• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비의료 건강관리서비스

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A Study on the Current State of the Integrated Human Rights of the Elderly in Rural Areas of South Korea (농촌지역 거주 노인의 통합적 인권보장 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Joonhee;Kim, MeeHye;Chung, SoonDool;Kim, SooJin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.569-592
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    • 2018
  • This study purported to investigate the current state of human rights of older adults residing in rural areas of Korea. The study utilized, as an analytic framework, 4 priority directions (1. "older persons and development", 2. "rural area development", 3. "advancing health and well-being into old age", and 4. "ensuring enabling and supportive environments") with 13 task actions recommended by Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA). Furthermore, the study examined gender differences in all items included in the analytic framework. Data was collected by the face-to-face survey on 800 subjects aged 65 and over. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 13.0 program. The main results were summarized in order of 4 priority directions as follows. First, average working hours per day were 6.2, and men reportedly participated in economic activities and needed job training more than women, while women participated in lifelong education programs more than men. Awareness of fire and disaster prevention facilities was low in both genders. Second, accessibility to the support center for the elderly living alone as well as protective services for the vulnerable elderly was found to be low. IT-based services and networking were used more by men than women, and specifically, IT-based financial transactions and welfare services were least used. Third, medical check-ups and vaccinations were well received, while consistent treatments for chronic illnesses and long-term care services were relatively less given. In addition, accessibility to mental health service centers was considerably low. Fourth, although old house structures and the lack of convenience facilities were found to be circumstantial risk factors for these elders, experiences of receiving housing support services were scarce. The elderly were found to rely more on informal care, and concerns for their care were higher in women than men. Plus, accessibility to elderly abuse services was markedly low. Based on these results, discussed were implications for implementing policies and practical interventions to raise the levels of the human rights for this population.

Performance State and Improvement Countermeasure of Primary Health Care Posts (보건진료소(保健診療所)와 업무실태(業務實態)와 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Park, Young-Hee;Kam, Sin;Han, Chang-Hyun;Cha, Byung-Jun;Kim, Tae-Woong;Gie, Jung-Aie;Kim, Byong-Guk
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.353-377
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to investigate the performance state and improvement countermeasure of Primary Health care Posts(PHPs). The operation reports of PHPs(1996 330 PHPs, 1999 313 PHPs) located in Kyongsangbuk-Do and data collected by self-administered questionnaire survey of 280 community health practitioners(CHPs) were analyzed. The major results were as follows: Population per PHP in 1999 decreased in number compared with 1996. But population of the aged increased in number. The performance status of PHP in 1999 increased compared with 1996. A hundred forty one community health practitioners(50.4%) replied that the fiscal standing of PHP was good. Only 1.4% replied that the fiscal standing of PHP was difficult. For the degree of satisfaction in affairs, overall of community health practitioners felt proud. The degree of cooperation between PHP and public health institutions was high and the degree of cooperation of between PHP and private medical institutions was high. The degree of cooperation between PHP and Health Center was significantly different by age of CHP, the service period of CHP, and CHP's service period at present PHP. Over seventy percent of CHPs replied that they had cooperative relationship with operation council, village health workers, community organization. CHPs who drew up the paper on PHP's health activity plan were 96.4 % and only 11.4% of CHPs participated drawing up the report on the second community health plan. CHPs who grasped the blood pressure and smoking status of residents over 70% were 88.2%, 63.9% respectively and the grasp rate of blood pressure fur residents were significantly different according to age and educational level of CHP. CHPs received job education in addition continuous job education arid participated on research program in last 3 years were 27.5%, respectively. CHPs performed the return health program for residents in last 3years were 65.4%. Over 95% of CHPs replied that PHPs might be necessary and 53.9% of CHPs replied that the role of PHPs should be increased. CHPS indicated that major reasons of FHPs lockout were lack of understanding for PHP and administrative convenience, CHPs were officials in special government service governors intention of self-governing body. CHPs suggested number of population in health need such as the aged and patients with chronic disease, opinion of residents, population size, traffic situation and network in order as evaluation criteria for PHP and suggested results of health performance, degree of relationship with residents, results of medical examination anti treatment, ability for administration and affairs in order as evaluation criteria for CHP. CHPs replied that the important countermeasures for PHPs under standard were affairs improvement of PHPs and shifting of location to health weakness area in city. Over 50% of CHPs indicated that the most important thing for improvement of PHPs was affairs adjustment of CLIP. And CHPs suggested that health programs carried out in priority at PHP were management of diabetes mellitus and hypertention. home visiting health care, health care for the aged. The Affairs of BLIP should be adjusted to satisfy community health need and health programs such as management of diabetes mellitus and hypertention, home visiting health care, health care for the aged should be activated in order that PHPs become organization reflecting value system of primary health care.

