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Multi-Region based Radial GCN algorithm for Human action Recognition (행동인식을 위한 다중 영역 기반 방사형 GCN 알고리즘)

  • Jang, Han Byul;Lee, Chil Woo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, multi-region based Radial Graph Convolutional Network (MRGCN) algorithm which can perform end-to-end action recognition using the optical flow and gradient of input image is described. Because this method does not use information of skeleton that is difficult to acquire and complicated to estimate, it can be used in general CCTV environment in which only video camera is used. The novelty of MRGCN is that it expresses the optical flow and gradient of the input image as directional histograms and then converts it into six feature vectors to reduce the amount of computational load and uses a newly developed radial type network model to hierarchically propagate the deformation and shape change of the human body in spatio-temporal space. Another important feature is that the data input areas are arranged being overlapped each other, so that information is not spatially disconnected among input nodes. As a result of performing MRGCN's action recognition performance evaluation experiment for 30 actions, it was possible to obtain Top-1 accuracy of 84.78%, which is superior to the existing GCN-based action recognition method using skeleton data as an input.

Federated Learning-based Route Choice Modeling for Preserving Driver's Privacy in Transportation Big Data Application (교통 빅데이터 활용 시 개인 정보 보호를 위한 연합학습 기반의 경로 선택 모델링)

  • Jisup Shim
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2023
  • The use of big data for transportation often involves using data that includes personal information, such as the driver's driving routes and coordinates. This study explores the creation of a route choice prediction model using a large dataset from mobile navigation apps using federated learning. This privacy-focused method used distributed computing and individual device usage. This study established preprocessing and analysis methods for driver data that can be used in route choice modeling and compared the performance and characteristics of widely used learning methods with federated learning methods. The performance of the model through federated learning did not show significantly superior results compared to previous models, but there was no substantial difference in the prediction accuracy. In conclusion, federated learning-based prediction models can be utilized appropriately in areas sensitive to privacy without requiring relatively high predictive accuracy, such as a driver's preferred route choice.

User Playlist-Based Music Recommendation Using Music Metadata Embedding (음원 메타데이터 임베딩을 활용한 사용자 플레이리스트 기반 음악 추천)

  • Kyoung Min Nam;Yu Rim Park;Ji Young Jung;Do Hyun Kim;Hyon Hee Kim
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2024
  • The growth of mobile devices and network infrastructure has brought significant changes to the music industry. Online streaming services has allowed music consumption without constraints of time and space, leading to increased consumer engagement in music creation and sharing activities, resulting in a vast accumulation of music data. In this study, we define metadata as "song sentences" by using a user's playlist. To calculate similarity, we embedded them into a high-dimensional vector space using skip-gram with negative sampling algorithm. Performance eva luation results indicated that the recommended music algorithm, utilizing singers, genres, composers, lyricists, arrangers, eras, seasons, emotions, and tag lists, exhibited the highest performance. Unlike conventional recommendation methods based on users' behavioral data, our approach relies on the inherent information of the tracks themselves, potentially addressing the cold start problem and minimizing filter bubble phenomena, thus providing a more convenient music listening experience.

A Study on Automatic Classification Model of Documents Based on Korean Standard Industrial Classification (한국표준산업분류를 기준으로 한 문서의 자동 분류 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Jun, Seung-Pyo;Yoo, Hyoung Sun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2018
  • As we enter the knowledge society, the importance of information as a new form of capital is being emphasized. The importance of information classification is also increasing for efficient management of digital information produced exponentially. In this study, we tried to automatically classify and provide tailored information that can help companies decide to make technology commercialization. Therefore, we propose a method to classify information based on Korea Standard Industry Classification (KSIC), which indicates the business characteristics of enterprises. The classification of information or documents has been largely based on machine learning, but there is not enough training data categorized on the basis of KSIC. Therefore, this study applied the method of calculating similarity between documents. Specifically, a method and a model for presenting the most appropriate KSIC code are proposed by collecting explanatory texts of each code of KSIC and calculating the similarity with the classification object document using the vector space model. The IPC data were collected and classified by KSIC. And then verified the methodology by comparing it with the KSIC-IPC concordance table provided by the Korean Intellectual Property Office. As a result of the verification, the highest agreement was obtained when the LT method, which is a kind of TF-IDF calculation formula, was applied. At this time, the degree of match of the first rank matching KSIC was 53% and the cumulative match of the fifth ranking was 76%. Through this, it can be confirmed that KSIC classification of technology, industry, and market information that SMEs need more quantitatively and objectively is possible. In addition, it is considered that the methods and results provided in this study can be used as a basic data to help the qualitative judgment of experts in creating a linkage table between heterogeneous classification systems.

