• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사상론

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Concept of Trend Analysis of Hydrologic Extreme Variables and Nonstationary Frequency Analysis (극치수문자료의 경향성 분석 개념 및 비정상성 빈도해석)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ju;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.1448-1452
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    • 2010
  • 최근 기상변동성 증가 및 기후변화 영향으로 수문순환과정이 과거와는 다른 양상으로 전개되고 있으며 전반적으로 극치사상의 빈도 및 강도의 증가현상이 지배적이다. 이러한 영향을 정량적으로 검토하기 위해서 경향성분석 방법 등이 도입되어 극치수문사상의 변동경향을 평가하는데 이용되고 있다. 대표적인 방법으로 선형회귀분석, Mann-Kendall 경향성 분석 등이 있으나 기본적인 가정(assumption)의 제약으로 극치수문자료 계열의 특성을 효과적으로 분석하는데 무리가 있다. 대표적이고 일반적으로 적용되는 선형회귀분석의 경우 자료가 정규분포(normal distribution)의 특성을 가질 때 유효한 방법으로서 극치수문자료와 같이 Heavy Tail를 가지는 분포특성을 표현하는 데는 무리가 따른다. 이밖에도 기존 선형회귀분석을 극치수문자료에 적용할 경우 추정된 결과를 수자원설계의 관심사항인 빈도해석 등에 직접적으로 연계시켜 해석할 수 없는 단점이 있다. 이는 자료계열의 분포특성을 정규분포로 가정하기 때문에 발생하는 문제로서 극치수문자료계열의 분포 특성을 반영할 수 있는 방법론의 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 점을 개선하기 위해서 극치분포(extreme distribution)를 선형회귀분석에 적용하는 비정상성빈도해석(nonstationary frequency analysis) 방법론의 개념을 제시하고자 한다. 비정상성빈도해석을 위해서 Bayesian 기법이 도입되며 Bayesian 기법의 특성상 관련변수들이 사후분포(posterior distribution)로 귀결되기 때문에 경향성에 대한 정량적이고 확률적인 분석이 가능한 장점이 있다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 방법론은 국내외 주요 강수지점에 대해서 적용되며 경향성, 분포특성, 빈도별 강수량에 대한 체계적인 분석이 이루어진다.

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Mental and physical healing techniques of Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine - In contrast with the Integral life Practice(ILP) of Integral psychology - (사상의학의 심신치유기법 - 통합심리학의 ILP(Integral life practice)와 대비하여 -)

  • Heo, Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.353-381
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    • 2014
  • "The four types of temperament" (hereinafter "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine") is applied to not only medicine, but also various fields like management, politics, education, etc. Despite that "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine" is "Mind-Body Medicine" which is fundamentally based on "Controling Mind and Body", though, it was rarely used for psychotherapy in practical. Practical treatment on clinical medicine is limited to only medicine-treatment or acupuncture-therapy. However treatment on illness and pathological phenomenon suggested by "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine" keeps individual's nature in control, and it governs environmental facts: age, region, and socio-cultural factors: alcohol, debauchery, riches, authority(酒 色 財 權). Especially, "Moral Cultivation" in "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine" emphasizes the importance of properly understanding vice(邪心) and laziness(怠行) concealed in natural temperament of human being, and pursuing "Understanding Each Other(博通)" and "Upright Conduct by Oneself(獨行)". Furthermore, because "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine" is developing medical theory based on "Understanding Others(知人)" and "Straighten Oneself(正己)" doing try integral approach, it has great implications for the present generation that forms much of social connection. Similarly, Ken Wilber who is one of representatives of "World Philosophy" and "Integral Psychology" is suggesting "Integral Life Practice" (hereinafter ILP) - applies practical and heuristic "Integral Approach" to individual experiences. ILP is the only practical discipline for development of viable whole-area. ILP says that there are four core modules: body, mind, shadow, spirit(靈), and five auxiliary modules: morals(倫理), gender(性), work(일), emotion(情緖), relationships(關係性). These nine modules could apply mind-body treatment of "Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine", and thereby more developed mind-body treatment would be found.

A Proposal of Quality Evaluation Methodology for Radar Data (레이더 자료의 품질평가 기법 제안)

  • Yoo, Chulsang;Yoon, Jungsoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5B
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2010
  • This study proposed a methodology for evaluating the radar rainfall data, whose basic idea is similar to the analysis of variance in statistics. This method enables us to represent separately the error from the bias and that from the data variability. The proposed method was then applied to two storm events for its evaluation. As results, the error from the bias was found to comprises most of the raw radar data error, which becomes significantly decreased in the quality improved cases. On the other hand, the error from the data variability was rather increased due to the quality improvement procedure. The proposed methodology was found to be effective for evaluating the data quality of a storm event for steps of quality improvement, but has a limitation for comparing qualities of storm events. This limitation should be implemented for its general application.