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Semantic Representation of Concept of Bio-signal Data (생체 신호 데이터의 의미 관계 표현)

  • Moon, Kyung-Sil;Park, Su-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.292-298
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    • 2011
  • In order to acquire new information and biological meaning of the signal data by defining the relationships between them, new modeling technique, ontology, has been proposed. The data of bio-signal can be represented as a systematic and logical to manage continuously bio-signal data using ontology. Furthermore, knowledge of which resources are utilized to provide improved service quality in medical information, health services in various fields. However, relevant studies have not been performed actively to compare importance of relationships between bio-signals. Therefore semantic representation of biometric information should be by defining the relationship between bio-signals. In this paper, we have developed bio-signal ontology to use as a model for using domain knowledge. We verified the usefulness of the ontology by using scenarios.

Association of Health-related Behaviors with Socio-demographic Characteristics (건강증진과 관련된 행태에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 특성)

  • Roh, Won-Hwan;Kim, Seok-Beom Gib;Kang, Pock-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 1998
  • A survey was conducted to study the influence of socia-demographic factors on health-related behaviors. from June 1 to July 31, 1996. The study population was 1,903 adults in Kyongju City. A questionnaire method was used to collect data. Health-related behaviors included 24 items for men and 26 items for women. The followings are summaries of findings : The compliance of health promotion activities was higher when the age was older in men, when married, when having no religion and when the education level was higher than the other groups. And it was significantly higher when the income was lower in men and higher in women, in the residents living in apartment, in white collar workers, in the chronic ill people and when the body weight was lower than the other groups. Notable differences were found in the composition of health behavior factors for socio-demographic characteristics. Men used more tobacco, coffee and tea, salt and alcohol than women. However, the practice rates of regular exercise and physical examination were higher in men than women. On the other hand, the practice rates of fruit/vegetable intake, milk drinking and regular tooth brushing were higher in women than men. When the age was old, the amount of fruit/vegetable intake, the frequency of physician visit and health check-up, and regularity of meal were increased. When the income was high, the use rate of seat-belts, the amount of coffee, milk, fruit/vegetable and red meat intake were increased. The frequency of regular exercise. tooth brushing, health check-up, pap test and breast self examination were higher in the rich than the poor. When the education level was high, the frequency of regular exercise and tooth brushing, and the use rate of seat belts were increased, and the amount of alcohol consumption and salt intake were decreased. These findings suggest that socio-demographic factors are significantly associated with the patterns of health behaviors. In conclusion public health programs and individual counseling efforts should be multifaceted and behavior-specific to encourage to practice healthy life-style.

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Development of Loading Information System in Shin-Chon Region (하숙 정보 시스템 구축:신촌지역을 중심으로)

  • 이숙임;성효현;강애띠
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.133-152
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    • 1998
  • This article considers the experimental foundations of geographical phenomena for the distribution of lodging houses and the development of lodging Information Systems in Shin-Chon Area. This system allows the rural students to find their lodging houses conveniently. We examine the geographical reality of lodging houses in Shin-chon area and explores the lodging information system, reflecting how students select the lodging houses. Criteria for selection of lodging houses are travel time to school, interior facilities, rent fee, members, owners of lodging houses, which are collected by field swvey. The lodging information system is built in integration of Visual Basic with spatial data which are created in Mapinfo and Arcview through MapObject, component GIS software. This system provide query tools to efficiently investigate data as well as interactive map display. Also it displays the characteristics of a selected lodging houses using the identify tool on the map.

