• 제목/요약/키워드: 색 병합

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A Study of Brush Stroke Generation Using Color Transfer (칼라변환을 이용한 브러쉬 스트로크의 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Sup;Yoon, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 회화적 렌더링에서 칼라변환을 이용한 브러쉬 스트로크의 생성에 관한 새로운 알고리즘을 제안한다. 본 논문의 브러쉬 스트로크 생성을 위한 전체적인 구성은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 두 장의 사진(한 장의 소스 이미지와 한 장의 참조 이미지)을 입력으로 하여 칼라 변환 이론을 적용하여 색상 테이블이 바뀐 새로운 이미지를 생성한다. 이 방법은 소스 이미지의 칼라 분포 형태를 창조 이미지의 칼라 분포 형태로 변환하기 위해, 선형 히스토그램 매칭이라 불리는, 간단한 통계학적 방법을 이용한다. 둘째, 가우시안 블러링과 소벨 필터를 이용하여 에지를 검출한다. 검출된 에지는 브러쉬 스트로크 렌더링 시 에지 부분에서 스트로크를 클리핑 함으로써 이미지의 윤곽선 보존을 위해 사용된다. 셋째, 브러쉬 스트로크의 방향을 결정하기 위한 방향맵을 생성한다. 방향맵은 입력 영상에 대한 영역 분할 및 병합을 토대로 만들어진다. 영역별 각 픽셀들에 대해 이미지 그래디언트에 기초한 일정한 방향을 부여함으로써 방향맵을 구성한다. 넷째, 구성된 방향맵을 참조하여 브러쉬 스트로크 생성의 기초가 되는 베지어 곡선(Bezier Curve)의 제어점(Control point)을 설정한다. 실제 회화작품에서 사용되는 브러쉬 스트로크는 일반적으로 곡선의 형태를 이루므로 곡선 표현이 가능한 베지어 곡선을 이용하여 브러쉬 스트로크를 표현하였다. 마지막으로, 생성된 브러쉬 스트로크를 에지부문에서 클리핑하고 배경색을 참조하여 블렌딩하거나 퐁 조명 모델을 이용하여 이미지에 적용하게 된다.

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Feature-Based Surface Light Field Morphing (특징점 기반의 표면 라이트 필드 몰핑)

  • Jeong, Eun-Hee;Ahn, Min-Su;Yoon, Min-Cheol;Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2003
  • 표면 라이트 필드는 각 시점에서 관찰된 서로 다른 물체 표면의 색 정보를 메쉬에 저장함으로써 물체 표면을 시점 변화에 따라 사실적으로 렌더링할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 표면 라이트 필드에 대한 영상 기반 편집 기술로서 몰핑 기법을 제시한다. 표면 라이트 필드를 몰핑하기 위해서는 중간 물체의 표면 라이트 필드를 위한 기하 정보와 라이트 필드를 생성해야 한다. 중간 물체의 기하 정보는 메쉬 몰핑을 통해 얻을 수 있다. 중간 물체의 라이트 필드는 두 입력 라이트 필드에서 필요한 정보를 얻어 시점과 기하 정보의 변화에 따라 변형한 후 이를 보간하여 주어진 시점에서의 라이트 필드를 동적으로 얻어낸다. 메쉬 몰핑을 통해 얻어진 중간 물체의 메쉬는 입력 물체에 비해 매우 복잡한 연결 구조를 가지므로 렌터링 속도를 향상시키기 위한 방법을 제시한다. 먼저 메쉬 몰핑 과정에서 메타 메쉬를 만들 때 가까이에 있는 정점들을 병합하여 보다 단순한 메타 메쉬를 생성하고 중간 물체를 렌더링하기 위해 메타 메쉬를 사용하지 않고 메타 메쉬를 근사하도록 두 입력 메쉬를 변형한 후 이를 렌더링에 사용한다.

