• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 교육 도구

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A Study on the Satisfaction of the Elderly with Mild Dementia using the Dementia Care Center (경증치매노인의 치매안심센터 이용만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2020
  • This study is done to provide basic data on the effective operation of the new policies by examining the satisfaction level of the elderly with dementia visiting dementia care centers located in 25 autonomous districts of S city. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 217 elderly with dementia who visited the above dementia care center from July 1 to September 30, 2019. The satisfaction tool is a chart score scale that displays negative-positive expressions at both ends of a straight line. The result shows that satisfaction level is significantly higher in the group with trust in the visiting institutions than in the group with distrust (t=9.74, p<.001), higher in cognitive impairment group than in dementia group (t=0.13, p=.034), and higher in mild depression group than in more severe depression group (t=2.31, p=.022). Satisfaction ratios analyzed by logistic regression shows significant differences in factors like gender, age, education, and walking pattern. In conclusion, it is important to run health support programs that consider user characteristics to improve the satisfaction of newly introduced dementia care centers.

Perceptions and Report Attitudes of Pediatric Nurses toward Child Abuse (소아병동 간호사의 아동학대에 대한 인식 및 신고태도)

  • Shin, Hwa-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.995-1002
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    • 2018
  • The study was intended to identify the factors that affect pediatric nurses' perception toward child abuse and their reporting attitude. The report rate was very low, only 3 (9.1%) of respondents. Most of them did not report, 30(90.9%), and the main causes of non-reporting were not-serious or lack of evidence. The recognition and experience of child abuse depending on the characteristics of nurses in pediatric wards showed a significant difference according to their academic background (X2=16.52, p=.011). The results of the review of the differences in the reported attitudes of child abuse nurses showed a significant difference in the age of nurses in the pediatric ward (X2=13.64, p=.034). Nurses in the pediatric ward are required to develop intervention programs and tools for assessing child abuse, and to provide education and systems for the prevention of child abuse, which will make it necessary for the universal reporting of cases against child abuse and the prevention of child abuse.

Applications of English Education with Remote Wireless Mobile Devices (무선 원격 시스템의 모바일 장치를 이용한 영어 학습 방법 연구)

  • Lee, Il Suk
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2013
  • Useful applications for English education enable immediate conversion of mobile devices into remote wireless systems for classroom computers. Once the free software has been installed in the main computers in the classroom, using powerpoint, students can operate the computers through their mobile devices by installing Air mouse on them. By using this, the students can draw or write on the "board" to manipulate the educational resources from where they are/from their seats. The study of English language encompasses not only academic study but also language training. Until recently, the issue of the English language learning has been ridden with certain problems-instead of being a tool that facilitates communication, its main purpose has been for school grades, TOEIC, and TOEFL. This study suggests English language learning methodology using various applications such as mobile, VOD English language content, and movie scripts in implementing easy and fun English language learning activities that can be studied regularly. This is operationalized by setting a specific limit on learning and by using various media such as podcast, Apps, to increase interest, motivation, and self-directed learning in a passive learning environment.

Effects of Psychomotorik and Sensory Integration on the Motor Skills of Children with Development Disabilities (심리운동과 감각통합치료가 발달장애유아의 운동기술에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Il Myeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.647-654
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    • 2018
  • This study was designed to compare the effects of individual sensory integration treatments on the improvement of motor skills and group psychomotorik activities that produce a wide range of interactions with peers. The research targets two 4-year-old children, who are currently in the main building, and 40 minutes of psychomotorik and sensory integration treatment were applied to them twice a week from April 2017 to January 2018. The study method used assessment tools such as B-O test, DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration (TSI), and MOT4-6 respectively. The results of the study showed that programs in both areas had positive effects on motor skills, with significantly improved performance in balance and postural control, in particular.

Effects of Virtual Reality Program on Recovery of Functional in individuals Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (뇌졸중 환자 대상의 가상현실 운동프로그램이 기능회복에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Park, Seo-A;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Virtual Reality(VR) program on recovery of functional in Stroke through systematic literature review and meta-analysis. The following databases were used to search the literature: RISS, KISS, KMbase. Keywords included 'stroke', 'CVA' 'virtual reality', 'rehabilitation', 'virtual reality program' and the evaluated articles were published from 2009 to November 2018. The statistical was used R program, the effect size of upper limb, balance and ADL were calculated by random-effects model. As a result, 9 RCT studies were meta-analyzed and were evaluated for the risk of bias by the RoB of Cochrane Collaboration; the overall risk of bias was low. The effect sizes of VR program was balance(g=.77), ADL(g=.80) as indicated by a "large effect size". Therefore, VR program is large effective in reducing balance and ADL in strokes. It is necessary to develop and apply a virtual reality-based program using more efficient program development.

