• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보건 경제학

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Factors Associated with Health Service Utilization of the Disabled Elderly in Korea (장애노인의 의료이용에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jeon, Boyoung;Kwon, Soonman;Lee, Hyejae;Kim, Hongsoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the factors associated with the probability and levels of the health service utilization among the disabled elderly in Korea. The sample includes 2,111 people older than 65 who are extracted from the 2008 National Survey on People with Disabilities. More than half (54.3%) of the sample experienced at least 1 outpatient physician visit within two weeks and 26.7% were hospitalized within a year. The key factors associated with the outpatient visits were health insurance status, the existence of chronic disease, self-rated health, the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), as well as renal impairment. Similarly, the utilization of inpatient care was related to health insurance status along with the existence of the internal organ disabilities such as cardiac or respiratory disorders. The study implies the need for the health care policies regarding the prevention of chronic diseases, dependency for daily activities of the elderly, and a management system that specifically targets those with internal organ disabilities. Moreover, the study suggests that financial supports for the low-income group would be helpful to increase their access to health service utilization.

An Analysis on the Economic Effects of the Korean Cosmetic Industry (우리나라 화장품산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Suh, Jeong-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2013
  • In these days, the interest on health industry is increasing around the world. This paper attempts to estimate the economic effects of the Cosmetic Industrydusing the Input-Output Analysis. Especially, 78*78 Sector Tables were used as the first analysis tool. So then, 79*79 Sector Tables adjusted were used for that industry. The main analysis tools of this study are comparing and analyzing backward and forward linkage effects, the induced effects of the self industry and other industries and the induced coefficients such as product, value-added, job and employment. According to the result of analysis, the cosmetic industry has great economic impacts which affects the major macroeconomic factors such as product, value added and backward linkage effect. And the induced effects of the self cosmetic industry are significant compared to other industries in aspects of product, value-added, and employment.

Statistical Comparison and Chronological Change of the Physical Growth and Development of Korean -From 1910 to Present(1994)- (한국인의 체격변화에 관한 비교연구 -1910년도부터 1994년까지-)

  • Park, Soon-Young;Park, Joong-Myung;Yoon, Tai-Yung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.160-175
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    • 1994
  • 년대별로 본 한국인의 성장발육상태를 서로 비교해 봄으로서 얼마나 향상되었나 알아보고자 1910년도부터 1994년까지 각 저자들의 성적을 조사분석한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 신체계측치인 신장, 체중, 흉위, 좌고는 가령에 따라 증가하고 있으나 성장 완료기에서는 각년도별로 점차 증가되었고 특히 1960년 이후 1994년에서는 그 성장이 현저하게 나타났다. 2. 신장과 체중은 평균 10년당 남자의 경우 1.3cm와 1.3kg씩 증가되었으며 여자는 1.6cm와 0.94kg씩 증가하였다(상기의 수치들은 평균증가치임). 3. 성장완료기에 있어서 각 년도별로 성장발육이 증가되었고 특히 1967년, 1983년, 1985년 그리고 1994년에 와서는 현저한 증가를 나타내었다. 이러한 현상은 사회적 경제적 제조건의 향상으로 한국인의 식생활이 좋아졌음으로 성장발육과 체위향상에 많은 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 입증하고 있다.

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Economic Appraisal of Telemedicine (원격진료시스템의 경제성 분석)

  • 이해종;채영문;조재국;최형식
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 1996
  • Telemedicine can increase accessibility to advance medical technology at the university hospital for community residents living in a remote area. This paper focused on the economic evaluation of telemedicine to identify important factors influencing costs and benefits and to understand how these factors can be changed to improve economic performance of the telemedicine. When the telemedicine project currently operating in Korea was evaluated based on the traditional cost-benefit analysis, the results showed a heavy net loss wiht a B/C ration of 0.56. As several values were added to the analysis based on the Information Economics approach, B/C ratios steadly increased. When the saving of medical expenses from the early detection of diseases was taken into a consideration, the ration exceeded the break-even point. >From the sensitivity analysis, a number of patients and the cost for equipment and communication were found to be the key factors for influencing economic performance of telemedicine.

