• Title/Summary/Keyword: 브랜드 구성요소

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An empirical study on customer satisfaction: Mobile phone users in an emerging market (소비자 만족도에 관한 경험적 연구: 신흥 시장의 휴대폰 이용자를 대상으로)

  • Jahan, Nusrat;Rahman, Md. Mostafizur;Hossain, Md. Alamgir;Saiful, Hoque
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2019
  • For the growing importance of mobile communication, this study sets out to investigate the factors that influencing mobile phone customer satisfaction behavior through a structural equation model. This study proposes six factors model as the key determinants of customer satisfaction. Furthermore, we examine the moderating effect of demographic factors. The study was conducted using a structured questionnaire, data collected from 386 active subscribers. Results confirm that brand name, social influence and after sales service are the three significant determinants of consumer satisfaction. This study finding also suggests that demographic attributes have important consequences on customer satisfaction. The study findings offer an extended theoretical understanding towards customers' mobile satisfaction in the emerging market perspective and for practitioners, potentially to other similar context.

A Study on Transmedia Storytelling Strategy of Local Government Character (지방자치단체 캐릭터의 트랜스미디어 스토리텔링 전략 연구)

  • Kim, Soong-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.427-433
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    • 2021
  • With the support of the government and public institutions, local government characters achieved a lot of quantitative growth. However, there are very few successful cases such as strengthening local identity and revitalizing the local economy using characters. This paper presents a transmedia storytelling strategy as a way to solve the problem of local government characters. To do so, I identify the problems of the current local government characters, and analyze the preceding studies on the features and components of transmedia contents, and the principles of transmedia storytelling, to develop strategies and yielded the expected effect. The transmedia strategy of local government characters consists of a total of three stages. In the first step, the local identity is established through the development of a unique story to the region. The second step, improve attractivity by renewing character design for various individual media platforms. And lastly the third step, enhance usability by expanding interactivity based on communication and participation of development actors and the public. This paper is meaningful in that it derives a transmedia storytelling strategy from the perspective of brand marketing as a way to revitalize local government characters. Based on the conclusions drawn from this study, a follow-up study is needed to apply it to specific cases of local government characters.

A Study on Urban Open Space Selection Attributes as an Urban Entertainment Destination (도시 엔터테인먼트 목적지(UED)로서 도시 오픈 스페이스의 선택속성 연구)

  • Chae, Jin-Hae;Kim, Yong-Gook;Kim, Young-Hyun;Son, Yong-Hoon;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.56-67
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    • 2013
  • This paper asks what the Selection Attributes of urban open space are which carries out a role as an Urban Entertainment Destination. Case studies have chosen the Cheonggyecheon Waterfront, Seoul Forest Park, Seonyudo Park and Banpo Hangang Park as the representative open spaces in Seoul. The methods of study are observation investigation, a literature investigation and the survey to 233 visitors that conducted the ANOVA analysis and Regression analysis by SPSS 18.0. As a result, first, the urban open space in Seoul has had 8 elements of UED; Landscape, Multi anchoring, Contextual links, Programmability, Community, Branded identity, Security and Service. Second, they are being used not the neighborhood type but a wide area type. Third, Landscape, Security and Service are most important while Programmability and Community are less important than other factors in EUOS factors. Lastly, it was analysed that the influential factor of revisitation and satisfaction is Landscape, which is the common factor. Security in revisitation and Contextual links in satisfaction are especially additional factors. The landscape property is an important element to make an Entertainment Urban Open Space(EUOS). The virtue of landscape in the EUOS relates not only park facility or program that installed in the place but also the overall mood involving park user's activities in the place. To be a successful EUOS, a park facility, program and the overall mood involving user's activities need to be integrative approach to enhance the virtue of landscape.

A study on specializing the University Museum in the Perspective of Culture, Arts, and Science (문화.예술.과학의 관점에서 대학박물관의 특성화를 위한 기초연구)