The Perfectionist Tendencies of Middle and High School Students who Major in Dance Impact on Competitive Anxiety and Dance Immersion (무용전공 중·고등학생의 완벽주의 성향이 경쟁불안 및 무용몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Yun-Mi;Yu, Young-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2021
  • The purpose is to identify the impact of perfectionism among middle and high school students majoring in dance on competition anxiety and dance immersion. 279 people were collected by means of a significant collection and survey tools were used in questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted for t-test, one-way random analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. There was a significant difference between perfectionist tendencies and competitive anxiety. There was a significant difference in perfectionism in dance immersion. There is a causal relationship between perfectionist tendencies and competitive anxiety and dance immersion. In order to increase dance immersion among middle and high school students, it is important to identify factors that can increase dance immersion by exploring various psychological factors.

Designing learning service in real life contexts using smart device - focused on science learning - (스마트 디바이스를 활용한 일상생활 속 맥락 기반의 학습 서비스 디자인 - 과학 학습을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hojeong;Ryoo, Han Young
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2015
  • This research suggests scenarios of learning in real life contexts with smart devices and provides user interface prototypes to show their characteristics more effectively. For this, literature review was conducted to understand the strength and limitations of current learning in which real life contexts are used. Then, the characteristics of smart devices as a support tool of learning service was reviewed. With such understand, a user research was executed to establish 10 design guidelines for learning service in real life contexts. Finally, this paper suggested two scenarios that shows learning in real life contexts as case studies and their detailed user interface protypes.

A way to improve the efficiency of Adobe design work using the generative AI Firefly program (생성형 AI 파이어플라이(Firefly) 프로그램을 활용한 어도비(Adobe) 디자인 작업 효율성 증진 방안)

  • Suk Kyung Yang;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore ways to improve the efficiency of design work using Adobe Firefly, a generative AI program. To this end, we conducted an online survey and in-depth interviews with Firefly experts using a mixed research methodology that combines quantitative data analysis and qualitative research. Studies have shown that Firefly's image editing, text-to-image conversion, vector graphics conversion, and icon creation capabilities significantly improve user productivity and satisfaction. Additionally, the intuitive user interface and integration with the Adobe Creative workflow were found to contribute to increased efficiency. Based on this, this study proposes strategies such as active use of Firefly functions, integration with work flow, utilization of collaboration tools, and user education and experience enhancement. This is expected to increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the design team.

Trials and Effects of A Learner-centered Creative Training Technique on Undergraduate Education of Medical Record Information Management (의무기록정보관리 교육에서 학습자 중심의 창의적 교수법 적용 및 효과)

  • Chun, Jin-Ho;Yoo, Jin-Yeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the students' learning motive through the application of the learner-centered program Creative Teaching Technique(CTT) conducted by undergraduate school of Medical Record Information Management(MRIM), and to improve learning from the results. A questionnaire survey was carried out that started March to June 2013 among the sixty freshmen college students from the Health Administration Department who participated in the CTT during the 12 weeks training. The main results are as follows. The subjects' cognitive results form CTT were relativiely higher in 'increased voluntary participation(4.03)', 'improved concentration(4.00)', 'increased understanding(3.97)' in order. The effects of the tools used in CTT were higher as well in 'two members in a tem(4.08)', 'three-dimensional tools(4.03)' and 'quiz cards(3.95)' in order. While undergoing CTT, the learners considered reviewing repeatedly the content before starting and finishing as mostly helpful. Concludingly, this learner-centered CTT program identified having positive effects on their participation, concentration and understanding. To maximize the learning effects, development and activating a systematic, continuous and supportive program like this CTT is highly recommended.

The Moderating Effects of Birth Rate Policies between Korean Women's Values of Children and Their Intentions for Subsequent Childbirth (기혼여성의 자녀가치관과 추가출산의향 간의 관계에서 출산장려정책의 조절효과 분석)

  • Lee, Wan;Chae, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analyze whether both childcare subsidy and childcare leave policies have moderating effects on the relationship between Korean women's value of children and their intentions for subsequent childbirth. The data are used from the 2015 National Survey on Fertility and Family Health and Welfare. Both hierarchical multiple regression analysis and moderated regression analysis are used for statistical analysis. The findings from the study are as follow. First, the ideal number of children, instrumental values, and emotional values have positive effects on the intentions for subsequent childbirth after controlling for background variables(level of education, income, age, and number of children). Second, childcare leave policy has no significant effect on the intentions for subsequent childbirth while childcare subsidy policy has the negative effect. Third, only childcare subsidy policy has moderating effects on the relationship between instrumental, emotional values, and the intentions for subsequent childbirth. These results suggest that policies enhancing the value of children should be implemented in addition to traditional birth rate policies. Furthermore, new birth rate polices are needed for those married women who have a high possibility of subsequent childbirth.