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Why the Prescribing-Dispensing Services Are Not Separated in Korea\ulcorner -An Economic Approach- (의.약분업 왜 안 되나\ulcorner -경제학적 일고-)

  • 변재환
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 1992
  • This paper attempts to explain why the prescribing-dispensing services are not seperated in Korea. The main reason why physicians and pharmacists do not compromise, even though the two parties support the seperation policy in public, is contended to be that both parties would lose their interests if the policy were implemented. Physicians' loss from giving up their vested rights to dispensing would be larger than their gain from an increase in the number of prescriptions. Pharmacists' loww from being forced not to to sell medicines without prescriptions would also be larger than their gain from prohibiting physicians from dispensing. The net ganier form the seperation policy would be the patients. Therefore, the seperation policy would not be implemented unless political pressure from general public surpasses that from physicians and pharmacists.

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The Economic Costs of Newly Diagnosed Lyme Disease (Lyme질환의 경제적 비용분석)

  • Pauly, M. V.;;Madaglia, M.
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.126-147
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    • 1994
  • Lyme 질환은 미국 코넷티컷주의 라임지방에서 관절염증상을 보이는 소아과환자에게서 1975년 처음 발견되었다, 사슴, 누루, 개 등에 기생하는 진드기에 의해 전염되며, 발병초기에는 감기증상을 수반한 황소의 눈과 비슷한 붉은 반점이 생긴다. 적기에 치료하지 않으면, 관절염, 심장질환, 안면신경마비 등으로 악화될 수 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 두가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 먼저, 진단초기의 Lyme질환과 관련된 의료 및 기타 경제적 비용을 저렴하게 계측할 수 있는 방법론을 개발하고 그 유효성을 검증하는 것이다. 둘째로 lyme질환의 비용에 대한 여러종류의 총괄적 계측치를 제공하고 발병의 위험요인을 색출하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 차트분석이나 임상연구 등 고가의 비용이 수반되는 분석기법 대신에 Lyme질환 다발지역에 대한 설문조사를 실시하고 그 유효성을 재설문조사를 통해서 검증하는 방법을 사용하였다. 자료분석상의 난점은 조사대상자마다 응답하지 않은 항목(Missing Value)이 다르기 때문에, 총 비용을 계산할 때 모든 항목에 응답한 조사대상자만을 사용한다면 표본의 크기가 너무 작아지는 것이었다. 이에 대한 대안으로 총비용 및 부분별 비용의 합을 계산할 때 표본의 일부가 응답하지 않은 항목에 대해서는 그 항목에 응답한 나머지 조사대상자의 응답치 평균을 대체하는 방법을 사용하였다. 통계적 분석결과, 질환의 증상시작부터 설문조사시기까지 Lyme질환과 관련된 사회적 총비용은 US$ 6400으로 추정되었다. 이중에 200가량은 환자의 보호자와 관련된 비용이고 나머지는 환자와 관련되 것이다. 총의료비용의 평균은 계산방법에 따라서 US$ 3000-4200의 범위를 보였다. 응답되지 않은 항목을 해당항목에 대한 응답치평균으로 대체하였을 때 총의료비평균은 US$ 4108이었다. 시간비용을 생산성손실에 대한 사회적 가치와 실제임금 손실의 두가지 방법에 의해 계산되었다. 실제임금손실은 생산손실의 사회적 가치의 약 30%에 불과하였다. 본 논문의 결과는 의료비용 및 비용과 생산성손실에 대한 정보가 지역보건담당자에 의한 전화설문조사에 의해 경제적이고도 일관성 있게 수집될 수 있다는 근거로 해석될 수 있다.