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Achieving Health Equity Through Health Promotion (건강증진사업의 효율성과 형평성: 건강증진을 통한 건강 형평성 제고)

  • Moskowitz, Joel M.
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.91-119
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    • 2005
  • 오타와 헌장에 따르면 건강증진은 건강형평성을 성취하는 것이다. 건강격차를 감소시키고, 모든 사람들이 건강잠재력을 달성할 수 있도록 동등한 기회와 자원이 제공되어야 한다. 또한 각 개인들은 자신의 건강에 대한 결정요인들에 대한 통제능력을 가져야 한다. 미국의 조기사망은 40%가 행동양식에 의하여, 30%가 유전적인 문제로, 15%가 사회적 환경에 의하여, 10%는 의료적 치료의 부족으로, 그리고 5%는 환경위해 물질에 대한 노출로 발생한다. 건강불평등을 발설시키는 사회적 요인으로는 경제적 요인을 들 수 있다. 이러한 요인으로 야기되는 건강불평등의 문제를 해결하여 건강형평성을 달성하기 위해서는 절대적 목표들과 평등관련 목표들이 모두 필요하다. 건강형평성은 인구집단의 건강과 함께 향상되는 것으로 나은 건강상태에 있는 사람들의 건강을 악화시키면서 건강형평성을 달성하는 것은 아니다. 각자의 관심이 형평성을 어떻게 규정하는가에 영향을 미친다. 혜택을 받은 사람들은 성과/투입의 정의를 선호하며, 소외계층은 똑같은 성과 또는 요구에 기반한 정의를 선호한다. Healthy People 2010은 미국의 국가적 예방체계를 의미하며, 가장 중요하며 예방 가능한 건강위협들을 파악하고 이러한 위협들을 감소하기 위한 목적들이 설정되어 있다. 궁극적인 목적은 건강한 삶의 질적인 면과 양적인 측면을 향상시키는 것이며, 건강불평등을 제거하는 것이다. 그러나 미국이 유럽의 국가들에 비해서 사회 프로그램에 대한 투자가 적은 이유는 재분배는 소수인종만을 위한 것이라는 믿음과, 우리는 개방되고 공정한 사회에 살고 있기 때문에 가난하다는 것은 가난한 사람들 자신들의 잘못으로 인한 것이라는 믿음 그리고 재분배를 방지하는 정치체계 때문이다. 국가기관인 CDC의 예방연구센터(Prevention Research Centers)는 지역사회 파트너들과 함께 건강증진, 질병예방, 그리고 질병과 상해로 인한 합병증을 관리하게 위한 효과적인 예방 전략을 개발하고 있다. 예방연구센터의 프로그램들은 지역사회 기반 참여연구와 소외된 계층에 중점을 두며, 다학제 간 접근방법을 활용하고, 교육기관, 공공보건기관 그리고 지역사회의 파트너들 간의 네트웍을 형성을 통한 협력관계를 강조하고 있다. 지역사회 위원회가 구성되어 있으며, 또한 근거중심 프로그램을 개발하고 있다. 이들은 건강 결정요인에 관한 연구, 형성적 연구, 개입 프로그램 및 프로그램의 확산에 관한 연구를 진행한다. UC Berkeley의 가족/지역사회 보건센터(Center for Family & Community Health)는 1993년에 설립되었다. 사업의 대상이 되는 주요 지역사회는 한국교민사회이며, 한국교민사회 자문위원회(Korean Community Advisory Board, KCAB)가 구성되어 있다. 1993년부터 2003년까지는 'Health is Strength' 사업이 시범연구사업으로 진행되었는데, 그 내용은 유방암과 자궁경부암 검진 프로그램이었다. 2003년부터 2009년까지 진행될 'Quitting is Winning'이라는 두 번째 시범연구사업은 남성들의 금연에 중점을 둔 사업이다. 'Health is Strength'는 아시아 보건서비스 및 한국교민사회 자문위원회가 함께 협력하여 진행된 사업으로, 주요 목표는 18세 이상 여성의 자궁암 조기 검진(Pap test)과 자가 유방검진 실천을 증가시키는 것이며, 50세 이상여성의 유방 임상검사와 유방 X선촬영 비율을 증가시키는 것이었다. 한 지역의 카운티에 거주하는 한국 여성들은 4년간의 개입프로그램의 대상이 되었으며, 이들을 대상으로 횡단적인 전화조사를 3번(사전, 중간, 사후)실시하였다. 개입 프로그램은 교회에서 워크샵 개최, Tell-A-Friend Form 작성하기, 포스터 및 책자 발행, 신문광고 등과 함께 자궁암 조기 검진(Pap test)과 유방 X선 촬영권을 무료로 제공하는 것으로 구성되었다. 'Quitting is Winning'은 지역사회 기반 참여 연구모형으로 한국교민사회 자문위원회는 흡연을 1순위의 사업으로 선정하였고, 근거에 기반한 금연 프로그램에 대한 연구들을 검토하여, 기존의 보편적 방법이 아닌 인터넷을 활용하는 프로그램을 진행하는 것으로 결정되었다. 이는 무작위 임상실험으로 연구대상으로 미국에 거주하는 한국인 남성흡연자 2300명을 모집하였다. 이들의 1/2은 실험군인 인터넷 프로그램 집단에, 또 다른 1/2은 대조군인 인쇄책자 집단에 무작위 할당되었다. 12개월 동안 11번의 진단이 인터넷을 통하여 진행되었으며, 참여와 참여유지에 대한 금전적인 보상이 제공되었다.