  • Choe, Jong-Ho
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    • no.68
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2006
  • This article attempts to define identity, role and functions of a university museum and to suggest specialization of the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. A university museum is defined as a center for the service of the university community and its development which acquires, researches, communicates, exhibits and educates, for purposes of eduinfotainment,29 material evidence of people and their environment. The target user of the today's university museum are not only professors, students, university workers, but also university neighbourhood such as the related professionals, patrons, parents, school children and villagers. A multi-dimensional and multi-purpose university museum can be established and managed in a real world and / or a cyber world in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. Based on a ubiquitous system30 in a cyber world vis-a-vie a real world, the university museum can be easily utilized by users anywhere, anytime and any device. In order to specialize the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts and science, it is desirable that the university museum director with the CEO of the university community promote the specialization of the university museum based on philosophy and strategies of university community management after they definitely evaluate the components and resources of the university museum such as human powers, museum collections, organizational, technological, capital, spacial and symbolic resources, The specialization of the university museum should be projected and executed in the direction of maintaining the typical scope of museum activities and managing the effective museum management. Specializing the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science can contribute not only to establish the identity of the university community and to perform role and functions of the university museum but also to encourage academic development, to revaluate the brand of the university community and to promote the marketing for the university.

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User Responses to the Formats and Product Properties of Contents Advertised on Facebook (페이스북 광고 콘텐츠 포맷과 제품 속성에 대한 사용자 반응)

  • Su-Jin, Woo;Yu-Jin, Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2016
  • As the marketing value of Facebook advertisements increases, companies seek to create successful Facebook advertisements in order to promote their brands or products. This research aims to identify Facebook advertising factors that influence users' eye movements and attention, and thereby to investigate effective visual elements of Facebook advertising contents. Firstly, we identified two contributing factors influencing users' responses to Facebook advertisements: the formats of advertising contents(Text, Text in Image, and Movie) and the product properties(Involvement, Think/Feel). Based on theoretical reviews, eye tracking tests and surveys were conducted in order to examine how these two factors affect users' responses on Facebook, i.e. visual perception and users' purchasing responses. It was found that there were distinctive patterns of users' visual perceptions and purchasing behavioral responses according to the formats of the advertised contents. Meanwhile, the advertised products' properties influenced only the users' purchasing responses. Finally, the key findings of this research offer helpful guidelines for providers and developers to create effective SNS advertisements.

The Importance-Performance Analysis of Bakery Cafe Choice Attributes Perceived by Customers in Seoul (베이커리카페 선택속성의 중요도 및 수행도 분석: 서울지역을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyung;Jung, Jae-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.456-463
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to extract choice attributes of bakery cafe customers and to conduct important- performance analysis (IPA) of choice attributes perceived by bakery cafe customers. The questionnaire was developed through literature review and focus group interview, and modified after pilot test. The questionnaires for main survey were distributed to 320 males and females aged 20 and over in Seoul. A total of 275 questionnaires were used for analysis (85.9%) and the statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Win (12.0) for descriptive analyses, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analyses. The main results were as follows. 'Products', 'convenience to use', 'services and price', 'interior environments' 'brand' and 'location' dimensions were extracted as choice attributes dimensions of bakery cafe customers and customers of bakery cafe regarded 'sanitation and cleanness', 'kindness of employees', 'quality of products', 'comfortable and pleasant facilities' and 'taste of bakery products' as more important than other attributes. In addition, the results of IPA showed that marketing managers of bakery cafes should focused on the dimension of 'services and price' in the reason that this dimension was low at performance although customers regarded it very important. Overall, researchers and managers of bakery cafes should understand unique choice attributes of bakery cafe customers, and make efforts to establish marketing strategies that meet bakery cafe customers' needs.

A Study on the Characteristics of Vegetation Landscape of Fortress of Jeonju District in Represented on the (<전주지도>에 표현된 조선 후기 전주부성의 식생경관상)

  • Kang, In-ae;Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to find out the characteristics of the vegetation landscape characteristics and system which led the formation of the urban image in Jeonju in the late Joseon period connected with urban spatial structure, using designated as treasure No. 1586 which was made in the middle of 18C. The vegetation landscape characteristics of Jeonju in the late Joseon Dynasty derived from the analysis of are summarized as follows. Firstly, the vegetation landscape system in Jeonju is composed of the natural vegetation around mountain area of Jeonju-Buseong, the independent vegetation or cluster planting forests linked with the main facilities, the Bibo-Forests connected with topographical characteristics of Jeonju, and the vegetation combined with a private garden. Secondly, planting landscape was specialized using flag species and local species. Thirdly, the garden-type plantation centered on the back yard or front of main facilities, with the background of natural vegetation landscape combined with the mountain area and the vegetation combined with a private garden, dominates vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong as objects. Fourthly, in order to overcome the defects of topographical characteristics, the Bibo-Forests were emphasized as an important planting landscape element in addition to the vegetation landscape elements connected with main facilities. Fifth, ecological vegetation landscape technique was taken considering the topographical characteristics. The characteristics of vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong, which is derived from , have an important meaning to restore and reproduce Jeonju's historical features. Especially, the vegetation communities of the non-booming concept combined with the geographical features, the ecological landscape harmonizing with the topography, the round house type landscape mixed with the private house, and the specialization of vegetation landscape using local species are important factors in securing the city image based on the historical characteristics and creating a city brand that utilizes vegetation landscape.

