• Title/Summary/Keyword: 설계 품질

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Evaluation of Correlation between Subgrade Reaction Modulus and Strain Modulus Using Plate Loading Test (평판재하시험을 이용한 지반반력계수와 변형률계수의 상관관계 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Sang;Park, Seong-Yong;Kim, Soo-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2008
  • Two test methods, nonrepetitive plate loading test (NPLT) and repetitive plate loading test (RPLT) are being used to control the quality of compaction through the evaluation of the stiffness of subgrade soils in the Korea railway industry. Subgrade reaction modulus ($k_{30}$) from the NPLT and strain modulus ($E_v$) from the RPLT are the index values to check them. The methods have similar aspects, but they differ in the modulus evaluation method, the numbers of loading stage, termination procedures, etc. This paper analyses the differences of the two test methods and evaluates the relationship between subgrade reaction modulus and strain modulus. In order to develop the relationship, total 22 tests were performed including the NPLT and the RPLT at the 6 original grounds, and 5 upper or lower subgrades in Kyungbu High Speed Railway II stage construction sites. According to the soil conditions, the relationship between subgrade reaction modulus and strain modulus was proposed with corrections by considering strain states, mean confining pressures, and Poisson's ratio.

A Study on the Development of Capacitor Exchange Type GDU of Propulsion Control Device of Electric Railway Vehicle Capable of Life Diagnosis (수명진단이 가능한 전기철도차량 추진제어장치의 커패시터 교환 형 GDU 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Chae, Eun Kyung;Kang, Jeong Won
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.475-484
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    • 2018
  • The propulsion control device of an electric railway vehicle is a key main component corresponding to an engine of an automobile, and a device for controlling this is a device called a GDU (Gate Drive Unit). Also, when the frequency of failure of the propulsion control system was analyzed, the nonconformity ratio of GDU was the highest. GDU was not able to access core technologies due to the introduction of foreign products, and there were general problems with overall maintenance activities due to discontinuation of GDU of the manufacturer. The GDU has reached the end of its life with 23 to 14 years of long-term use.In order to solve these problems, this study was designed to identify the proper life span by analyzing compatible GDU's acquisition and failure, and to improve the existing system of maintenance focusing on health inspection. Maintenance of the components with a short life span compared to the entire service life is essential. Most foreign parts introduced at the beginning of the construction are not replaced due to technical problems or long-term operation. However, due to the characteristics of railway vehicles with a long life span of more than 25 years, it is necessary to maintain them for a long period of time. The study should be more concrete and empirical. The replacement type GDU of capacitors was able to easily measure the life of the capacitance by removing the capacitor modules, measure the life span of each unit test, and accurately perform preventive maintenance of the capacitor.

Approaches to Creating a Digital Encyclopedia of Korean Archaeology (한국고고학 디지털 사전 구축 방안 연구)

  • LEE Chorong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.28-45
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    • 2023
  • Although we have entered the era of digital transformation, there is currently no system that efficiently collects, manages, integrates, and services a large number of archaeological digital source materials produced as a result of cultural relics research, i.e., an intelligent integrated management and service platform for archaeological academic information. In this regard, the need to build a digital dictionary of Korean archaeology was confirmed by examining the problem of the Digital Encyclopedia of Korean Archaeology, which is currently available in PDF format on the web, the current status of the publication and use of the Dictionary of Korean Archaeology, and the cases of building digital platforms at home and abroad. Therefore, this paper aims to suggest a general direction for creating a digital encyclopedia of Korean archaeology based on the Dictionary of Korean Archaeology, which includes quality knowledge information, to reconsider the accessibility of archaeological data in conformity with data access limitations. The application of the series Dictionary of Korean Archaeology, published since 2001, and the necessity for digital transformation were examined, as well as the application of data from the archaeological data archiving platforms of Europe, the USA, Japan, and cases of establishing platforms corresponding to specialized encyclopedias from Korea. Based on these, a three-step implementation plan and detailed projects were suggested to create the Digital Encyclopedia of Korean Archaeology. Through this, we proposed the design of metadata for computerized records and the expansion to semantic (meaning-based) data that gives and shows the relationship information between the produced metadata as the implementation tasks to build the Digital Dictionary of Korean Archaeology. It is hoped that such research will help create an integrated intelligent management and service platform for archaeology, raise awareness, and provide a better understanding of Korean archaeology to the general public.