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Effects of Physical and Chemical Treatment as the Pretreatments on Microorganisms and Quality Characteristics of Allium monanthum (전처리 방법이 달래의 품질 특성과 미생물 저감에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Hyun-Jeong;Seong, Ok-Lan;Cho, Yong-Sik;Jang, Hyun-Wook;Hwang, Young
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.510-519
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the microbial reduction and quality maintenance of the physical and chemical pretreatment of Allium monanthum. For physical treatment, handwash, bubble wash and ultrasonication were conducted at 50℃ and 60℃ for 1, 3 and 5 minutes, respectively, and for chemical treatment the sample was immersed in fumaric acid and acetic acid of 1.5% and 2% concentrations for 1, 3 and 5 minutes, respectively. As a result of the microorganism and quality analysis, 3 minutes of bubble wash was the most effective physical pretreatment in reducing fungi although the effect on reducing total viable bacterial was small. Furthermore, 5 minutes of ultrasonication at 60℃ significantly reduced microorganisms, but also resulted in the reduction of the a value of chromaticity, which cause the green color to fade. With chemical pretreatment, it was found that treating with fumaric acid was more effective in reducing the total viable bacteria and fungi than acetic acid. The result shows that 1.5% concentration of fumaric acid is the most effective with 3 minutes of treatment time. The quality of Allium monanthum were compared in the combination of the two most effective microorganism reduction pretreatments: 3 minutes of bubble wash (B3) and 3 minutes in 1.5% fumaric acid (F153). As a result of analyzing the quality characteristics over 9 days of storage at 4℃ after the treatments, it was revealed that the BF treatment is more effective in reducing fungi than the total viable bacteria. The results shows that the BF treatment is more effective in reducing total viable bacteria, whereas the F153 treatment is more effective in reducing fungi. Also, it was found that the 𝚫E value in BF was the lowest, whereas F153 treatment showed the green color faded. The maximum cohesiveness changed more significantly in the green stems than in the roots. On the 9th day of storage, the hardness of the green stem was found to be maintained at the highest level (P<0.05) after F153 treatment, whereas that of the roots decreased (P<0.05) since the 6th day after the bubble wash. Considering the reduction of microorganisms and the quality maintenance of Allium monanthum, the most effective pretreatment methods were 3 minutes in 1.5% fumaric acid for reducing microorganisms and maintaining color and maximum cohesiveness, and the combined process could also be effective if the expiration period is within 3 days.

Creation of Three-dimensional Convergence Model for Artifact Based on Optical Surface Scanning and X-ray CT: Sam-Chongtong Hand Canon in Jinju National Museum (광학식 표면스캐닝 및 X-선 CT를 활용한 유물의 3차원 융합모델 제작: 국립진주박물관 소장 삼총통)

  • Jo, Younghoon;Kim, Dasol;Kim, Haesol;Huh, Ilkwon;Song, Mingyu
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.22
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2019
  • This study was focused on the three-dimensional convergence modeling that can multilaterally analyze internal and external shapes of the Sam-Chongtong Hand Canon by optical precision scanning optimized for acquiring the surface shape and X-ray CT scanning used for obtaining the internal shape. First, the scanning results were converted by compatible extension, after which three-dimensional deviation analysis was conducted to verify mutual conformities. Accordingly, most (56.98%) deviations between the two scanning models was found be ±0.1mm. This result did not influence registration and merging based on the ICP algorithm. The merged data exhibited the external surface color, detailed shapes, internal width, and structure of the hand canon. The three-dimensional model based on optical surface scanning and X-ray CT scanning can be used for traditional technique interpretation as well as digital documentation of cultural heritage. In the future, it will contribute to deliver accessible scientific information of exhibits for visitors.

Block-based Color Image Segmentation Using Y/C Bit-Plane Sum]nation Image (Y/C 비트 평면합 영상을 이용한 블록 기반 칼라 영상 분할)

  • Kwak, No-Yoon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2000
  • This paper is related to color image segmentation scheme which makes it possible to achieve the excellent segmented results by block-based segmentation using Y/C bit-plane summation image. First, normalized chrominance summation image is obtained by normalizing the image which is summed up the absolutes of color-differential values between R, G, B images. Secondly, upper 2 bits of the luminance image and upper 6bits of and the normalized chrominance summation image are bitwise operated by the pixel to generate the Y/C bit-plane summation image. Next, the Y/C bit-plane summation image divided into predetermined block size, is classified into monotone blocks, texture blocks and edge blocks, and then each classified block is merged to the regions including one more blocks in the individual block type, and each region is selectively allocated to unique marker according to predetermined marker allocation rules. Finally, fine segmented results are obtained by applying the watershed algorithm to each pixel in the unmarked blocks. As shown in computer simulation, the main advantage of the proposed method is that it suppresses the over-segmentation in the texture regions and reduces computational load. Furthermore, it is able to apply global parameters to various images with different pixel distribution properties because they are nonsensitive for pixel distribution. Especially, the proposed method offers reasonable segmentation results in edge areas with lower contrast owing to the regional characteristics of the color components reflected in the Y/C bit-plane summation image.

