• Title/Summary/Keyword: 병상

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A Study on Utilization of non-residential areal hospitals in Inpatient (입원의료의 타 지역 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Hong;Kim, Yoo-Mi;Choi, Yun-Kyoung;Park, Il-Su;Choi, Soon-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.310-313
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구의 목적은 환자가 거주지가 아닌 타 지역에서 입원의료를 이용하는 요인을 규명하여 주민들의 의료이용에 대한 지역적 접근성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하는데 있다. 2005년 환자조사 입원자료 523,782건을 연구대상으로 하였으며, 2004년 의료기관평가 자료, 2005년 인구센서스, 2006년 보건의료자원실태조사를 이용하였다. 자료분석은 기술통계, 카이제곱 검정, 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 타 지역 입원의료 이용의 가장 큰 요인은 의료기관 소재지의 의료서비스 수준으로, 인구 10만명당 의료기관평가 점수가 9.5점 이상인 지역이 9.5점 미만인 지역에 비해 타지역 입원의료 이용확률이 8.3배가 높았다. 반면 인구 10만명당 병상수가 910병상 이상인 지역이 910병상 미만인 지역에 비해 타 지역 입원의료 이용확률이 2.0배 높았다. 정부는 지역주민의 의료의 접근성을 높이기 위해 의료공급량의 확충과 분배보다는 지역의료의 질적 수준을 향상시키는 방향으로 정책을 펼쳐야 한다.

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A Study on the Area and Clearances around Patient Bed Space in Intensive Care Unit (중환자실 병상주변공간의 면적과 간격에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyunjin;Kwon, Soonjung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study tries to propose the dimensions and area related to patient bed and surroundings in ICU considering nurses' observation and medical care. Methods: Literature survey, 11 Case studies, some Interviews with nurses and measuring of medical equipments' dimension in ICU have been mobilized in order to deepen the ICU bed area standards. Results: 0.3m clearance between head wall and patient bed is necessary for emergency cases. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed should not be less than 0.9m for EMR cart and medical tray. The clear floor area of one bed and surroundings in open ward is $10.2m^2(3m{\times}3.4m)$. In a single-bed patient room, the minimum clear floor area is $16.0m^2(4m{\times}4m)$. Considering the control of cross infection in ICU, Single bed patient room is recommended. Implications: The result of this study can be applied to the design of ICU and legislation of ICU standard.

Physiological Studies on the Sudden Wilting of JAPONICA/INDICA Crossed Rice Varieties in Korea -IV. Varietal difference of the Photosynthesis Capacity and Carbohydrate Metabolism and Relationship with Wilting injuly (일(日). 인원연교잡(印遠緣交雜) 수도품종(水稻品種)의 급성위조병상(急性萎凋病狀) 발생(發生)에 관(關)한 영양생리학적(營養生理學的) 연구(硏究) -IV. 광합성능(光合成能) 및 탄수화물대사(炭水化物代謝)의 품종간(品種間) 차이(差異)와 위조병상발생(萎凋病狀發生)과의 관계(關係))

  • Kim, Yoo-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 1990
  • The results of the investigation on the relationship between the varietal difference of photosynthesis capacity and carbohydrate metabolism and the susceptibility to sudden wilting are as follow: 1. Yushin and Milyang 23, varieties in which sudden wilting occurs easily, showed that the photosynthesis capacity at the young panicle formation stage and the contents of chlorophyll of the flag leaf were lower than Jinhung which did not show sudden wilting. 2. Respiration consumption index (${\frac{amount\;of\;respiration}{amount\;of\;assimilation}{\time}100$) of Yushin and Milyang 23 were higher than Jinhung's. 3. Regarding sugar contents of each internode at the ripening stage, the contents of the second and third internodes of Yushin were lower than Jinhung, but no varietal difference was found in the 1st internode. 4. The starch content of the Yushin node sharply decreased compared with Jinhung at the ripening stage. In Jinhung it was especially higher in lowerinternodes, but in the third internode of Yushin. was not more than 50% of that in higher internode's.