A study on hydraulic behaviour and leakage control of segment linings using the numerical method (수치해석을 이용한 세그먼트라이닝의 수리거동과 누수제어 연구)

  • Shin, Jong-Ho;Shin, Yong-Suk;Pam, Dong-In;Chae, Sung-Elm;Choi, Kyu-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2009
  • It has been repeatedly reported that a drainage system of a drained tunnel is deteriorated. And consequently the water pressure on the lining increases with time. However, little research on the watertight tunnel was found in the literatures. According to field measurements, leakage of the undrained tunnel has increased with time, which is completely opposite to the behavior of the drained tunnel. It is evident that the hydraulic deterioration of the tunnel lining changes the water pressure on the lining and the amount of leakage, thus the design coneept in terms of groundwater is not maintained tightly throughout the life time of the tunnel. The Segment lining is generally constructed as watertight. However, it is frequently reported that the leakage in the segment tunnel increases with time. It is also reported that the leakage is generally concentrated at the joints of the segments. In this study structural and hydraulic interaetion of the segment lining due to the hydraulic deterioration of the segments and the joints is investigated using the numerical modeling method. An electric utility tunnel below groundwater table is considered for the analyses. The effects of hydraulic deterioration of the segment lining are identified in terms of ground loading, water pressure and lining behavior. A remedial grouting measure for leakage is also numerically simulated, and its appropriateness is evaluated.

A Case Study on the Establishment of a Strategy System through the BSC of SMEs (중소기업의 BSC를 통한 전략체계 구축 사례연구)

  • Lim HeonWook;Kim WooSu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a practical guide for establishing BSC that can be practically applied by SMEs. To this end, a case study was conducted to establish a performance evaluation system through a field-required Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for company J, a tent pole manufacturer, and to provide a management strategy system map. As a survey method, the requirements of the ordering organization were organized through a comparison of the BSC-related proposal requests in the first stage. The BSC establishment method was organized through the arrangement of the second stage result report. The 3rd stage BSC derived KPI indicators for SMEs for each of the 4 perspectives. A corporate vision was derived through a 4-step SWOT analysis. A strategy map was developed through 5-step field-required KPI, weight setting, and BSC. The 6-step final strategy system was also drawn up. As a result of the study, the four perspectives of the BSC were reconstructed by department. That is, the financial (financial) perspective is from the executives' perspective, the customer's perspective is from the sales department's perspective, the internal process perspective is from the design department/production quality department's perspective, and the learning/innovation perspective is from the management department's perspective. In addition, a total of 11 CSFs and a total of 49 KPIs of J company were derived. The limitation of the study is that the final strategy system through the company's BSC has only been carried out, and it needs to be linked with the company's compensation system in the future.

The Role of CM for Fast track Completion of Urgent Typhoon Recovery Construction Projects - Gangwon-Do Cases - (수해복구공사 조기착공을 위한 CM의 역할 재조명 - 강원도 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung Nam;Choi, Jae-ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2008
  • Fast track completion of urgent typhoon damage recovery construction project is becoming crucial for the prevention of the secondary damage from the next year typhoon, prompt psychological stabilization of flood sufferers, the early recovery of damaged infrastructure condition and so forth. As the recovery learning process has been continued for last consecutive typhoons and experts suggested, the keys in attaining the goals of the project (preventative, sustainable, cleaner and fast tracking development) are found to be the early contracting and improved competencies in project management especially during the design phase. It can be presumed that the former is attainable through administrative supports in the form of government guidelines, but the latter necessitates more research efforts. In this regards, this study aims to find a way how to lift up the current level of project management capability facing ever changing project mangement environment of urgent typhoon recovery project. By comparing the current level of application of government guidelines in flooded districts and analyzing the time required for each phase from design contracting to construction starting, several reformative ideas are illustrated in association with the necessity of adopting CM method in the deign phase. It is highly expected that CM application in the design phase can be an effective alternative in overcoming current limits in improving the quality of the project and prevent the delay due to the lack of expertise and professional workers in the owner side.

Hybrid Integration of P-Wave Velocity and Resistivity for High-Quality Investigation of In Situ Shear-Wave Velocities at Urban Areas (도심지 지반 전단파속도 탐사를 위한 P-파 속도와 전기비저항의 이종 결합)

  • Joh, Sung-Ho;Kim, Bong-Chan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.1C
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2010
  • In urban area, design and construction of civil engineering structures such as subway tunnel, underground space and deep excavation is impeded by unreliable site investigation. Variety of embedded objects, electric noises and traffic vibrations degrades the quality of site investigation, whatever the site-investigation technique would be. In this research, a preliminary research was performed to develop a dedicated site investigation technique for urban geotechnical sites, which can overcome the limitations of urban sites. HiRAS (Hybrid Integration of Surface Waves and Resistivity) technique which is the first outcome of the preliminary research was proposed in this paper. The technique combines surface wave as well as electrical resistivity. CapSASW method for surface-wave technique and PDC-R technique for electrical resistivity survey were incorporated to develop HiRAS technique. CapSASW method is a good method for evaluating material stiffness and PDC-R technique is a reliable method for determination of underground stratification even in a site with electrical noise. For the inversion analysis of HiRAS techniuqe, a site-specific relationship between stress-wave velocity and resistivity was employed. As for outgrowth of this research, the 2-D distribution of Poisson's ratio could be also determined.

