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Treatment of Animal Wastewater Using Woodchip Trickling Filter System and Physical and Microbial Characteristics of Wood Chip Media (목편살수여상조를 이용한 축산뇨오수 처리와 목편여재의 물성 및 부착미생물 특성)

  • Ryoo, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2011
  • Trickling filter has been extensively studied for the domestic wastewater treatment especially for the small scale plants in rural area. The purpose of this research is to survey the physical and microbial characteristics of wood chip media and the removal efficiency of animal wastewater using wood chip trickling filter system. The trickling filtration system comprises a filtration bed packed with wood chip media having a particle dia. of 5~7cm. The method comprises natural air from the bottom of the bed. The system also comprises a control mechanism including a time a constant discharge pump for controlling supply of the wastewater into the bed. The following conclusions were obtained from the results of this research. 1. The specific surface area of wood chip was 0.4123 $m^2$/g, pore volume was 0.0947 $cm^3$/g, density was 0.49 g/$cm^3$. It has forms of parallelogram and oblong which have numerous small pore space. This wood chip has been good condition for microorganism's habitat, having very larger specific surface area by complex the three dimension structure of cellulose at wood's major ingredients. 2. The total counts of in attached aerobic microbes were ranged from $10^6$ to $10^8$ CFU/g, and anaerobes microbial numbers were from $10^4$ to $10^7$. The aerobic microbial numbers appeared to be much more than those of anaerobic microbial numbers. 3. The average efficiency of $BOD_5$ and CODcr were 74.5% and 51.5%, respectively. The removal efficiency of T-N and T-P were 61.4%, 56.2%, respectively. But SS removal levels remain 19.3%.

Evaluation of Whole Crop Barley for Silage Quality Contest in 2008 (2008년도 사일리지 품질경연대회에 출품한 청보리의 품질 평가)

  • Lee, Joung-Kyong;Kim, Jong-Duk;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Jeon, Gyeong-Heop;Kim, Jong-Geun;Seo, Sung;Jung, Min-Woong;Choi, Jin-Hyuk;Jo, Nam-Chul;Park, Hyung-Soo;Kim, Won-Ho;Lim, Young-Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2009
  • The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is now widely grown as a whole crop silage in Korea, but the quality of that silage does not examined from farms. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the forage quality of whole crop barley that was participated in Silage Quality Contest in 2008. These data were classified by region, dry matter (DM) yield, with or not additive, planting and harvest date. Difference on the lactic acid content of barley silage was detected in the region, DM yield, additive and harvest date (p<0.05), however, there were partially significant differences in chemical composition. There were significant differences among moisture content in DM yield, pH in additive, and crude ash content in additive and planting date of barley silage. Crude protein content was significant difference in the region, and ether extract content was in region, DM yield and harvest date, however, non-fiber carbohydrate was significant difference in planting date of barley silage. Neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and relative feed value were significant difference only in the cultivation region of whole crop barley. According to this experiment, differences in the silage quality were observed among whole crop barley silages. Therefore, nutritive value as well as moisture and pH are important in silage quality evaluation of whole crop barley. Especially, lactic acid is an important factor for the evaluation of whole crop barley silage.

Radium Isotope Ratio as a Tracer for Estimating the Influence of Changjiang Outflow to the Northern Part of the East China Sea (라듐 동위원소 방사능비를 추적자로 사용한 동중국해 북부 해역에서 장강 유출수의 영향 추정)

  • Kim, Kee-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2009
  • In order to understand the present environmental condition and future impingement of Changjiang(Yangtze River) outflow upon the adjacent seas after the scheduled completion of the Sanxia (Three Gorges) Dam in 2009, we tried to estimate the mixing ratios among surface waters of three end-members: Changjiang Water (CW), Kuroshio Water (KW), and East China Sea Water (ECSW) using $^{228}Ra/^{226}Ra$ activity ratio and salinity as tracers. Water samples were collected from 32 stations in November 2005 (R/V Tamgu 3), from 20 stations in July 2006 (R/V Ocean 2000) and from 17 stations in August 2006 (R/V Ieodo) in the northern part of the East China Sea. Radium isotopes in ~300 liters of surface seawater were extracted onboard by filtering through manganese impregnated acrylic fibers and following coprecipitation as $Ba(Ra)SO_4$. Activities of radium isotopes were determined by a high purity germanium detector. Results show that the fraction of CW was in the range of 1-23% in the study area, while KW was in the range of 0-30 % and ECSW 58-100 %. The eastward plume of Changjiang outflow, commonly observed in satellite images during summer and also displayed by the eastward-decreasing CW fraction in this study, could be attributed to Ekman transport caused by the SE monsoon prevailing in this region during summer. Results of this study showed that in the drought season, there was a little or no fraction of CW in the study area. Concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) showed strong positive relationship with the fraction of CW, suggesting Changjiang as the major source of nitrogen. The mixing curve of DIN indicates the removal of nitrate by biological uptake during the mixing of CW with ambient seawater in the study area.