A Study on the Service Philosophy of Major Western Ideology (서양 대표사상의 서비스철학성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2019
  • This study considers service philosophy of Western representative ideology to establish service philosophy following previous studies. The service philosophy is analyzed by referring to previous researches, and the structure and operation model of service philosophy are presented together. In the analysis of the Western representative thought by the age, the ancient Mediterranean philosophy and the Athenian philosophy were analyzed in detail from the viewpoint of the service structure, and the modern thoughts were analyzed from the perspective of the service operation model consistency. We analyze whether the intangibility and process characteristics of service are consistent with the world view of Western representative ideology and analyzed whether the essential characteristics of service, such as relationship, interactivity, horizontality, and harmony, are emphasized in Western representative ideology. Also, we examined whether the spiral development model of service matches the world development model in Western representative ideology. From the ancient thought to the modern thought, mainstream thoughts emphasize the dialectical development of the conflicts, and the Taegeuk - type basic structure of service is consistent with the world 's operating structure in Western thought. In addition, it is shown that circular reasoning and process theory are central idea from ancient times to modern thought, and process theory is consistent with service operation model which creates value. Relationality and harmoniousness are presented by the majority of Western thinkers as the fundamental operating principle of the world, and both the interactive and horizontal aspects are presented as ideal operating models of the world. It is confirmed that the service philosophy can play a central role as the ideology that leads the human society.

Views on Life and Humanity in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 생명관과 인생관)

  • Choi, Chi-bong
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.319-349
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to elucidate the origin and yield of life and its characteristics and purpose in Daesoon Thought. Thereby, Taegeuk (the Great Ultimate) and Sangje (the Supreme God) have been deemed the source and ontology of life. The structure of each living creature is explained through reason (理), energy (氣) and spirit (神). In addition, through vital reason and living energy, the purpose of life makes the realization of the benevolent characteristics of life possible through the mind of Sangje. This line of research is unique among currently available research views of life as it perceives the spirit to be an ontological entity with functions and interactive engagement. By way of contrast, prior research suggests that spirit is life itself and includes it in the category of life and death. The Daesoon view of life is unique in that it is somewhat influenced by ontology and developmental theories from Confucianism, yet the concept of divine beings suggests a humanistic Sangje, who presides over the Great Ultimate. The realization of reason in this model is rather thought-provoking. Humans, just like other living things, are born with vital essence and function and interact as a main source to preside over the innate spirits inside themselves. Humans take responsibility for a certain sphere in the Three Realms that make up the world. They are also recognized as a significant feature in the world. Such an idea in Daesoon Thought depicts that 'the enshrinement of spirit into human being (神封於人),' follows Heaven and Earth. This is done to rectify humans in order to meet the needs of the universe and ultimately establish the era of the enshrinement of spirits into human beings. As for humanity, this possibility exists because of the spirits contained within their inner-selves. When cultivating oneself, humans and outer spirits actively interact with each other. This is likely to cause changes in a human's constitution and characteristics. In the end, one can be enshrined with corresponding divine beings according to one's degree of cultivation. Humans are born through the command of Sangje and the accomplishments of their ancestors as well as the energy of the universe. Present day humans encounter the era of human nobility and the era of humankind's divine salvation. Thereby, the purpose of human life is to contribute to the universe. To achieve this goal, the most important thing is to wholly realize that one's nature and reason were endowed by Heaven, which emerged from virtuous conduct in society. This is also akin to the movement of reason in Jeungsanist Thought. Sangsaeng (mutual beneficence) among oneself and others and between human beings and divine beings can be completed through the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence and the grateful reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence. If one accomplishes the perfected state of one's own nature and reveals it wholly, then one will be fully able to interact with spirits and reach the state of the human nobility.

Sasang Constitution Classification by Speech Signal Processing (음성 신호 분석에 의한 사상 체질 분류)

  • Cho Dong-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.5C
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    • pp.548-555
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes on the Sasang constitution classification method which is the most important things in the Sasang constitution medicine. Pre-existing methods of Sasang constitution classification are a shape of the body and its countenance & morpological aspect and temper. Many diagnostic methods have been developed and used including the questionnaires on personal life style and propensities(QSCC, QSCC II), and the tonal analysis of person's voice. Recently the constitutional acupunture and the herbal medicine response analyses are developed and used additionally. But these methods which is done by the doctor's intuition. In this article, I propose a methodology to classify the Sasang constitution. pitch, intensity and formants are used to classify the Sasang constitution by comparing the similarities and differencies of tonal analysis. Finally, the validity of the method is proven through the experiments.