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Convergence Comparative Analysis of Young-Old and Old-Old Patients Hospitalized Owing to Injury (손상으로 입원한 전·후기 노인의 융복합 비교분석)

  • Suhn, Mi-Ohk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to understand the differences in general characteristics, principal diagnosis, injury-related characteristics, and types of transportation accidents between young-old and old-old patients who were hospitalized owing to injury based on data from the Korean National Hospital Discharge In-Depth Injury Surveys. We used a complex sample cross tabulation analysis (chi-square test) and complex sample generalized linear model (t-test). Therefore, the primary focus of healthcare professionals working with the old-old should prevent falls in the home and increase the available medical care, financial aid plans, and psychosocial support for aging. Additionally education on traffic accident prevention and road safety is particularly important for old-old patients.

Cloud-based anthropometric data monitoring system (클라우드 기반 인체측정 데이터 모니터링 시스템)

  • Jeon, Sungwoo;Han, Hyedong;Kim, Jeongeun;Jung, Heokyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1209-1214
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    • 2020
  • With the recent aging age, people's interest in healthy life is increasing. People are causing adult diseases or an increasing number of obese populations due to poor lifestyles, eating habits, and poor physical activity. Accordingly, skin beauty research is being conducted using medical information in the information and communication field. Existing systems have not been able to provide smooth information because they are not expressed in combination with various related measurement items. The system proposed in this paper scans the user's body shape using a 3D scanner and a skin care device, calculates the BMI (Body Mass Index) index using 3D image data, and allows you to view the collected data at a glance. Provide a service system. This will provide the user with the content managed by comparing and providing the continuous body change data. It is expected to be widely used in various U-health and beauty fields.

Trends of Study and Classification of Reference on Occupational Health Management in Korea after Liberation (해방 이후 우리나라 산업보건관리에 관한 문헌분류 및 연구동향)

  • Ha, Eun-Hee;Park, Hye-Sook;Kim, Young-Bok;Song, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.28 no.4 s.51
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    • pp.809-844
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of this study are to define the scope of occupational health management and to classify occupational management by review of related journals from 1945 to 1994 in Korea. The steps of this study were as follows: (1) Search of secondary reference; (2) Collection and review of primary reference; (3) Survey; and (4) Analysis and discussion. The results were as follows ; 1. Most of the respondents majored in occupational health(71.6%), and were working in university (68.3%), males and over the age 40. Seventy percent of the respondents agreed with the idea that classification of occupational health management is necessary, and 10% disagreed. 2. After integration of the idea of respondents, we reclassified the scope of occupational health management. It was defined 3 parts, that is , occupational health system, occupational health service and others (such as assessment, epidemiology, cost-effectiveness analysis and so on). 3. The number of journals on occupational health management was 510. It was sightly increased from 1986 and abruptly increased after 1991. The kinds of journals related to occupational health management were The Korean Journal of Occupational Medicine(18.2%), Several Kinds of Medical Colloge Journal(17.0%), The Korean Journal Occupational Health(15.1%), The Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine(15.1%) and others(34.6%). As for the contents, the number of journals on occupational health management systems was 33(6.5%) and occupational health services 477(93.5%). Of the journals on occupational health management systems, the number of journals on the occupational health resource system was 15(45.5%), occupational finance system 8(24.2%), occupational health management system 6(18.2%), occupational organization 3(9.1%) and occupational health delivery system 1 (3.0%). Of the journals on occupational health services, the number of journals on disease management was 269(57.2%), health management 116(24.7%), working environmental management 85(18.1%). As for the subjects, the number of journals on general workers was 185(71.1%), followed by women worker, white coiler workers and so on. 4. Respondents made occupational health service(such as health management, working environmental management and health education) the first priority of occupational health management. Tied for the second are quality analysis(such as education, training and job contents of occupational health manager) and occupational health systems(such as the recommendation of systems of occupational and general disease and occupational health organization). 5. Thirty seven respondents suggested 48 ideas about the future research of occupational health management. The results were as follows: (1) Study of occupational health service 40.5%; (2) Study of organization system 27.1%; (3) Study of occupational health system (e.g. information network) 8.3%; (4) Study of working condition 6.2%; and (5) Study of occupational health service analysis 4.2%.