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Corn-Based Forage Cropping Systems in Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Prevalent Area (흑조위축병이 심한 남부지방에서 옥수수를 중심으로 한 사료작물 작부체계)

  • 이석순;이진모
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 1989
  • Forage productivity of cropping systems of rye - silage corn, silage corn - oats, silage corn - rape was studied in the south-eastern part of Korea where rice black-streaked dwarf virus(RBSDV) infection of corn are severe. Rye(cv. Paldanghomil) was planted on Oct. 20 of 1986 and harvested 10 times from April 5 to May 5 at the 5-day intervals in 1987, corn (cv. Suweon 19 and Jinjuok) was planted 5 times from April 5 to May 15 at the 10-day intervals in 1987, and oats(cv. Megwiri) and rape (cv. Velox) were planted 4 times from Sept: 4 to 25 at the 7-day intervals and harvested 4 times from Nov. 10 to Dec. 10 at the 10-day intervals in 1987. Considering yield, nutrition value, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), forage productivity of the cropping systems was compared. As harvesting time of rye delayed, plant height, dry matter(DM) yield, percent DM, crude fiber, and digestible DM yield increased, but crude protein, crude fat, and IVDMD decreased. However, nitrogen free extract was not different among the harvesting dates. As planting date of corn delayed, RBSDV infection rate increased. but DM yield of silage decreased. However, silage yield of Jinjuok was higher, but RBSDV infection rate was lower compared with Suweon 19 at all planting dates. DM yield of oats and rape decreased as planting date delayed. However, at Sept. 4 and 11 plantings yield of oats on Nov. 10 was much lower than that of rape, but the differences in yield between two crops decreased with delayed harvesting, and yield was similar on Dec. 10. A cropping system harvesting rye around April 20 and followed by planting corn in late April was best among the rye-corn systems considering yield and nutrition value of both crops. However, among the corn-oats or corn-rape cropping systems early April planting of corn and followed by early Sept. planting of oats or rape showed best results with similar yield potential of the best rye-corn cropping system.

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Effects of Seeding Date on Ecological Response, Forage Yield Potential and Chemical Composition in Jeju Native Sorghum(Sorhgum bicolor L.) (제주 재래수수의 파종기에 따른 생태반응, 사료수량성 및 조성분 분석)

  • Cho, Nam-Ki;Kang, Young-Kil;Song, Chang-Khil;Jeun, Yong-Chull;Oh, Jang-Sik;Cho, Young-Il;Park, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2004
  • In order to identify the growth characteristics, the yield and chemical composition of Jeju native sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.) based on seeding date in Jeju region. Seeding carried out the 10-day intervals from March 27 to May 27 in 2000, respectively. Plant height was 222.9 cm, Showing the highest on seeding date, April 7 among that of any other seeding date. On the other hand, those of early and late seeding gradually decreased. The results of stem diameter, number of leaves were similar to those of the plant height. The yield of fresh, dry matter forage, crude protein and TDN found the highest on April 7 seeding, 48.0 MT/ha, 12.0 MT/ha, 1.0 MT/ha, 5.3 MT/ha, respectively. In early and late seeding, the yield was gradually decreased. According to delaying the seeding date, March 27 to May 27, the contents of crude protein (from 7.8 to $11.4\%$) ether extract(from 1.7 to $3.3\%$), nitrogen free extract(from 34.1 to $40.0\%$) and TDN(from 42.9 to $52.5\%$) were gradually increased, respectively. On the other hand, those of crude fiber (from 40.6 to $32.3\%$) and crude ash (from 10.3 to $7.6\%$) were decreased. These results showed that April 7 was the optimum seeding date with the sole object of feed production of Jeju native sorghum.

