• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문화 적응성

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Key Issues and Research Direction of the Psychological Researches for the Young North Korean defectors (탈북청소년에 대한 심리학적 연구의 주요 쟁점과 연구방향)

  • Jung-Min Chae
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.675-693
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    • 2016
  • As North Korean Youths are getting bigger, many psychologists have focused on them academically. But earlier studies showed many mistakes which have to be solved quickly. So the purposes of the present study are to set as the main problems as follows: Key issues and research direction for the Young North Korean defectors as research participants, issues and research direction for the objectivity of the Young North Korean defectors' psychological states, issues and research direction for the Young North Korea defectors' life in South Korea. Results as follows; First, there is no enough understanding of the research subjects and no consistency among the research results, and second, most of the researchers have no objective understanding of the research subjects' psychological states, and finally, most of the researchers have a 'adaptation model' strongly. So we have to have a more proper and objective stance for the Young North Korea defectors' life in South Korea.

A life history study on the elderly women who have divorced (황혼이혼 여성노인들에 대한 생애사 연구)

  • Kim, So Jin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1087-1105
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    • 2009
  • This study is to look out the old Woman's decision that why they get divorced of the elderly and process of adaptation. So It provides them with practice intervention program. This study approach life history study of qualitative study. Data were collected from there three old women who have get divorced. Raw data were analyzed by Denzins analysis frame. According to research participant's marriage life were influence form patriarchal social system and they divorced for self-identity. But it was not an escape from patriarchal repression. The patriarchal repression from husband in context of family's level has extended to community. So At this study common theme of divorced elderly life that is "patriarchal based on culture system" and "break up life in cause by biased and oppression". The Author proposed self-helf group and intervention program for the divorced elderly women.

The relationship among Korean language abilities, self-efficacy, teacher's perceptions of multi-cultural education, student-teacher attachment relationships and school adjustment for multi-cultural students (다문화가정 학생의 한국어능력과 교사의 다문화교육 인식이 자기효능감과 학생-교사 애착관계를 매개로 학교적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Tak, Hyeon-Ju;Kim, Jong Baeg;Mun, Gyeong-Suk
    • (The) Korean Journal of Educational Psychology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2014
  • The goal of this study was to examine the relationship among students' personal variables(Korean language abilities, self-efficacy, student-teacher attachment relationships), teacher variable(perceptions of multi-cultural education) affecting on multi-cultural students' school adjustment. Structural equation modeling was performed to test the mediating role of self-efficacy and student-teacher attachment affecting multi-cultural students' school adjustment. 336 elementary students and their matching 264 elementary school teachers were participated for this study. The model fit for this study model was acceptable, =280.024, df=98, CFI=.930, RMSEA = .074. The results revealed that teacher's perceptions on multi-cultural education significantly related with student-teacher relationships. However, Korean language ability did not directly affect the school adjustment for multi-cultural background students. That is, self-efficacy and student-teacher relationships mediated between Korean language ability and school adjustment. Moreover student-teacher relationships seem to be the key mediating factor between other research variables and school adjustment. Further considerations and future directions based on results were discussed.

A Proposal of Korean Education Program for Multi-cultural Families through Metaverse (메타버스를 활용한 다문화가정 대상 한국어 교육 프로그램 제안)

  • Park, Shinjung;Song, Eunjee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.581-583
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    • 2022
  • 우리나라 교육통계에 따르면 외국인 가정 및 국제결혼 가정의 자녀 수는 138,227명에 달하며(교육부, 2020), 결혼이민자는 169,005명에 이른다(법무부, 2022). 이들 중 대다수는 의사소통의 어려움을 호소하며, 의사소통 문제는 학교 및 사회생활 부적응으로 이어진다. 이에 대하여, 지방자치단체와 다문화 유관기관 등에서 다양한 한국어교육 프로그램을 진행하고 있지만, 대부분이 단편적인 학습지 교육이나 문화 체험 수업에 그치거나 코로나19 등으로 인하여 수업이 중단되는 등 효과적이고 체계적인 교육이 제공되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 한국에서 적응하고 생활해야 하는 다문화 가정 구성원들을 대상으로 한국어교육을 체계적으로 실시하기 위해 가상현실(VR)을 활용한 교육 프로그램을 제안한다. 이는 시공간의 제약을 받지 않아 일반 교재나 PC 활용 수업에 비해 접근성이 좋고 실재감과 몰입감을 높여 학습자의 흥미와 참여도를 향상시킬 수 있다. 특히 다자간 동시 참여가 가능한 메타버스 공간에서는 학습자 간 활발한 상호작용 및 소통이 가능하여 언어 능력과 더불어 사회 적응력을 기르는 데에 기여할 수 있다.