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A Study on the Job Performance of Dental Coordinators and Their Perception (치과코디네이터의 업무수행 및 인식도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Bok;Kim, Young-Nam;Moon, Hee-Jung;Shin, Myung-Suk;Han, Gyeong-Soon;Han, Su-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the job performance of dental coordinators and their perception of their job to lay the groundwork for utilizing dental personnels more efficiently. The subjects in this study were dental coordinators who worked at selected dental hospitals and clinics in Seoul, Gyeonggi province and Incheon. A survey was conducted to gather data from May 1 to August 8, 2005 and answer sheets from 108 respondents were analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. As for the length of service, 43.5 percent of the dental coordinators investigated had worked at dental institutes for five years or more, which was followed by less than two years(19.5%) and three years to less than five years(19.4%). Concerning the length of service as dental coordinators, 39.8 percent had served for less than two years, and 19.4 percent had worked for two years to less than three years and for five years or more respectively. Regarding the name of position, 38 percent were called team leaders, and 30.6 percent were called coordinators. As to duties, the largest group of them that stood at 30.6 percent were in charge of receiving, and in regard to department, the largest group, 57.4 percent, belonged to the treatment backup department. 2. Concerning education, the greatest number of them, 45.4 percent, had received education at private institutes, and 73.1 percent found it necessary for dental coordinators to take an authorized qualification test. 43.5 percent, the largest group, looked upon the central government as the best organization to authorize their qualifications and 70.8 percent believed that what they learned enabled them to perform their job successfully. As to the necessity of follow-up education as a means to improve job performance, 96.3 percent consented to it. As for the reason, 63.9 percent considered that necessary to enhance their own ability and 22.2 percent were in want of systematic education. Regarding educational expenses, 29.6 percent were subsidized by the dental institutes where they had worked and 25.9 percent had totally been responsible for that. Regarding a required course, medical service and marketing was most widely pointed out(66.7%), followed by theory and practice(65.7%) and introduction to dentistry(57.4%). As to what sort of education they wanted to receive more, dental service and marketing was selected the most, followed by practical health insurance(35.2%). 3. In regard to what type of job they performed as dental coordinators, 88.9 percent were in charge of appointment in the field of customer service, and 87.9 percent paid attention to having good manners as service providers in the area of self-management. In the field of hospital affairs, 81.3 percent were in charge of receiving. 4. As to their awareness of dental coordinator job, the largest group took pride in the job they performed ($3.99{\pm}0.76$), and the second largest group believed that dental coordinators made a great contribution to hospital management ($3.92{\pm}0.70$). The third largest group gave a great weight to their own job ($3.91{\pm}0.84$) in light of overall dental duties and the fourth largest group found themselves to get along with other employees regardless of position ($3.86{\pm}0.74$). The fifth largest group believed their job was of great use for promoting the oral health of patients ($3.76{\pm}0.75$), and the sixth largest group thought the future of dental coordinators was promising($3.74{\pm}0.86$). 5. In regard to their perception by age group, those who were older had a better opinion on every item of their job in general. Their age made a statistically significant difference to their view of the weight of dental coordinator job(P < 0.001) in light of overall dental duties, of being approved and trusted by managers(P < 0.01), of social awareness of dental coordinator, and of being understood and approved by other employees and dentists. Their pride in current job and their satisfaction with the name of their position were statistically significantly different according to their age as well. Besides, their age made a statistically significant difference to their opinion about whether or not there was an age limit to their occupation and about their contribution to hospital management (P < 0.05). 6. As for their perception by type of job, the dental hygienists were generally most satisfied with their job, followed by nursing aids and others. There was a statistically significant gap among their opinions about whether to make a job-related decision on their own(P < 0.001). the weight of their job in terms of overall dental duties, whether their job improved their ability, whether their job made a great contribution to enhancing the oral health of patients, whether their job was understood and approved by other employees(P < 0.01), social awareness of their job, whether they conflicted with other employees during job performance, and whether dental hospitals or clinics offered a self-development opportunity for them to take their ability to another level(P < 0.05). And their satisfaction with current pay was statistically significantly different as well.

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