• 제목/요약/키워드: 디지털영상

검색결과 4,177건 처리시간 0.039초

Survey for Farmland Development in Western Coast of North Korea Using Satellite Image Data (인공위성 화상데이터를 이용한 북한 서해안지역의 농지기반조성 현황조사)

  • 안기원;조병진;서두천;이정철
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study was to find out and confirm the project formulation, feasibility, scale and locations on the farmland development projects such as planned and ongoing tideland reclamation and irrigation facilities along the western coast of North Korea using satellite image data, Landsat TM, JERS OPS and SPOT PAN and aged maps. In order to apply to the study, remote sensing technologies such as geometric correction. digital mosaicking, image merging, linear extraction and land cover classification were studied. As the results of the study, the reclaimable tidal flats are recognized at about 178, 000 ha equivalent to 59% of announced 300, 000ha. and 16, 000 ha of completed, 17, 000 ha of ongoing project areas although 27, 000 ha were revealed to be completed during 1987-1993. Almost planned projects are appeared to be shortage of water supply due to their small watersheds, however, most projects are connected with 2000 mile canal system.

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Evaluation of plastic flow curve of pure titanium sheet using hydraulic bulge test (유압벌지실험을 이용한 순 티탄늄 판재의 소성유동곡선 평가(제2보))

  • Kim, Young-Suk;Kim, Jin-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.718-725
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the plastic flow curve of commercially pure titanium sheet (CP Ti) actively used in the plate heat exchanger etc., was evaluated. The plastic flow curve known as hardening curve is a key factor needed in conducting finite element analyses (FEA) for the forming process of a sheet material. A hydraulic bulge test was performed on the CP Ti sheet and the strain in this test was measured using the DIC method and ARAMIS system. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test (HBT) was compared with that from the tensile test. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test showed stable plastic flow curve over the strain range of 0.7 which cannot be obtained in the case of the uniaxial tensile test. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test can be fitted well by the hardening equation known as the Kim-Tuan model.

Analysis of Characteristics of White LED Light Source for TV Lighting (TV 조명용 백색 LED의 광원 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Kook-Se;Moon, Nam-Mee
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.461-473
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    • 2010
  • Since eco friendly and power saving products recently got into the limelight for the protection of environment, LED light technology has caught much of attention as the next generation broadcasting lighting. The newly introduced light source has such advantages as higher efficiency, longer life and its slim and compact forms leading to conveniency in installations. When combined with digital light control it gives more dynamic and various features to lighting. In this paper, used CIE standard for measuring light sources by their purposes and forms to make a comparative analysis of spectral distribution and color rendition of LED light source to those of existing lighting systems. By means of the cast shadowing and color reproduction tests I also tried to figure out the effects of LED lighting design on TV visuals where higher quality is crucial with the audience's increasing demands for quality image.

A New SoC Platform with an Application-Specific PLD (전용 PLD를 가진 새로운 SoC 플랫폼)

  • Lee, Jae-Jin;Song, Gi-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 2007
  • SoC which deploys software modules as well as hardware IPs on a single chip is a major revolution taking place in the implementation of a system design, and high-level synthesis is an important process of SoC design methodology. Recently, SPARK parallelizing high-level synthesis software tool has been developed. It takes a behavioral ANSI-C code as an input, schedules it using code motion and various code transformations, and then finally generates synthesizable RTL VHDL code. Although SPARK employs various loop transformation algorithms, the synthesis results generated by SPARK are not acceptable for basic signal and image processing algorithms with nested loop. In this paper we propose a SoC platform with an application-specific PLD targeting local operations which are feature of many loop algorithms used in signal and image processing, and demonstrate design process which maps behavioral specification with nested loops written in a high-level language (ANSI-C) onto 2D systolic array. Finally the derived systolic array is implemented on the proposed application-specific PLD of SoC platform.

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Assessment of apical root resorption using digital subtraction radiography (디지털공제방사선촬영술을 이용한 치근단 흡수의 평가)

  • Heo Min-Suk;Lee Sam-Sun;Lee Kyung-Hee;Choi Hang-Moon;Choi Soon-Chul;Park Tae-Won
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : This study was performed to compare the diagnostic ability of conventional intraoral radiographs with that of digital subtraction image and to assess the quantifying ability of digital subtraction image for simulated apical root resorption Materials and Methods : Conventional intraoral radiographs and digital images of ten sound maxillary central incisors and those with simulated apical root resorption were taken with varying horizontal and vertical angulations of the x-ray beam. The diagnostic accuracy to detect the lesion was evaluated on conventional intraoral radiographs and digital subtraction images by ROC analysis. The amount of simulated apical root resorption was also estimated on the reconstruction images by Emago/sup (R)/ and compared with actual amount of tooth loss using paired t-test. Results: The diagnostic accuracy of conventional intraoral radiographs to detect the apical root resorption was low (ROC area = 0.6446), and the sensitivity and the specificity of digital subtraction images were 100%, respectively. The calculated amounts of apical root resorption showed no statistically significant difference with the actual amounts of the lesion (p>0.05). Conclusion: Digital subtraction radiography is powerful tool to detect the small apical root resorption, and quantitative analysis of small amounts of the lesion can be evaluated by digital subtraction radiography.

