographs and EDX spectra confirmed the presence of $SiO_2$ in the composite nanofibers. The porosity of nanofibers was effectively enhanced by the introduction of electrospinning technique. ATR-FTIR and XRD results revealed that PVDF in the composite nanofibers exhibited the mixture crystal structure of ${\alpha}$-phase and ${\beta}$-phase. The crystal structure of ${\alpha}$-phase and crystallinity increased by the thermal treatment. In addition, the mechanical properties, thermal stability and hydrophobicity were markedly amplified by the thermal treatment.