• Title/Summary/Keyword: 말차례

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  • Kim, Se-Joo;Choi, Nak-Kyoung;Song, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 2003
  • Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a dysmorphogenic disorder characterized by multiple congenital abnormalities, mental retardation, growth retardation and neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Diagnosis for the Cornelia de Lange syndrome is dependent on the clinical observation because neither definite biological marker nor definite chromosomal abnormality have been investigated. Clinical observation is important for the diagnosis, so we report a case of Corenelia de Lange syndrome with mental retardation and autistic disorder. The patient is a 6-year old girl. Her motor development and language development have been delayed. She could say no meaningful word and understood simple command partially. She showed poor eye contact and poor emotional interaction. Social interaction was impaired and she Showed stereotypic behaviors. Thus we diagnosed her as mental retardation with autistic disorder. She had vesicoureteral reflux, frequent upper respiratory infection and pneumonia. She had experienced febrile convulsions 4 times. She had short stature, confluent eyebrows, long eyelashes, and upturned nose with anteverted nostrils. She also showed low hairline and hypertrichosis in body and extremities. Her finger was short. In this case, we diagnosed Cornelia de Lange syndrome by her characteristic face, hypertrichosis and medical and behavioral problems that were frequently showed in this syndrome.

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Dynamics of Economic Spaces and Spatial Economic Inequality in East Asia (경제공간의 역동성과 동아시아지역 공간경제의 불균형)

  • Park, Sam-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.478-501
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to understand spatial economic inequalities under the framework of the dynamics of economic spaces in relation to the four global megatrends: globalization, knowledge-based economy, information society, and the service world. The international inequalities in East Asia, as well as inter-regional inequalities within Japan, Korea, and Thailand were analyzed. The variables related to the four megatrends, as a whole, have clearly explained the variations in international inequalities in East Asia, as well as the inter-regional inequalities within a nation. The individual impacts of the variables on spatial inequalities are, however, significantly different depending on the spatial scale of analysis and national characteristics. Overall, there has been a convergence trend of international per capita GNI (Gross National Income) in East Asian nations, while both divergent and convergent trends are evident at the regional scale within a nation. Two global oil crises in the 1970s and the East Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s resulted in the discontinuity of the general convergence trend, and have led to the increase of international and inter-regional inequalities in economic activities. This suggests that although the effect of the global crisis differs in each country, in general, the economies of peripheral countries and regions are more vulnerable during a global economic crisis.

Fungal Flora of Ullung Island (VI) -on ascomycetous, auriculariaceous, and gasteromycetous fungi- (울릉도의 균류상(VI) -자낭균류, 목이류, 및 복균류에 대하여-)

  • Jung, Hack-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.23 no.1 s.72
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1995
  • Fleshy fungi were collected during ten field trips to Ullung Island from October of 1989 to October of 1993. Through the observation of ascomycetous, auriculariaceous, and gasteromycetous fungi, 17 fungi were identified to the species and are listed below. Among them, four species Dasyscyphus virgineus, Hypoxylon serpens, Hypoxylon rubiginosum, and Eutypa scabrosa were confirmed new to Korea and are registered here with descriptions.

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Organic Matter and Nutrient Budget of Constructed Tidal Flat in Gapo Area of the Masan Bay, Korea (마산만 가포지역 인공갯벌의 유기물 및 영양염 수지)

  • 안순모;백봉주
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2003
  • Dredged material during Masan Bay cleaning in 1990-1994 was deposited in Gapo area. The site provides an ideal experimental condition to monitor environmental remediation and benthic ecosystem stabilization processes after the disturbance. Sea water samples were taken during one tidal cycle in one hour interval from Oct. 2001 to Apr. 2002 (4 times) to estimate the organic matter and nutrient fluxes in Gapo area. Hourly material fluxes were estimated from the water balance estimated from 3 dimensional topography of Gapo area and from material concentration. Net material fluxes were estimated from the difference between total influx and total outflux during one tidal cycle. Chemical oxygen demand showed net outflux in Nov. 2001, Dec. 2001 and Apr. 2002 (2.2∼3.9 g m$\^$-2/ h$\^$-1/) and showed net influx in Mar. 2002 (1.4 g m$\^$-2/ h$\^$-1/). Ammonium showed net outflux during the study (0.1∼118 mg m$\^$-2/ h$\^$-1/m-2h-I). According to this investigation, Gapo area was a source rather than a sink of organic matter. However, the variability of the material fluxes was high so that a long term study may be required.

