• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디스플레이 픽셀

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PSNR Evaluation of P Company DSA System between Server Display Monitor and Client Display Monitor (P사 DSA 시스템의 Server Display Monitor와 Client Display Monitor의 PSNR 평가)

  • Lee, Junhaeng
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2014
  • PACS is needed medical imaging with large-capacity storage device. Slower transmission degrades the performance of the PACS. Thus, the image read by the reading of the long-term stored image without compromising the quality of the video, which does not affect future readings in the range will be compressed and stored. Compression and video storage, and video transport Noise generated during storage and transmission of medical images and the resulting loss of information that occurs when the monitor output from many problems. The study estimates server display monitor and client display monitor of philips DSA system, and suggests that the evaluation and improvement about PSNR, process from server display signal obtaining to client display monitor. P company DSA is used in the test. Two monitors that are $1280{\times}1024$ pixel monitor of P company and 1536x2048 pixel monitor of Wide are used displaying angiography picture. MARO-view is taken in PACS program, and Visual $C^{++}$ is taken as accomplishing PSNR measurement program. As a result of experiment, no change in No 1, 3 of PSNR appear that there is no error in telephotograph and display. In terms of compressibility, low compressibility has small change of definition, and there was not remarkable drawback of compressibility which has little change in definition.

Design of Power IC Driver for AMOLED (AMOLED 용 Power IC Driver 설계)

  • Ra, Yoo-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.587-592
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    • 2018
  • Because the brightness of an AMOLED is determined by the flowing current, each pixel of AMOLED operates via A current driving method. Therefore, it is necessary to supply power to adjust the amount of current according to THE user's requirement for AMOLED driving. In this study, an IP driver block was designed and a simulation was conducted for an AMOLED display, which supplies power as selected by users. The IP driver design focused on regulating the output power due to the OLED characteristics for the diode electric current according to the voltage to be activated by pulse-skipping mode (PSM) under low loads, and 1.5 MHz pulse-width modulation (PWM) for medium/high loads. The IP driver was designed to eliminate the ringing effects appearing from the dis-continue mode (DCM) of the step-up converter. The ringing effects destroy the power switch within the IC, or increase the EMI to the surrounding elements. The IP driver design minimized this through a ringing killer circuit. Mobile applications were considered to enable true shut-down capability by designing the standby current to fall below $1{\mu}A$ to disable it. The driver proposed in this paper can be applied effectively to the same system as the AMOLED display dual power management circuit.

Study on OTFT-Backplane for Electrophoretic Display Panel (전기영동 디스플레이 패널용 OTFT-하판 제작 연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Won;Ryu, Gi-Sung;Song, Chung-Kun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2008
  • We fabricated flexible electrophoretic display(EPD) driven by organic thin film transistors(OTFTs) on plastic substrate. We designed the W/L of OTFT to be 15, considering EPD's transient characteristics. The OTFTs employed bottom contact structure and used Al for gate electrode, the cross-linked polyvinylphenol for gate insulator, pentacene for active layer. The plastic substrate was coated by PVP barrier layer in order to remove the islands which were formed after pre-shrinkage process and caused the electrical short between bottom scan and top data metal lines. Pentacene active layer was confined within the gate electrodes so that the off current was controlled and reduced by gate electrodes. Especially, PVA/Acryl double layers were inserted between EPD panel and OTFT-backplane in order to protect OTFT-backplane from the damages created by lamination process of EPD panel on the backplane and also accommodate pixel electrodes through via holes. From the OTFT-backplane the mobility was $0.21cm^2/V.s$, Ion/Ioff current ratio $10^5$. The OTFT-EPD panel worked successfully and demonstrated to display some patterns.

Implementation of High Quality Indexed Image utilizing Common Color Map(Codebook) (공용 컬러맵(코드북)을 이용한 고화질 인덱스 영상의 구현)

  • Choi, YongSoo;Lee, DalHo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.12
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2013
  • Image and it's processing techniques are widely applied and very important in the recent IT environment. In this paper, we try to reconstruct original BMP(Bitmap) image into indexed image and codebook utilizing vector quantization and represent high quality image only with same pixel depth of previous indexed image like JPEG etc. That is, By adopting common map method onto index image with $2^n$ color codebook, image can be represented as high quality as $2^{n+1}$ color codebook. When proposed output image is compared with original BMP image, it provides as much around 2dB as higher PSNR than conventional 8 bit index image(normal JPEG). Furthermore, this improvement(2 dB higher PSNR) could be provided when using the 9 bit indexed image.