R-C-D machine learning method to detect joints in 3D point cloud of rock tunnel face (암석 터널 막장의 3차원 포인트 클라우드에서 절리 계측을 위한 R-C-D 기계 학습 방법)

  • Sangmo Moon;Bara Alseid;Hangseok Choi;Jeonghun Yang;Hong Pyo Moon;Hyungjoon Seo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.661-679
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    • 2024
  • In rock tunnel excavation, joint is one of the important factors in determining the stability of the tunnel face. This paper proposes the Roughness-CANUPO-Dip Filtration (R-C-D) method to detect joints in tunnel excavation faces. The R-C-D method involves three steps: roughness analysis, CANUPO analysis, and dip filtration. In addition, the study evaluates four different measuring methods for dip angle and direction: plane fitting, normal vector conversion, facet segmentation, and compass measurements. This method is applied to three rock tunnel sites and the results showed that all the measurement tools were able to accurately detect the joints and calculate the dip angle, with an accuracy ranging from 97% to 99.4% for all the applied measurements. Facet segmentation method was identified as the optimal measurement tool due to its automatic nature and ability to provide accurate results without the need for manual intervention. The optimum local neighbour radius (LNR) used to calculate normal vectors was also estimated, with results indicating that a larger LNR value leads to more accurate results but also increases computational time. A verification was performed to estimate the dip angle used to filter and discard additional points that represent joint rock bands, with the optimum value being 45,30,45 degrees respectively, for each site. The R-C-D Method was developed to eliminate joint lines and sustain joint embedment points in order to obtain their dip angle and direction. The R-C-D Method was applied to three site models, and the results showed that the method was successful in detecting joint lines and eliminating them, while the dip angle filtration successfully removed the joint bands. The results showed that the R-C-D Method was effective in obtaining accurate and precise dip angle and direction measurements for geological materials.

Design of Omok AI using Genetic Algorithm and Game Trees and Their Parallel Processing on the GPU (유전 알고리즘과 게임 트리를 병합한 오목 인공지능 설계 및 GPU 기반 병렬 처리 기법)

  • Ahn, Il-Jun;Park, In-Kyu
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes an efficient method for design and implementation of the artificial intelligence (AI) of 'omok' game on the GPU. The proposed AI is designed on a cooperative structure using min-max game tree and genetic algorithm. Since the evaluation function needs intensive computation but is independently performed on a lot of candidates in the solution space, it is computed on the GPU in a massive parallel way. The implementation on NVIDIA CUDA and the experimental results show that it outperforms significantly over the CPU, in which parallel game tree and genetic algorithm on the GPU runs more than 400 times and 300 times faster than on the CPU. In the proposed cooperative AI, selective search using genetic algorithm is performed subsequently after the full search using game tree to search the solution space more efficiently as well as to avoid the thread overflow. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm enhances the AI significantly and makes it run within the time limit given by the game's rule.

