• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미국 지리학

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Korea's Public Diplomacy Policy towards Africa: Strategies, Instruments and Its Implications on Economic Linkages with Africa (한국의 대 아프리카 공공외교: 전략과 방안 그리고 경제 연계에 미치는 영향)

  • Ochieng, Haggai Kennedy;Iffat, Tahira;Kim, Sungsoo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.312-333
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    • 2020
  • Korea-Africa relations date back to the period of independence of African countries. During this time, the ties between Korea and Africa has passed through stagnation, inconsistencies and weak diplomatic exchanges. Recently, Korea began to refocus its efforts towards Africa in order to revitalize their relations. This paper examines Korea's public diplomacy strategies towards Africa and how its various strategies are working in the interest of Korea as well as Africa. The study shows that Korea's renewed interest in Africa is primarily driven by the security threat from North Korea and the need to diversify its market for industrial goods as well as energy sources. The latter motives override Korea's interest in the continent. These motives are not at variance with those pursued by large powers like the US and China in Africa. Furthermore, the paper shows that Korea is employing a mixture of public diplomacy instruments in Africa with varied outcomes. Economic linkages between Korea and Africa are on an upward trajectory since the late 2000s. In order to build sustainable relations, the paper provides a number suggestions with far-reaching implications on Korea's public diplomacy towards Africa in the future.

Geometrically and Topographically Consistent Map Conflation for Federal and Local Governments (Geometry 및 Topology측면에서 일관성을 유지한 방법을 이용한 연방과 지방정부의 공간데이터 융합)

  • Kang, Ho-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.804-818
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    • 2004
  • As spatial data resources become more abundant, the potential for conflict among them increases. Those conflicts can exist between two or many spatial datasets covering the same area and categories. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to be able to effectively relate these spatial data sources with others then create new spatial datasets with matching geometry and topology. One extensive spatial dataset is US Census Bureau's TIGER file, which includes census tracts, block groups, and blocks. At present, however, census maps often carry information that conflicts with municipally-maintained detailed spatial information. Therefore, in order to fully utilize census maps and their valuable demographic and economic information, the locational information of the census maps must be reconciled with the more accurate municipally-maintained reference maps and imagery. This paper formulates a conceptual framework and two map models of map conflation to make geometrically and topologically consistent source maps according to the reference maps. The first model is based on the cell model of map in which a map is a cell complex consisting of 0-cells, 1-cells, and 2-cells. The second map model is based on a different set of primitive objects that remain homeomorphic even after map generalization. A new hierarchical based map conflation is also presented to be incorporated with physical, logical, and mathematical boundary and to reduce the complexity and computational load. Map conflation principles with iteration are formulated and census maps are used as a conflation example. They consist of attribute embedding, find meaning node, cartographic 0-cell match, cartographic 1-cell match, and map transformation.

Theories of the state and the state intervention in space economy (國家理論과 空間經濟에의 國家干涉)

  • ;Koh, Taekyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.281-296
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    • 1994
  • It is generally accepted that there is always a potential for crisis in the capitalist society because of the internal contradiction of capitalism. The contradiction is explicitly and implicitly expressed in space. The fundamental contradiction in capitalism, however, is controlled and mediated by the state (i.e., the capitalist state). We thus could argue that the state plays an important role in the capitalist society and in the capitalist spatial formation. It is necessary to note how and why spatial structure has developed unevenly in capitalist societies, particularly in the U.S., The general concept of uneven geographical development is understood in the context of the capitalist economic system and the role of the state. But the problem is that the capitalist state itself has a contradiction between the productive function (i.e., accumulation function) and the reproductive function (i.e., legitimation function). The compromise of the two functions is always the dilemma of the state and the state becomes the object of class struggle (e.g., political class struggle) . The research questions are as follows. First, what is the role of the state in the economic structure and what is the internal problem of the state\ulcorner Second, what is the role of the state in space economy (or in spatial structure)\ulcorner And last, what is the relation between the federal state and the local state in the U.S. and how does the relation form the urban policies and thus the urban and regional development\ulcorner The paper will be looking at how the political economy in the U.S. explains unevenly developed geographical phenomenon.

