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Genetic Counseling in Korean Health Care System (한국 의료제도와 유전상담 서비스의 구축)

  • Kim, Hyon-J.
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2011
  • Over the years Korean health care system has improved in delivery of quality care to the general population for many areas of the health problems. The system is now being recognized in the world as the most cost effective one. It is covered by the uniform national health insurance policy for which most people in Korea are mandatory policy holders. Genetic counseling service, however, which is well recognized as an integral part of clinical genetics service deals with diagnosis and management of genetic condition as well as genetic information presentation and family support, is yet to be delivered in comprehensive way for the patients and families in need. Two major obstacles in providing genetic counseling service in korean health care system are identified; One is the lack of recognition for the need for genetic counseling service as necessary service by the national health insurance. Genetic counseling consumes a significant time in delivery and the current very low-fee schedule for physician service makes it very difficult to provide meaningful service. Second is the critical shortage of qualified professionals in the field of medical genetics and genetic counseling who can provide the service of genetic counseling in clinical setting. However, recognition and understanding of the fact that the scope and role of genetic counseling is expanding in post genomic era of personalized medicine for delivery of quality health care, will lead to the efforts to overcome obstacles in providing genetic counseling service in korean health care system. Only concerted efforts from health care policy makers of government on clinical genetics service and genetic counseling for establishing adequate reimbursement coverage and professional communities for developing educational program and certification process for professional genetic counselors, are necessary for the delivery of much needed clinical genetic counseling service in Korea.

Measurement System of Abdominal Obesity based on Analysis of Abdominal Electromyogram (복부 근전도 분석을 통한 복부 비만 측정 시스템)

  • Kwon, J.W.;Choi, H.H.;Lee, D.H.;Yoon, D.E.;Hong, J.E.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2007
  • Recently, overweight that is the major cause of diseases is troubled about the serious social problems. To solve this problem, the need of measurement system for the overweight management has been increased. This paper is the study on measurement system. This system analyzes EMG (electromyograph) of the abdomen. Then, checks one's state of health and offers the right medical services wherever and whenever. To analyze EMG of the abdomen, this paper proposes the algorithms that are energy detection, feature detection, classification and recognition, etc. Measurement system based on the analysis algorithms of EMG appraises overweight and physical strength of the abdomen. It also provides the right estimation for one's state of health.

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A Study on the Patient-centered Medical Delivery System -Focusing on EU examples of strengthening primary care- (환자 중심의 의료전달체계 구축에 관한 연구 -일차 의료 강화와 관련된 유럽연합의 예를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Yong-Min
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.235-262
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    • 2019
  • While traditionally threatening human infectious diseases are decreasing, chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes, including cardiovascular diseases, are spreading rapidly. Reflecting the characteristics of chronic diseases that are difficult to treat, the management of risk factors and the preparation of health promotion policies corresponding to them have emerged as important concerns around the world. Providing so-called multi-sector approach such as health promotion and disease prevention policy and solution for community response, The value of primary care is once again highlighted in the changed medical environment. As the existing medical delivery system has become difficult to cope with the people's desire for rapid aging, disease paradigm change, and quality of life improvement, European Union countries have made various efforts to improve the quality of their primary medical system, which provides continuous, com- prehensive and coordinated management. This paper examines the current status and problems of the healthcare delivery system in Korea, draws implications from the European Union examples related to the strengthening of primary care, and discusses the plans for establishing a patient-centered future medical delivery system.

Stress, Depressive Symptom, and Utilization of Professional Consultation according by Occupation Classification and Employment Status (직업분류 및 고용분류에 따른 스트레스, 우울증상, 의료기관 이용률)

  • An, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Seoung-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the level of stress and depressive symptom and to assess the utilization of professional consultation. Data extracted from Community Health Survey (CHS), conducted by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The subjects were 174,975 (19-65 years). In result, 'Managers', 'Professionals and related workers', 'Clerks', 'Service workers', and 'Sales workers', 'Equipment, machine operating assembling workers', and 'Armed forces' were more in risk of stress. However, theses groups were less in probability of utilization for stress consultation. Based on these findings, mental health screening program for detecting risk group among occupation classification and employment status will be essential. It may be necessary to have sustainable strategies for utilizing mental health service to reduce the level of stress and depressive symptom of workers.