The Internet GIS Infrastructure for Interoperablility : MAP(Mapping Assistant Protocol) (상호운용을 위한 인터넷 GIS 인프라구조 : MAP(Mapping Assistant Protocol))

  • 윤석찬;김영섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.424-426
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    • 1998
  • 공간정보의 효율적 공유를 위해 인터넷 기반 GIS소프트웨어 개발 및 응용과 관련된 연구가 활발히 진행 중에 있다. 여러 인터넷 GIS의 기본적인 요구사항 및 현재까지 개발모델과 문제점을 살펴보고, 표준 인터넷 기술을 기반으로 최근 웹 기술 표준 동향을 포함한, OpenGIS상호 운용성이 지원되는 인터넷 GIS기본 구조를 제시하고자 한다. 표준화될 인터넷 GIS 속도 향상과 TCP/IP상의 보안문제가 해결되어야 하고, OpenGIS에서 구성하고 있는 공간 데이터 공유를 위한 표준 사양을 준수할 뿐 아니라 클라이언트/서버의 부하가 최적화된 구조여야한다. 특히 웹 중심의 각종 인터넷 기술들, 즉 HTTP NG. XML, SSL등의 표준 기술이 함께 적용되어야 한다. 새로운 인프라구조는 GIS D/B에 포함된 확장된 (Enhanced) HTTP/MAP 서버와 클라이언트로 구성된다. MAP클라이언트는 MIME-TYPE 에 따라 GIS데이터를 표시할 수 있는 윈도우 환경으로 변환되며 GIS 데이터셋은 XML을 기반으로 하는 MapML(Mapping Makup Language)를 통해 형식을 정한다. 클라이언트가 MapML 토큐먼트를 통해 정의된 구획의 레이어와 벡터 데이터를 요청하고, Map서버는GIS D/B에서 WKB 혹은 소위 VML 형태로 추출하여 클라이언트로 보내주게 된다. 주어진 구획은 MapML로 정의된 속성들을 통해 각종 부가 정보를 열람할 수 있다. MAP은 HTTP와 같은 형태로 동작하므로 전자인증, 암호화를 통한 GIS정보 보안, 클라이언트와 서버 부하의 효율적인 분배 XML을 통한 다양한 GIS속성표현이 가능하다. 본 구조는 Apache +Amiya + Crass D/B+ MapML 환경에서 구현되고 있다.팔일 전송 기법을 각각 제시하고 실험을 통해 이들의 특성을 비교분석하였다.미에서 uronic acid 함량이 두 배 이상으로 나타났다. 흑미의 uronic acid 함량이 가장 많이 용출된 분획은 sodium hydroxide 부분으로서 hemicellulose구조가 polyuronic acid의 형태인 것으로 사료된다. 추출획분의 구성단당은 여러 곡물연구의 보고와 유사하게 glucose, arabinose, xylose 함량이 대체로 높게 나타났다. 점미가 수가용성분에서 goucose대비 용출함량이 고르게 나타나는 경향을 보였고 흑미는 알칼리가용분에서 glucose가 상당량(0.68%) 포함되고 있음을 보여주었고 arabinose(0.68%), xylose(0.05%)도 다른 종류에 비해서 다량 함유한 것으로 나타났다. 흑미는 총식이섬유 함량이 높고 pectic substances, hemicellulose, uronic acid 함량이 높아서 콜레스테롤 저하 등의 효과가 기대되며 고섬유식품으로서 조리 특성 연구가 필요한 것으로 사료된다.리하였다. 얻어진 소견(所見)은 다음과 같았다. 1. 모년령(母年齡), 임신회수(姙娠回數), 임신기간(姙娠其間), 출산시체중등(出産時體重等)의 제요인(諸要因)은 주산기사망(周産基死亡)에 대(對)하여 통계적(統計的)으로 유의(有意)한 영향을 미치고 있어 $25{\sim}29$세(歲)의 연령군에서, 2번째 임신과 2번째의 출산에서 그리고 만삭의 임신 기간에, 출산시체중(出産時體重) $3.50{\sim}3.99kg$사이의 아이에서 그 주산기사망률(周産基死亡率)이 각각 가장 낮았다. 2. 사산(死産)과 초생아사망(初生兒死亡)을 구분(區分)하여 고려해 볼때 사산(死産)은 모성(母

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Implementation of a Web-Based Early Warning System for Meteorological Hazards (기상위험 조기경보를 위한 웹기반 표출시스템 구현)