Application of a Fictitious Axial Force Factor to Determine Elastic and Inelastic Effective Lengths for Column Members of Steel Frames (강프레임 기둥 부재의 탄성 및 비탄성 유효좌굴길이 산정을 위한 가상축력계수의 적용)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Yoo, Hoon;Lee, Yoon Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.2A
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2010
  • In design of steel frames, it is generally believed that elastic system buckling analysis cannot predict real behaviors of structures, while inelastic system buckling analysis can give informative buckling behaviors of individual members considering inelastic material behavior. However, the use of Euler buckling equation with these system buckling analyses have the inherent problem that the methods evaluate unexpectedly large effective lengths of members having relatively small axial forces. This paper proposes a new method of obtaining elastic and inelastic effective lengths of all members in steel frames. Considering a fictitious axial force factor for each story of frames, the proposed method determines the effective lengths using the inelastic stiffness reduction factor and the iterative eigenvalue analysis. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, the effective lengths of example frames by the proposed method were compared to those of previously established methods. As a result, the proposed method gives reasonable effective lengths of all members in steel frames. The effect of inelastic material behavior on the effective lengths of members was also discussed.

The Quality Properties of Self Consolidating Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregate (경량골재를 사용한 자기충전 콘크리트의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Yong Jic;Choi, Yun Wang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6A
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the development of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) using lightweight aggregates. SCC using Lightweight aggregate properties have been evaluated in terms of flowability, segregation resistance and filling capacity of fresh concrete as per the standards of the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE). The measurement of the mechanical properties of hardened SCC using lightweight aggregate, including compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, elastic moduli and density, as well as its dry shrinkage and carbonation properties were also carried out. The characteristics of SCC using lightweight aggregate at the fresh state showed that as the use of the lightweight aggregate, the flowability improves without exception of Mix No. 9 but the segregation resistance tends to decrease without exception of Mix No. 3, 4 and 5. The 28 days compressive strength of the SCC using lightweight aggregate was found to be 30 MPa or higher. The relationship between the compressive strength and the splitting tensile strength was found to be similar to the expression presented by CEB-FIP, and the relationship between the compressive strength and the elastic moduli was found to be similar to the expression suggested by ACI 318-08 which takes into consideration the density of concrete. The density of the SCC using lightweight aggregate decreased by up to 26% compared to that of the control SCC. Also, The dry shrinkage and carbonation depth of the SCC using lightweight aggregate increased compared to that of the control SCC.

A Study on Real-Time Monitoring for Moisture Measurement of Organic Samples inside a Drying Oven using Arduino Based on Open-Source (오픈 소스 기반의 아두이노를 이용한 건조기 내 유기 시료의 실시간 수분측정 모니터링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-hun
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2022
  • Dryers becoming commercially available for experimental and industrial use are classified to general drying oven, hot-air dryer, vacuum dryer, freezing dryer, etc. and kinds of them are various from the function, size and volume, etc. But the moisture measurement is not applied although it is important factor for the quality control and the performance improvement of products, and then now is very passive because the weight is weighed arbitrarily after dry-end. Generally the method for measuring moisture is divided by a direct measurement method and a indirect measurement method, and the former such as the change of weight or volume on the front and rear of separation of moisture, etc. is mainly used. Relatively a indirect measurement is very limited to apply due to utilize measurement apparatuses using temperature conductivity and micro-wave etc. In this research, we easily designed the moisture measurement system using the open-source based Arduino, and monitored moisture fluctuations and weight profiles in the real-time without the effect of external environment. Concretely the temperature-humidity and load cell sensors were packaged into a drying oven and the various change values were measured, and their sensors capable to operate 60℃ and 80℃ were selected to suitable for the moisture sensitive materials and the food dry. And also the performance safety using the organic samples of banana, pear, sawdust could be secured because the changes of evaporation rate as the dry time and temperature, and the measurement values of load cell appeared stable response characteristics through repeated experiments. Hereafter we judge that the reliability can be improved increasingly through the expansion of temperature-humidity range and the comparative analysis with CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) program.