• Title/Summary/Keyword: 매개 모델

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Restoration of the Stream Runoff by the Physical Deterministic Modeling and Formulation of Water Balance for the Catchment of Byungchun River in Chungcheong Province in Korea (물리 결정 모델링에 의한 충청도 병천천 유역의 하천 유출량 복원과 물 수지 수립)

  • KIM, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2008
  • This study has developed a water balance model for the catchment of Byungchun river using a BROOK90 4.4e physical deterministic water balance model with the long-term meterological data and stream run off data obtained from the basin of Byungchun river in Korea. It is intended that the validation model with calibrated model fitting parameter can build a long-term water balance plan for a period when meterological data are available but stream runoff data are not. Results of this study have satisfied the first expectation as an experiment for water balance modeling since measured stream runoff data have turned out to be very similar to simulated stream runoff data. Through the confirmation of model fitting parameters and validated simulation, water balance for the period of 1998 to 2006 has been restored. Unless the conditions of geomophology, vegetation, soil and land use change, meterological data alone can produce various hydrometeorological data related to stream runoff amount, soil water amount, and evapotranspiration. This study opens up a new horizon in restoring water balance in the past as well planning water balance in the present. The obtained results from this study are expected to be used in predicting future water balance in the wake of the changes in climate and vegetation in Korea.

Assessment of the Effect of Digital Dlevation Model(DEM) Resolution on Simulation Results of the Physical Deterministic Lumped Parameters Hydrological Model (수치표고모형(DEM)의 해상도가 물리 결정 일괄 매개변수 수문모형의 모의 결과에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Kyu;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2008
  • Ground slope and aspect are important parameters for physical deterministic water balance models like BROOK90 or hydrological models which attempt to calculate evapotranspiration, snowmelt, and net radiation. This study constructs a Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and examines how DEM resolution can change the average ground slope and aspect of a river basin and attempts to evaluate the effects on simulation results of BROOK90, a physical deterministic water balance model. The study area is Byungcheon river basin in Korea. DEM has been constructed using a 1:25,000 digital map with the methods of TIN and Topo To Raster. The total of 20 DEMs with 10m~100m resolution have been constructed, with a 10m interval. It was found that the higher the DEM resolution, the steeper the average ground slope value of the Byungcheon river basin. In turn, the direct solar radiation of a hilly area in the model increased the evapotranspiration and reduced the stream runoff in the Byungcheon river basin. On the other hand, a lower DEM resolution tends to move the average aspect from southeast to south in the Byungcheon river basin. Accordingly, it was found that stream runoff was reduced and evapotranspiration increased.

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Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of Sandy Soils Containing Biopolymer Solution (바이오폴리머를 포함한 모래지반의 흙-습윤 특성곡선 연구)

  • Jung, Jongwon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2018
  • Soil-water characteristic curve, which is called soil retention curve, is required to explore water flows in unsaturated soils, relative permeability of water in multi-phase fluids flow, and change to stiffness and volume of soils. Thus, the understanding of soil-water characteristic curves of soils help us explore the behavior of soils inclduing fluids. Biopolymers are environmental-friendly materials, which can be completely degraded by microbes and have been believed not to affect the nature. Thus, various biopolymers such as deacetylated power, polyethylene oxide, xanthan gum, alginic acid sodium salt, and polyacrylic acid have been studies for the application to soil remediation, soil improvement, and enhanced oil recovery. PAA (polyacrylic acid) is one of biopolymers, which have shown a great effect in enhanced oil recovery as well as soil remediation because of the improvement of water-flood performance by mobility control. The study on soil-water characteristic curves of sandy soils containing PAA (polyacrylic acid) has been conducted through experimentations and theoretical models. The results show that both capillary entry pressure and residual water saturation dramatically increase according to the increased concentration of PAA (polyacrylic acid). Also, soil-water characteristic curves by theoretical models are quite well consistent with the results by experimental studies. Thus, soil-water characteristic curves of sandy soils containing biopolymers such as PAA (polyacrylic acid) can be estimated using fitting parameters for the theoretical model.

