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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 반복압밀

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Consolidation Characteristics of Repeated Loading for Highly Organic Soils (고유기질토의 반복압밀특성)

  • 김재영;주재우;박성희
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2001
  • 고유기질토의 정규압밀과 과입밀에 대한 압밀특성을 연구하기 위하여 전북지역에서 채취한 2종류의 고유기질토 IS와 YJ를 사용하여 일련의 실내 표준압밀시험과 반복압밀시험을 수행하였다. 전북지역 대표적인 고유기질토의 물리적 특성은 유기물함량이 각각 58%와 72%, 자연함수비 487%와 635%, 초기공극비 7.02와 9.72이었다. 표준압밀시험결과 K, Mv , Cv 는 압밀하중이 증가함에 따라서 선행하중을 경계로 일반 점토보다 크게 감소하는 특성을 보였다. 또한 2단계, 3단계 반복압밀 시험결과 K, Mv 는 압밀하중이 증가함에 따라서 완만하게 감소하였으며 표준압밀시험결과보다는 작게 나타났다. 2단계 반복압밀의 경우 Cv 는 정규압밀영역에서 표준압밀시험결과보다 약 10-12배정도 크게 나타났다. Cc , Ca 는 압밀하중이 증가함에 따라서 각각 선행하중의 약 2.5배, 3배 하중을 정점으로 크게 증감하는 고유기질토 고유의 특성을 나타냈다. 고유기질토의 Cc , Ca 는 일반 점토보다 압밀압력 의존성이 큰 특성을 나타냈으며 최대값도 각각 2.9-3.8, 0.3-0.4로 일반 점토보다 큰 값을 보였다. 2단계, 3단계 반복압밀시험결과 Cc , Ca 는 압밀하중이 증가함에 따라서 약간 증가하였다. Ca 는 OCR이 증가함에 따라서 감소하였으며 특히 OCR이 1-2 범위에서 감소폭이 크게 나타났다. 고유길토의 제압밀계수는 반복회수 및 하중의 크기 등에 따라서 큰 영향을 받으며 또한 과압밀 크기의 대소는 고유기질토의 Ca 에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 생각되어 이 분야에 대한 더 많은 연구가 필요하다.

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An Experimental Study on Silty Clay Subjected to Repeated Loads (반복하중을 받는 실트질 점토에 관한 실험적 연구 -과압밀 점토를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Pal-Gyu;Kim, Gyeong-Jin;Song, Jeon-Seop
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 1989
  • The object of this paper is to study the general characteristics of overconsolidated silty clays subjected to repeated loading. The samples are first remolded. overconsolidated and a series of strain - controlled triaxial repeated tests are carried out. Generally the relationship of deviator stress - axial strain of overconsolidated clay is similar in pattern to the normally consolidated clay under single load. But the behavior of the pore water pressure build up in the sample subjected to repeated loading is dependent upon the consolidation history and the level of repeated stress. Therefore through the series of the tests, the characteristics of stress -strain relationship of soils which are differentlly overconsolidated are investigated, analysed and then compared with each soils. And also, from the relationship of test results, the strength and strain characteristics of soils are obierved. The equilibrium lines which presents the critical repeated stress and equilibrium state in the sample under repeated loading, are often straight, but may be curved. And the tendency of the equilibrium lines is observed as to the variation of overconsolidation ratio.

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Cyclic Shear Strength of Anisotropically Consolidated Snnd (비등방 압밀 모래의 반복 전단강도)

  • Kim, Byung-Tak;Kim, Young-Su;Seo, In-Shik;Jeong, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2002
  • This paper is focused on studying the undrained cyclic triaxial behavior of saturated Nak-dong River sand, using anisotropically consolidated specimens. A test of isotropically consolidated specimens was performed to compare the results of the anisotropically consolidated specimens. The cyclic shear stre3ngth of the sand under various combinations of initial static shear stress and relative density was considered. Failure was defined as a 5% double amplitude cyclic strain and a 5% residual axial strain for both reversal stress and no reversal stress conditions. Using this definition, the cyclic strength of the anisotropically consolidated specimens was affected by the initial static shear stress. For anisotropically consolidated Nak-dong River dense sand, the cyclic strength is greater than that of Toyolura silica sand but is smaller than that of Dogs Bay carbonate sand. By comparing the experimental and predictecl results, it was possible to predict the residual pore pressure of Nak-dong River sand using Hyodo's model with initial static shear stress subjected cyclic loading.

