• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문화 적응성

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Directions of the Work and Program based on the Supporting Law, Policy and System for Multicultural Family (다문화가족 지원 법률과 정책, 제도에 기반한 사업 및 프로그램의 방향성)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.370-378
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    • 2010
  • The aims of this research are to grasp the supporting volition of the government as increasing multicultural family and discussing direction of the work and program for them. Therefore, this article inquired into the structure and the view through the supporting the law in 2008 and policy in 2009 of multicultural family and the contents of the work and program divided into the fields of essentiality and speciality for the multicultural family support center. As a result, this article implied three directions ; first, the practicality of contents based on the needs and requirement of multicultural family, second, the connection of multicultural family life cycle based on circumstances and resources, third, the mutual direction of effect based on promoting the character of a nation between multicultural family and others.

The Longitudinal Mediation Effect of Adaptive Game Use on the Relationship of Adolescents' Game Usage and Self-control (청소년의 게임이용시간과 자기통제의 관계에서 적응적 게임활용의 종단적 매개효과)

  • Jin, Byung Jun;Lee, Ji Hae
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.331-352
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    • 2022
  • This study used a latent growth curve models(LGCM) to examine longitudinal changes in youth's game usage, self-control and the longitudinal mediation effect of adaptive game use in the relationship between game usage and self-control. A four-year longitudinal data of 863 adolescents from the Game User Panel Survey, provided through participation in the 2019 Game User Panel Research Conference hosted by the Korea Creative Contents Agency, was used to verify the longitudinal mediation effect of adaptive game use. SPSS 21 was used to verify the normality of variables from each wave, and to conduct correlation analysis. Mplus 6.12 was used to verify the longitudinal mediation effect. The results are as follows. First, game usage, self-control and adaptive game yielded linear temporal growth. Second, latent growth curve models showed that the direct effect of game usage on self-control was insignificant, but game usage had a significant indirect effect on self-control through adaptive game use. Continuous adaptive gaming increased self-control. Third, sobel test results showed that both the initial value and change rate of adaptive game use had a full-mediation effect, confirming the longitudinal mediation effect. This study verified the longitudinal change of self-control affected by change in game usage and adaptive game use.

The influence of driving situational adaptability and chronic disease on driving behavior of elderly drivers (고령운전자의 상황적응능력과 만성질환이 운전행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Sun Jin Park;Soon Chul Lee;Hye Ran Jang
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2008
  • This research investigated the influences of excessively careful driving as well as chronic disease and medications on dangerousness of traffic accident in elderly drivers. Ninety-one drivers aged 65 years and older participated in the research. To evaluate the driving behavior, we used the self-rating on driving ability questionnaire asking driving speed, the amount of driving and driving situation adaptability' and surveyed the drive career, the number of violations and accidents experience(crash, crashed) for last three years. A review of the driving patterns of elderly drivers showed that the speed and amount of driving were decreased by increasing age. 'Driving- Situational Adaptability (DSA)' consisted of 2 factors such as 'Social Environment(SE)' and 'Physical Environment(PE)'. Elderly drivers reported that their confidence level was lower in PE than in SE. Moreover they had higher difficulty and stress in PE than in SE. DSA of elderly drivers had significant correlations with 'crash' and 'crashed'. This implies that excessively careful driving of elderly drivers directly associated with accidents. Elderly drivers who have nervous system disease or gastritis had more crash accidents. The majority of elderly drivers which take medicine by chronic disease don't think that medications give don't difficulty or inconvenience in driving and constantly drives during a term of taking medicine.

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A Study on the Perception of Public Library Users on Multi-cultural Services (공공도서관 이용자의 다문화서비스에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Kim, Giyeong;Oh, Haeyeon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate the perception of public library users, who are local residences, on the multi-cultural services in public libraries using a series of statistical analyses on a questionnaire survey. The objectives of multi-cultural policies by Korean government are to foster assimilation of the multi-cultural people, social unification of Korean (local) communities, and cultural diversity in the communities. The results from the analyses show that the multi-cultural services in public libraries are understood from the unification and assimilation point of views, and that the perception of the multi-cultural services in public libraries is affected by the libraries' marketing activities, such as advertisements and participation. For the sustainable provision of the services, we suggest that the libraries would better consider 1) multi-oriented services with cultural diversity, assimilation, and social unification, 2) relationship with other multi-cultural agencies in a community, and 3) the perception of local residences on the services in public libraries.