A Study on Research Trends and Development Process of Health Policy for the Elderly (노인보건정책의 발전과정 및 연구동향에 대한 일고찰)

  • Sunwoo, Duk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.773-784
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    • 2008
  • This paper is to suggest policy issues to be done in the future health policy for the elderly, analyzing contents of results suggested in academic papers published in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society. Number of Papers published in the Journal is 61, occupying most of papers related with chronic disease, medical expenditures and health delivery system except dental and psychiatric health. Method used to be analyzed is mostly random sampling among community inhabitants or hospital patients. Policy issues are as follows in case of being based in the above analysis results. Firstly, it is necessary that the development of health promotion specialized for the elderly be developed and activated. Secondly, it is necessary that the primary health care system specialized for the elderly be constructed. Thirdly, it is necessary that the subacute care system specialized for the elderly be constructed after acute care services. Finally, it is necessary that the health care system specialized for the elderly in need of long-term care be constructed also.

Design and Implementation of u-Healthcare System for u-Wellness (u-웰니스를 위한 u-헬스케어 시스템의 설계와 구현)

  • Seo, Hyunsoo;Ryu, Dae-Hyun;Choi, Taewan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5506-5511
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    • 2012
  • u-Wellness is widely applicable to individuals and medical service providers such as hospitals and it includes u-fitness and video health counselling services at the side of the provider and stress management, obesity management, and the amount of exercise at the side of the individual. In this paper, we design and implement a smart health care system which uses the authentication device to identify an individual and the user's smart phone. Our system records and manages the amount of exercise on the basis of the prescription of health care professionals through the exercise equipment and Wi-Fi communication. Therefore, our system helps user do optimized amount of exercise through the health care professional's prescription. And our system quantifies the results of the measurement of body fat measuring machines and experts to build the database and automatically schedule.

A Design Methodology of the Welfare Building for Providing u-Healthcare Services: Focused on the Gayang 7th Apartment Complex (유헬스케어 서비스 제공을 위한 주거복지동 계획방법에 관한 연구: 가양 7단지 영구임대주택을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Yoon, Young-Ho;Yang, Dong-Suk
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • Health care services in a residential area would accelerate the aging in place. In addition, these changes would play a key role in terms of reducing healthcare costs and leading a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this study draws the design methodology of community facilities and each dwelling with healthcare services in apartment complex, which the elderly people will enjoy a better health status. This paper presents the result focused on the welfare building in Gayang 7th apartment complex. The intention to receive healthcare services was investigated by occupants. Moreover, design requirements were drawn through in-depth interviews and the state observation to use the service. In the complex, stronger intention to serve the u-Healthcare services was shown to the pre elderly group than the elderly. Both of them had a problem to use and keep the health equipment due to the fact there is not enough space in the unit. Reporting the observation results, the upright-posture furniture attaching the healthcare equipment and the equipment storage should be prepared in the unit. In the public space, the program for these healthcare services can be divided into three parts, i.e. the health status measurement, the healthcare, and the service connected to the surrounding facilities. The health status measurement can be the basic to the health services and its function should be gradually extended. In the complex, the hybrid type with various functions could be applied owing to a new building for welfare; moreover, semi-independent user should be able to receive the home healthcare service.

A Study on Influential Factors on Satisfaction with the Use of Medical Services by the Qualified Recipients of Medical Aid(focusing on the period after the introduction of the selected medical center system) (의료급여수급권자의 의료이용 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구(선택병의원제도 도입 이후를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Yang, Se-I;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2014
  • This study is meaningful by offering basic data that is able to enhance satisfaction with the use of medical services by the qualified recipients of medical aid and to promote health consistently while looking into their satisfaction with the use of medical services, using independent variables for the period after the introduction of the selected medical center system. The study period from August 16, 2013 was 23 August, In conclusion, with a view to enhancing satisfaction with the use of medical services by qualified recipients of medical aid after the execution of the selected medical center system, it is most important to identify with greater sufficiency and accuracy the effect of medical services by qualified recipients of medical services and any unsatisfied desire for medical services. Also, in pursuit of the use of appropriate medical services, there is a need to prepare active cooperation between medical centers and various political alternatives of the government for the effective discovery of accessibility to medical services, overcome inefficiencies in administrative procedures, establish a reasonable medical service delivery system with the guarantee of appropriate medical treatment, and improve health management.