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A Study on Improvement in Digital Image Restoration by a Recursive Vector Processing (순환벡터처리에 의한 디지털 영상복원에 관한 연구)

  • 이대영;이윤현
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 1983
  • This paper discribes technique of the recursive restoration for the images degraded by linear space invariant blur and additive white Gaussian noise. The image is characterized statistically by tis mean and correlation function. An exponential autocorrelation function has been used to model neighborhood model. The vector model was used because of analytical simplicitly and capability to implement brightness correlation function. Base on the vector model, a two-dimensional discrete stochastic a 12 point neighborhood model for represeting images was developme and used the technique of moving window processing to restore blurred and noisy images without dimensionality increesing, It has been shown a 12 point neighborhood model was found to be more adequate than a 8 point pixel model to obtain optimum pixel estimated. If the image is highly correlated, it is necessary to use a large number of points in the neighborhood in order to have improvements in restoring image. It is believed that these result could be applied to a wide range of image processing problem. Because image processing thchniques normally required a 2-D linear filtering.

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Novel optical representation of binary data to improve the beam intensity uniformity at the recording plane in the storage of Fourier holograms of digital data (디지털 데이터의 Fourier 홀로그램 저장에서 기록면의 빔세기 균일도 향상을 위한 2진 데이터의 새로운 광학적 표현)

  • 장주석;신동학;오용석
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2001
  • We propose a method to represent binary data by modulating both the intensity and the phase of uniform plane waves with a twisted-nematic liquid crystal display for holographic digital data storage especially in a disk-shaped recording medium. As far as intensity modulation is concerned, our method is not different from the conventional method, because binary bit values 0 and 1 are represented by the dark (off) and lit (on) states of the liquid crystal display pixels, respectively (or vice versa). With our method, however, the on pixels are also controlled so that the beams passing through them can have one of two different phase delays. If the difference of the two phase delays is close to 180 degrees, we can reduce the dc component of the data image and thus improve the beam intensity uniformity at the holographic recording plane when Fourier plane holograms are recorded. The feasibility of our method is experimentally demonstrated. rated.

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An Efficient Video Clip Matching Algorithm Using the Cauchy Function (커쉬함수를 이용한 효율적인 비디오 클립 정합 알고리즘)

  • Kim Sang-Hyul
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2004
  • According to the development of digital media technologies various algorithms for video clip matching have been proposed to match the video sequences efficiently. A large number of video search methods have focused on frame-wise query, whereas a relatively few algorithms have been presented for video clip matching or video shot matching. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to index the video sequences and to retrieve the sequences for video clip query. To improve the accuracy and performance of video sequence matching, we employ the Cauchy function as a similarity measure between histograms of consecutive frames, which yields a high performance compared with conventional measures. The key frames extracted from segmented video shots can be used not only for video shot clustering but also for video sequence matching or browsing, where the key frame is defined by the frame that is significantly different from the previous frames. Experimental results with color video sequences show that the proposed method yields the high matching performance and accuracy with a low computational load compared with conventional algorithms.

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Comparison of Spray Angles of Multihole Port Fuel Gasoline Injector with Different Measuring Methods (측정방법에 따른 흡기포트 분사식 다공 가솔린인젝터의 분무각 비교)

  • Kim, J.H.;Rhim, J.H.;No, S.Y.;Moon, B.S.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2000
  • The main parameter commonly used to evaluate spray distribution is spray angle. Spray angle is important because it influences the axial and radial distribution of the fuel. Spray angles were measured and compared for the two non-air assisted injectors such as 2hole-2stream 4hole-1stream injectors used for port fuel injection gasoline engines with n-heptane as a fuel by three different measuring techniques, i.e., digital image processing, shadowgraphy, and spray patternator, respectively. Fuel was injected with the injection pressures of 0.2-0.35 MPa into the room temperature and atmospheric pressure environment. In digital image processing approach, the selection of the transmittance level is critical to obtain the edge of spray and hence to measure the spray angle. From the measurement results by the shadowgraphy technique, it is dear that the spray angle is varied during the spray injection period. The measurement results from spray patternator show that the different spray angles exist in different region. Spray angle increases with the increase in the injection pressure. it is suggested that the spray angle and stream separated angle should be specified when spray is characterized for 2hole-2stream injector, because spray angle is much different though stream separated angle is same. It was also considerably affected by the measurement techniques introduced in this experimental work. However, the optimal axial distance for measuring the spray angle seems to be at least 60-80 mm from the injector tip for two non-air assisted injectors.

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A Study on Identification System for Abnormally Scanned Cartoon Books (비정상 북스캔 만화 저작물 식별방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyun;Yoon, Hee-Don;Kang, Ho-Gab;Cho, Seong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2015
  • In order to solve the problems that fingerprinting technologies and image identification technologies for digital music and videos identification scanned have not yet been enough to identify scanned cartoon books, the copyright project granted from the Korea Copyright Commission(Project title: Identification and Copy Protection Technology of Scanned Text/Comic Books) secured basic solutions for scanned cartoon books. The first result of the research project in 2013 was focused on the identification technology applied to abnormally scanned cartoon books. As subsequent research for the project, studies in the year of 2014 has been to provide solutions to identify cartoon books which abnormally scanned and occurred with transformations and distortions and solutions to protect the system from trials to devitalize functions of the identification system through various attacks. This paper is to propose a model for a system for identifying abnormally scanned cartoon books as a way of enhancing the identification rates for identifying abnormal bookscans and transformation attacks.