• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선정도구

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Pain Reduction Effects of Lidocaine Gel for Urethral Catheterization : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (요도 카테터 삽입술에서 리도카인 윤활제의 통증 감소 효과 : 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석)

  • Hong, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Ga-Eun;Lee, Ha-Nee;Lee, A-Reum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.438-448
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    • 2017
  • This study was a systematic review and meta-analysis that evaluated the results of research on the pain reduction effects of lidocaine gel for urethral catheterization in adults. A literature search was conducted using seven electronic databases, gray literature and other resources based on the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). A Risk of Bias (RoB) tool was applied to assess the quality of selected studies. Data were analyzed using the RevMan 5.3.-program. Sixteen randomized controlled trials involving 1904 adults were included. RoB was not observed in the funnel plot. Overall, lidocaine gel was effective for pain reduction during urethral catheterization (Standard Mean Difference[SMD] -0.96;95% CI: -1.43, -0.49). To explore the cause of heterogeneity (I2=95%, p<.001), subgroup analysis was conducted according to three catheter types (urinary catheter, flexible cystoscopy, and rigid cystoscopy) and the SMDs were -0.88 (95% CI:-1.51, -0.26), -0.31 (95% CI:-0.63, 0.01), and -1.93 (95% CI:-2.88, -0.97), respectively. A significant pain reduction effect was observed regardless of gender in urinary catheterization. However, in rigid cystoscopy, a significant pain reduction effect was observed only in male subjects. Pain reduction effects were observed when 10~11ml lidocaine gel was used during rigid cystoscopy and when lubrication was used during urinary catheterization, irrespective of application time. These findings suggest that lidocaine gel is a useful anesthetic lubricant for urinary catheterization and rigid cystoscopy in male adults.

A Study on Improving Scheme and An Investigation into the Actual Condition about Components of Physical Distribution System (물류시스템 구성요인에 관한 실태분석과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Cho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to present an alternative improving the efficient and reasonable of the physical distribution system management is influenced by many factors. Therefore, the study depends on the documentary method and survey method to achieve the purpose of this study. The major components of a physical distribution system are refers to as elements, include warehouse·storage system, transportation system, inventory system, physical distribution information system. The factors used in this study are ① factor of product(quality·A/S·added value of product·adaption of product·technical competitive power to other enterprises), ② factor of market(market channel·kinds of customer·physical distribution share), ③ factor of warehouse·storage(warehouse design·size·direction·storage ability·warehouse quality), ④ factor of transportation(promptness·reliability·responsibility·kinds of transportation·cooperation united transportation system·national transportation network), ⑤ factor of packaging (packaging design·material·educating program·pollution degree measure program), ⑥ factor of inventory(ordinary inventory criterion·consistence for inventories record), ⑦ factor of unloaded(unloaded machine·having machine ratio), ⑧ factor of information system (physical distribution quantity analysis·usable computer part), ⑨ factor of physical distribution cost(sales ratio to product) ⑩ factor of physical distribution system(physical distribution center etc). The implication of this study can be summarized as follows: ① In firms that have not adopted a systems integrative approach, physical distribution is a fragmented and often uncoordinated set of activities spread throughout various functions with function having its own set of priorities and measurements. ② The physical distribution is recognized as more an important strategic factor than a simple cost reduction factor, ③ It can be used a strategic competition tool to enterprise.

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Exploring the 4th Industrial Revolution Technology from the Landscape Industry Perspective (조경산업 관점에서 4차 산업혁명 기술의 탐색)

  • Choi, Ja-Ho;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to explore the 4th Industrial Revolution technology from the perspective of the landscape industry to provide the basic data necessary to increase the virtuous circle value. The 4th Industrial Revolution, the characteristics of the landscape industry and urban regeneration were considered and the methodology was established and studied including the technical classification system suitable for systematic research, which was selected as a framework. First, the 4th Industrial Revolution technology based on digital data was selected, which could be utilized to increase the value of the virtuous circle for the landscape industry. From 'Element Technology Level', and 'Core Technology' such as the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robot, 'Peripheral Technology', Virtual or Augmented Reality, Drones, 3D 4D Printing, and 3D Scanning were highlighted as the 4th Industrial Revolution technology. It has been shown that it is possible to increase the value of the virtuous circle when applied at the 'Trend Level', in particular to the landscape industry. The 'System Level' was analyzed as a general-purpose technology, and based on the platform, the level of element technology(computers, and smart devices) was systematically interconnected, and illuminated with the 4th Industrial Revolution technology based on digital data. The application of the 'Trend Level' specific to the landscape industry has been shown to be an effective technology for increasing the virtuous circle values. It is possible to realize all synergistic effects and implementation of the proposed method at the trend level applying the element technology level. Smart gardens, smart parks, etc. have been analyzed to the level they should pursue. It was judged that Smart City, Smart Home, Smart Farm, and Precision Agriculture, Smart Tourism, and Smart Health Care could be highly linked through the collaboration among technologies in adjacent areas at the Trend Level. Additionally, various utilization measures of related technology applied at the Trend Level were highlighted in the process of urban regeneration, public service space creation, maintenance, and public service. In other words, with the realization of ubiquitous computing, Hyper-Connectivity, Hyper-Reality, Hyper-Intelligence, and Hyper-Convergence were proposed, reflecting the basic characteristics of digital technology in the landscape industry can be achieved. It was analyzed that the landscaping industry was effectively accommodating and coordinating with the needs of new characters, education and consulting, as well as existing tasks, even when participating in urban regeneration projects. In particular, it has been shown that the overall landscapig area is effective in increasing the virtuous circle value when it systems the related technology at the trend level by linking maintenance with strategic bridgehead. This is because the industrial structure is effective in distributing data and information produced from various channels. Subsequent research, such as demonstrating the fusion of the 4th Industrial Revolution technology based on the use of digital data in creation, maintenance, and service of actual landscape space is necessary.

