• Title/Summary/Keyword: 맵 파일

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Depth Map coding pre-processing using Depth-based Mixed Gaussian Histogram and Mean Shift Filter (깊이정보 기반의 혼합 가우시안 분포 히스토그램과 Mean Shift Filter를 이용한 깊이정보 맵 부호화 전처리)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.175-177
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문에서는 MPEG 의 3차원 비디오 시스템의 표준 깊이정보 맵에 대한 효율적인 부호화를 위하여 전처리 방법을 제안한다. 현재 3차원 비디오 부호화(3DVC)에 대한 표준화가 진행 중에 있지만 아직 깊이정보 맵의 부호화 방법에 대한 표준이 확정되지 않은 상태이다. 제안하는 기법에서는 우선, 입력된 깊이정보 맵에 대하여 원래의 히스토그램 분포를 가우시안 혼합모델(GMM)기반의 EM 군집화 기법에 의한 방법으로 분리 후, 분리된 히스토그램을 기반으로 깊이정보 맵을 여러 개의 영상으로 분리한다. 그 후 분리된 각각의 영상을 배경과 객체에 따라 다른 조건의 mean shift filter로 필터링한다. 결과적으로 영상내의 각 영역 경계는 최대한 살리면서 영역내의 화소 값에 대해서는 평균 연산을 취하여 부호화시 효율을 극대화 하고자 하였다. 실험조건은 $1024{\times}768$ 영상에 대해서 50 프레임으로 H.264/AVC base 프로파일로 부호화를 진행하였다. 최종 실험결과 bit rate는 대략 23% ~ 26% 정도 감소하고 부호화 시간도 다소 줄어드는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다.

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A Transformation Method of Polygon Data for Visualization of Height Map in SEDRIS (SEDRIS에서 높이맵의 가시화를 위한 폴리곤 데이터 변환 방법)

  • Son, Hyun-Seung;Kim, Young-Chul
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2015
  • The Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) complexly perform modeling and simulation (M&S) for the various embedded systems. In this case, due to use diverse formatted models, we suggest to apply with the SEDRIS to systematically manage the different formatted data on M&S. The SEDRIS can reduce time and cost with reusing and interoperating environment data developed in the specific domain. To do this, we should input the data transformed the height map for terrain representation in a simulator into raster data of SEDRIS for which interoperate between the existed simulator and the SEDRIS. To solve the problem, we propose the transformation method to transfer the polygon data from RAW file used in terrain representation. With the proposed method, we can provide two advantages. First, it can possibly express the environment data into SEDRIS. Second, we can see the terrain like an image file through a viewer. Therefore, even non-expert easily constructs the terrain environment data.

A Dynamic Service Library Reconfiguration Method of Android Platform (안드로이드 기반 서비스 라이브러리의 동적 재구성)

  • Lee, Young-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1145-1153
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    • 2013
  • Android mobile platform copy the class files of all applications installed in android platform and keep them into one directory. But to add the service library into a platform, Android must generate a new binary image of platform and replace the platform because android refer the libraries using the memory-mapped file method in a directory. And this memory-mapped file reference method waste the storage space of mobile device because that directory include the duplicated libraries if the libraries refered by application are duplicated, Therefore a dynamic reconfiguration method on android mobile platform is needed to manage the service libraries of application executed on android platform and support the version management and function addition/modification. In this paper, we propose the platform dynamic reconfiguration method to add dynmically the service libraries on android platform.

Optical Phase Conjugation Combined with Dispersion Maps Configured with Sine-wave Profile (사인파형 프로파일 구조의 분산 맵과 결합한 광 위상 공액)

  • Seong-Real Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.474-480
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    • 2022
  • Optical phase conjugation is one of techniques capable of compensating for distortion due to chromatic dispersion and nonlinearity, which are essential for long-distance transmission of wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signal. We proposed and analyzed a way to solve the limitations of this technology through dispersion map with periodic dispersion profile. In the proposed system, optical phase conjugator (OPC) is placed at the position of 1:2 or 2:1 of the entire link, and the dispersion profile of dispersion map has periodic shape in the form of a sine wave or an inverse-sine wave. It was confirmed that the effective compensation of the distorted 960 Gb/s WDM signal was further improved through the proposed periodic dispersion map when the OPC was located at the 1:2 point instead of the 2:1 point of the entire link. In addition, it was found that the maximum RDPS allocated to fiber span should be 1,800 ps/nm or more in order to increase the design flexibility of dispersion-managed link with the proposed periodic dispersion map.

