• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서술자 분석

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Factors Influencing the Retention intention of Home visiting nurses with Long-term care insurance system in Korea: Focusing on Professionalism, Job satisfaction and Resilience (노인장기요양보험 방문간호사의 재직의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 전문직업성, 직무만족도, 회복탄력성을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Jae Soon;Kim, Je Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.322-332
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    • 2019
  • This is a descriptive research study that aims to identify the effects of professionalism, job satisfaction, and resilience on the retention intention of home visiting nurses from the long-term care insurance system of Korea. Data were collected from self-administered surveys completed by 141 home visiting nurses of registered visiting-nursing institutions in the long-term care insurance database (April 1-May 31, 2019). Analyses were independent t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation analysis using SPSS/WIN 22.0, and multiple hierarchical regression analyses. Results showed that the mean professionalism score was 3.51/5, 3.27/5 for job satisfaction, 3.79/5 for resilience, and 4.04/5 for retention intention. A positive correlation existed between retention intention and professionalism (r = .272), job satisfaction (r = .201), and resilience (r = .530). The final regression model showed that resilience (β = .455, p < .001) and job satisfaction (β = .175, p = .016) significantly affect retention intention. The variables' model explanation power was 32.0% (F = 11.968, p < .001). The results show the need for strategies to improve resilience, followed by strategies to improve job satisfaction to increase the retention intentions of these home visiting nurses.

Factors Influencing Adaptation on Clinical Practice in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 임상실습 적응에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Kim, Soo Yeon;Shin, Yong Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2018
  • This descriptive study aims to examine the factors that influence nursing students' adaptation to clinical practice. Data was collected from 180 nursing students between April 26 and May 4, 2018. A self-reporting questionnaire was employed, which comprised of 17 questions regarding transition shock, 24 questions about social support, two questions regarding the levels of preparedness for clinical practice, and 14 questions about the degree of adaptation to clinical practice. Collected data was analyzed using t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple regression, as well as by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient. Subjects' degree of adaptation to clinical practice had a negative correlation with their transition shock. The degree of adaptation had a positive correlation with the levels of preparedness for clinical practice (r = 0.35) and the sub-variables of social support in the domains of friends (r = 0.24), parents (r = 0.32), and professors (r = 0.38). The smaller the transition shock (B = -0.409) and the greater the levels of preparedness (B = 0.766), professorial support (B = 0.228), and parental support (B = 0.163), the higher the degree of adaptation to clinical practice. Transition shock had the greatest influence on the degree of adaptation to clinical practice felt by subjects, followed by their level of preparedness for clinical practice and professorial support. Hence, to increase the degree of adaptation to clinical practice, not only should individual nursing students be better prepared to conduct clinical practice and professors provide greater support, but also there needs to be measures implemented to reduce transition shock.

Teaching Strategy Development of Secondary School Chemistry Based on the Cognitive Levels of Students and the Cognitive Demands of Learning Contents (학습자의 인지수준과 학습내용의 인지요구도를 고려한 중등화학 학습전략 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Soon Hee;Park, Jong Yoon;Jeong, Jee Young
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.578-588
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develope the more effective chemistry teaching strategy through analyzing the demanded cognitive levels of contents in high school chemistry I textbooks and the cognitive levels of students who learn these textbooks. For this purpose, the levets of cognitive development stages of 821 second grade students of high schools in Seoul City were anaIyzed using the GALT short version test. The demanded cognitive levels of understanding the contents of chemistry I textbooks in high school were analyzed using the curriculum analysis taxonomy developed by CSMS (Concept in Secondaly Mathematics and Science) program of the Great Britain. The resuIts showed that the proportion of students in the concrete operational stage, the transition stage, and the formal operational stage was l0.7%, 43.0% and 46.3%, respectively. The demanded levels of textbook contents were mostly the early formal operational stages. The concepts demanded the level of the late formal operational stage were 'atomic and molecular weight', 'stoichiometry of chemical reaction', and 'periodic properties of elements'. The results will be helpful for teachers in knowing what concepts are difficult for students to understand and in planning strategies for teaching those concepts. To demonstrate the application of the results obtained in this study, an example of developing teaching strategy which includes the adjustment of cognitive level of contents was shown.