An Interpretation of Human View in Daesoon Thought: From the Perspective of Mircea Eliade's New Humanism (엘리아데의 관점으로 본 대순사상의 인간관 연구)

  • Ahn, Shin
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2019
  • There have been three trends in the study of the view of humanity in Daesoon Thought: insider theology, outsider theology, and religious studies. This article is intended to interpret the view of humanity in Daesoon Thought from the perspective of Mircea Eliade's New Humanism. We find similarities between Daesoon Thought and Eliade's New Humanism. Daesoon Thought deals with the complexities of life as being labyrinth-like and puts Jeungsan's view of humanity at the center of a Daesoon worldview. Jeungsan examines the existential problems which humans face in the Former World, and gives the religious remedies of Haewonsangsaeng (the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence) and Boeunsangsaeng (the grateful reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence) to transform humanity's worldview for usage in the Later World. Jeungsan suggests a way of peace instead of the revolution of Donghak. Through the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth, Jeungsan changes the mutual contention of the Former World into the mutual beneficence of the Later World. The cosmology of Daesoon Thought recovers the relationship between divine beings and human beings in the three realms, and proposes a system of ethics that promotes virtue and reproves vices and human-centericism. In conclusion, the view of humanity in Daesoon Thought is an unapologetic view of homo-religiosus from within a new humanism.

A Study on Dosu Theory in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 도수론(度數論) 연구)

  • Park, In-gyu
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.28
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    • pp.207-241
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    • 2017
  • In the scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe, the expression 'Dosu (度數)' is frequently used and Jeungsan, Jeongsan, and Wudang also left behind many teachings related to Dosu. In this paper, the concept of Dosu is analyzed in detail and the achievement of an in-depth understanding of the concept of Dosu is attempted. The term Dosu is often used in traditional literature. In the classics, Dosu was used to mean institutions, standards, rules, law, figures, and the laws of heavenly bodies. In other words, Dosu is used to mean the laws of astronomy and the norms of human society. This meaning is expanded and used as the principle of the universe and nature. This concept of Dosu is related to the mathematical cosmological understanding of numbers as the principle of the universe. This type of mathematical cosmology was systematized by Shao Yong (邵雍). In the Joseon Dynasty, Seo Gyungduk (徐敬德) accepted it positively, and it thereby became an influential trend in Korean thought. In the world view of Daesoon thought, there exists the view that numbers as a principle of the universe, and of course this world view is connected to mathematical cosmology. In Daesoon thought, the concept of Dosu is based on the concept of traditional Dosu and adds an additional meaning which connects it to the Reordering of the Universe (Cheonjigongsa). Also, Dosu is used to mean the process of changing the principles and laws of cosmos through Jeungsan's Reordering of the Universe. It is especially the case that discourse about Dosu is widely used when describing the Reordering of the Universe. Jeungsan corrected, reorganized, and adjusted Dosu, as well as establishing new Dosu. Jeongsan, who succeeded Jeungsan, followed the Reordering of the Universe by Jeungsan, and also realized Dosu. In other words, Jeongsan acted and practiced according to the Dosu that had been enacted by Jeungsan. Also, Dosu means the process of the transformation of principle according to the Reordering of the Universe, and Wudang used the concept of Dosu to describe the historical process of Daesoon Jinrihoe. This means that the foundation of Mugeukdo, the change to Taegukdo, the establishment of Daesoon Jinrihoe, and the contruction of Yeoju headquarters are episodes in a divine history carried out through Dosu. Through this discourse, Daesoon Jinrihoe asserts a legitimacy that distinguishes itself from other sects, and believers can be inspired by the sacred meaning that they are participating in the Dosu of heaven and earth. This empowers their devotion and sincerity.

The Idea of Mercantilism and Commercial War in late Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of the Industrial Revolution (산업혁명의 맥락에서 본 청말(淸末)의 중상론(重商論)과 상전론(商戰論))

  • 이화진
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    • v.101
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2019
  • This study reviewed the idea of mercantilism and commercial war which developed around "newly rising class" like translators, diplomats and compradors of late Qing Dynasty, by which new recognition of social classes was demanded. In particular, this study newly identified the meaning of commercial war and new social order of last Qing dynasty, by attempting an analysis based on the context and aspect in the process of globalization of industrial capitalism conducted under the influence of the first industrial revolution from the U.K. Therefore, in the history of modern Chinese intelligence, the theory of mercantilism and commercial war can not be limited to the transitional thinking system of "Yang-Wu(洋務)" and "Bian-Fa(變法)".