  • Kong, In Hak;Kim, Hong Joong;Oh, Jai Ho;Lee, Yang Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2016
  • Numeric weather prediction is important to prevent meteorological disasters such as heavy rain, heat wave, and cold wave. The Korea meteorological administration provides a realtime special weather report and the rural development administration demonstrates information about 2-day warning of agricultural disasters for farms in a few regions. To improve the early warning systems for meteorological hazards, a nation-wide high-resolution dataset for weather prediction should be combined with web-based GIS. This study aims to develop a web service prototype for early warning of meteorological hazards, which integrates web GIS technologies with a weather prediction database in a temporal resolution of 1 hour and a spatial resolution of 1 km. The spatially and temporally high-resolution dataset for meteorological hazards produced by downscaling of GME was serviced via a web GIS. In addition to the information about current status of meteorological hazards, the proposed system provides the hourly dong-level forecasting of meteorologic hazards for upcoming seven days, such as heavy rain, heat wave, and cold wave. This system can be utilized as an operational information service for municipal governments in Korea by achieving the future work to improve the accuracy of numeric weather predictions and the preprocessing time for raster and vector dataset.

Application of Fractal Dimension on Consistent Calculation of Coastline Length - Focused on Jeju Island (일관된 해안선 길이 산출을 위한 프랙탈 차원 적용 방안 연구 - 제주도를 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Hee Sook;Kwon, Kwang Seok;Kim, Byung Guk;Cho, Seck Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2016
  • The use of consistent coastlines is an important element for the systematic management of maritime boundaries and the interests of local governments. The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency conducted a preliminary survey for consistent coastline production, since 2001. As a result, the length of coastline was different by year. Because of the lack of systematic management, the use of incorrect data, etc. We also changed the coastline on the sea chart to show on a digital map for realization of terrain expression method. However, there was a variation in shoreline length due to various surveying techniques and shoreline extraction methods. In this paper, the characteristics of Jeju-do coastline were analysed by using a modified divider method of fractal dimension. The accuracy of the vectorization was determined by converting the actual distance in the Public Survey Amendment for proper divider use. With 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 digital maps of Jeju-si and Seogwipo-si each fractal dimensions were calculated. Jeju-si=1.14 and Seogwipo-si=1.12 in 1: 5,000. Jeju-si=1.13 and Seogwipo-si=1.10 in 1: 25,000. Calculated fractal dimension were correlated to data from digital maps. It was considered that complexity and scale of coastlines affected. In the future coastline length statistics and minimum ratio of calculated coastline length to original length need to be determined for consistency of coastline length statistics.

Automatic Extraction of the Land Readjustment Paddy for High-level Land Cover Classification (토지 피복 세분류를 위한 경지 정리 논 자동 추출)

  • Yeom, Jun Ho;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.443-450
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    • 2014
  • To fulfill the recent increasement in the public and private demands for various spatial data, the central and local governments started to produce those data. The low-level land cover map has been produced since 2000, yet the production of high-level land covered map has started later in 2010, and recently, a few regions was completed recently. Although many studies have been carried to improve the quality of land that covered in the map, most of them have been focused on the low-level and mid-level classifications. For that reason, the study for high-level classification is still insufficient. Therefore, in this study, we suggested the automatic extraction of land readjustment for paddy land that updated in the mid-level land mapping. At the study, the RapidEye satellite images, which consider efficient to apply in the agricultural field, were used, and the high pass filtering emphasized the outline of paddy field. Also, the binary images of the paddy outlines were generated from the Otsu thresholding. The boundary information of paddy field was extracted from the image-to-map registrations and masking of paddy land cover. Lastly, the snapped edges were linked, as well as the linear features of paddy outlines were extracted by the regional Hough line extraction. The start and end points that were close to each other were linked to complete the paddy field outlines. In fact, the boundary of readjusted paddy fields was able to be extracted efficiently. We could conclude in that this study contributed to the automatic production of a high-level land cover map for paddy fields.