A Hot-Data Replication Scheme Based on Data Access Patterns for Enhancing Processing Speed of MapReduce (맵-리듀스의 처리 속도 향상을 위한 데이터 접근 패턴에 따른 핫-데이터 복제 기법)

  • Son, Ingook;Ryu, Eunkyung;Park, Junho;Bok, Kyoungsoo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2013
  • In recently years, with the growth of social media and the development of mobile devices, the data have been significantly increased. Hadoop has been widely utilized as a typical distributed storage and processing framework. The tasks in Mapreduce based on the Hadoop distributed file system are allocated to the map as close as possible by considering the data locality. However, there are data being requested frequently according to the data analysis tasks of Mapreduce. In this paper, we propose a hot-data replication mechanism to improve the processing speed of Mapreduce according to data access patterns. The proposed scheme reduces the task processing time and improves the data locality using the replica optimization algorithm on the high access frequency of hot data. It is shown through performance evaluation that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing scheme in terms of the load of access frequency.

A Hot-Data Replication Scheme Based on Data Access Patterns for Enhancing Processing Speed of MapReduce (맵리듀스의 처리 속도 향상을 위한 데이터 접근 패턴에 따른 핫-데이터 복제 기법)

  • Son, Ingook;Ryu, Eunkyung;Park, Junho;Bok, Kyoungsoo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.11-12
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    • 2013
  • 최근 대규모 데이터의 처리와 관리를 위한 분산 저장 및 처리 시스템의 연구 및 활용이 중요해지고 있다. 대표적인 분산 저장 및 처리시스템으로써 하둡(Hadoop)이 널리 활용되고 있다. 하둡 분산 파일 시스템을 기반으로 수행되는 맵-리듀스에서 테스크 할당은 데이터의 로컬리티를 고려하여 최대한 가깝게 할당한다. 하지만 맵-리듀스에서의 데이터 분석 작업에서 작업 형태에 따라 빈번하게 요청되는 데이터가 존재한다. 이러한 경우, 해당 데이터의 낮은 로컬리티로 인해 수행시간 증가 및 데이터 전송의 지연의 문제점을 야기 시킨다. 본 논문에서는 맵-리듀스의 처리 속도 향상을 위한 데이터 접근 패턴에 따른 핫-데이터 복제 기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 기법에서는 데이터 접근 패턴에 따라 높은 접근 빈도를 보이는 핫-데이터에 대한 복제본 최적화 알고리즘을 활용하여 데이터 로컬리티를 향상시키고 결과적으로 작업 수행시간을 감소시킨다. 제안하는 기법은 기존 기법에 비해 모든 노드의 데이터 이동이 감소하여 접근빈도의 분포가 균형적인 것을 확인하였다. 성능평가 결과, 기존 기법에 비해 접근 빈도의 부하가 약 8% 감소하는 것을 확인하였다.

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Simulation and reality map construction technology in ROS-based robot environment (ROS기반 로봇 환경에서의 시뮬레이션과 현실 맵 구축 기술)

  • Jeong-Hwan Choi;Hyeon-Jae Yoo;Jeong-Hwan Kawk;Min-Sung Kim;Byung-Mo Koo;Hyung-Hoon Kim;Hyeon-Min Sim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.782-783
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    • 2023
  • 로봇 운영 체제 (ROS)를 기반으로 한 로봇 환경에서 시뮬레이션과 현실 세계에서의 맵 구축 결과를 비교하고 분석하는 것을 목표로 한다. 초기 단계에서는 로봇을 URDF와 SDF 파일로 표현한다. 이를 기반으로 Rviz와 Gazebo 시뮬레이터에서 가상 환경을 구성한다. 시뮬레이션된 환경에서 로봇의 Mapping 결과를 획득한 후, 동일한 로봇을 실제 환경에서 운용하여 실제 맵을 생성하고 비교 한다.

Design and Implementation of an HTML Converter Supporting Frame for the Wireless Internet (무선 인터넷을 위한 프레임 지원 HTML 변환기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Han, Jin-Seop;Park, Byung-Joon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes the implementation of HTML converter for wireless internet access in wireless application protocol environment. The implemented HTML converter consists of the contents conversion module, the conversion rule set, the WML file generation module, and the frame contents reformatting module. Plain text contents are converted to WML contents through one by one mapping, referring to the converting rule set in the contents converting module. For frame contents, the first frameset sources are parsed and the request messages are reconstructed with all the file names, reconnecting to web server as much as the number of files to receive each documents and append to the first document. Finally, after the process of reformatting in the frame contents reformatting module, frame contents are converted to WML's table contents. For image map contents, the image map related tags are parsed and the names of html documents which are linked to any sites are extracted to be replaced with WML contents data and linked to those contents. The proposed conversion method for frame contents provides a better interface for the users convenience and interactions compared to the existing converters. Conversion of image maps in our converter is one of the features not currently supported by other converters.