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Regional Structure of International Physical Distribution through Clearance Depot (통관거점을 이용한 국제물류의 지역구조)

  • Han Ju-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.631-652
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    • 2005
  • This study is to clarify regional structure and connection of international physical distribution through clearance depot of Cheongju customs of inland location. The trade of clearance depot of Cheongju customs industrial characteristics reflects of territorial hinterland. As origins and destinations of freight as exports and imports region, territories of Cheongju customs trade mainly with Japan, China, and USA. Origin and destination of freight of Cheongju customs territory are hinterland and foreland of Incheon International Airport and Busan port. In case of export, foreland of Busan port is board, and in case of import, the hinterlands of Incheon International Airport and Busan port are similar. Clearance depot of inland-located Cheongju is construct by the advantages of rapidness and inexpensive cost. And the kind of freight and system of physical distribution of each enterprise show different characteristics. For each export and import freight, each shipper corporation has its own physical distribution system, and structure of international distribution is classified into export pattern of bonded industry and bonded warehouse. Again the patterns of bonded warehouse are distinguished free on board price system with division of labor in base of production in overseas, free on board price system, and cost-insurance-freight with division of labor in base of production in overseas. These Phenomena are caused by transaction between headquarter and its overseas corporation, initiative freight handling of export corporation, choice of inexpensive cost, and international convention.

A Study on the Classification of Constructed-Response Items in Geography Education: In Case of 4th Grade Items of the NAEP (지리과 서답형 문항의 주요 유형에 관한 연구 -NAEP의 지리과 4학년 문항을 사례로-)

  • Jang, Eui-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.934-954
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    • 2012
  • Constructed-response items are useful to estimate a higher-order thinking abilities such as sense of place, graphicacy, and geographical imaginations which are aimed by geography education. This study aims to identify the conception of the constructed-response items, to classify those feasible items in geography education, and to propose some comments and suggestions for development and application in Korea. The author tries to classify the constructed-response items by analyzing the NAEP items in the formal aspect and the aspect of cognitive dimension respectively. In the formal aspect, they are classified as 'question-standalone' type and 'material-presenting' type. In the aspect of cognitive dimension, they are classified into three types as 'knowledge-requirement', 'understanding-requirement', and 'applying-requirement'. Some comments and suggestions are as follows. First, it is necessary to develope the constructed-response items that coherent to both content and cognitive dimensions. Second, it is required for students who take an examination to use a great variety of graphics, photos, thematic maps related to geography. Third, we need to inquire the rubric, grade, process to scoring because they are vital to success of the constructed-response items.

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The Impact of the Smart Growth Incentive Policies on the Water and Sewer Infrastructure Investment in and outside the Priority Funding Area in Maryland (매릴랜드 주 스마트성장 인센티브정책이 우선투자지역 내외부에서의 상하수도시설투자에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Jung-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.743-760
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    • 2008
  • This paper attempts to examine how Maryland's Priority Funding Area (PFA) designation and incentive program has influenced the location of infrastructure investment. Is Maryland's PFA program reducing sprawl? In order to answer this question, data on the water and sewer infrastructure investments between 1997 and 2003 are collected from each county in the state. Empirical works are composed of two parts. The first part of the empirical analysis examines the pattern of water and sewer investment that has gone in and outside the PFAs between 1997 and 2003 at the county level. The second part of the empirical study shows at a county level the conditions that influence decisions to go in and outside the PFA. Regression models with various specifications are used for the analysis. The findings reveal that state fund has worked as designed. The coefficients of state fund in all estimations are significant and have expected signs implying that a county with more state fund tends to invest more in PFA as less outside.