Effect of Mower Conditioner at Different Harvest Stage on the Field Drying Rate and Quality of Rye Hay (수확시기별 Mower Conditioner 처리에 의한 속성 양질 호밀 건초조제 효과)

  • Chung, E.S.;Seo, S.;Kim, J.G.;Kang, W.S.;Kim, J.D.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 1999
  • A field experiment was carried out to determine the effects of chemical /mechanical treatments at mowing on the field drying rate and hay quality of rye (Secale cereale L.). The chemical drying agent/mower conditioner ($K_2CO_3$ 2%, conditioning, $K_2CO_3$ 2% + conditioning and control) were treated at different harvest stage (late boot, heading and bloom stage) for hastening hay-making in the spring of 1996. After field dry, square bales were made by hay baler, and the dry matter(DM) loss, visual estimation and nutritive value of rye hay were evaluated after storing two months. The field drying rate of rye was higher with delayed stage of harvest, and mechanical and chemical + mechanical treatment, but the effectiveness of chemical alone was very low. With mower conditioning, the duration of field dry was shortened by 1.5 to 2 days compared with control. The DM loss of rye hay was reduced by late harvest and mechanical, and chemical + mechanical combined treatment, but the efficiency by chemical alone was very low. The visual score (Ieafiness, green color, odor and softness) of hay after storing was high in mechanical and chemical + mechanical, but the score by chemical alone was very low. The nutritive value (ADF, NDF, digestibility, and relative feed value) of hay was also high with treatment of mechanical and chemical + mechanical, but the quality by chemical alone was similar compared with control. The quality of hay was very low when harvested at bloom stage. In conclusion, mower conditioning can enhance the field drying rate of rye, but the drying effectiveness of chemical drying agent was very low. The effect of chemical/mechanical combined treatment was very similar when compared with mechanical alone. Harvest at early heading to heading stage was recommended for high quality rye hay.

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Study on the Food Habits of Korean Native Goats (Capra hircus) Fed with Various Roughage Sources (여러 가지 조사료를 급여한 재래산양의 채식습성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2008
  • The object of this experiment was to investigate the food habits of Korean native goats fed with various roughage sources. The feeding trials were conducted at Chungnam National University and Unbong Animal Genetic Resources Station in 2007. The experimental roughages sources were five including 25 species in all; grass sources: 5 species (Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea, Poa pratensis, Agrostis alba and mixed grass, legume sources: 5 species (Trifolium pratense, Medicago sativa, Trifolium repens, Melilotus officinalis and Vicia villosa), browse sources: 5 species(Quercus serrata Thunb., Prunus jamasakura Sieb., Quercus aliena Blume, Robinia pseudoaccacia and Pinus densiflora), weed sources: 5 species(Artemisia princeps Pampanini, Erigeron canadensis, Alopecurus aegualis Sobolewski, Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea (Roxb.) Wight and Rumex crispus), and native grass sources: 5 species(Zoysia japonica Steudel, Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens(Hack) Ohwi., Arundinella hirta(Thunb.) Tanaka, Miscanthus sinensis Anderss and Phragmites comunis Trin). Ten Korean native goats were selected which had nearly the same body weight(average 30.6kg, 남) as experimental animals. Experimental roughages were prepared by 0.5kg per 1 species fed to Korean native goats, and the experiment was carried out from 08:00 to 20:00. The chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of each roughage source and species were significantly different at the sampling area, plant species, growth stages and cutting period (p<0.05). The Korean native goats ate more roughages which had low fibrous contents, but high dry matter digestibility. Among all the 25 species of roughages, the favorite intake species order by Korean native goats was observed like this: Quercus serrata Thunb., Quercus aliena Blume, Trifolium repens, and Pinus densiflora and Artemisia princeps Pampanini which was lower intake compared to other domestic herbivores. On the other hand, compared to each roughage source, total intake amount by Korean native goats was showed as browse(29.9%), legumes(23.0%), weeds(21.6%), grasses(21.5%) and native grasses(4.0%), respectively. Based on the result, the food habit of Korean native goats seems to be closer to browser type.

