• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사용자 관심

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Academic Expert Search Method Using Importance and Quality of Papers (논문의 중요성 및 품질을 이용한 학술 전문가 검색 기법)

  • Lee, Seo-Hee;Park, Yun-jeong;Han, Jin-Su;Choi, Do-Jin;Lim, Jong-Tae;Bok, Kyoung-Soo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.458-467
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    • 2016
  • An expert search method using a large amount of academic data that can provide users with representative research results and advice is required. Since the existing expert search methods perform the expert search based on user profile or activity information, they have a problem that it is hard to discriminate the expert when we do not know the user profile or activity information. In this paper, we propose an academic expert search method using the importance and quality of a paper. The importance of a paper is computed by considering its scarcity and up-to-date topics. The quality of a paper is evaluated by considering the number of citations, IF of Journal, recency and author relations. To show the superiority of the proposed method, we compare it with the existing scheme through the performance evaluation in terms of recall and precision.

DEVS Simulation of Spam Voice Signal Detection in VoIP Service (VoIP 스팸 콜 탐지를 위한 음성신호의 DEVS 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Hyung-Jong;Cho, Young-Duk;Kim, Hwan-Kuk;Won, Yoo-Jae;Kim, Myuhng-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2007
  • As the VoIP service quality is getting better and many shortcomings are being overcome, users are getting interested in this service. Also, there are several additional features that provide a convenience to users such as presence service, instant messaging service and so on. But, as there are always two sides of rein, some security issues have users hesitate to make use of it. This paper deals with one of the issues, the VoIP spam problem. We took into account the signal pattern of voice message in spam call and we have constructed voice signal models of normal call, normal call with noise and spam call. Each voice signal case is inserted into our spam decision algorithm which detects the spam calls based on the amount of information in the call signal. We made use of the DEVS-$Java^{TM}$ for our modeling and simulation. The contribution of this work is in suggestion of a way to detect voice spam call signal and testing of the method using modeling and simulation methodology.

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Context-aware Protype for Adaptive Recommendation Service on Mobile (모바일 환경에서 능동적 추천 서비스를 위한 상황인식 프로토타입)

  • Chang, Hyo-Kyung;Kang, Yong-Ho;Choi, Eui-In
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2012
  • The development of mobile devices and the spread of wireless network help share and exchange information and resources more easily. The bond them to Cloud Computing technology help pay attention to "Mobile Cloud" service, so there have been being a lot of studies on "Mobile Cloud" service. Especially, the important of 'Recommendation Service' which is customized for each user's preference and context has been increasing. In order to provide appropriate recommendation services, it enables to recognize user's current state, analyze the user's profile like user's tendency and preference, and draw the service answering the user's request. Most existing frameworks, however, are not very suitable for mobile devices because they were proposed on the web-based. And other context information except location information among user's context information are not much considered. Therefore, this paper proposed the context-aware framework, which provides more suitable services by using user's context and profile.

Modelling Perceptual Attention for Augmented Reality Agents (증강 현실 에이전트를 위한 지각 주의 모델링)

  • Oh, Se-Jin;Woo, Woon-Tack
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2010
  • Since Augmented Reality (AR) enables users to experience computer-generated content embedded in real environments, AR agents can be visualized among physical objects in the environments where the users exist, and directly interact with them in real-time. We model perceptual attention for autonomous agents in AR environments where virtual and physical objects coexist. Since such AR agents must adaptively perceive and attend to surrounded objects relevant to their goals, our model allows the agents to determine currently visible objects from the description of what virtual and physical objects are configured in the camera's viewing area. A degree of attention is assigned to each perceived object based on its relevance to achieve agents' goals. The agents can focus on a reduced set of perceived objects with respect to the estimated degree of attention. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we implemented an animated character that was overlaid over a miniature version of campus and that attended to buildings relevant to their goals. Experiments showed that our model could reduce the character's perceptual loads even when surroundings change.

Development of Personalized broadcasting Service and Terminal based on TV-Anytime (개인 맞춤형방송 서비스와 단말플랫폼 개발)

  • Seok, Joo-Myoung;Lim, Seon-Yong;Choi, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Hyun-Cheol;Lee, Han-Kyu;Hong, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.38-53
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays, as it goes on digitalization of the broadcasting and the convergence of the broadcasting and communications , it has been developed into the ubiquitous individual media consuming pattern which can easily and comfortably consume the favorite contents through any devices at anytime and/or anywhere. For this, in this paper, we propose personalized broadcasting service that can provide a convenient access of the contents that users want to watch at anytime by considering the user preference and consumption characteristics as well as an efficient browsing and watching of the particular program segments more advanced than the data broadcasting services. Moreover, it is implemented the TV-Anytime standard based on personalized broadcasting terminal platform by us. The developed services and terminal will used on broadcasting environment in which many services and the contents. The result of that is the broadcasters/service providers and content providers can provide differential broadcasting services which is suitable to each user such as personalized broadcasting service in near future.