Zooplankton Sample Variability in the Coastal Area: The Necessity for the Replicate and Time Dependent Sampling (연안역 동물 플랑크톤 시료의 변이: 반복 채집 및 시간별 채집의 필요성)

  • Park, Chul
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 1989
  • To examine the sample variability of zooplankton, samples were collected at two stations in the nearshore off Anhung (Chungnam, Korea), using a NORPAC net (76 Cm diameter, 0.333 mm mesh size) for two days, April 5 and 6, 1989. The net was towed vertically to eliminate the source of variation due to vertical migration. During the period of 6 hours, triplicate sampling was done every one or two hour at each station. Species composition and abundances at two stations were not so different, but the abundances at each station varied greatly with respect to sampling time. Greater abundance at one sampling time ranged 2.3-8.7 times of smaller abundance at another sampling time. At the level of ${\alpha}=0.05$, however, mean abundances of different sampling time did not differ significantly from each other due to the large variance. It was believed that the large variance was caused by the time dependent effect of patchiness of which parameters were varied with time because of sea water movement. From the variation within the triplicate samples, it was considered that the abundance data obtained from single tow were not significantly different from the data in the range of 50-200% of those from single tow. From these results, the necessity for the replicate and time dependent sampling was indicated. In the nearshore like the sampling site of this study, it seemed to be better to reduce the number of stations for the replicate and time dependent sampling though the proper sampling scheme was to be decided based on the goal of the study.

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특집: 결산 2009, 축종별 배합사료산업 결산 - 양돈산업 결산

  • Min, Seung-Gi
    • 사료
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    • s.42
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2010
  • 2009년은 그야말로 새옹지마(塞翁之馬 : 인생에 있어서 길흉화복은 항상 바뀌어 미리 헤아릴 수 없다)와 같은 한 해로 기억에 오래 남을 듯 하다. 2008년 말에 2009년 양돈산업을 전망할 때 미국발 금융위기에도 불구하고 국내산 돈육 공급량 부족과 환율상승 및 급변으로 인한 돈육 수입량 부족, 그리고 수급 불균형으로 대부분의 전문가들이 역대 최고의 돈가를 예상했고, 실제로 3월에 지육가격이 5,000원/지육kg(전국 비육돈 평균시세)을 상회하면서 성수기에 돈가가 6,000원/지육 kg에 육박할 것이라 기대했었다. 그러나 4월 미국에서 발생한 신종인플루엔자가 초기에 돼지에서 유래된 인플루엔자라고 보도되면서 돈육소비량이 급감하였고 이로 인해 성수기에 돈가가 오히려 하락하는 기현상을 보였다. 다행히 신종플루가 돼지와 무관하다는 사실이 밝혀지면서 소비가 회복되었고 돈가 또한 회복되어 올해는 역대 최고의 돈가가 형성될 것으로 예상되고, 여기에 국제곡물시세가 안정되면서 사료가격도 여러 차례 인하되어 양돈 농장의 수익성은 상당부분 향상될 것으로 판단된다. 하지만 신종플루 사망자가 증가하면서 지금도 여전히 돈육소비가 위축되어 있어 막연히 호황을 기대하기 쉽지 않은 실정이다. 돈가의 급등과 급락, 외부요인에 의한 경제환경의 변화로 인한 환율의 변동 및 소비량의 변화는 2009년 양돈산업에 대한 불안감을 증폭시켜 높은 돈가와 수익성에도 불구하고 전체 산업의 규모가 커지지는 못했다. 여기에 국산 돈육에 대한 소비자들의 무한 신뢰로 인해, 2008년 12월 돈육 원산지 표시제 확대 실시로 국내산 돈육 수요가 증가 하여 여전히 75% 가량의 국산 돈육 자급율을 유지함에도 불구하고 아직까지 맛의 차별화 및 도축, 유통의 안전성에 대한 확고한 신뢰 구축을 위한 브랜드 돈육 유통의 확대가 소비자의 기대치만큼 자리 잡지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 또한 친환경적인 양돈산업 육성 및 분뇨 처리 관련하여도 뚜렷한 해답을 찾지 못하고 있어, 양돈 농가의 입장에서는 규모의 확장 및 신규 진입이 극도로 제한되어 있고 일부 지역에서는 사업의 존폐를 결정하는 주요 원인이 되고 있다. 그간 대한민국 양돈 산업의 경쟁력에 발목을 잡고 있던 낮은 생산성 문제와 소모성 질병에 의한 높은 폐사율 문제 또한 아직도 여전히 해결되지 못한 과제이다. <그림 1> 국가별 양돈 농장 생산성 현황에서 보는 바 와 우리나라 양돈 농장의 생산성은 여전히 PSY(모돈당 연간 이유자돈 두수)가 18두에 못 미치고 있어 국제 경쟁력을 논하기 자제 가 부끄러운 실정이다. 여러 가지 내 외부적인 어려운 환경에도 불구하고 올 2009년은 양돈농가들이 최고의 수익성을 기록한 한 해가 될 것이라는 사실에는 이의가 별로 없을 듯하다. 2년 여간의 고돈가로 인해 대한민국 양돈산업은 새로운 도약을 위한 밑천이 마련된 셈이라고 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 2009년 양돈산업 현황을 돌아보고 다가올 미래를 준비한다는 의미에서 우리나라 양돈산업이 집중해야 할 분야를 짚어보고자 한다.