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CT 영상에서의 간 영역 추출 및 간 종양 분석

  • Jang Do-Won;Lim Eun-Kyung;Kim Chang-Won;Kim Min-Hwan;Kim Kwang-Baek
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2006
  • 간세포암은 우리나라에서 전체 암사망자 중 17.2%로 3번째의 흔한 사망원인이며, 간암에 의한 사망률은 인구 10만 명당 약 21명에 이른다. 본 논문에서는 간 내부에서 발생하는 간세포암을 CT 영상에서 자동으로 추출하는 방법을 제안하여 간세포암의 보조진단으로서의 유용성에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 간 내부의 종양을 추출하기 위해 흉부의 윗부분에서 시작하여 2.5mm의 간격으로 약 45-50장 정도를 촬영한 CT 영상들을 대상으로 먼저 간 영역을 추출한다. 간 영역 추출은 먼저 관심이 없는 외부 영역을 갈비뼈를 중심으로 제거한 후 영상의 밝기 정보를 이용하여 각 기관의 영역을 분할 한다. 분할된 영역들은 위 아래로 인접한 영상에서의 분할 영역들과 밝기 값을 비교하여 적절하게 병합하는 3차원적 접근방법을 사용한다. 간 영역은 여러개의 영역들 중에서 간 영역의 구조 및 위치 등의 정보를 활용하여 추출한다. 추출된 간 영역에서 종양 판별과 추출을 위해 종양이 가지는 특징을 분석하여 종양을 추출한다. 전형적인 간세포암은 과혈관성 종양이므로 조영증강 CT 영상에서 주위보다 밝은 색으로 나타나며, 팽창 형성장을 보일 경우에는 구형으로 나타나는 특징이 있다. 이에, 주위 보다 밝은 색을 가지고 둥근형태를 가지는 영역을 종양의 후보영역으로 선정한 후, 그 영상의 위와 아래로 연결되는 영상에서도 같은 위치에서 같은 특징을 보이는 영역이 있으면 간 내부의 종양으로 판별하여 추출한다. 제안된 간 영역 및 간 종양 추출 방법의 정확성을 판별하기 위하여 CT 영상을 대상으로 실험하여 영상의학 전문의가 판단한 결과와 비교하였다. 간 영역 추출은 정확히 모두 추출되었으며, 간 종양 추출 및 판별은 전문의의 보조 진단도구로 활용할 수 있는 가능성이 매우 높다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.emantic Similarity Measure 등을 단계적으로 수행하여 자동화되고 정확한 규칙식별을 하고자 한다. 이러한 방법들의 조합으로 인하여 규칙구성요소 추출이 되지 않을 후보 단어들의 수를 줄여서 보다 더 정확하고, 지능적인 규칙구성요소 추출 방법론을 제시하고 구현하여 지식관리자의 규칙습득에 대한 부담을 줄여 주고자 한다. 도움을 받을 수 있게 되었다.을 거치도록 되어있다. 교통주제도는 국가의 교통정책결정과 관련분야의 기초자료로서 다양하게 활용되고 있으며, 특히 ITS 노드/링크 기본지도로 활용되는 등 교통 분야의 중요한 지리정보로서 구축되고 있다..20{\pm}0.37L$, 72시간에 $1.33{\pm}0.33L$로 유의한 차이를 보였으므로(F=6.153, P=0.004), 술 후 폐환기능 회복에 효과가 있다. 4) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 노력성 폐활량은 수술 후 72시간에서 실험군이 $1.90{\pm}0.61L$, 대조군이 $1.51{\pm}0.38L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.620, P=0.013). 5) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 일초 노력성 호기량은 수술 후 24시간에서 $1.33{\pm}0.56L,\;1.00{\ge}0.28L$로 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=2.530, P=0.017), 술 후 72시간에서 $1.72{\pm}0.65L,\;1.33{\pm}0.3L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.540, P=0.016). 6) 대상자의 술 후 폐환기능에 영향을 미치는 요인은 성별로 나타났다. 이에 따른 폐환기능의 차이를 보면, 실험군의 술 후 노력성 폐활량이 48시간에 남자($1.78{\pm}0.61L$)가 여자(

