• 제목/요약/키워드: 색상 차

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Color-related Query Processing for Intelligent E-Commerce Search (지능형 검색엔진을 위한 색상 질의 처리 방안)

  • Hong, Jung A;Koo, Kyo Jung;Cha, Ji Won;Seo, Ah Jeong;Yeo, Un Yeong;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2019
  • As interest on intelligent search engines increases, various studies have been conducted to extract and utilize the features related to products intelligencely. In particular, when users search for goods in e-commerce search engines, the 'color' of a product is an important feature that describes the product. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the synonyms of color terms in order to produce accurate results to user's color-related queries. Previous studies have suggested dictionary-based approach to process synonyms for color features. However, the dictionary-based approach has a limitation that it cannot handle unregistered color-related terms in user queries. In order to overcome the limitation of the conventional methods, this research proposes a model which extracts RGB values from an internet search engine in real time, and outputs similar color names based on designated color information. At first, a color term dictionary was constructed which includes color names and R, G, B values of each color from Korean color standard digital palette program and the Wikipedia color list for the basic color search. The dictionary has been made more robust by adding 138 color names converted from English color names to foreign words in Korean, and with corresponding RGB values. Therefore, the fininal color dictionary includes a total of 671 color names and corresponding RGB values. The method proposed in this research starts by searching for a specific color which a user searched for. Then, the presence of the searched color in the built-in color dictionary is checked. If there exists the color in the dictionary, the RGB values of the color in the dictioanry are used as reference values of the retrieved color. If the searched color does not exist in the dictionary, the top-5 Google image search results of the searched color are crawled and average RGB values are extracted in certain middle area of each image. To extract the RGB values in images, a variety of different ways was attempted since there are limits to simply obtain the average of the RGB values of the center area of images. As a result, clustering RGB values in image's certain area and making average value of the cluster with the highest density as the reference values showed the best performance. Based on the reference RGB values of the searched color, the RGB values of all the colors in the color dictionary constructed aforetime are compared. Then a color list is created with colors within the range of ${\pm}50$ for each R value, G value, and B value. Finally, using the Euclidean distance between the above results and the reference RGB values of the searched color, the color with the highest similarity from up to five colors becomes the final outcome. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed method, we performed an experiment. In the experiment, 300 color names and corresponding color RGB values by the questionnaires were obtained. They are used to compare the RGB values obtained from four different methods including the proposed method. The average euclidean distance of CIE-Lab using our method was about 13.85, which showed a relatively low distance compared to 3088 for the case using synonym dictionary only and 30.38 for the case using the dictionary with Korean synonym website WordNet. The case which didn't use clustering method of the proposed method showed 13.88 of average euclidean distance, which implies the DBSCAN clustering of the proposed method can reduce the Euclidean distance. This research suggests a new color synonym processing method based on RGB values that combines the dictionary method with the real time synonym processing method for new color names. This method enables to get rid of the limit of the dictionary-based approach which is a conventional synonym processing method. This research can contribute to improve the intelligence of e-commerce search systems especially on the color searching feature.

The Comparison Study Against Preference Colors and Emotional Image of Car Colors According to an Age and Gender (나이, 성 별 선호색과 감성이미지에 의한 자동차 색에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Min;Shin, Kwang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.166-178
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    • 2012
  • Depending on the launch of the emotional generation, many researches developing the automobile preference color which reflects the preference color of the consumers are advanced. This study investigate preferred colors and emotional image of the car color reflecting the product design and consuming psychology. According to surveyed ages and gender, there are eight categories (women/20 's, 30 "s, 40 's, and 50 's and men/20 's, 30 "s, 40 's, and 50 's) based on the 30 persons. Preferred color is black, white, sky blue, purple, pink, and orange order. If black, white and gray are excluded, remained in the order of blue, yellow, and purple. There are big deferences on preference color when emotional preference color of cars is showed or not. Practically, the preference color is following in sensitivity. However the car image is recognized actually with conservativeness, they hesitates selection of the bright chromatic color car.