Post-liquefaction Behavior under Cyclic Loading of a Silty Sand (실트질 모래의 액상화 후 반복하중에 의한 동적거동)

  • 강병희;박근보;서명하
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2000
  • 보통으로 다져진 실트질 모래(Dr=50%)에 대한 액상화 전후 상태에서의 반복하중에 의한 동적거동을 연구하기 위하여 몇가지의 압밀응력비로서 압밀시킨공시체에 대해서 일련의 일련의 반복삼축시험을 수행하였다. 연구결과로서 압밀응력비가 액상화거동에 미치는 영향을 나타내었으며 또한 액상화 전후의 동적거동을 비교하였다. 그리고 액상화 후의 거동은 선행액상화시의 응력반전여부에 의해서 절대적으로 좌우된다는 사실을 보여주고 있다. 결론적으로 액상화를 경험한 공시체의 액상화저항은 액상화를 경험하지 않은 공시체에 비해서 이방압밀의 경우에는 높고 등방압밀의 경우에는 낮다.

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Effects of Anisotropic Consolidation on the Postcyclic Undrained Shear Strength of an Overconsolidated Clay (이방압밀이 반복하중을 받은 과압밀점토의 비배수전단강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Gang, Byeong-Hui;Yun, Hyeong-Seok;Park, Dong-Jin
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 1998
  • The effects of consolidation stress history including consolidation stress ratio, OCR and cyclic loading with drainage on the undrained shear strength of cohesive soil were investig toted. The ratio(Su/σvc)ckou/(SU/σvc)cuv was observed to increase with increasing OCR. The equation (1) in this paper by Mayne(1980) for the undrained shear strength of the overconsolidated clay and the equation (4) by Yasuhara(1994), for the postcyclic shear strength were found to be relatively well applicable in the case of Kofonsolidated. It was also suggested that the value of the critical state pore pressure parameter As in these two equations for the in situ shear strength of lightly overconsolidated clay(OCR< 3) be obtained by the standard consolidating test.

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Consolidation Characteristics of Lowly Organic Soil under Repeated Loading (반복압밀하중을 받는 저유기질토의 압밀특성)

  • 김재영
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 1999
  • When the repeated loading, such as vehicel etc, acts on soft ground, consolidation behaviors due to repeated loading wil show different from standard one. A series of tests was performed to investigate the characteristics of consolidation of lowly organic soil subjected to repeated loadings. Lowly organic soil with Lig. 23.5% was sampeld in Chonbuk Province and tested using a partially and a fully repeated loadings. From test results it was found that void ration, volume change, consolidation coefficient, permeability and secondary consolidation coefficient were greatly affected according to the repetition number and the load weight. The secondary consolidation coefficient was decreased with increase of the repetition number. The results obtained from this research can be used as basic for the improvement of soft ground.

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Liquefaction Resistance of Gravel-Sand Mixtures (자갈-모래 혼합토의 액상화 거동)

  • Kim, Bang-Sig;Kang, Byung-Hee;Yoon, Yeo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2007
  • In this research, the effects of the gravel content on the liquefaction behavior for both of the isotropically and K0anisotropically consolidated gravel-sand mixtures are investigated. for this purpose, the cyclic triaxial tests for the specimens with the same relative density (Dr=40%) and variations of gravel content were performed. On the other hand, a series of undrained cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on the isotropically consolidated gravel-sand mixtures with the same void ratio (e=0.7) and from 0% to 30% gravel contents. Void ratios of gravel-sand mixtures with the same relative density (Dr=40%) are found to decrease significantly with the increase of the gravel content from 0% to about 70% and increase thereafter. But the void ratio of the sand matrix among the gravel skeleton increases with the increase of the gravel contents. Test results are as follows : for the isotropically consolidated specimen with 40% of relative density and low gavel contents (GC=0%, 20%, 40%), pore water pressure development and axial strain behavior during undrained cyclic loading show similar behavior to those of the loose sand because of high void ratio, and the specimens with high gravel content (70%) both pore pressure and strata behaviors are similar to those of dense sand. And the isotropically consolidated specimens with the same void ratio (e=0.7) and higher gravel contents show the same behavior of pore water pressure and axial strain as that of the loose sand, but for the lower gravel content this behavior shows similar behavior to that of dense sand. The liquefaction strength of the isotropically consolidated specimens with the same relative density increases with gravel content up to 70%, and the strength decreases with the increase of the gravel content at the same void ratio. Thus, it is confirmed that the liquefaction strength of the gravel-sand mixtures depends both on relative density and void ratio of the whole mixture rather than the relative density of the sand matrix filled among gravels. On the other hand, the behavior of pore water pressure and axial strain for the K0anisotropically consolidated gravel-sand mixtures shows almost the same cyclic behavior of the sand with no stress reversal even with some stress reversal of the cyclic loading. Namely, even the stress reversal of about 10% of cyclic stress amplitude, the permanent strain with small cyclic strain increases rapidly with the number of cycles, and the initial liquefaction does not occur always with less than maximum pore water pressure ratio of 1.0. The liquefaction resistance increases with the gravel contents between 0% and 40%, but tends to decrease beyond 40% of gravel content. In conclusion, the cyclic behavior of gravel-sand mixtures depends on factors such as gravel content, void ratio, relative density and consolidation condition.

