• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비즈니스 자동화

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Information security auditing Framework in Industrial control system (산업제어시스템 정보보안 감리 프레임워크 연구)

  • Lee, Chul-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2008
  • Information technology have led to change the automation of large industrial control system as well as business system and environments. Industrial control system(ICS) is vital components of most nation's critical infrastructures such as electricity, natural gas, water, waste treatment, transportation and communication that are based of national security, safety of citizen and development of national economy According to the change of business environment, organizational management pushed integration all of the system include MIS and ICS. This situation led to use standard information technologies for ICS, this transition has been to expose ICS to the same vulnerabilities and threats that plague business system. Recently government obliged owners of the public information system to audit for safety, efficiency and effectiveness, and also obliged the owners of national infrastructure to improve their system security as a result of vulnerability analysis. But there doesn't prepare a security architecture and information security auditing framework of ICS fur auditing. In this paper, I suggested the security architecture and information security auditing framework for ICS in order to prepare the base of industrial system security auditing.

The Implementation of Communication Emulate Based on Component For Automation System (자동화시스템을 위한 컴포넌트 기반의 통신 Emulate 구현)

  • Jeong Hwa-Young
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2002
  • Currently, communication field for automation system can be divided by simple serial communication for communication between each internal devices and network base remote control system that is based on TCP/IP. In spite of great development of network, communication part for internal control is using simple RS232 base until present. Also, development techniques of system developed by object oriented program in modular programming techniques of each function unit. Currently, it developed by component base development technique that is parts unit of software. This is presented by the new alternative of software development techniques as techniques to composition independent operation unit including business logic and is connected to development of new system. Therefore, this research implemented internal communication Emulate in RS232C based on GUI that apply development techniques of component base. that is, I maked component to commnication control part between receiving and sending and, as composite it, Control part did to handling between send and receive data.

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An Analysis and Suggestion for Chinese Single Window based on Korean Single Window (한국의 싱글 윈도우 모범 사례를 통해서 본 중국 싱글윈도우의 실태 분석과 제언)

  • Han, Min-Chung;Ahn, Byung-Soo
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2011
  • Single window has become a critical point of trade facilitation. While Korea has set up the first web based single window 'uTtradeHub', China has also been working on a seamless single window. As strong governmental support, advanced technology, leading agency and legal framework are success factors for single window, China already has solid foundation for this. For the leading agency, this research suggests the CIECC as a leading agency with linkage to E-Port service for seamless trade service for companies. We expect that Chinese single window will materialize in near future by a leading agency with the help of strong governmental support.

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A mechanism for Converting BPMN model into Feature model based on syntax (구조 기반 BPMN 모델의 Feature 모델로 변환 기법)

  • Song, Chee-Yang;Kim, Chul-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.733-744
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    • 2016
  • The legacy methods for converting a business model to a feature model make it difficult to support an automatic transformation due to a dependence on a domain analyzers' intuitions, which hinders the feature oriented development for the integration of feature modeling in business modeling. This paper proposes a method for converting a BPMN business model into a feature model based on syntax. To allow the conversion between the heterogeneous models from BPMN to the FM(Feature Model), it defines the grouping mechanism based activities' syntax, and then makes translation rules and a method based on the element (represent business function) and structure (relationships and process among elements), which are common constructs of their models. This method was applied to an online shopping mall system as a case study. With this mechanism, it will help develop a mechanical or automated structure transformation from the BPMN model to the FM.

Exploring Public Digital Innovation using Robotic Process Automation: A Case in National Information Society Agency (RPA를 활용한 공공기관 디지털 혁신에 관한 연구: 한국정보화진흥원 사례를 중심으로)

  • Myung Ki Nam;Young Sik Kang;Heeseok Lee;Chanhee Kwak
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2019
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has attracted great attention from diverse home and foreign industries. To provide lessons learned and action principles based on real RPA adoption and application experiences, various case studies have been conducted. However, lacking is an investigation of public sector for RPA adoption, especially in Korea. To reduce the research gap, this study presents a case study of RPA adoption by a representative Korean ICT public organization, NIA (National Information society Agency). By automating a core process, entering a document to a governmental portal service, NIA has achieved various management performances in terms of cost, operation, and business impacts. Especially, by relieving four types of rigidity of public institutions (i.e. structure, human resource, tasks, and rules), Our case study result suggests that RPA enables public institutes to overcome obstacles of pursuing digital transformation. Implications and limitations for future public RPA adopters are offered.

Research on Cybersecurity Risk Management System in Smart Factory Environment (스마트팩토리 환경의 사이버보안 리스크 관리 체계 연구)

  • YoungSun Shin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2024
  • This study presented a cybersecurity risk management system in a smart factory environment. A smart factory refers to a factory that optimizes the production system and increases efficiency. However, this digitized environment is vulnerable to cyber attacks, and manufacturing companies can suffer serious damage from disruptions in production systems or information leaks. Therefore, a systematic approach to effectively managing cyber security risks is essential in smart factories. In this study, a continuous security risk management system for each stage of the smart factory was proposed along with business process-based security risk assessment. These studies will help to further improve cybersecurity risk management in smart factories. It will also play an important role in ensuring that smart factories operate safely and efficiently.

