• 제목/요약/키워드: 레이저 어브레이션

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.013초

레이저 어브레이션법에 의해 제조된 산화물 박막의 분위기가스 의존성 (Dependence of ambient gas of oxide films fabricated by laser ablation method)

  • 최충석;이덕출
    • E2M - 전기 전자와 첨단 소재
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 1996
  • The superconducting properties of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$$O_{7-x}$(YBaCuO) thin films prepared by laser ablation have been investigated. The x-ray diffraction patterns of the films were substantially different from one another. The Y and Ba oxides are formed by the collisions with oxygen molecules. On the other hand, the Cu oxide is mainly formed at initial stage of the laser irradiation. The YBaCuO films manufactured on MgO(100) substrate were indicated T$_{c}$(zero)=90 K, T$_{c}$(onset)=92 K, and J$_{c}$=3.5*10$^{5}$ A/cm$^{2}$(at 77.3K). The optimum conditions were found to be a substrate temperature of 710.deg. C, an energy density of 2 J/cm$^{2}$, and a target-substrate distance of 60mm in an oxygen partial pressure of 200 mTorr.0 mTorr.

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레이저 어브레이션법에 의한 ${YBa}_{2}{Cu}_{3}{O}_{7-x}$ 박막의 제조와 특성 (The fabrication and properties of ${YBa}_{2}{Cu}_{3}{O}_{7-x}$ thin films by laser ablation)

  • 이덕출;최충석
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제44권8호
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    • pp.1063-1067
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    • 1995
  • The superconducting properties of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$$O_{7-x}$(YBaCuO) thin films prepared by laser ablation have been investigated. The x-ray diffraction patterns and surface morphology of the films were substantially different from one another. The compositional ratios of YBaCuO films were controlled by the conditions of the target-substrate distance. The YBaCuO films manufactured on MgO(100) substrate were indicated T$_{c}$(zero)=91.2 K, T$_{c}$(onset)=93 K, and J$_{c}$=3.5*10$^{5}$ A/cm$^{2}$(at 77.3K). The optimum conditions were found to be a substrate temperature of 710 .deg. C, a energy density of 2 J/cm$^{2}$, and a target-substrate distance of 60 mm in an oxygen partial pressure of 200 mTorr.0 mTorr.

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