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An Study on the changing process of ethnic identity of the Korean-Chinese in South Korea (재한 중국동포의 민족정체성의 변화과정에 대한 연구)

  • Huang, Hai-Ying;Chen, Jia
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to know the changing process of ethnic identity of the Korean-Chinese in South Korea. To this end, in-depth interviews with 12 Korean-Chinese Korean had been conducted in order to know how their ethnic identity was changing while they are settling in South Korea. Results had found that the changing of ethnic identity closely associated with their cultural adaptation process. There are three s changing stages of their ethnic identity. First, in the initial period of entering to South Korea, the Korean-Chinese were excited and filled with the hope for their 'homeland'. Second, while integrating into mainstream society they feel the crisis of ethnic identity. Social exclusion led them to reconsider their own Korean-Chinese identity. Third, at the present stage there are three different cognitions for their own identity--- Korean, Chinese, neither Chinese nor Korean. This study has offered a view to understand the acculturation process of the Korean-Chinese settling in South Korea. Without a doubt, their self-cognition of ethnic identity has a big impact on social integration in South Korean. Therefore, Korea mainstream society with Korean-Chinese needs to work together on building their own healthy ethnic identity.

Research on Landscape Design by Flexibly Using Resilient Theory - Focused On 'New York High Line Park'- (리질리언트 이론을 활용한 경관 디자인에 관한 연구 - 'The High Line' 를 중심으로 -)

  • Chen, Wen-Li;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.644-657
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    • 2020
  • As the development of urbanization has cause some environmental problems and natural disasters such as natural earthquakes and floods have brought about impact, designers have turned their attention to the independent prevention ability of urban ecosystems in face of environmental pollution and natural disasters, as well as its ability to adapt to the future. This study introduces 'elasticity theory' to discuss the practical application of elasticity design in landscapes and to solve the problem of lack of elasticity in space, which can provide more scientific reference meaning to create economic, cultural, and social values for space. After selecting 'The High Line' as the object, this paper investigates the previous theories and practical cases, and infers ecology, sustainability, diversity, and adaptability. And then this paper applies five components and analyzes the specific application of these five components of the landscape spatial elasticity strategy, and summarizes the application characteristics and influencing factors of elasticity design in 'The High Line' landscape planning. It can be known from the research that elasticity strategy which is reflected in the design process is the systematic management of landscape space. Elasticity design itself can strengthen environment quality and satisfy the requirements of the environment to defense external shocks so as to adapt to environment changes. Therefore, the elasticity design can strengthen the sustainable development of the city and establish a periodic recycle system.

A Structural Framework on Psychological Adaptation and Sequential Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나19 팬데믹에 대한 심리적 적응과 연쇄적 변화의 구조 모형)

  • Ko, Dong-Woo;Seo, Hyun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.351-389
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    • 2021
  • This qualitative study aimed to develop a structural framework that explains the process of psychological adaptation and sequential changes being perceived by Korean people under the COVID-19 Pandemic past year. Setting a tentative analysis frame induced from antecedent literatures about psychological phenomena during the COVID-19 pandemic, the qualitative data were collected from 6 Korean adults by semi structured individual interviews. For the data, content analysis applied from the grounded theory were performed. As a result, the initial framework was extended and revised to describe the psychological phenomena under the pandemic. This paradigm structure includes the process of 'causal factors ⇒ psychological main phenomena ⇒ sequential results' being intervened by personal contextual situations and psychological characteristics, as moderators. The category of causal factors were the COVID-19 pandemic, relevant critical incidents, and social distancing policy. The main phenomena reflected either positive, negative, or complicated experiences. The sequential psychological results included transformation of cognitive system or behavior patterns. Various variables such as psychological sense of community and social responsibility, psychological capability for leisure, and positive psychological capital were found out as moderating factors. In discussion and conclusion, theoretical/practical implications of the results and direction to study in the future were suggested.