Models and the Algorithm for Fraction Multiplication in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (초등수학 교과서의 분수 곱셈 알고리즘 구성 활동 분석: 모델과 알고리즘의 연결성을 중심으로)

  • Yim, Jae-Hoon
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.135-150
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzes the activities for (fraction) ${\times}$(fraction) in Korean elementary textbooks focusing on the connection between visual models and the algorithm. New Korean textbook attempts a new approach to use length model (as well as rectangular area model) for developing the standard algorithm for the multiplication of fractions, $\frac{a}{b}{\times}\frac{d}{c}=\frac{a{\times}d}{b{\times}c}$. However, activities with visual models in the textbook are not well connected to the algorithm. To bridge the gap between activities with models and the algorithm, distributive strategy should be emphasized. A wealth of experience of solving problems of fraction multiplication using the distributive strategy with visual models can serve as a strong basis for developing the algorithm for the multiplication of fractions.

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Parametric Study of MD Constitutive Model for Coarse-Grained Soils (조립재료에 대한 MD구성모델의 매개 변수 연구)

  • Choi, Changho
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • Coarse-grained soils are typical engineering materials commonly used in many civil engineering applications such as structural fills, subgrade and drainage fills for dam, railway and bridge. Various researches have been performed with related to constitutive laws for numerical analysis of such structures. This paper presents a parametric study for a constitutive model for coarse grained materials. The model is a kind of the bounding surface models based on critical state theory. A distinct feature of the model is to capture the response of coarse-grained materials with different void ratios and confining pressures using a single set of model parameters. The model behavior is defined with a set of elastic parameters, critical state parameters, and model-specific parameters. The parametric study was performed for the model-specific parameters. The result of parametric study shows that the model is capable to capture stress-dilatancy behavior and kinematic-hardening under non-associative plastic flow.

3D Facial Animation with Head Motion Estimation and Facial Expression Cloning (얼굴 모션 추정과 표정 복제에 의한 3차원 얼굴 애니메이션)

  • Kwon, Oh-Ryun;Chun, Jun-Chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.4
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents vision-based 3D facial expression animation technique and system which provide the robust 3D head pose estimation and real-time facial expression control. Many researches of 3D face animation have been done for the facial expression control itself rather than focusing on 3D head motion tracking. However, the head motion tracking is one of critical issues to be solved for developing realistic facial animation. In this research, we developed an integrated animation system that includes 3D head motion tracking and facial expression control at the same time. The proposed system consists of three major phases: face detection, 3D head motion tracking, and facial expression control. For face detection, with the non-parametric HT skin color model and template matching, we can detect the facial region efficiently from video frame. For 3D head motion tracking, we exploit the cylindrical head model that is projected to the initial head motion template. Given an initial reference template of the face image and the corresponding head motion, the cylindrical head model is created and the foil head motion is traced based on the optical flow method. For the facial expression cloning we utilize the feature-based method, The major facial feature points are detected by the geometry of information of the face with template matching and traced by optical flow. Since the locations of varying feature points are composed of head motion and facial expression information, the animation parameters which describe the variation of the facial features are acquired from geometrically transformed frontal head pose image. Finally, the facial expression cloning is done by two fitting process. The control points of the 3D model are varied applying the animation parameters to the face model, and the non-feature points around the control points are changed by use of Radial Basis Function(RBF). From the experiment, we can prove that the developed vision-based animation system can create realistic facial animation with robust head pose estimation and facial variation from input video image.