Clinical Significance of the Bacille Calmette-Guérin Site Reaction in Kawasaki Disease Patients Aged Less than 18 Months

  • Park, Sung Hyeon;Yu, Jeong Jin;You, Jihye;Kim, Mi Jin;Shin, Eun Jung;Jun, Hyun Ok;Baek, Jae Suk;Kim, Young-Hwue;Ko, Jae-Kon
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical significance of Bacille Calmette-$Gu{\acute{e}}rin$ (BCG) site reaction in terms of diagnosis and outcome prediction in young children with Kawasaki disease (KD). Methods: The incidence of BCG site reaction in the respective age ranges was investigated in 1,058 patients who were admitted at Asan Medical Center between January 2006 and February 2017. The 416 patients under 18 months of age were enrolled as subjects for the analysis of the association between BCG site reaction and other laboratory and clinical findings. The analysis was performed separately in complete and incomplete KD groups. Results: The incidence rate of BCG site reaction was peaked at 6-12 months (83%) and decreased with increasing age after 12 months in 1,058 patients (P<0.001). The incidence rate was above 70% in KD aged less than 18 months and more frequent than those of cervical lymphadenopathy. The logistic regression analyses showed that the principal clinical findings including conjunctivitis (P=0.781), red lips/oral mucosa (P=0.963), rash (P=0.510), cervical lymphadenopathy (P=0.363), changes in extremities (P=0.283) and the coronary artery aneurysm (P=0.776) were not associated with the BCG site reaction. Conclusions: The BCG site reaction could be a useful diagnostic tool independent to principal clinical findings in KD developing in children aged <18 months, who underwent BCG vaccination. Outcome of KD patients was not different between groups with or without the BCG site reaction in both complete KD and incomplete KD.

A Preliminary Study on Domestic Embracement and Development Plan Regarding UNESCO World Heritage Programme (유네스코 세계유산 제도의 우리나라 문화재 정책에의 수용과 발전방안에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Kang, Kyung Hwan;Kim, Chung Dong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.56-85
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    • 2010
  • UNESCO World Heritage Programme was introduced following the adoption of Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972 in order to protect cultural and natural heritage with superb value for all mankind. Despite its short history of less than 40 years, it has been evaluated as one of the most successful of the cultural area projects of UNESCO with 890 world heritage registered worldwide. For systematic protection management of World Heritage, UNESCO, through systemization of registration, emphasis on the importance of preservation management plan, institutionalization of monitoring, and operation of World Heritage Fund, has utilized World Heritage Programme not just as a means of listing excellent cultural properties, but as a preservation planning tool, and accordingly, such policies have had a significant influence on the cultural heritage protection legislations of numerous nations. Korea has ratified World Heritage Convention in 1988, and with the registration of the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty in 2009, it has 9 World Heritage Sites. Twenty years have passed since Korea joined the World Heritage Programme. While World Heritage registration contributed to publicity of the uniqueness and excellence of Korean cultural properties and improvement of Korea's national culture status, it is now time to devise various legislative/systematic improvement means to reconsider the World Heritage registration strategy and establish a systematic preservation management system. While up until now, the Cultural Properties Protection Law has been amended to arrange for basic rules regarding registration and protection of World Heritage Sites, and some local governments have founded bodies exclusive for World Heritage Site management, a more fundamental and macroscopic plan for World Heritage policy improvement must be sought. Projects and programs in each area for reinforcement of World Heritage policy capacity such as: 1) Enactment of a special law for World Heritage Site preservation management; 2) enactment of ordinances for protection of World Heritage Sites per each local government; 3) reinforcement of policies and management functionality of Cultural Heritage Administration and local governments; 4) dramatic increase in the finances of World Heritage Site protection; 5) requirement to establish plan for World Heritage Site preservation protection; 6) increased support for utilization of World Heritage Sites; 7) substantiation and diversification of World Heritage registration; 8) sharing of information and experiences of World Heritage Sites management among local governments; 9) installation of World Heritage Sites integral archive; 10) revitalization of citizen cooperation and resident participation; 11) training specialized resources for World Heritage Sites protection; 12) revitalization of sustainable World Heritage Sites tourism, must be selected and promoted systematically. Regarding how World Heritage Programme should be domestically accepted and developed, the methods for systemization, scientific approach, and specialization of World Heritage policies were suggested per type. In the future, in-depth and specialized researches and studies should follow.