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Influence of Shading on Early Growth of Cardamine komarovii Nakai (차광조건이 는쟁이냉이 초기생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Do Hyun;Kim, Sang Geun;Song, Chi Hyeon;Im, Hyeon Jeong;Choi, Kyu Seung;Oh, Beom Seok;Kim, Yang Su;Song, Ki Seon;Won, Chang O
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.40-40
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    • 2019
  • 는쟁이냉이는 전국 각지 산지의 응달이나 물가에서 자생하는 여러해살이풀이다. 3월 경 눈을 뚫고나와 가장 이른 봄나물로 식용하기도 한다. 특유의 매운 맛이 있어 식용작물로 발전가능성이 높은 식물종이다. 따라서 본 연구는 는쟁이냉이 재배기술 정립을 위한 기초자료 수집의 일환으로 수행되었다. 차광에 따른 는쟁이냉이 생육특성을 비교 분석하기 위해 경북 봉화군 소재 국립백두대간수목원 양묘장 노지에 무차광, 40% 차광, 55%차광, 65%차광 처리구를 배치 후, 실험을 진행하였다. 생육특성의 비교를 위해 초장, 초폭, 엽 수, 엽길이, 엽너비, 엽병길이, SPAD 값 총 7가지 항목에 대해 생장기(6월), 휴면기(9월) 두 차례 측정하였다. 측정 결과, 모든 측정값이 차광구가 무차광구보다 높게 나타났다. 또한 무차광구는 6월 조사 이후, 7월 말까지 생장량이 줄어들다가 전량 지상부 고사가 발생하여 는쟁이냉이 재배를 위해서는 차광처리가 필수적으로 필요하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 측정항목 중 초장, 초폭, 엽길이, 엽너비, 엽병길이는 차광율이 높을수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 그러나 엽록소함량을 추정할 수 있는 SPAD 값은 40% 차광구가 가장 높았고 55%차광구, 65%차광구에서는 오히려 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 엽 수도 40% 차광구가 가장 높았다. 위 결과를 종합해볼 때, 는쟁이냉이 재배 시 55% 이상의 차광율을 적용하면 잎 자체의 크기 증대를 기대할 수 있으며, 40% 수준의 차광율을 적용하면 잎 수와 혁질의 잎을 생산할 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다. 다만, 본 실험은 는쟁이냉이 재배 생산량에 대한 부분에 집중하였고 상품화를 위해서는 품질에 관한 연구가 추가적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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Écoumén Ethik und der ökologische Gedanke von Land und Körper (에쿠벤 윤리, 대지와 몸의 생태사상)