Real-Time Multi-Objects Detection and Interest Pedestrian Tracking in Auto-Controlled Camera Environment (제어 가능한 카메라 환경에서 실시간 다수 물체 검출 및 관심 보행자 추적)

  • Lee, Byung-Sun;Rhee, Eun-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 실시간으로 획득된 영상을 분석하여 움직이는 다수 물체를 검출하고, 카메라를 자동 제어하여 관심 보행자만을 추적하는 시스템을 제안한다. 다수 물체 영역 검출은 차영상과 이전변환 밀도값을 이용한다. 검출된 다수 물체 영역에서 사람의 구조적 정보와 형태 정보를 이용하여 나무들의 흔들림으로 인한 영역이나 차량의 움직임 영역은 제거되고, 관심 보행자 영역만을 검출하였다. 관심 보행자 추적은 무게중심 차를 이용한 움직임 정보와 k-means 알고리즘으로 구한 세 점의 평균 색상 정보를 이용한다. 원거리 관심 보행자는 인식률을 높이기 위해 줌을 실행하여 확대하고, 관심 보행자의 화면상 위치에 따라 카메라 방향을 자동으로 조정하여 관심 보행자반을 연속적으로 추적한다. 실험 결과, 제안한 시스템은 실시간으로 움직이는 다수 물체를 검출하고, 사람의 구조적 특정과 형태 정보로 관심 보행자만을 검출할 수 있었고, 움직임 정보와 색상정보로 관심 보행자를 연속적으로 추적할 수 있었다.

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Vehicle tracking algorithm using the hue transform in HIS color model (HIS 칼라모델에서 색상 변환을 이용한 자동차 추적 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Joo-Shin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, vehicle tracking algorithm using hue transformation in HIS color model is proposed. the proposed algorithm is installed on the road of the two horizontal virtual data sampling lines. The difference images are detected between the frame and the frame, respectively and also detected in the vehicle by using the hue color distribution to determine identity and lane changes. To examine the effectiveness of proposed algorithm, identification and velocity measurement for driving vehicle are evaluated. this evaluated results is shown by hue data of vehicle passing of two virtual data sample lines, and the velocity measurement for driving vehicle is less than 0.4% comparing with existing vehicle speed meter system.

Effects of Ascorbic Acid and Citric Acid on Pungency and Color of Commercial Horseradish Powder (아스코르빈산 및 구연산이 시판 고추냉이 분말 향신료의 신미와 색상에 미치는 영향)

  • 박완규;윤종훈;최춘언
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.171-174
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    • 1992
  • Effects of ascorbic acid and citric acid on pungency and color stabilities in the Horseradish powder during 16 weeks storage were investigated. When the ascorbic arid added 0.1 wt.%, the effect of allyl isothiocynate stability was very significant after 16 weeks storage at 37$^{\circ}C$. However, the effect of citric acid on the allyl isothiocyanate stability was not observed. The results also showed that ascorbic acid and citric arid did not affect the color stability of the Horseradish powder significantly. When the Horseradish powder was tempered with water, the effect of ascorbic acid on stability of allyl isothiocynate and color value was shown.

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Dyeing Characteristics of super-soft combined PET weave (Super-soft형 PET 교직물의 염색 특성)

  • Lee, Eun-Mi;Gwon, O-Tak;Choe, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.85-86
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    • 2008
  • 신규섬유의 하나인 super-soft형 PET직물 및 이의 교직물을 염색한 결과, 100% 직물의 경우 기존의 PET 섬유에 비해 약 $10^{\circ}C$ 낮은 온도에서 염착이 시작되며 최종 염착률은 $90{\sim}99%$로 PET와 유사하였다. 교직물의 경우 2단2욕법의 염색방법을 통해 염색하였으며 side간 색상차를 보였다. super-soft형 PET섬유의 경우 첨가된 무기물의 영향으로 색상이 다소 dull 해 지는 경향을 보인다.

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Scene Change Detection Method using Color Histogram and Feature Detection Algorithm (색상 히스토그램과 특징점 추출 알고리즘을 활용한 장면 전환 검출 방법)

  • Hyunju Oh;Wanjin Ko;Jiyong Park
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.741-744
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    • 2023
  • 장면 전환 검출에서 단일 특성을 사용하는 경우 발생 가능한 정확도 감소의 문제를 해결하기 위해 색상 히스토그램 분포 차 분석과 특징점 추출 알고리즘을 활용한 방법을 제안한다.

