• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 자동화

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A SoC Design Synthesis System for High Performance Vehicles (고성능 차량용 SoC 설계 합성 시스템)

  • Chang, Jeong-Uk;Lin, Chi-Ho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we proposed a register allocation algorithm and resource allocation algorithm in the high level synthesis process for the SoC design synthesis system of high performance vehicles We have analyzed to the operator characteristics and structure of datapath in the most important high-level synthesis. We also introduced the concept of virtual operator for the scheduling of multi-cycle operations. Thus, we demonstrated the complexity to implement a multi-cycle operation of the operator, regardless of the type of operation that can be applied for commonly use in the resources allocation algorithm. The algorithm assigns the functional operators so that the number of connecting signal lines which are repeatedly used between the operators would be minimum. This algorithm provides regional graphs with priority depending on connected structure when the registers are allocated. The registers with connecting structure are allocated to the maximum cluster which is generated by the minimum cluster partition algorithm. Also, it minimize the connecting structure by removing the duplicate inputs for the multiplexor in connecting structure and arranging the inputs for the multiplexor which is connected to the operators. In order to evaluate the scheduling performance of the described algorithm, we demonstrate the utility of the proposed algorithm by executing scheduling on the fifth digital wave filter, a standard bench mark model.

A Study on the Design of Smart Contracts mechanism based on the Blockchain for anti-money laundering (자금 세탁 방지를 위한 블록체인 기반 스마트 컨트랙트 메커니즘 설계)

  • Kang, Heejung;Kim, Hye Ri;Hong, Seng-phil
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2018
  • The Blockchain is a technique that prevents data from being manipulated and guarantees the integrity and reliability of the data by all participants in the network jointly owning and validating the data. Since the Blockchain characterized by security, scalability and transparency, it is used in a variety of fields including logistics, distribution, IoT and healthcare, including remittance. In particular, there is a growing interest in smart contract that can create different forms of contracts and automate implementation based on Blockchain. Smart Contract can be used to pre-programme contracts and are implemented immediately when conditions are met. As a result, digital data can be more reliable. In this paper, we are conducting a study on the smart contract design as a way to solve such problems as illegal misuse of funds on virtual currency, which has become an issue recently. Through this process, we applied the customer identification and money laundering prevention process using smart contract, and then check the possibility of preventing money laundering and propose the ASM (AML SmartContract Mechant) design.

Home Network Observation System Using Activate Pattern Analysis of User and Multimedia Streaming (사용자의 행동 패턴 분석과 멀티미디어 스트리밍 기술을 이용한 홈 네트워크 감시 시스템)

  • Oh Dong-Yeol;Oh Hae-Seok;Sung Kyung-Sang
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.1258-1268
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    • 2005
  • While the concept of Home Network is laying by and its interests are increasing by means of digitalizing of the information communication infrastructure, many efforts are in progress toward convenient lives. Moreover, as information household appliances which have a junction of connecting to the network are appearing over the past a few years, the demands against intellectual Home Services are increasing. In this paper, by being based upon Multimedia which is an essential factor for developing of various application services on ubiquitous computing environments, we suggest a simplified application model that could apply the information to the automated processing system after studying user's behavior patterns using authentication and access control for identity certification of users. In addition, we compared captured video images in the fixed range by pixel unit through some time and checked disorder of them. And that made safe of user certification as adopting self-developed certification method which was used 'Hash' algorism through salt function of 12 byte. In order to show the usefulness of this proposed model, we did some testing by emulator for control of information after construction for Intellectual Multimedia Server, which ubiquitous network is available on as a scheme so as to check out developed applications. According to experimental results, it is very reasonable to believe that we could extend various multimedia applications in our daily lives.