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Does the Level of Hospital Caseloads Influences on the Length of Stay for the Delivery Inpatients (입원환자의 집중도 수준에 따른 재원일수의 변이 분석: 분만환자를 중심으로)

  • Moon, Kyeong-Jun;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.314-323
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzed the relationship between the level of hospital caseloads and length of stay for the delivery patients. The differences of hospital caseloads were measured by the Internal Herfindahl Index, which measured the concentration of delivery patient in a hospital. And the structure variables of hospitals such as the number of bed, the number of treatment, and the number of doctors and nurses per 100 beds were included as control variables. And average length of stay of delivery patients was used as the dependent variable. Concentration status of delivery patients was measured in two models: (1) first model represents the concentration level of delivery patient in all hospital patients, (2) second model represents the concentration level of delivery patient in all obstetrics and gynecology patients. In regression analysis, patient concentration index was not statistically significant in explaining the variation of average length of stay in two models. But the number of delivery patients and number of beds were statistically significant. The number of delivery patient variable showed negative regression coefficient with average length of stay and the number of beds showed positive coefficient with average length of stay. This study result indicated that the volume of delivery patients in a hospital will play a significant role in reducing the length of stay of delivery patients. Patient volume could contribute in improving the efficiency of patient care in a hospital.

Efficiency analysis of Oriental hospitals according to characteristics (한방병원 특성별 경영효율성 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Sik;Lee, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the efficiency of oriental hospitals using DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). The input variables include the numbers of doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and beds. The output variable iscomprised of the sales account. The analysis tools used are EnPas and IBM SPSS Statistics 19. As a result of efficiency analysis, the private hospitals(establishment), less than 10 years in operation(operating period), containing less than 50 beds (number of the beds), located in the metropolitan area(location) showed high efficiency in the BCC(Banker, Charnes & Cooper) model, but indicated relatively low efficiency in CCR(Charnes, Cooper & Rhodes) model. This contradictory result is caused by inefficiencies in hospital size. The logistic regression analysis conducted to analyze the variables that affect the efficiency of oriental hospitals found that the efficiency decreased by 0.955 with each increase of 1 bed in the hospital.

Present Conditions of Mental Health Care in Rural Areas: Community Mental Health Program of Public Health Center (농촌지역 정신보건관리실태: 보건소 지역사회정신보건사업)

  • Lee, Weon-Young;Kim, Dong-Moon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: This paper introduces need and supply level of rural mental health care service and especially focuses on the evaluation for the community mental health programs of Public Health Centers(PHCs) in rural areas as the facilities for primary mental health care. Methods: We defined the need as prevalance rate and service utilization rate, for which reviewed the results of the epidemiological study of mental disorders using Korean Composite International Diagnostic Interview surveyed on a nationwide scale in 2001. Supply was appraised in terms of psychiatric beds and primary mental heath care facilities such as private psychiatric clinics, facilities for social rehabilitation, PHCs running community mental health programs. For this, we reveiwed a variety of annual reports related mental health published by Ministry of Health and Welfare. To evaluate the community mental health programs of PHCs in rural areas, we selected. randomly samples out of the 3rd community health plans including the contents of community mental health programs, which submitted by 89 rural counties and 44 cities mixed with rural areas, and used the program's guideline established by central government as a standard. Results: Prevalence rates of major psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, alcoholism, major depression, anxiety disorder were higher in rural area than in urban area and 8.9% of psychiatric patients in both areas stayed at homes contacted with mental health manpower more than one time during the last year. Psychiatric beds were sufficiently supplied, but urban area had less beds than rural area contrary to general health care service. Psychiatric clinics were supplied very insufficiently in rural areas and PHCs bridged the gap instead. However rural PHCs got less financial support for community mental health programs from higher positioned agencies than urban PHCs. Rural community health programs not supported hardly worked out. Conclusions: Central government should consider a special policy for rural primary mental health care, because private psychiatric clinics can't be introduced in rural areas due to demand-deficiency and the financial independence of rural counties was very vulnerable.

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