Liquefaction Strength of Shelly Sand in Cyclic Simple Shear Test (반복단순전단 시험에 의한 패각질 모래의 액상화 강도)

  • Yoon, Yeowon;Yoon, Gillim;Choi, Jaekwon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2007
  • The sands which use for soil improvement of soft ground at coastal area contain more or less amount of shells. In this research the effects of shell contents on the liquefaction resistance of the shelly sand were studied. NGI cyclic simple shear tests were performed for the shell-sands with shell contents of 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% under the effective vertical stress of 50kPa, 100kPa and 150kPa for 40% and 55% of relative density, respectively. Cyclic simple shear test results showed that for the low effective vertical stress, the liquefaction resistance increased rapidly with increase of shell contents in both 40% and 55% relative density. On the other hand, for the high effective vertical stress, the liquefaction resistance increased slightly in 40% relative density and was almost same in 55% relative density. Liquefaction resistance decreased with increasing effective vertical stress for both 40% and 55% relative density. In the same effective vertical stress and shell contents, liquefaction resistance increased with the increase of relative density.

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Liquifaction Characteristics of Saemangeum Dredged Sand Depending on Relative Density (상대밀도의 변화에 따른 새만금준설토의 액상화 특성)

  • Kim, Yoo-Seong;Seo, Se-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2009
  • In reclaimed loose sandy layer with dredged soil, liquefaction by the small scale earthquake coud be occurred easily. A study has been carried out to investigate the Liquefaction characteristic on Saemangeum dredged sandy soil, and compared with other results from the literature investigation. A series of undrained cyclic triaxial compression tests were performed on dredged sandy soil of Seamangeum area. The tests were performed at the three different initial relative densities(namely 30%, 50%, 70%), different cyclic stress ratio and different consolidation stress condition. The results of this study showed that cyclic stresses (σd) increased linearly with increase of consolidation ratio, but the stress ratios (σd/2σc) were almost same. The stress ratios were increased almost linearly with increase of relative density. Compared with other sandy soil, Saemangeum dredged sandy soil showed relatively weak liquifaction characteristics.

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Characteristics of Undrained Cyclic Shear Behavior for the Nak-dong River Sand Due to the Aging Effect (Aging 효과에 따른 낙동강 모래의 비배수 반복전단거동 특성)

  • Kim Dae-Man;Kim Young-Su;Jung Sung-Gwan;Seo In-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2005
  • It was known that the aging effect of sands is insignificant in comparison with clays, and hence the study on this effect had seldom been performed prior to the early 1980s. However, field tests for this effect have been actively carried out since it was investigated that penetration resistance of reformed sands increased with the lapse of time. Recently, the aging effect of sands has also been examined in laboratory testings. In this study, undrained static triaxial tests were performed to evaluate the effect on the Nak-dong River sands, with different .elative densities (Dr), consolidation stress ratios (Kc), and consolidation times. As a result of the tests, it was proved that the undrained cyclic shear strength (Rf) increased with the aged time on the sands. The in situ range of Rf on the sands, which is applicable to the magnitude of earthquake in the Nak-dong River area, was proposed by using the test results.