The Relation between Mobility and The Psychological Well-Being of Elderly drivers (고령운전자의 이동성(Mobility)과 심리적 안녕감의 관계)

  • Hye Ran Jang ;Sun Jin Park ;Soon Chul Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.251-271
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    • 2009
  • This research measured a concept of mobility which is included objective travel behavior as well as psychological and physical mechanism that influenced travel behavior. And then, this research examined the relation between mobility and the quality of life in elderly drivers. In research 1, to evaluate the reliability and validity of "Mobility Questionnaire(MQ)", we tested "MQ" to 207 drivers aged 20 years and older. In research 2, we examined the mobility level of elderly drivers. Also we investigated the influence that mobility of elderly drivers impacts on their quaility of life. we used "MQ", "Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire(PWBQ)" to 91 drivers aged 65 years and older. To factor analysis, MQ consisted of 'Safe Driving Ability(ADA)', 'Travel Increase(TI)', 'Travel Decrease(TD)', 'Social Activity(SA)', and 'Driving Situational Adaptability(DSA)'. The amount and speed of driving of elderly drivers reduced driving behavior than other drivers. Also, elderly drivers negatively assessed their physical abilities for safe driving and felt a low confidence in specific driving situation. On the other hand, elderly drivers take parts in social activity constructively. A review of the relation of mobility and quality of life showed that mobility of elderly drivers had positive correlation with PWB. Specially, 'ADA', 'SA', and 'DSA' had significant correlations with PWB of elderly drivers. The mobility of elderly drivers had an effect on 'Autonomy', 'Environmental mastery', 'Self-acceptance', and 'Positive relations with others'.

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A Study of Cultural Migration of Pungmul-gut - Focusing on a Pungmul-pae's Activity in Toronto, Canada - (풍물굿의 해외 문화이주 현상에 관한 연구 - 캐나다 토론토의 풍물패 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yon-Shik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.353-380
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    • 2020
  • Samul nori/Pungmul-gut is the symbol of ethnic identity for the Koreans abroad. It is the representative diaspora musical genre which is performed many cultural events held by Koreans. It is, at the same time, a global music which is appreciated by not only the Koreans but also the foreigners. Many musical communities in various countries exhibit the cultural migration through the discourse of 'tradition/variation' and 'authenticity/hybridity' in the course of the acculturation and enculturation of samul nori/pungmul-gut. The pungmul-pae 'Bichoe June' active in Toronto, Canada was organized by a foreign performer. For the foreigners pungmul-gut is easy to access as a genre of world music. As a percussion ensemble, it is easy to learn for the foreigners. The pungmul-pae 'Bichoe June' is a 'music community' consist of the Koreans and foreigners. The band tries to preserve the traditionality and authenticity of the Korean music. There is no variation or hybridity in its music since the member still learns the authentic music through various available textbooks and internet sites. Through the participation of the Koreans and foreigners, the band stimulates the globalzation of the pungmul-gut. The enculturation of the pungmul-gut is exhibited in two performances held by the band. One was host by the Canadian progressive group and the other was by the Korean conservative community. The former understood the nature of pungmul-gut as the music of the common people. The latter, however, accepted the music as the representative traditional music but was not easy to enjoy the 'noisy' music. In other words, the positive/negative acceptance of the pungmul-gut depends of the ideological nature of the listeners rather than the ethnical nature.

A Study on Turning to Being Cultured and Geography Management to Get Closer to Popuplarization and Specialization of Geography (대중화와 전문화에 더욱 다가가기 위한 교양과 지리경영으로의 지리학 방향 전환에 관한 연구)

  • Ock, Han-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.735-747
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    • 2010
  • This study explains a turning to being cultured and geography management to get closer to popularization and specialization of geography, for which based on the assumption that they are for development of knowledge. It adopts the idea of human's geographical nature to solve the dualism which geography is referred as science and art. An object geographer studies is homogeneous, temporal as well as identifical and individual. To adopt human's geographical nature causes to human's geographical investigation, and uniting positivism to humanism. It deduces from the Bible and Evolutionism that it is characteristic of mobility, adaptabilty, connectivity, ideality, and hybridity. Geographical concepts is based on the fact that it can be applied to geographical research theme. Popularization of geography has to relate to being cultural, and specialization of geography has to relate to geography management.

