• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복지 제도

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Long-term Care Service Policy and Welfare Technology in South Korea: How Does Long-term Care Insurance Restrict the Quasi-market for Welfare Technology? (복지기술적 관점에서 본 노인장기요양보험의 시장 제약성 분석: 복지용구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo-Wan;Choi, Jong Hyug
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.287-320
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to analyze the characteristics and problems of the quasi-market for welfare technology in the long-term care service area in South Korea. The qualitative interviews to the developers of welfare technology were conducted. The main results are as follows. First, the long-term care insurance (LTC) in South Korea has helped to create the limited amount of the effective demands for welfare equipments with low technology. Second, the systemic features of the LTC, however, have constraint the quantitative expansion as well as qualitative growth of the quasi-market for welfare technology. The low level of financial support combined with strict regulations has obstructed qualitative competition in the market. Third, they tend to develop the standardized and minimum welfare equipments for the serious needy for long-term care instead of welfare technology promoting independency of the elderly. Based on the results, this study provided the predictions for the growth of welfare technology and suggested some policy implications.

Empowerment of Social Workers according to Organizational Culture Types of Social Welfare Facilities - In Focus of Social Welfare Facilities in Daegu and Kyeongsangbuk - (사회복지생활시설(社會福祉生活施設) 조직문화(組織文化)에 따른 사회복지사(社會福祉士)의 역량강화(力量强化) - 대구.경북지역(大邱.慶北地域) 사회복지생활시설(社會福祉生活施設)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Joong-Hho;Kim, In-Soo;Byun, Sang-Hae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.301-309
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    • 2008
  • This paper explores whether there is significant difference or not in the empowerment of social workers, e.g. individual's business-oriented, business relationship, and compensation system, according to the organizational culture types of social welfare facilities such as community culture, development culture, hierarchical culture, and reasonableness culture. By means of survey, this research targeted the social workers of social welfare facilities. The culture types that social workers recognize are sorted into community culture, development culture, hierarchy culture, and reasonableness culture according to the division of Kimberly and Quinn (1984). This study shows that there is significant difference in individual’s business-oriented, business relationship, and compensation system according to the type of organization culture.

한국에서 보기 힘든 '이'를 만나다 - 영국에서 생긴 일

  • 대한가족보건복지협회
    • 가정의 벗
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    • v.37 no.3 s.427
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    • pp.32-33
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    • 2004
  • 어린 시절 우리를 괴롭히던 '이'. 한국에서는 사라진 '이'를 35여년 만에 영국에서 다시 만나게 되었다. 의료제도에 있어서 선진국인 영국의 보건제도를 배우러 온 필자에게 '이' 출현은 당혹스럽기에 충분했다. 그러나 영국 의사는 오히려 대수롭지 않게 웃으며 답했다.

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Strengthening User Involvement in Welfare Policies for the Disabled: through Case Studies 'Personal Budgets' of Germany (장애인 복지정책에서의 이용자 참여 강화: 독일의 개인예산제도를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Yong-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.732-742
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    • 2014
  • The provision of welfare services to the disabled in Korea are still insufficient to meet the demand and the delivery system of the service is organized largely from the viewpoint of the suppliers. In order to guarantee the user right to choice, the shift of the policy paradigm supporting autonomy, self-directedness and the right to control of the users appears to be important. The present study explores the theoretical discussion in the field of the welfare of the disabled about user involvement. Then it investigates the German case of 'personal budgets' aimed to strengthen the user involvement and draws some policy implications for Korea. The study confirms that the introduction of 'personal budgets' aimed to realization of the self-determination of the disabled has contributed for the reinforcement of user involvement in welfare policies for the disabled. This new policy program 'personal budgets' based on the idea of the realization of the right to self-determination appears to transform the general nature of the welfare system for the disabled in Germany by transforming the payment methods.

A Critical Study on Capital Punishment System in Perspective of Correctional Welfare (교정복지의 관점에서 본 사형제도의 비판적 고찰)

  • An, Bong-Keun;Nam, Ki-Min
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.33-58
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    • 2007
  • Capital punishment is a system which is not finished simply as one of interim penalty but does away with one person's existence eternally. It is not only opposite to the existential humanism but also contrary to social welfare's goal like social integration. Therefore, this study tries to find out the issues related to capital punishment and further tries to draw out the rightness of capital punishment abolition by critically reviewing the capital punishment system on the basis of the value and philosophy of correctional welfare. In brief, capital punishment is possible only when we negate the inviolable fundamental right which is called life right, and deny the human life existence which surpasses space and time. As long as we can not deny the macroscopic viewpoint to search out the basis of human behavior in the social system which is called culture and society, capital punishment system is contrary to the philosophy of welfare that total society is responsible for guiding members of society to pursue self realization on the basis of value like social solidarity and human dignity. Also, it is against the objective of correctional welfare to head toward special prevention by positive correction and rehabilitation. Capital punishment system ought to be abolished properly.

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