Inbound Tourism Growth and the Changing Spatial Distribution of Inbound Tourist Flows at the Regional Level in China (중국의 입국관광 성장과 입국관광객의 공간적 분포 변화)

  • Choi, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.400-416
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    • 2010
  • China's inbound tourism became one of the key drivers for economic growth with open-door policy in 1978 and has experienced the fast growth over the past three decades. In 2008, China, as one of the world's leading tourist destinations, is ranked the 4th globally in the number of inbound overnight tourists. Based on China tourism statistics, this paper aims to examine the growth of inbound tourist flows at the national level and the changing spatial distribution by comparing between 1995 and 2008 at the regional level (31 province-level regions) in China. In particular, the spatial distributions of tourist flows from the 6 main generating countries (South Korea, Japan, Singapore, U.S.A., Germany, and Russia) are more concretely analyzed. For five countries except Russia, with slight differences by country, while the eastern area of China is still the most popular destination and western part remains the least visited area, the central part is witnessing the increasing popularity. Russia shows an obvious difference, presenting the spatial pattern that tourist flows are mainly concentrated in the northern and the most southern part of China. This paper helps to understand the dynamics of China's regional changes from an inbound tourism perspective.

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Extraction of Gravity-typed Accessibility Index using Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application (위성영상정보의 중력모델기반 접근성지수 추출연계 및 적용)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Oh, Se Gyong;Lee, Bong Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2003
  • Recently, demands with practical applications using high resolution imagery are increasing, according to addressing new sensor data. Since late 1990s, attempts for application to transportation problems of satellite imagery data have been intensively carried out in US, and these kinds of studies are being categorized into the name of RS-T(remote sensing in transportation). Further, this study is also linked with GIS-T(GIS for transportation), being in the matured stage, and then it contributes to wide uses of remotely sensed imagery. In this study, RS-T is briefly summarized. Later, in order to apply urban transportation analysis with satellite imagery as ancillary data, implementation, as prototyped extension program, for extraction of gravity-typed accessibility indices of transportation geography is performed in the ArcView-GIS environment. It is thought that applied results by two models among implemented models in this study can be utilized to characterize transportation accessibility in a region and to apply as useful statistics related to urban transportation status for regional transportation planning, if time series data are used.

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The Anatomy of the Uneven Regional Development in the Republic of Korea: Lessons from Experiences of Wealth, Inequality and Regional Development in the United Kingdom and Italy (한국 지역불균등 발전의 해부: 영국과 이탈리아 부, 불균등, 지역발전 경험으로부터 교훈)

  • Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.330-342
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this article is to explore some issues on the uneven regional development in the Republic of Korea. Along with this, case studies on the United Kingdom and Italy are conducted in terms of their wealth, inequality and regional development. In the period of 1995~2003, the UK experienced the intensified uneven regional development and continuous increase of its index due in the main to the delayed revitalization of industrial decline regions, neo-liberalistic local labour market and industrial policies, and institutional instability of regional policies. In the case of Italy, it seemed to experience relatively stable regional convergence. However, this was caused by the continuous decline of major metropolitan areas such as large cities, Milan, Turin, Genoa, to name but a few. The Republic of Korea experienced 'economic growth with spatial and social disparities.' Since 2003 the uneven regional development has intensified. Towards regional convergence, new engines of regional development, the investment in the specialization of small and medium cities, and supportive policies for industrial restructuring regions are required.

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The Impacts on Flow by Hydrological Model with NEXRAD Data: A Case Study on a small Watershed in Texas, USA (레이더 강수량 데이터가 수문모델링에서 수량에 미치는 영향 -미국 텍사스의 한 유역을 사례로-)

  • Lee, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.168-180
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    • 2011
  • The accuracy of rainfall data for a hydrological modeling study is important. NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar) rainfall data estimated by WRS-88D (Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988 Doppler) radar system has advantages of its finer spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, NEXRAD rainfall data was tested and compared with conventional weather station data using the previously calibrated SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model to identify local storms and to analyze the impacts on hydrology. The previous study used NEXRAD data from the year of 2000 and the NEXRAD data was substituted with weather station data in the model simulation in this study. In a selected watershed and a selected year (2006), rainfall data between two datasets showed discrepancies mainly due to the distance between weather station and study area. The largest difference between two datasets was 94.5 mm (NEXRAD was larger) and 71.6 mm (weather station was larger) respectively. The differences indicate that either recorded rainfalls were occurred mostly out of the study area or local storms only in the study area. The flow output from the study area was also compared with observed data, and modeled flow agreed much better when the simulation used NEXRAD data.