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Intelligent Architectural Design Module for Process Automation of Hanok Constructions (한옥 건축공정 자동화를 위한 지능형 설계모듈의 구현)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.1156-1164
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    • 2012
  • Hanok is a cultural heritage containing our ancestor's life style intact and breathing alive with us until now. As Hanok has been concerned as a echo-friendly architecture, a new methodology for efficient construction without damaging the traditional construction process comes into request. The goal of this research is development of a architectural design tool based on the BIM(Building Information Modeling) for satisfying these demands. It will be usable to support whole process of the traditional building from digital design to production and construction. Firstly, we take a consideration of the traditional architecture reflecting the spirit of the age and suggest efficient design method for architectural components. Each components is pre-fabricated as a template representing similar components. All pre-fabricated components are designed by object-oriented concepts so, many variations for a component can be derived from the pre-fabricated component. Our method is helpful for reducing design errors because that it considers combining rule between connecting components in the template design. Moreover it is plugged in the commercial architectural CAD, so it can supports digital design not only traditional architecture but also fusion style mixed with modern architecture.

The Design of an Auto Tuning PI Controller using a Parameter Estimation Method for the Linear BLDC Motor (선형 추진 BLDC 모터에 대한 파라미터 추정 기법을 이용하는 오토 튜닝(Auto Tuning) PI 제어기 설계)

  • Cha Young-Bum;Song Do-Ho;Koo Bon-Min;Park Moo-Yurl;Kim Jin-Ae;Choi Jung-Keyng
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.659-666
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    • 2006
  • Servo-motors are used as key components of automated system by performing precise motion control as accurate positioning and accurate speed regulation in response to the commands from computers and sensors. Especially, the linear brushless servo-motors have numerous advantages over the rotary servo motors which have connection with the friction induced transfer mechanism such as ball screws, timing belts, rack/pinion. This paper proposes an estimation method of unknown motor system parameters using the informations from the sinusoidal driving type linear brushless DC motor dynamics and outputs. The estimated parameters can be used to tune the controller gain and a disturbance observer. In order to meet this purpose high performance Digital Signal Processor, TMS320F240, designed originally for implementation of a Field Oriented Control(FOC) technology is adopted as a controller of the liner BLDC servo motor. Having A/D converters, PWM generators, rich I/O port internally, this servo motor application specific DSP play an important role in servo motor controller. This linear BLDC servo motor system also contains IPM(Intelligent Power Module) driver and hail sensor type current sensor module, photocoupler module for isolation of gate signals and fault signals.

Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Behavior Control of Grid Sortation Systems in Smart Factory (스마트 팩토리에서 그리드 분류 시스템의 협력적 다중 에이전트 강화 학습 기반 행동 제어)

  • Choi, HoBin;Kim, JuBong;Hwang, GyuYoung;Kim, KwiHoon;Hong, YongGeun;Han, YounHee
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2020
  • Smart Factory consists of digital automation solutions throughout the production process, including design, development, manufacturing and distribution, and it is an intelligent factory that installs IoT in its internal facilities and machines to collect process data in real time and analyze them so that it can control itself. The smart factory's equipment works in a physical combination of numerous hardware, rather than a virtual character being driven by a single object, such as a game. In other words, for a specific common goal, multiple devices must perform individual actions simultaneously. By taking advantage of the smart factory, which can collect process data in real time, if reinforcement learning is used instead of general machine learning, behavior control can be performed without the required training data. However, in the real world, it is impossible to learn more than tens of millions of iterations due to physical wear and time. Thus, this paper uses simulators to develop grid sortation systems focusing on transport facilities, one of the complex environments in smart factory field, and design cooperative multi-agent-based reinforcement learning to demonstrate efficient behavior control.

Improved Vapor Recognition in Electronic Nose (E-Nose) System by Using the Time-Profile of Sensor Array Response (센서 응답의 Time-Profile 을 이용한 전자 후각 (E-Nose) 시스템의 Vapor 인식 성능 향상)

  • Yoon Seok, Yang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.329-334
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    • 2004
  • The electronic nose (E-nose) recently finds its applications in medical diagnosis, specifically on detection of diabetes, pulmonary or gastrointestinal problem, or infections by examining odors in the breath or tissues with its odor characterizing ability. The odor recognition performance of E-nose can be improved by manipulating the sensor array responses of vapors in time-profile forms. The different chemical interactions between the sensor materials and the volatile organic compounds (VOC's) leave unique marks in the signal profiles giving more information than collection of the conventional piecemal features, i.e., maximum sensitivity, signal slopes, rising time. In this study, to use them in vapor recognition task conveniently, a novel time-profile method was proposed, which is adopted from digital image pattern matching. The degrees of matching between 8 different vapors were evaluated by using the proposed method. The test vapors are measured by the silicon-based gas sensor array with 16 CB-polymer composites installed in membrane structure. The results by the proposed method showed clear discrimination of vapor species than by the conventional method.