A Study on Deriving Process of a Design Alternative to the Forest Experience Center for Children through Preschooler Participatory (유아참여를 통한 유아숲체험원 설계안 도출과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • This study is to derive a design alternative to the FECC (Forest Experience Center for Children) that meets the preschooler's preferences. For this purpose, preschooler participation is included in each phase of the FECC, the site perception phase, the deriving design elements phase, and the deriving design alternative phase. In this study, the process of the deriving design alternative phase was carried out with kindergarteners and preschoolers (6, 7 years olds; all 41 students) at Songsan-mulbit FECC in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju. In order to derive the design alternatives, three detailed design processes (preschooler participation 2 times, researcher analysis 1 time), tool construction, and a preschooler participation workshop were conducted. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of the preschooler's design process, 41 designs were drawn, and an average of 7.66 spaces were drawn by each preschooler. The 6-year-old males designed the least (average 6.80 spaces) and the 7-year-old females designed the most (9.0 spaces). The physical and adventure play spaces were most common (38.9% to 48.7%) regardless of gender or age. To analyze the feasibility of the preschooler's design using a base map, the appearance of the physical environmental characteristics (7 items) in the site were analyzed in each of the 41 designs. As a result, the environmental characteristics were apparent a total 72 times overall. Similar environmental characteristics appearing more than once were apparent in 87.8% (26 designs) of designs. Second, three design alternatives were derived: APS- types (intensive planning of active play facility spaces) was presented in 15 designs, NS-types (planning focused on nature spaces) was presented in 14 designs, and SPS-types (planning focused on static play facility spaces) were presented 12 designs. Third, NS-type, which were finally selected through a preference assessment (5-point scale) and a comparative assessment of the three alternatives, has mainly natural spaces (forest space, forest path, shelter, natural exploration space, and ecological pond) and active play facility spaces, water play space and soil (sand) play spaces was appropriately designed. Therefore, the NS-type was analyzed as the design alternative that can fully accomplish all types of cognitive development through developed through play (functional play, constructive play, dramatic(symbolic) play).

Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Elderly in assessment of dietary quality and behavior (식사의 질과 식행동 평가를 위한 노인영양지수 개정 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Suk;Lee, Jung-Sug;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ki-Nam;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Kwon, Sehyug;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to update the Nutrition Quotient for Elderly (NQ-E), which reflects dietary quality and behavior among Korean older adults. Methods: The first 29 items of the measurable food behavior checklist were obtained from a previous NQ-E checklist, recent literature reviews, and national nutrition policies and recommendations. One-hundred subjects (50 men and 50 women) aged ≥ 65 years living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, including Gyeonggi Province, completed a pilot survey from March to April 2021. Based on the results of the pilot study, we conducted factor analysis and frequency analysis to determine whether the items of the survey were properly organized and whether the distribution of answers for each evaluation item was properly distributed. As a result, we reduced the number of items on the food behavior checklist and used 23 items for the national survey. Nationwide, 1,000 subjects (472 men and 528 women) aged > 65 years, completed the checklist survey, which was applied using a face-to-face survey method from May to August 2021. The construct validity of the NQ-E 2021 was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, LISREL. Results: Seventeen food behavior checklist items were selected for the final NQ-E 2021. Checklist items addressed three factors: balance (8 items), moderation (2 items), and practice (7 items). Standardized path coefficients were used as the weights of items to determine nutrition quotients. NQ-E and three-factor scores were calculated according to the weights of questionnaire items. Conclusion: The updated NQ-E 2021 produced by structural equation modelling provides a suitable tool for assessing the dietary quality and behavior of Korean older adults.