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A Study on Aleatorism of Frontal-Flat Camera Angle (정평면적 카메라 앵글이 갖는 우연성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Soo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.32
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    • pp.263-288
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    • 2013
  • This research is about effects which frontal-flat cameras have on narrative films. This kind of confined camera angles make the audience have a sense of tension which is barely defined logically. I think the tension comes from aleatorism. The paper is a research on how aleatorism is working on what kind of value, and what kind of effects it has on narrative films. Russian Formalism had argued they had to meet aesthetic values by totally excluding narratives. It can be said that this was a practice for Brecht's estrangement that a sensitive arousal prohibits the audience immersing into excessive empathy and then make them have a reflective thought. But occasionally, optical arousals in narrative films induce deeper immersion into contemplation rather than reflective thought. I intend to find cases regarding this textualising Front-flat camera angles in narrative films and analysing their contents. To do this, I suggest a more specified definition of 'aleatorism'. Because the concept of the aleatorism is different between an aspect of static image like paintings or photographs and narrative contents like cinema. It is divided into approach through form and approach through content. And I also suggest an operative definition about 'Frontal-flat camera angle' with a several confinements because its formal definition is very flexible depending on audience. The case analysis will be done with a form of discourse discerning two aspects of form and content. Conclusively, Frontal-flat camera angle in narrative film is basically have an effect of attention by optical stimuli. But it cannot be said that this always means deterioration of narrative value. Depending on causality of episodes in the whole story, aleatorism which Frontal-flat camera angle has can support immersed contemplation regarding following narrative rather than reflective thought regarding amusing aesthetics.

Green in Film Color: Life and Matter (영화의 초록, 생명과 물질)

  • Kim, Jong-Guk
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.399-423
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    • 2017
  • When thinking about the essence of color, green is the image that is settled on the plant itself, and it is also the color shining by the sun. Physics tries to explain green of plants in the correlation of sun and moon, and the history of art contemplates how it is expressed on the canvas. The film attempts to represent a realistic green using camera or computer specific to the medium. Many color theorists who explore the essence of color do not trust the mechanical and reductive scientific colorism that began in Newton and seek a completely different way of exploring in psychology and aesthetics. Like Goethe, who opposed Newton, they do not distinguish the human as subject and the color as object, but focus on the internal grounds of the relationship between subject and color. The representation of color in film is a combination of physics and art. Film color can be expanded to the spiritual dimension beyond the previous emotional and aesthetic, even beyond the physical and mental domains.

Factors Affecting on the Clinical Nurse's Safety Nursing Activity (임상간호사의 안전간호활동 영향요인)

  • Song, Eun-Jeong;Park, Yeon-Suk;Ji, Hyun-Soon;Lee, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.469-479
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    • 2016
  • This research is a descriptive investigation research in order to understand the influences on the perception of the patient safety culture and safey nursing activity with the clinical nurses of the university hospitals as the subjects. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS 23.0 program. As a result, the perception of patient safety culture of the subjects was 3.30 of the full score of 5points, and safety nursing activity 3.89. It appeared that, also, in the safety nursing activity, the total career experience, the position, immediately superior/manager, the communication procedures, and the frequency of accident reports receive the influences. As a result, in order to enhance the safety nursing activity, the developments of the practice guidelines that can appropriately manage the experienced people, that can communicate smoothly between the organizations, and that can make the case reports and the developments of the educational programs are needed.

A Study on the Literature Therapy Using Sijo (시조를 통한 문학치료 연구)

  • Park, Inkwa
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2015
  • This technical research paper attempts to examine literature therapeutic significance of Sijo. This research analyzes how the therapeutic mechanisms of literature or sentence can be physiologically applied to human nerve system. To study such interactions between therapeutic mechanisms of literature and human physiological mechanisms, diverse on- and offline Sijo activities, such as a Facebook group "Sijoya Nolja", were studied, as well as various publications in literature and medicine. For the three years this research was being conducted, 27 out of 488 Sijo poets debuted through Sinchunmunye, and many have gone professional through various contests. 19 of them became members of Sijo Poet Associations of Korea, with globalization of Sijo in mind. Their aggressive activity proves that the quality of live was elevated through literature therapy. The therapeutic effects are especially dramatic for older authors, and authors with traumatic experience. Through this research, Sijo turned out to be a form of literature with the quickest effect on elevating quality of life. To solve problems such as depression, emotional isolation, and other mental conditions, literature therapy through Sijo should be implemented, and therapeutic approach of literature should be more professionalized.