  • Kim, Jyung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.126
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2013
  • Heute ist das Problem in der globalen Gesellschaft, mit dem wir uns $besch{\ddot{a}}ftigen$ sollen, die ${\ddot{o}}kologische$ Krise. Einer der Wege, um die ${\ddot{o}}kologische$ Krise zu $l{\ddot{o}}sen$, ist das Finden des ${\ddot{o}}kologischen$ Gleichgewichts des Landes und des menschlichen $K{\ddot{o}}rpers$. Dieser Aufsatz behandelt mit dem Begriff von "Salim (Haushalten und Beleben)" die Beziehung des Menschen zum Land, und die Beziehung des Landes zum menschlichen $K{\ddot{o}}rper$. In $Ankn{\ddot{u}}pfung$ an das Konzept der ${\ddot{o}}kologischen$ "Salim" laufen bei diesem Aufsatz $vielf{\ddot{a}}ltige$ Argumente wie die Beziehung des Menschen zum Land als ${\acute{e}}coum{\acute{e}}n$ Ethik, "Salim des Landes" und "Salim des $K{\ddot{o}}rpers$" zusammen. Das ${\ddot{o}}kologische$ Ungleichgewicht im 21. Jahrhundert weist darauf hin, dass die menschliche Beziehung zum Land als einem Platz der menschlichen Besiedlung bis jetzt nicht gesund war. Das Anfordern der ${\acute{e}}coum{\acute{e}}n$ Ethik von heute erweist sich, dass wir herausarbeiten $m{\ddot{u}}ssen$, die gesundliche Beziehung des Menschen zum Land wieder zu beleben. Im Kapitel 3, in $Anschlu{\ss}$ an das Konzept der ${\ddot{o}}kologischen$ "Salim" des Landes, ist die Tatsache in Betracht zu ziehen, dass das Land nicht einfach wirtschaftlichen Wert hat, sondern zur Gemeinschaft des kosmischen Lebens $geh{\ddot{o}}rt$. Mit dem Konzept der ${\ddot{o}}kologischen$ $K{\ddot{o}}rper$-Salim, versucht das Kapitel 4 darzulegen, wie der menschliche $K{\ddot{o}}rper$ im kosmischen Lebenszyklus beteiligt ist. Heute, konfrontiert mit der Amnesie vom Leben des Landes und mit dem $Sch{\ddot{a}}den$ des $K{\ddot{o}}rper-{\ddot{o}}kosystems$, sollten wir unser Bewusstsein und unsere Lebensweise $ver{\ddot{a}}ndern$ und die ${\ddot{o}}kologischen$ Salim-Bewegung in die Praxis setzen.

Hogye Sinjukdo's thoughts of righteousness and its foundations (호계(虎溪) 신적도(申適道)의 의리사상과 그 사상적 토대)

  • Jang, Sookpil
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.33
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2008
  • Sin-jeokdo (Hogye, 1574-1663) was a general of patriotic army who protected the region of Euseong at the time of Qing dynasty's invasion in 1627(Jungmyo) and 1636(Byongja). He was an prominent figure outside government as well as a faithful confucian who spent his life with reading and teaching junior scholars after disgraceful treaty in the year of Byongja. Hogye understood the neo-Confucianism in terms of the whole duty of men(綱常) and righteousness(義理) which was in the status of sole official academic subject and thought its practice only hinged upon the practice of filial piety and brotherly love together with loyalty and sincerity based on morals between sovereign and subject, father and son. He, therefore, emphasized that the righteousness only can be accomplished by dying of children and subjects for filial piety and fidelity respectively, at the time of commotion. This was his spirit of righteousness which repelled Japanese army in the Imjin War and he insisted on defeating Japanese army in accordance with this spirit. Hogye's practice of righteousness is grounded on the spirit of Chosun Confucianism which stressed actual practices of moral principles and duties. His practice of righteousness shows internalized cultural sinocentrism and moral-centric, ethic-centric characteristic of Chosun Confucianism. Moreover, the moral consciousness which was shown in Hogye's thought helped to keep Korean's pride and observe morality and it served itself as a basis of commencement of nationalistic military, religious movements afterwards.

A Study on Evaluation and Status of Hwang Hee in History - Focused on the evaluation from authors of chronicles (황희(黃喜), 그 역사적 평가와 위상에 대한 일고찰(一考察) - 실록(實錄)의 사신평(史臣評)과 관련하여 -)

  • Choi, Young-sung
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.73
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    • pp.303-325
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    • 2018
  • Hwang Hee (1363~1452), a well-known politician in the beginning of Joseon Dynasty, tremendously contributed to opening the glorious civilization during the reign of King Sejong. He was a public servant canonized in the Jongmyo Shrine and a good example of clean government officials in the Joseon era. There were two requests from scholars of 8 provinces across the country to ask his tablet to be enshrined in the Confucian shrine. As a matter of fact, historical evaluation as well as his status is somewhat extraordinary, but his appraisal during his living times was not consistent according to the annals of Joseon like "Sejong Chronicles". Many of his corruptions and unjust behaviors were shown in the annals. It is hard to accept all of them as truth. There are some questions raised about his character, but also some as intentionally bad judgments. However they should be respected now since the authors were trying to write objectively based on their consciousness. Hwang Hee was highly evaluated and popular among bureaucrats because of his generosity. On the contrary, his generosity was so big that he had problems dealing with his family matters according to an official writing historic chronicles. I think this judgment explains well the reason why then some raised questions about his reputation. This goes well with Confucian's saying, "Each fault by humans has a pattern. Seeing one's fault will let you know the one's personality."