A Study of Power Perception between Supplier and Retail Buyer of Agricultural Products (농산물공급자와 대형소매업체 바이어간의 상호 파워 인식에 대한 연구)

  • 서성무;이은정
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2003.02a
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    • pp.123-166
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    • 2003
  • Marketing channel is recognized as one of the society systems which have the character of functional organization. These organizations are related to each other for specialized and cooperative work. Channel members in distribution channel are striving to accomplish exchange through reciprocal action. Thus channel members exercise their power to take better position in exchange. There will be struggling between members about satisfaction and conflict during this power exercise. Now a days, buyers use more harsh power as large retail firms are increasing. This phenomenon is occurring in the distribution channel. However, there will be different phenomenon in case of agricultural products. Not like industrial product suppliers, agricultural product suppliers have various supply channels and many agricultural products are seasonal. It has also unstable amount supplies. There should be differentiated marketing in agricultural products. Relatively weaker powered suppliers have to strengthen comparative factors and also have to be technically specialized through assessed experience in order to establish strong product sales chain. Making a brand of agricultural product would be also a good idea to increase the product comparability. Channel members need to be recognized their specialized functions in order to make balanced distribution channel. There have to be conversion of concept of relation between suppliers and buyers from subordinate relationship to cooperative relationship.

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The study of the gender's expression in the animation advertising (애니메이션 광고 캐릭터에서 나타난 젠더표현 연구)

  • Liu, Su-yi;Park, Sung-won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, some of the brands of cosmetics in Korea have launched the BB Cream only for man. Cosmetics is not only necessary for woman and it has been accepted by the male. A programme hosted by 김기수 is aimed to teach the female how to make up. As a result, the comprehension of the gender and the development of the times have been combined closely. The understanding of gender has been developed from binary opposition to the diversity of gender. The movements that were aimed at advocating feminism caused by some events reminded us of that we should pay attention to the equalization of the gender. We can see that people want to liberate themselves from the sexual stereotype through these social phenomenons. Meanwhile, animation advertising has also experienced a transformation, which is from that to shape a role under sexual stereotype to that to pay more attention to the diversity of gender during the progress of shaping a role. During the initial stage of the animation advertising's prosperity, what it described was based on the male. The male was the permanent theme. On the contrary, the female only played a subordinate role. However, with the development of feminism, to realize self-worth of the female and to fight for the gender equality have been mentioned more and more frequently. All these factors have prompted the animation advertising to break the stereotype when shaping a new role and change the sexual stereotype in order to create new animation figures.

Effect of Atmospheric Music and Advertising Photo on Consumers' Emotional State and Approach Behavior in Fashion Store (패션점포 내 배경음악과 광고사진이 소비자의 정서 및 접근행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Ki, Hyun-Myoung;Lee, Yu-Ri
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of two different characteristics of music(tempo) and advertising photograph(type) in a fashion store on consumers' emotional responses and approach behavior and to suggest competitive in-store atmospheric strategies. To test the conceptual model, this study used a video simulation method. Researchers selected a fashion casual wear retail store for young people and videotaped to provide realistic store settings. Two different levels of background music(fast, slow) and advertising photograph(sexy, cheerful) were inserted into the video clip generating four stimuli. Including a stimulus for the control group, 5 video clips were created. A total of 289 subjects answered the questionnaire after viewing a two-minute video clips. The results are as follows: First, advertising photograph in a store had a significant effect on consumers' in-store emotional state, whereas musical tempo did not. Second, the effect of in-store consumers' emotional state on behavioral reponses were investigated. Results showed that consumers' positive emotional state lead to consumers' approach behavior. The results of this study indicated that background music and advertising photograph in a fashion store affected consumers' in-store emotional state, and ultimately these affected consumers' positive approach behavior. Thus retailer should try to create a pleasant store environment using effective store atmospheric factors like background music and advertising photograph.

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