A Study on the Ageism and Age-integrated Perception of Healthcare Professional Groups with experience in treating elderly patients (노인의료전문가 집단의 연령주의 및 연령통합 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hye In;Ju, Kyong Hee;Kim, Ju Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.61
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    • pp.59-91
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    • 2018
  • Using a Consensus Qualitative Research approach, this study aimed to identify the ageism and explore age-integration as a solution of age discrimination that occurs during the delivery of medical services by nine healthcare professionals who have experience in treating elderly patients. There were two-sided confession has shown by health care professionals about the Ageism. They reported that they don't discriminate by age. However, They also appealed an inconvenience due to the elderly. There were real Ageism in the Healthcare Professional site as a way of Unsuitable care, elderly alienation and dependence on caregivers, polarization of medical service and double discrimination against poor elderly. They found it difficult to offer age integrated health care as a means to mitigate or solve. However they have sought to break barriers to communication, provided a comfortable environment not only for senior citizens but also for all others, and have diversified institutional and service standards. To ensure the healthy life and proper medical service of the rapidly increasing elderly patients, we proposed to do critical review of the factors in the Korean medical system that accelerate the Ageism, reorganization of the health care system for the poor elderly, including the curriculum associated with age-integrating within the health care professional education system, raising the Geriatric Medical Service and the relating professionals and improvements in perception of the health care domains for the elderly and older adults.

Healthy Japan 21 objectives and strategies (일본건강증진 사업의 목표 및 추진전략: Healthy Japan 21)

  • Hoshi, Tanji
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.55-88
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    • 2005
  • Healthy Japan 21의 목적은 삶의 질을 향상시킴은 물론 노동가능 인구집단의 유병률을 줄이고 건강수명을 연장시키기 위하여, 21세기 모든 일본인들이 더욱 건강하고 행복한 삶을 향유할 수 있도록 국가사업을 활성화하는 것이다. 구체적 목적은 조기사망을 예방하고 건강생활을 향상하는 것으로, Healthy Japan 21의 전략적 기획과정에서 건강수명의 연장을 실현하기 위하여 2010년까지 달성되어야 하는 구체적인 목적들이 또한 제시되었다. 조기사망을 감소시키기 위하여 사고, 암, 자살, 심장병 감소의 중요성을 인식하고 9개의 주요 목표로 영양, 신체활동, 휴식과 이완, 금연, 절주, 구강보건, 당뇨병 예방, 심혈관계질환 예방, 암 예방을 설정하였다. 흡연, 알콜, 식사 그리고 운동과 같은 생활양식은 스트레스, 비만, 고혈압과 같은 위험요인 및 질병관리와 관련이 있으며, 위험요인은 암, 심장병, 구강질환의 발생과 밀접한 관련을 갖는다. 따라서 질병의 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 건강증진과 일차예방이 강조되어야 한다. 일차예방에 중점을 두기 위해서 우리는 전통적인 질병관리의 중점사항인 정기적인 건강검진을 통해 질병 조기발견을 노력을 게을리 하지 말아야 할 것이다. 아울러 의료비 감소, 병상에 있는 사람들의 감소, 사회세의 감소도 또한 달성되어야 하는 사업의 결과로 설정되어 있다. 가장 최근의 Healthy Japan 2000(1998-99)의 평가에 따르면 목표들의 15%가 달성되었거나 초과 달성된 것으로 나타났다. 이 중 아동과 청소년의 사망률의 경우, 1-14세 아동의 사망률은 1987년부터 26%가 감소되어 2000년도 목표인 인구 100,000명단 28명의 사망을 초과 달성한 것으로 평가되었다. Healthy Japan 21의 두 가지 주요 전략은 일반 인구집단을 위한 전략과 고위험 집단을 대상으로 하는 전략으로 구성된다. 개인의 건강한 생활양식으로의 변화를 포함한 우리의 건강증진 노력은 사람 중심으로 개인의 선택을 기반으로 하고 있다. 이러한 노력을 지원하기 위하여, 각 개인이 정보를 갖은 상태에서 올바른 선택을 할 수 있도록 적당량의 올바른 정보를 제공하는 것이 필수적이다. 이와 같은 일본의 건강증진계획은 2000년 3월에 Healthy Japan 21이 설립되었으며, 2000-2002년 사이 모든 현이 자신의 사업계획을 설정하였으며, 2001-2005년에는 약 반수 정도의 지방자치단체들이 자신들의 사업계획을 확정하였다. 건강증진을 이루는 중요한 수단은 파트너 쉽에 있다. 정부조직 뿐 아니라 건강보험회사, 보건의료서비스 제공자, 교육단체, 대중매체, 사기업, 봉사단체 등을 포함한 건강분야의 조직들은 자신들의 전문적 기술들을 한데 모아 서로 협력하여야 한다. 또 하나의 중요한 수단은 건강 지지적인 환경이다. 개인의 건강증진 노력을 체계화함으로써 지지적인 환경을 조성할 수 있다. Healthy Japan 21에 대한 평가는 2005년에 중간평가가, 2010에 최종평가가 있을 예정이다. 평가결과들은 이후에 진행될 사업의 향상을 위한 기준으로 활용될 예정이다.

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