The effect of LED lighting hues on the rating and recognition of affective stimulus (LED 조명색상이 정서자극의 평정과 재인에 미치는 효과)

  • Pak, Hyen-Sou;Lee, Chan-Su;Jang, Ja-Soon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2011
  • Three experiments were carried out to examine how LED lighting hues influence to the rating and recognition of affective stimuli. In Experiment 1 and 2, IAPS affective pictures were used and an affective rating(valence and arousal) task and a recognition memory task were conducted under red, green, blue, and white hue LED lightings in Experiment 1 and cyan, magenta, yellow, and white ones in Experiment 2, respectively. In Experiment 3, affective words were used and the same two tasks were conducted under red, green, blue, and white hue LED lightings. According to the results of affective rating tasks, when primary hues(RGB) were used, red LED lighting elicited an excitement at the arousal dimension and green LED lighting evoked pleasantness at the valence one. When secondary hues(CMY) were used, magenta and cyan showed the similar but weaker patterns of responses comparing to red and green. The results of recognition memory task showed that the responses to the picture stimuli presented at green and cyan hue lightings tended to be a bit faster comparing to the stimuli presented at the other conditions but the difference was insignificant. In Experiment 3, however, recognition memory responses to the affective words presented at green hue lighting were faster significantly. These results indicate that warm colors like red and magenta elicit unpleasantness or excitement while cool colors like green and cyan evoke pleasantness or relaxation, and the primary hues provoke more positive or negative affectivity than secondary ones do. Particularly, the result of recognition memory task in Experiment 3 suggests that green hue LED lighting might be advantageous at the memory performance of language stimuli rather than visual ones.

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A Real-Time Face Region Extraction Using Motion And Color Information (움직임과 색상 정보를 이용한 실시간 얼굴영역 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Park Sung-Jin;Han Sang-Il;Cha Hyung-Tai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.441-445
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    • 2005
  • 얼굴인식기술이 인증 및 보안을 위한 도구로 활용되고 있지만 입력영상의 상태 즉, 복잡한 배경과 조명환경에 따라 적용할 수 있는 범위가 제약적일 수밖에 없다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 제약을 최소화하기 위한 방법과 좀 더 정확한 얼굴 영역 검출을 위한 기법을 제시한다. 제안된 방법은 움직임에 기반 한 에지 차영상을 이용하여 얼굴 윤곽을 검출한 후 이를 X와 Y축의 프로파일을 이용하여 얼굴영역을 예측한다. 그리고 얼굴의 피부 색상 정보와 특징 구성요소인 눈, 코, 입 등의 특징적인 요소의 에지정보를 이용하여 수직적으로 이를 구분한 후 얼굴인지 아닌지를 판별한다. 제안된 알고리즘은 다양한 배경 및 조명등의 많은 환경적 요인에 따른 입력영상에서도 매우 안정적으로 적용됨을 실험을 통해 확인하였다.

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A Study on New RGB Space Transformation for Skin Color Detection (새로운 RGB영역 변환을 이용한 Skin Color Detection에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Won-Serk;Lee, Hyung-Ji;Chung, Jae-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.915-918
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 색상정보를 이용한 얼굴 검출 알고리즘에 대해 소개하고자 한다. 여러 개의 얼굴 검출에 적용되는 이 알고리즘은 피부색의 학습 과정과 입력영상에 대한 얼굴 검출 과정으로 크게 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 특히 본 연구에서는 피부색이 본 논문에서 제안한 새로운 RGB 영역에서 직선을 이루는 특징을 이용하여 학습 data를 구성한다. 이렇게 구성된 data를 입력영상에 적용함으로써 1차 얼굴 후보영역을 결정한다. 그런 후 1차 후보영역을 세로방향과 가로방향으로 투영시킴으로써 최종 얼굴영역을 찾아낸다. 실험을 통해 이 알고리즘은 기존의 색상정보를 이용한 얼굴 검출 방법에 비해 얼굴개수에 상관없이 높은 검출 성공률을 보여주었다.

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