A Study on Mobile SFA System Prototyping Using P2P LBS Service (P2P LBS를 활용한 모바일 영업자동화(SFA) 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 박기호;정재곤;황명화
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2003
  • LBS has attracted considerable attention with the spread of high performance mobile devices and the expansion of mobile business. Our study starts from the recognition of the problems associated with the current mobile Sales Force Automation(SFA) which is one of the application domain of LBS: they lack the capabilities such as an efficient sharing of information. This paper presents a technical framework in which the location information on the move and the mobile P2P service are utilized for the realization of truly mobile SF A platforms. Major contributions of our study include feasible prototyping of gCRM middleware via which the location-based services on the move are enabled, and a agent module involving the P2P service for mobile clients.

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A study on e-Trade Spreading Strategy

  • Moon, Hyung-Nam;Lee, Seung-Kwan
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2002
  • 정보기술(IT)의 발달에 따라, 전통적인 무역의 효율성제고가 시급한 과제로 대두되고 있으며, 이의 고(高)효율의 국제상거래의 활성화를 위해서 인터넷을 활용한 해외시장의 개척과 글로벌 네크워크의 구축의 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 따라서 전통적인 무역의 대면 마케팅(Face to face marketing) 방식에서 점차 탈피, 거래정보의 데이터베이스(D/B)화 등 전자무역의 저변확대를 위해 산업자원부 등을 중심으로 거래알선(trade leads) 단계에서 점차 확대, 계약체결 이후의 무역자동화(Trade Automation)까지 전자무역의 영역확대 및 정착화를 통해서 국제상거래 기능의 고효율 저비용구조의 추구는 바람직하다. 또한 정부의 수출드라이브 정책으로 추진되어온 기존 종합상사의 기능이 IMF관리체제 이후 강력한 구조조정(Restructuring)의 추진으로, 산업소재 중선의 특화 전문화된 상사로 기능이 전환되고 있는 시점에서, 전자무역의 핵심 추진축으로서 e-무역상사의 필요성은 더욱 증대되고 있는 바, IT를 활용 고도의 정보력을 구사하고 비즈니스의 발굴 및 제안, 추진하는 주체로서의 기능도 강화하며 전자자유무역시장(e-FTA), 전자구상무역시장(e-G2G)도 개척할 수 있는 바, 이와 관련해 한국의 전자무역 확산 전략 방안을 제시한다.

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A Study on Digital Marketing Model for Improving Campaign Performance (캠페인 실행에 영향을 미치는 디지털 마케팅 성과모형 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents research result of digital marketing model for improving enterprise marketing campaign performance. Recently, the enterprises which had completed projects such as ERP, CRM, and SCM for business value chain process transformation are working to improve enterprise marketing process. It is the trend for enterprises to use digital marketing tactics to overcome the limit of existing traditional marketing tactics. Especially, enterprises try to adopt digital marketing for marketing campaign performance. In this paper, digital marketing research model and hypothesis were established and statistically analyzed by marketing expert survey research. The research finding is that Web Analytics, Social Analytics, Personalized CRM, Campaign execution automation, Real-Time campaign management can be core influencers for marketing campaign performance improvement.

The development directions and status of RFID (RFID 현황과 발전방향)

  • Dong, Ki-Young;Park, Hee-Duck;Kwon, Oh-Il;Soh, Dea-Wha;Hong, Sang-Jeen
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.760-762
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    • 2005
  • 현재 일반적으로 사용하고 있는 인터넷은 컴퓨터와 네트워크를 연결한 것이다. 그런데 RFID는 여기에 덧붙여 컴퓨터와 네트워크 그리고 모든 사물을 결합, 융합하는 기술이다. 그렇기 때문에 가상공간과 물리공간이 만나는 세계이다. RFID는 유비쿼터스 시대의 가장 핵심적인 기술로 고유의 ID를 갖는 모든 사물이 네트워크로 연결되어 언제 어디서나 실시간으로 통하는 IT 산업의 신 성장 동력이다. 그러므로 종이컵과 같은 아주 작은 사물에도 그 제품에 대한 모든 정보가 소형 칩에 집적되어 어느 곳에 있든지 자동식별이 가능하게 된다. 예를 들어, 길을 가다가 종이컵을 버려도 그 종이컵을 누가 버렸는지에 대한 정보까지 알 수 있는 것이다. 이러한 RFID 기술 융합 지향의 유비쿼터스 환경에 따른 경제는 기술, 비즈니스, 산업의 접목과 융합에 의한 새로운 공간가치와 재화창출의 특성으로 갖게 될 것이다. 물론 RFID는 범죄에 악용될 소지가 있지만, 상용화가 되면 이런 단점보다는 우리의 삶의 획기적인 변화와 함께 자동화에 엄청난 영향을 몰고 올 것이다. 앞으로의 주된 과제는 RFID가 유비쿼터스 네트워크의 핵심이 될 수 있는 기반 기술로써의 위치를 확보하는 것과, 표준 ID 체계 및 관리기능의 정립, 유비쿼터스 애플리케이션의 개발에 두어야 한다. RFID를 이용한 기술적 유비쿼터스 시대는 분명 멀지 않은 미래가 될 것이다.

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