A Study on the Relationship of Stereotypical Attitudes of Middle School Students toward Saeteomins (North Korean Refugees) to Knowledge of North Korea (중학생의 북한에 대한 지식과 새터민에 대한 고정관념의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ok-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.820-833
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    • 2009
  • Multiculturalism in education are different from each countries, It is needed to practice multicultural education in many fields facing changes to multicultural society in Korea. This study demonstrates on the relationship of social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins (North Korean refugees) to the knowledge of North Korea. Saeteomins are special in the respect of linguistic and ethnic homogeneity of Korea. They have to adapt themselves to new circumstances like other immigrants from abroad. At the same time they have cultural senses of difference to live in a divided country in spite of ethnic homogeneity. It is important to get openminded attitudes to be receptive to cultural diversity in the respect of getting multicultural sensitivity. On account of a growing migration of Saeteomins family, Saeteomin students have difficulties in adapting to Korean society. This study focuses on the point of middle school (general) students' view to Saeteomin students, who have experiences to meet each other. There are three categories of contents knowledge, common sense of North Korea and social issues related to North Korea in this paper. All of them are significant to social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins to the knowledge of North Korea. That is important point to contents construction in curriculum about North Korea. This study is meaningful to find the potential to link contents knowledge of subject to multicultural education practice in the process of curriculum change especially in relation to the knowledge of North Korea in 2007.

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Effects of Self-esteem, Locus of Control to Military Life on Soldiers Adjusting: Mediating effect of Social Support and Stress Coping Strategies (자기존중감 및 통제소재가 병사의 군 적응에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처 방식의 매개 효과)

  • Joo Hee Lee ;Jung Kyu Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.299-315
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    • 2015
  • This study examines correlations among factors that reportedly affect adjustment to military life: self esteem, locus of control,, social support and stress coping strategies. The study also attempts to validate the structural model to enhance understanding of the process of adjusting to the military life. The subjects of the study were 447 listed soldiers from private to sergeant currently stationed and serving in an army post in Gangwon-Do, Korea. The following tools were used for this study. Based on self-inventory questionnaires, evaluations were made regarding self esteem, locus of control, social support, stress management, adaptation to military life. Reliability of each criterion was evaluated based on reliability examination, correlations among parameters were analyzed, and the structural equation model was validated to verify the research model. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, internal control and self esteem have significant positive influence on social support and stress coping. Second, internal control and self esteem affect adjusting to military life through social support and active coping, two factors mediated in this study to act as parameters between self-esteem and internal control and military adaption. This study emphasizes intervention such as establishment of a social support system and training for taking necessary actions as limitations of studies dealing with internal traits and military adaptation. Since the subjects of this study were chosen from an army based in a single location for convenience' sake, it may be difficult to generalize the results to analyze the entire military.

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The Impact of Marriage Migrant Women's Korean Language Ability, Self-esteem, and Acculturative Stress on Their Family Health: Focused on Mediating Effects of Marital Adjustment (결혼이주여성의 한국어 능력, 자아존중감, 문화적응 스트레스가 가족건강성에 미치는 영향 - 부부적응의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Jin, Su Jin;Ju, Hyeon Jeong;Cho, Yeon Sil
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted for the purpose of a structural model analysis of family health of women who came to Korea for being married to Korean men. Methods: The data were collected from 260 immigrant women at multicultural centers located in C and B cities from May 10th to 30th, 2012. The variance analysis on the samples was conducted by using the maximum likelihood minimization function with AMOS 7.0. The fitness was evaluated by means of the SRMR, RMSEA, CFI, and TLI with a 90% confidence interval. Results: First, immigrant women's self-esteem and acculturative stress were found to have significant direct effects on their family health. Second, their self-esteem and acculturative stress have direct effects on their marital adjustment. Third, their marital adjustment was found to have significant direct effects on their family health. Forth, immigrant women's Korean language ability was found not to have significant direct effects on their marital adjustment and family health. Conclusion: In order to enhance the family health of immigrant women, it is necessary to develop and apply nursing programs in consideration of immigrant women's self-esteem, marital adjustment and acculturative stress.