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Detection and Analysis of the Liver Area and Liver Tumors in CT Scans (CT 영상에서의 간 영역과 간 종양 추출 및 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2007
  • In Korea, hepatoma is the thirdly frequent cause of death from cancer occupying 17.2% among the whole deaths from cancer and the rate of death from hepatoma comes to about 21's persons per one-hundred thousand ones. This paper proposes an automatic method for the extraction of areas being suspicious as hepatoma from a CT scan and evaluates the availability as an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis of hepatoma. For detecting tumors in the internal of the liver from CT scans, first, an area of the liver is extracted from about $45{\sim}50's$ CT scans obtained by scanning in 2.5-mm intervals starting from the lower part of the chest. In the extraction of an area of the liver, after unconcerned areas outside of the ribs being removed, areas of the internal organs are separated and enlarged by using intensity information of the CT scan. The area of the liver is extracted among separated areas by using information on position and morphology of the liver. Since hepatoma is a hypervascular turner, the area corresponding to hepatoma appears more brightly than the surroundings in contrast-enhancement CT scans, and when hepatoma shows expansile growth, the area has a spherical shape. So, for the extraction of areas of hepatoma, areas being brighter than the surroundings and globe-shaped are selected as candidate ones in an area of the liver, and then, areas appearing at the same position in successive CT scans among the candidates are discriminated as hepatoma. For the performance evaluation of the proposed method, experiment results obtained by applying the proposed method to CT scans were compared with the diagnoses by radiologists. The evaluation results showed that all areas of the liver and liver tumors were extracted exactly and the proposed method has a high availability as an auxiliary diagnosis tools for the discrimination of liver tumors.

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Incremental Batch Update of Spatial Data Cube with Multi-dimensional Concept Hierarchies (다차원 개념 계층을 지원하는 공간 데이터 큐브의 점진적 일괄 갱신 기법)

  • Ok, Geun-Hyoung;Lee, Dong-Wook;You, Byeong-Seob;Lee, Jae-Dong;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.1395-1409
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    • 2006
  • A spatial data warehouse has spatial data cube composed of multi-dimensional data for efficient OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing) operations. A spatial data cube supporting concept hierarchies holds huge amount of data so that many researches have studied a incremental update method for minimum modification of a spatial data cube. The Cube, however, compressed by eliminating prefix and suffix redundancy has coalescing paths that cause update inconsistencies for some updates can affect the aggregate value of coalesced cell that has no relationship with the update. In this paper, we propose incremental batch update method of a spatial data cube. The proposed method uses duplicated nodes and extended node structure to avoid update inconsistencies. If any collision is detected during update procedure, the shared node is duplicated and the duplicate is updated. As a result, compressed spatial data cube that includes concept hierarchies can be updated incrementally with no inconsistency. In performance evaluation, we show the proposed method is more efficient than other naive update methods.

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Content-based image retrieval using region-based image querying (영역 기반의 영상 질의를 이용한 내용 기반 영상 검색)

  • Kim, Nac-Woo;Song, Ho-Young;Kim, Bong-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.10C
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    • pp.990-999
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose the region-based image retrieval method using JSEG which is a method for unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions. JSEG is an algorithm that discretizes an image by color classification, makes the J-image by applying a region to window mask, and then segments the image by using a region growing and merging. The segmented image from JSEG is given to a user as the query image, and a user can select a few segmented regions as the query region. After finding the MBR of regions selected by user query and generating the multiple window masks based on the center point of MBR, we extract the feature vectors from selected regions. We use the accumulated histogram as the global descriptor for performance comparison of extracted feature vectors in each method. Our approach fast and accurately supplies the relevant images for the given query, as the feature vectors extracted from specific regions and global regions are simultaneously applied to image retrieval. Experimental evidence suggests that our algorithm outperforms the recent image-based methods for image indexing and retrieval.

A Study on Localization of Text in Natural Scene Images (자연 영상에서의 정확한 문자 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Mi-Young;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new approach to eliminate the reflectance component for the localization of text in natural scene images. Natural scene images normally have an illumination component as well as a reflectance component. It is well known that a reflectance component usually obstructs the task of detecting and recognizing objects like texts in the scene, since it blurs out an overall image. We have developed an approach that efficiently removes reflectance components while Preserving illumination components. We decided whether an input image hits Normal or Polarized for determining the light environment, using the histogram which consisted of a red component. In the normal image, we acquired the text region without additional processing. Otherwise we removed light reflecting from the object using homomorphic filtering in the polarized image. And then this decided the each text region based on the color merging technique and the Saliency Map. Finally, we localized text region on these two candidate regions.

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