The development of resources for the application of 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 활용 자료 개발)

  • Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Yangha;Lee, Haeng Shin;Park, EunJu;Kim, Jeongseon;Shin, Sangah;Kim, Ki Nam;Bae, Yun Jung;Kim, Kirang;Woo, Taejung;Yoon, Mi Ock;Lee, Myoungsook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2022
  • The recommended meal composition allows the general people to organize meals using the number of intakes of foods from each of six food groups (grains, meat·fish·eggs·beans, vegetables, fruits, milk·dairy products and oils·sugars) to meet Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) without calculating complex nutritional values. Through an integrated analysis of data from the 6th to 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2013-2018), representative foods for each food group were selected, and the amounts of representative foods per person were derived based on energy. Based on the EER by age and gender from the KDRIs, a total of 12 kinds of diets were suggested by differentiating meal compositions by age (aged 1-2, 3-5, 6-11, 12-18, 19-64, 65-74 and ≥ 75 years) and gender. The 2020 Food Balance Wheel included the 6th food group of oils and sugars to raise public awareness and avoid confusion in the practical utilization of the model by industries or individuals in reducing the consistent increasing intakes of oils and sugars. To promote the everyday use of the Food Balance Wheel and recommended meal compositions among the general public, the poster of the Food Balance Wheel was created in five languages (Korean, English, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese) along with card news. A survey was conducted to provide a basis for categorizing nutritional problems by life cycles and developing customized web-based messages to the public. Based on survey results two types of card news were produced for the general public and youth. Additionally, the educational program was developed through a series of processes, such as prioritization of educational topics, setting educational goals for each stage, creation of a detailed educational system chart and teaching-learning plans for the development of educational materials and media.

Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Korean adults: NQ-2021 (한국 성인을 위한 영양지수 개정: NQ-2021)

  • Yook, Sung-Min;Lim, Young-Suk;Lee, Jung-Sug;Kim, Ki-Nam;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Kwon, Sehyug;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.278-295
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to revise and update the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) for Korean adults, a tool used to evaluate dietary quality and behavior. Methods: The first 31 items of the measurable food behavior checklist were adopted based on considerations of the previous NQ checklist, recent literature reviews, national nutrition policies, and recommendations. A pilot survey was conducted on 100 adults aged 19 to 64 residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province from March to April 2021 using a provisional 26- item checklist. Pilot survey data were analyzed using factor analysis and frequency analysis to determine whether checklist items were well organized and responses to questions were well distributed, respectively. As a result, the number of items on the food behavior checklist was reduced to 23 for the nationwide survey, which was administered to 1,000 adults (470 men and 530 women) aged 19 to 64 from May to August 2021. The construct validity of the developed NQ (NQ-2021) was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, linear structural relations. Results: Eighteen items in 3 categories, that is, balance (8 items), moderation (6 items), and practice (4 items), were finally included in NQ-2021 food behavior checklist. 'Balance' items addressed the intake frequencies of essential foods, 'moderation' items the frequencies of unhealthy food intakes or behaviors, and 'practice' items addressed eating behaviors. Items and categories were weighted using standardized path coefficients to calculate NQ-2021 scores. Conclusion: The updated NQ-2021 appears to be suitable for easily and quickly assessing the diet qualities and behaviors of Korean adults.

Effects of Polar Literacy Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students (초·중학생 대상 극지 소양 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Sueim Chung;Donghee Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a polar literacy education program for elementary and middle school students, and to derive implications for new education to respond to climate change. We developed modular education programs based on the seven principles of polar literacy established by the Polar-ICE team. We divided them into two courses, one emphasizing science concepts and another emphasizing humanities and sociological issues. We then selected and structured detailed programs suitable for the two courses. These two courses were applied to 26 elementary and middle school students for approximately 69 hours in a Saturday science class hosted by the Department of Science Education at a university in Seoul. The 26 students were divided into three groups. Two groups completed the science education program for polar literacy and a humanities and social studies education program for polar literacy, respectively. The third group, the control group, received general science education unrelated to polar literacy. Before and after running the programs, all three groups responded to a polar literacy test and questionnaires that used vocabulary and presented scenes associated with polar regions. The test results were expressed using Wilcoxon signed ranks, which is a non-parametric test method, and improvements made upon completion of the program were analyzed. From a cognitive aspect, all three groups showed improvement after completing the program in the knowledge area; however, the experimental groups showed a greater degree of improvement than the control group, and there was a clear difference in the contents or materials explicitly covered. From an affective aspect, the difference between before and after the program was minor, but the group that focused on humanities and social issues showed a statistically significant improvement. Regarding changes in polar imagery, the two experimental groups tended to diverge from monotonous images to more diverse images compared to the control group. Based on the above results, we suggested methods to increase the effectiveness of polar literacy education programs, the importance of polar literacy as appropriate material for scientific thinking and earth system education, measures to improve attitudes related to the polar region, and the need to link to school curriculums.