An Intelligent Marking System based on Semantic Kernel and Korean WordNet (의미커널과 한글 워드넷에 기반한 지능형 채점 시스템)

  • Cho Woojin;Oh Jungseok;Lee Jaeyoung;Kim Yu-Seop
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.6 s.96
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    • pp.539-546
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    • 2005
  • Recently, as the number of Internet users are growing explosively, e-learning has been applied spread, as well as remote evaluation of intellectual capacity However, only the multiple choice and/or the objective tests have been applied to the e-learning, because of difficulty of natural language processing. For the intelligent marking of short-essay typed answer papers with rapidness and fairness, this work utilize heterogenous linguistic knowledges. Firstly, we construct the semantic kernel from un tagged corpus. Then the answer papers of students and instructors are transformed into the vector form. Finally, we evaluate the similarity between the papers by using the semantic kernel and decide whether the answer paper is correct or not, based on the similarity values. For the construction of the semantic kernel, we used latent semantic analysis based on the vector space model. Further we try to reduce the problem of information shortage, by integrating Korean Word Net. For the construction of the semantic kernel we collected 38,727 newspaper articles and extracted 75,175 indexed terms. In the experiment, about 0.894 correlation coefficient value, between the marking results from this system and the human instructors, was acquired.

A study on Symptom Experience, Spiritual Well-Being, and Depression in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis (혈액투석 환자의 증상경험, 영적 안녕 및 우울에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ju Yeon;Oh, Pok-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.660-670
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    • 2016
  • This cross-sectional descriptive investigation attempted to identify the relationship among the symptoms, spiritual well-being, and depression experienced by patients undergoing hemodialysis. Data were collected from 146 patients at 6 hemodialysis clinics from October 15th, 2014 to January 15th, 2015. The Dialysis Symptom Index (DSI) was used to measure symptom experience, spiritual well-being was measured using the Spiritual Well-being Scale, and depression was assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The data were analyzed using ANOVA, the t-test, Scheffe's test, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. The mean score of the symptom experience was 26.43 (range: 0~85), the mean spiritual well-being score was 47.79 (range: 20~80), and the mean depression score was 10.56 (range: 0~35). It was found that greater existential well-being leads to lower depression (r=-.23, p=.004) and symptom experience (r=-.17, p=.045). Greater physical (B=.09) and emotional (B=.64) symptom experience leads to higher depression and the explanatory power of these factors was 52.1% (F=18.54, p<.001). Therefore, a comprehensive nursing intervention that can help reduce the symptom experience and increase the existential well-being in hemodialysis patients is needed to reduce their depression.

A Study on the Health-related Lifestyle and Quality of Life in Single Household based on KHP 2015 Data (2015년 한국의료패널 자료를 활용한 1인 가구 건강생활습관과 삶의 질 분석)

  • Jeon, Hyejin;Yi, Hyeryeon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2019
  • This study is a descriptive correlation study that analyzes the correlation between health-related lifestyle and quality of life characteristics of single household. Variables were selected 1,220 surveys of single household from the Korea Health Panel 2015. The average age of single-person households in Korea was 68.19, with women accounting for 71.3% of the single-person households. One household due to each private sector accounted for 64.8%, while 42.3% responded to their subjective health status as "ordinary." Smokers accounted for 31.7% and drinkers 34.7%, with 55.3%t of the low-activity group making up the largest amount of physical activity. The quality of life score was $13.31{\pm}1.828$. There was a positive correlation between smoking, drinking, physical activity and quality of life. Based on this data, progress of physical activity improvement program in support of the diversity and social relations are needed, and individual psychological and emotional support of single household needs to be developed.