Post Clustering Method using Tag Hierarchy for Blog Search (블로그 검색에서의 태그 계층구조를 이용한 포스트 군집화)

  • Lee, Ki-Jun;Kim, Kyung-Min;Lee, Myung-Jin;Kim, Woo-Ju;Hong, June-S.
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.301-319
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    • 2011
  • Blog plays an important role as new type of knowledge base distinguishing from traditional web resource. While information resources in their existing website dealt with a wide range of topics, information resources of the blog are concentrated in specific units of information depending on the user's interests and have the criteria of classification forresources published by tagging. In this research, we build a tag hierarchy utilizing title keywords and tags of the blog, and propose apost clustering methodology applying the tag hierarchy. We then generate the tag hierarchy reflected the relationship between tags and develop the tag clustering methodology according to tag similarity. In this paper, we analyze the possibility of applying the proposed methodology with real-world examples and evaluate its performances through developed prototype system.

A Reranking Method Using Query Expansion and PageRank Check (페이지 랭크지수와 질의 확장을 이용한 재랭킹 방법)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan;Jeon, Ho-Chul;Choi, Joong-Min
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.4
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2011
  • Many search algorithms have been implemented by many researchers on the world wide web. One of the best algorithms is Google using PageRank technology. PageRank approach computes the number of inlink of each documents then ranks documents in the order of inlink members. But it is difficult to find the results that user needs, because this method find documents not valueable for a person but valueable for the public. To solve this problem, We use the WordNet for analysis of the user's query history. This paper proposes a personalized search engine using the user's query history and PageRank Check. We compared the performance of the proposed approaches with google search results in the top 30. As a result, the average of the r-precision for the proposed approaches is about 60% and it is better as about 14%.

Tweet Acquisition System by Considering Location Information and Tendency of Twitter User (트위터 사용자의 위치정보와 성향을 고려한 트윗 수집 시스템)

  • Choi, Woosung;Yim, Junyeob;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • While SNS services such as Twitter or Facebook are rapidly growing, research for the SNS analysis has been concerned. Especially, twitter reacts to social issues in real-time so that it is used to get useful experimental data for researchers of social science or information retrieval. However, it is still lack of research on the methodology to collect data. Therefore, this paper suggests the tweet acquisition system by considering tendency of twitter user oriented location-based event and political social event. First the system acquires tweets including information of location and keyword about event and secure IDs for acquisition of political social event. Then we plan ID-analyzer to classify the tendency of users. In addition for measuring reliability of ID-analyzer, it acquires and analyzes the tweet by using high-ranked ID. In analyses result, top-ranked ID shows 88.8% reliability, 2nd-ranked ID shows 76.05% and ID-analyzer shows 77.5%, it shortens collection time by using minority ID.

Requirements Redundancy and Inconsistency Analysis for Use Case Modeling (유스케이스 모델링을 위한 요구사항 중복 및 불일치 분석)

  • 최진재;황선영
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.869-882
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes an effective method to create logically consistent and structured requirement model by applying consistency control approach of the formal method to the use-case modeling. This method integrates the multi-perspective scattered requirement segments that may overlap and conflict each other into a structured requirement model. The model structure can be analyzed based on context goal and concerned area overlap analysis. The model consistency can be achieved by using specification overlap-based consistency checking method as an integration vehicle. An experimental application to case study shows that the Proposed method can successfully identify requirement overlaps and inconsistency. It can also transfer multi-viewpoint requirement segments into a consistently integrated use-case model to clarify software behaviors and functionality This method helps users to enhance capability to identify specification inconsistency in the use-case modeling at the early stage of software engineering development. The proposed approach can also facilitate communication between users and developers to ensure customer satisfaction.

Resource Reallocation Algorithm for Layered Video Multicast (계층적 비디오 멀티캐스트를 위한 자원 재할당 알고리즘)

  • Yun, Jiun;Park, Dong Chan;Hwang, Sung Sue;Kim, Min Ki;Kim, Suk Chan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.5
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2014
  • It has been grown interests ot the convergence services about broadcasting and multicasting services such as Mobile IPTV. It needs the efficient scheduling and resource allocation algorithm because video contents have the large data. This paper proposes the resource allocation algorithm for the layered-encoded video coding in the multicasting services. Existing approaches only deal with the utility maximization in the current video frames. However, these algorithms have a problem for the Quality of Services(QoS) if the user's channel states are not good. We apply the delay constraint and find to maximize the utility values using the current content's frames and already assigned content's frames within the constraint periods. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by the higher layer transmission rates compared the existing algorithm and significantly improved for the QoS.