추파(秋坡) 송기수(宋麒壽)의 철학이론과 유학정신

  • Nam, Myeong-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.105
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    • pp.149-192
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    • 2008
  • 추파(秋坡) 송기수(宋麒壽)(1507-1582)는 500년 전에 출생하여 조선시대 중종, 인조, 명종, 선조의 4대에 걸친 75세를 일기로 생존했던 재조(在朝)의 선비로서 행정가요, 또한 학인이었다. 추파는 기묘사화의 참상을 직접 목도하고 본의 아니게 위훈이 하사되어 평생 마음의 질곡이 되었고, 또한 소위 양재역 벽서사건에 연루된 종형 규암(圭菴) 송인수(宋麟壽)를 구명(救命)하지 못한 그의 처신이 또한 역사 속에서 오해의 사단(事端)으로서 추파에게 큰 굴레로 작용되었다. 추파의 현실인식은, 사화로 사림이 사기저상되었고, 그로 인해서 치도와 강상이 붕괴되었으며, 재해가 출현하고, 민심의 흐트러짐이 모두 천명의 노여움으로 본 동시에, 그 처방을 요순지치인 치도(治道)를 확립할 것, 선진 성학으로서 학문을 진흥할 것과 그 실천 주체인 선비의 기상을 진작시킬 것에서 찾았던 것이다. 추파의 성리설은 이기관계론을 부상리(不相離)라는 주제만을 채택하여 존재론적으로 접근하였고, 그 결과 율곡보다 훨씬 앞서 '리기지묘(理氣之妙)'라는 표현을 쓰면서 리발(理發)보다는 발어리(發於理)라는 말에 무게중심을 둠으로서 기발을 중심으로 말한 "기발어리설(氣發於理說)"을 제시하였다. 이것은 바로 그 뜻으로서의 천리(天理)를 밝혀 기(氣)로 발하는 구체적인 삶 속에 구현 하는 실천하는 길이 되는 것이다. 궁극적으로 추파의 학문은 바로 천리(天理)를 깨달아 실천궁행하여 가는 길로서 삶의 목표로 삼은 점이 특징적인 것이다. 즉 추파에 있어서 학문의 길은 리(理)의 본래적 뜻을 깨닫고 리(理)의 뜻을 심성의지(心性意志)를 통해서 구현하는 길인, 리(理)로 부터 발한 기발(氣發)을 몸소 역행실천(力行實踐)하는 길인 것이다. 이 길을 실제로 자신의 사명과 직결된 삶의 바른 길로 삼았던 것이다. 요컨대 추파의 학문사상의 궁극적 특징은 역행궁리(力行窮理)의 실천학에 있는 것이며, 따라서 결론적으로 사사(事事)(실사(實事))구시정신(求是精神)에 입각한 실천철학만이 그의 학문의 궁극적인 목적지가 되었던 것이다. 현실정치의 민생문제도, 역사적 이념으로서 선비정신 부양과 벽이단도 모두 이 사사구시(事事求是)의 시(是)를 통해야 되고, 이 시(是)를 통해서 구현하는 길이 추파학문사상의 궁극처인 것이다. 그리고 그의 언설과 삶 자체가 실사구시의 실천 그 자체 이었던 것이다. 학문사상사적으로 본다면 추파의 위상은 근본유학의 정신을 살려 그를 근간으로 하여, 한국 성리학의 개화기(開花期)에 새로운 개념으로서 이 기관계를 '리기지묘(理氣之妙)'라든가 발(發)의 근거를 리(理)에 두되 리(理)가 직접 발하는 것이 아니라, 발(發)하는 것은 기(氣)라는 '기발어리(氣發於理)'의 한길만을 중시한 점으로서 이기설의 새로운 문제를 제기한 점이라 할 수 있으며, 궁극적으로 기발론적(氣發論的)인 바탕에서 실천역행의 근거를 확립하게 됐다는 특징을 볼 수 있는 점이다. 또한 이것은 한국성리학의 기발일도라는 기발설의 선구적 주장이며, 또한 이(理)를 근거로 결국 사사구시(事事求是)의 경세실학(經世實學)을 제시함으로서 실학의 선구가 될 만한 문제제기(問題提起)를 했다고 평가할 만한 특징이라 하겠다. 이 연구가 그의 마음속에 얹혀져있던 멍에도, 그간 오해받은 역사적인 멍에도 벗겨질 수 있고, 한국철학사상장성기(韓國哲學思想長成期)(국유사상주류기(國儒思想主流期))의 학술사적인 위상도 바르게 드러나는 계기가 될 수 있기를 기대한다.