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Effects of Wearing COVID-19 Protective Face Masks on Respiratory, Cardiovascular Responses and Wear Comfort During Rest and Exercise (휴식과 운동 중 COVID-19 대응 보건용 마스크 착용이 호흡·심혈관계 반응 및 착용감에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Jae-Yeon;Kang, ChanHyeok;Seong, Yuchan;Jang, Se-Hyeok;Lee, Joo-Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.862-872
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    • 2020
  • This study explores the effects of facemasks on respiratory, thermoregulatory, cardiovascular responses during exercise on a treadmill and at rest. Five male subjects (25.8 ± 0.8 y, 171.8 ± 9.2 cm in height, 79.8 ± 28.1 kg in weight) participated in the following five experimental conditions: no mask, KF80, KF94, KF99, and N95. Inhalation resistance was ranked as KF80 < KF94 < N95 < KF99 and dead space inside a mask was ranked as KF80 = KF94 < N95 < KF99. The surface area covered by a mask was on average 1.1% of the total body surface area. The results showed no significant differences in body core temperature, oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), heart rate or subjective perception among the five experimental conditions; however, cheek temperature, respiratory ventilation and blood pressure were greater for KF80 or KF94 conditions when compared to KF99 or N95 conditions (p<0.05). The differences among mask conditions are attributed to the dead space or specific designs (cup type vs pleats type) rather than the filtration level. In addition, the results suggest that improving mask design can help mitigate respiratory resistance from increased filtration.

Promoting Access to Health Technologies in the Post-pandemic Era: Gavi, Global Fund, Unitaid, and Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) Programs (포스트 코로나 시대 보건의료기술 접근성 제고를 위한 탐색 연구: 세계백신연합(Gavi) 글로벌펀드(Global Fund), 국제의약품구매기구(Unitaid) 및 Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator 사업 사례)

  • Song, Sooyeon;Heo, Jongho
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Global collaboration to accelerate development and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines was launched with the name of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A), and this initiative owes its expertise to the lessons learned of the global health organizations. To date, the comprehensive mechanisms and potential effects of the initiative remain largely unknown. Methods: This study reviewed the programs of Gavi, the Global Fund, Unitaid, and ACT-A, which mitigating barriers to greater use of health technology with an analytic framework. Results and conclusion: The study findings are as follows. First, programs to alleviate the absence of necessary technology include the International Finance Facility for Immunization and Covax Facility. Second, Pooled Procurement Mechanism and Accelerated Order Mechanism are examples of mitigating the inability to access technology. Third, programs to overcome reluctance to adopt accessible technology include health system strengthening efforts such as the capacity-building health workforces. Further actions of Korea are needed to collaborate with the initiatives to enhance health outcomes.

Critical Review of health care economic evaluation methodology : With a special reference to study design and cost estimation (보건의료 경제성 평가 방법론 고찰 -연구 설계와 비용 추정을 중심으로-)

  • ;Brouwer WBF
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.58-77
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    • 2004
  • Cost containment has become high political issues since financial crisis of the Korean Health Insurance fund in 2000. Korean Government has developed and implemented several measures to reduce the pharmaceutical expenditures. Pharmaceutical economic evaluation can be a tool in decision to allocate scare resource efficiently. In order to increase the quality of economic evaluation for pharmaceuticals, the Korean Health Insurance Review Agency(HIRA) is considering the development of a guideline for economic evaluation. It mandates that pharmaceutical companies could submit the result of an economic evaluation when demanding reimbursement of new pharmaceutical drugs. The purpose of this study is to provide a critical review of the economic evaluations of health care technologies published in the Korean context whether they have been performed according to current guidelines and therefore whether their results are directly useful for decision making. We found there exist important problems and deviation from, good practice' both in the general features of the studies, like the study design and perspective, and in terms of cost measurement and valuation. There are needs to develop clear guidelines and to educate and train researchers in performing economic evaluations.

Position Value for Relative Comparison of Healthcare Status of Korea in 2014 (2014 한국의 보건의료의 상대적 위치와 추이: 경제협력개발기구 국가와 비교)

  • Lee, Sang Ah;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the current and trend of healthcare status of South Korea compared to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. We used the position value for relative comparison (PARC) method for measuring the healthcare status of South Korea by five parts of healthcare policy (demand, supply, accessibility, quality, and cost). Additionally, we conducted Mann-Kendall test for analyzing the trend of PARC from 2000 to the present. Demand, supply, accessibility, and quality of healthcare of Korea were located upon the average of OECD countries, and showed an increasing trend from 2000 to the present. However, primary care and screening for cervical cancer were placed at a lower level compared the OECD average. In conclusion, the current state of healthcare in Korea seems to be generally beyond the average among OECD countries. However, some parts, including primary care, need to be improved.