Analysis of the Influence of Role Models on College Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Exploring the Multiple Mediating Effects of Growth Mindset and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (대학생 창업의지에 대한 롤모델의 영향 분석: 성장마인드셋과 창업자기효능감의 다중매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Jin Soo Maing;Sun Hyuk Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2023
  • The entrepreneurial activities of college students play a significant role in modern economic and social development, particularly as a solution to the changing economic landscape and youth unemployment issues. Introducing innovative ideas and technologies into the market through entrepreneurship can contribute to sustainable economic growth and social value. Additionally, the entrepreneurial intentions of college students are shaped by various factors, making it crucial to deeply understand and appropriately support these elements. To this end, this study systematically explores the importance and impact of role models through a multiple serial mediation analysis. Through a survey of 300 college students, the study analyzed how two psychological variables, growth mindset and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, mediate the influence of role models on entrepreneurial intentions. The presence and success stories of role models were found to enhance the growth mindset of college students, which in turn boosts their entrepreneurial self-efficacy and ultimately strengthens their entrepreneurial intentions. The analysis revealed that exposure to role models significantly influences the formation of a growth mindset among college students. This mindset fosters a positive attitude towards viewing challenges and failures in entrepreneurship as learning opportunities. Such a mindset further enhances entrepreneurial self-efficacy, thereby strengthening the intention to engage in entrepreneurial activities. This research offers insights by integrating various theories, such as mindset theory and social learning theory, to deeply understand the complex process of forming entrepreneurial intentions. Practically, this study provides important guidelines for the design and implementation of college entrepreneurship education. Utilizing role models can significantly enhance students' entrepreneurial intentions, and educational programs can strengthen students' growth mindset and entrepreneurial self-efficacy by sharing entrepreneurial experiences and knowledge through role models. In conclusion, this study provides a systematic and empirical analysis of the various factors and their complex interactions that impact the entrepreneurial intentions of college students. It confirms that psychological factors like growth mindset and entrepreneurial self-efficacy play a significant role in shaping entrepreneurial intentions, beyond mere information or technical education. This research emphasizes that these psychological factors should be comprehensively considered when developing and implementing policies and programs related to college entrepreneurship education.

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A Study on the Utilization of Digital Design by Three Dimensional Modeling (3차원 모델링을 이용한 디지털 디자인의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2012
  • In space design or form design step, recognized necessity of digital design practical use. Also, deduced systematized analysis method that can use various function of CAD system actively. These method can promote the practical use because third dimensional digital design escapes plan and design process in concept that get presentation result after is completed, establishes role of effective and systematic digital design at planning and design of space or form. This uses by a design tool that ease designer's judgment and space and form analysis in architectural planning and design process that third dimension digital design is not part by a simplicity design tool. Share and takes advantage of digital design process method that is deduced in this study, need continuance of connection study for more effective and systematic digital design methodology deduction. Need public ownership of teaching material development and teaching method that can deliver extended third dimension digital design process.

Model Systems in Radiation Biology: Implication for Preclinical Study of Radiotherapy (방사선 생물학을 위한 모델 시스템: 방사선치료의 전임상 연구)

  • Kim, Wanyeon;Seong, Ki Moon;Yang, Hee Jung;Youn, HyeSook;Youn, BuHyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1558-1570
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    • 2012
  • In radiation biology, analysis of various mechanisms in response to radiation has been accomplished with the use of model organisms. These model organisms are powerful tools for providing a biologically intact in vivo environment to assess physiological and pathophysiological processes affected by radiation. Accumulated data using these models have been applied to human clinical studies (including the evaluation of radiotherapeutic efficacy) and discovery of radiotherapy reagents. However, there are few studies to provide overall integrated information about these useful model organisms. Thus, this review summarizes the results of radiation biology studies using four well-known model organisms: yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and mice.

The Correctness Comparison of MCIH Model and WMLF/GI Model for the Individual Haplotyping Reconstruction (일배체형 재조합을 위한 MCIH 모델과 WMLF/GI 모델의 정확도 비교)

  • Jeong, In-Seon;Kang, Seung-Ho;Lim, Hyeong-Seok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.2
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    • pp.157-161
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    • 2009
  • Minimum Letter Flips(MLF) and Weighted Minimum Letter Flips(WMLF) can perform the haplotype reconstruction more accurately from SNP fragments when they have many errors and gaps by introducing the related genotype information. And it is known that WMLF is more accurate in haplotype reconstruction than those based on the MLF. In the paper, we analyze two models under the conditions that the different rates of homozygous site in the genotype information and the different confidence levels according to the sequencing quality. We compare the performance of the two models using neural network and genetic algorithm. If the rate of homozygous site is high and sequencing quality is good, the results of experiments indicate that WMLF/GI has higher accuracy of haplotype reconstruction than that of the MCIH especially when the error rate and gap rate of SNP fragments are high.