Usability Test and Investigation of Improvements of the ECDIS (ECDIS의 사용성 평가 및 개선사항 분석)

  • Lee, Bo-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2018
  • The ship's chart system was changed from the use of paper chart to the ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) using ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System). The introduction of ENC in ships is necessary for ship automation and for the digitalizing of data and integration of information, but unexpected various problems have occurred and are posing a great threat to safe navigation in the transitional period when the new system has been applied to the sea. In this paper, to assess whether ECDIS contributes to the safety of navigation for its intended purposes as new navigation equipment, a usability test of ECDIS was conducted on masters and crew who have used ECDIS on ocean-going vessels. The result was verified with a paired sample T-test, and it was significantly analyzed with the effectiveness of a simplified task; cost efficiency was decreased since ECDIS was used. By analyzing 'MSC.1/Circ.1503 ECDIS - Guidance for good practice', we found that the effects of the maintenance of ECDIS software, operating anomalies identified within ECDIS, differences between raster chart display system (RCDS) and ECDIS, and matters of identification were compounded by the overlapping information on the safety of ships. The anomalies were also grouped according to their characteristics, and we proposed suitable improvements accordingly. The reason for the reduction in efficiency in the usability test was that the problems with ECDIS were intended to be solved only with the careful use of navigational officers who did not have systematic solutions. To solve these problems, the maintenance of software, the improvement of ECDIS anomalies, the reliable ENC issuance including the global oceans, and S-mode development are a priority.

Design and Implementation of Security System Based on Intrusion Tolerance Technology : Focus on Wargame System (침입감내기술 기반의 보안시스템 설계 및 구현 : 워게임체계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gang-Tack;Lee, Dong-Hwi;J. Kim, Kui-Nam
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2005
  • Objective of this study is to design and implement security system based on intrusion tolerance technology for the improvement of dependability in defense system. In order to do so, I identify and extract core technologies through the research and analysis into characteristics, structures, main functions, and technologies of intrusion tolerance architecture. And I accomplish a design of security system through the redundant system based on these core technologies. To implement and verify intrusion tolerance system, I chose 'wargame system' as a subjected system, and accomplished 'Wargame Intrusion Tolerance System' and verified security required functions through a performance test. By applying showed security system into the development of application software based on intrusion tolerance, systematic and efficient system could be developed. Also applying 'WITDS' can solve the current security problems, and this will be basic model for design of security architecture in the federation system after.

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An Efficient Image Retrieval Method Using Informations for Location and Direction of Outdoor Images (outdoor image의 촬영 위치와 방향 정보를 이용한 효율적인 영상 검색방법)

  • Han, Gi-Tae;Suh, Chang-Duk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.5
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we propose both the construction of image DB including information on the shooting location and direction of the captured outdoor images and the efficient retrieval method from the DB. Furthermore, for the automatic extraction of the location and direction information, we suggest to have the Digital Camera equipped with an expandable GPS modulo which has a function to calculate the location and direction and also to utilize GPS IFD tags in the EXIF. Then that will make it possible for us to retrieve quickly and precisely the target image with its geography and other objects on the ground included. In the previous retrieval method based only on the location, we eel some extra useless images due to the fact that all the images in the ROI(Region Of Interest) are searched on one condition, radius. However, with the proposed method in this paper, we can not only retrieve all the images selectively within the ROI but also achieve nearly 100% of precision when we search for the target images within DOI(Direction Of Interest) with another condition, direction, added. Applying this method to an image retrieval system, we can classify or retrieve natural images based on the location and direction information, which, in turn, will be vitally useful to diverse industrial fields such as disaster alarm system, fire and disaster prevention system, traffic information system, and so forth.