The Effects of Perceived Agile Culture of Chinese Enterprises on Job Performance: Focused on Moderating Effect of Individual Capability (중국기업의 애자일 문화인식이 직무성과에 미치는 영향: 개인역량 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • AN, Na;Choi, Su-Heyong;Kang, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of perceived agile culture(empowerment, continuous learning, personal communication Intensification) on job performance(task, contextual, adaptive) and to explore the moderating effect of individual capability(knowledge, skill). For the empirical analysis, data were collected from convenient sample of 219 employees working at enterprise in China. The analysis of validity and reliability of variables and regression analysis were performed using SPSS 21. The results of this research as followed: firstly, the positive perceived agile culture and job performance were statistically supported. Secondly, the individual capability played as a partial moderator on the relationship between the perceived agile culture and the job performance. The factors that constitute the perceived agile culture can present the research directions for the transformation into the agile organization.

A Study on the Adaptation Process of North Korean Immigrant Youth Discontinuing Formal Education (학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 적응과정에 관한 질적연구)

  • Yang, Young Eun;Bae, Imho
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays Korean society has a fast growing population of North Korean immigrant youth. Especially, North Korean immigrant youth, who are discontinuing formal education, experience difficulties in social exclusion and adaptation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of adaptation and social support of North Korean immigrant youth discontinuing formal education, and to seek affirmative supporting plans and solutions for their adaptation. The methodology utilized for this study was a case study research. On the basis of the results and categorization, 'a network between overall categories and of early adaptation' was derived. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the participants of this study experienced major difficulties during 'economical adaptation', and their economical adaptation was strongly interrelated with their 'educational adaptation'. The discontinuing of their education resulting from their fleeing period caused 'academic differential and age disparity.' Thus they could not enroll in the formal education system, and their insufficient educational background resulted in low wages and overwork due to manual labor jobs. Second, participants recognized 'interpersonal relations' as the most essential factor in adaptation, and 'social support' from the interpersonal relations played an important role in adaptation to and comfort in Korean society. 'Interactions with South Koreans' was recognized as a significant resource for gaining informational and appraisal support, but was not activated satisfactorily. On the other hand, interaction with North Korean immigrants was avoided by the reason that 'there's nothing to learn', however emotional support from North Korean immigrants of close relationship played an important role in participants' adaptation, especially in all aspects of psychological adaptation. Third, participants experienced a lot of difficulties and stresses in their 'physical health and psychological adaptation'. Their chronic diseases worsened by remaining untreated, and female perceived symptoms were observed more often than in male. Meanwhile, excessive 'stresses' from the unfamiliar environment of South Korea negatively affected their psychological adaptation. However, they were satisfied with sense of liberty and security from living in a democratic society.

Study on the Psychological Factors of Human Socialization in Visual Design - Focused on the printed media advertisements from 1994 to 2003 - (시각디자인에 나타난 인간의 사회화과정의 심리요인에 관한 연구 - 1994-2003년의 인쇄매체광고를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Keun-Jae
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study was to investigate how the psychological factors of human interrelation or human socialization are associated with the visual design based on sociological and psychological theories. To accomplish this goal, human socialization was examined on the basis of physiology, philosophy, and psychology. Then a case study was employed to assess how they function in the area of visual design. In literature, the sources of psychological factors of human socialization were categorized into 11 items including the sexual hedonic pursuit. These items were used for the evaluation of 40 printed media advertisements, all of which were the winners of the Korea Advertising Awards from 1994 to 2003. As a result, it was revealed that most advertisements responded to the items of adaptive value and cultural imprinting as biological bases. Also, it was discovered that the existential foundation of advertising has been based on mutual distrust and the payoff matrix as a mind of social unrest. In conclusions, it was illustrated that future advertising will remain based on adaptive value, cultural imprinting, social learning, and imitation learning, as long as advertising continue to hold its reason for existence.

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