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of the Discorea alata L. (Discorea alata L.의 항균 및 항산화 활성)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Eun;Kwon, Jung-Bae;Kwun, In-Sook;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2010
  • Yam (Dioscorea spp.) has been used as important edible and medicinal natural resource in worldwide and D. alata L. is most popular nourishment among the yam. In this study the composition, color, antioxidation and antimicrobial activity of D. alata Gyeongbuk No. 6 (GB-6), which was established in Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Andong, Korea, was compared to those of D. batatas Gyeongbuk No. 1 (GB-1), a major domestic cultivation species. Water content of GB-6 was $78.02{\pm}0.16%$, which is slightly lower than that of GB-1 ($82.6{\pm}0.07%$). The contents of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and ash of GB-6 were 0.95, 0.26, 0.85 and 0.70%, whereas those of GB-1 were 1.58, 0.15, 1.39 and 0.88%, respectively. Analysis of color using colormeter showed that the GB-6 is slight dark-yellow than GB-1, and total polyphenol content of GB-6 was 2-fold higher compared than that of GB-1. Sequential organic solvent fractions from methanol extract of GB-6 showed that the ethylacetate fraction has highest total polyphenol ($144.1{\pm}3.20\;mg/g$). Determination of antioxidation activity showed that the ethylacete fraction and water fraction has strong DPPH radical scavenging activity ($IC_{50}=78.32\;{\mu}g/mL$) and reducing power, respectively. In antimicrobial activity assay, the n-hexane and ethylacetate fraction showed antibacterial activity against B. subtilis, L.monocytogenes, S. epidermidis, S. aureus, P. vulgaris, and S. typhimurium. These results provide the possibility of domestic cultivated D. alata GB-6 as a healthy food.

Effects of Astringent Persimmon Paste on Quality Properties of Injeolmi (떫은감 농축액을 첨가한 인절미의 품질 특성)

  • Hong, Jin-Sook;Kim, Myoung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1232-1238
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to find the optimum addition amount of astringent persimmon paste to glutinous rice flour in the preparation of Gaminjeolmi (persimmon glutinous rice cake). The moisture contents of Gaminjeolmi with added astringent persimmon paste were 57$\∼$59$ \% $. With increasing addition of astringent persimmon paste, the L- and b-value were decreased. The a-value was the highest at the 8$\%$ level. In the mechanical evaluation of Gaminjeolmi, the hardness was the highest in the 0$\%$ astringent persimmon paste-lnjeolmi but the 0$\%$ level was decomposed after 2 day of storage. The adhesiveness and cohesiveness were the lowest at the 0$\%$ and 16$\%$ levels. The springiness did not differ significantly with the addition of astringent persimmon paste for 2 days of storage. The gumminess was the highest at the 0$\%$ level for 1 day of storage, significantly. In the sensory evaluation of Gaminjeolmi, the acceptance of the softness characteristics was the best at the 8$\%$ level. Addition of astringent persimmon paste improve preservation of Injeolmi and the addition of 8$\%$ of astringent persimmon paste to glutinous rice flour was found to be the best recipe in terms of the sensory qualities of softness and overall acceptability.

Characteristics of Cooked Rice by Adding Grains and Legumes (곡류와 두류를 혼합한 잡곡의 취반 특성)

  • 임상빈;강명수;좌미경;송대진;오영주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2003
  • Nutritional compositions of the raw materials, such as well-milled rice, milled upland glutinous rice, milled barley, glutinous millet, SoRiTae, red beans and mung beans were analysed, and cooking characteristics and sensory attributes of mixed cereals were measured. Crude protein and crude fat in SoRiTae were 31.6% and 16.16%, respectively, and the highest among the raw materials. Crude ash was 3~11 times higher and crude fiber was 5~7 times higher in legumes than in grains. Iron content in SoRiTae was the highest as 7.8 mg/100 g, and calcium content was the highest as 71.0 mg/100 g in SoRiTae and mung beans. Phosphorus content was higher in glutinous millet and mung beans, and potassium content was greatly higher in legumes than in grains and the highest as 934 mg/100 g in red beans. Vitamin B$_1$ and B$_2$ contents were higher in legumes than in grains, and niacin content was the highest as 5.51 mg/100 g in mung beans and was 3.77 mg/100 g in glutinous millet. Water uptake of the raw materials increased greatly after 5 min of soaking in water and then stayed at the almost same level. Water uptake was the highest in SoRiTae and decreased in the order of milled barley, milled upland glutinous rice, glutinous millet and well-milled rice. Hardness was the lowest as 142.8 g/cm$^2$ in cooked SoRiTae, and the highest as 206.3 g/cm$^2$ in cooked milled barley compared with 169.4 g/cm$^2$ in cooked well-milled rice. Cooking time increased and hardness of cooked mixed cereals decreased with the increase of water added. Moisture content decreased, while crude protein, crude ash and crude fiber increased as the increase of mixing ratio of SoRiTae and red beans in mixed cereals. Lightness decreased, while red and blue color increased, and hardness increased with the increase of mixing ratio of SoRiTae and red beans. Sensory evaluation showed greater preference in terms of color, roasted nutty, sweet taste and overall acceptance in the cooked mixed cereals with 8 and 10% of SoRiTae and red beans.