Thermal Transfer Pixel Patterning by Using an Infrared Lamp Source for Organic LED Display (유기 발광 소자 디스플레이를 위한 적외선 램프 소스를 활용한 열 전사 픽셀 패터닝)

  • Bae, Hyeong Woo;Jang, Youngchan;An, Myungchan;Park, Gyeongtae;Lee, Donggu
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2020
  • This study proposes a pixel-patterning method for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) based on thermal transfer. An infrared lamp was introduced as a heat source, and glass type donor element, which absorbs infrared and generates heat and then transfers the organic layer to the substrate, was designed to selectively sublimate the organic material. A 200 nm-thick layer of molybdenum (Mo) was used as the lightto-heat conversion (LTHC) layer, and a 300 nm-thick layer of patterned silicon dioxide (SiO2), featuring a low heat-transfer coefficient, was formed on top of the LTHC layer to selectively block heat transfer. To prevent the thermal oxidation and diffusion of the LTHC material, a 100 nm-thick layer of silicon nitride (SiNx) was coated on the material. The fabricated donor glass exhibited appropriate temperature-increment property until 249 ℃, which is enough to evaporate the organic materials. The alpha-step thickness profiler and X-ray reflection (XRR) analysis revealed that the thickness of the transferred film decreased with increase in film density. In the patterning test, we achieved a 100 ㎛-long line and dot pattern with a high transfer accuracy and a mean deviation of ± 4.49 ㎛. By using the thermal-transfer process, we also fabricated a red phosphorescent device to confirm that the emissive layer was transferred well without the separation of the host and the dopant owing to a difference in their evaporation temperatures. Consequently, its efficiency suffered a minor decline owing to the oxidation of the material caused by the poor vacuum pressure of the process chamber; however, it exhibited an identical color property.

Epipolar Resampling Module for CAS500 Satellites 3D Stereo Data Processing (국토위성 3차원 데이터 생성을 위한 입체 기하 영상 생성 모듈 제작 및 테스트)

  • Oh, Jaehong;Lee, Changno
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.939-948
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    • 2020
  • CAS500-1 and CAS500-2 are high-resolution Earth-observing satellites being developed and scheduled to launch for land monitoring of Korea. The satellite information will be used for land usage analysis, change detection, 3D topological monitoring, and so on. Satellite image data of region of interests must be acquired in the stereo mode from different positions for 3D information generation. Accurate 3D processing and 3D display of stereo satellite data requires the epipolar image resampling process considering the pushbroom sensor and the satellite trajectory. This study developed an epipolar image resampling module for CAS-500 stereo data processing and verified its accuracy performance by testing along-track, across-track, and heterogeneous stereo data.

Analysis of Infoshade of Displacement Map for Making Digital Contents (디지털콘텐츠 제작을 위한 Displacement map의 음영정보 분석)

  • Park, Keong-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2011
  • Digital Contents have been considered as major parts in the areas, such as design, cartoon, video and etc. A number of Digital Contents are made with the works of popular computer program, Photoshop, and used in some courses of making works. Channel is obviously regarded as a high-level function among others in using Photoshop, even though it hinder a lot of users in understanding the way and the principle to use. Channel and Displacement Map have something in common, because they share the infoshade of channel. The infoshade is the information of 256 levels which consists of black and achromatic colors between white and black color. The infoshade of Channel is used as a concept of movement in Displacement Map. Displacement Map analyzes infoshade in 'Displacement map images' and transfer the pixels of original images under the application of displacement map. This means that the infoshade of Channel can be made for the application with characteristic of movement. This study was carried out to analyze the principle of application of infoshade in 'Displacement Map' with Photoshop. Thus, the central aim of this study is not so much studying engineering algorithm as studying and analyzing the principle of Channel's infoshade through studying how the infoshade of channel is applied in the work.

Salt and Pepper Noise Removal using Processed Pixels (전처리한 픽셀을 이용한 Salt and Pepper 잡음 제거)

  • Baek, Ji-Hyeon;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.1076-1081
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    • 2019
  • In response to the recent development of IT technologies, there are more demands for visual devices such as display. However, noise is generated in the process of sending video data due to various reasons. Noise is the representative noise which is commonly found. While A-TMF, CWMF, and AMF are the typical ways for removing Salt and Pepper noise, the noise is not removed well in high-density noise environment. To remove the noise in the high-density noise environment, this study suggested an algorithm which identifies whether it's noise or not. If it's not a noise, matches the original pixel. If it's a noise, divide the $3{\times}3$ local mask into the area of the element treated and the area of the element to be processed. Then, algorithm proposes to apply different weights for each element to treat it as an average filter. To analyze the performance of the algorithm, this study compared PSNR to compare the algorithm with other existing methods.

A Development of JPEG-LS Platform for Mirco Display Environment in AR/VR Device. (AR/VR 마이크로 디스플레이 환경을 고려한 JPEG-LS 플랫폼 개발)

  • Park, Hyun-Moon;Jang, Young-Jong;Kim, Byung-Soo;Hwang, Tae-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents the design of a JPEG-LS codec for lossless image compression from AR/VR device. The proposed JPEG-LS(: LosSless) codec is mainly composed of a context modeling block, a context update block, a pixel prediction block, a prediction error coding block, a data packetizer block, and a memory block. All operations are organized in a fully pipelined architecture for real time image processing and the LOCO-I compression algorithm using improved 2D approach to compliant with the SBT coding. Compared with a similar study in JPEG-LS, the Block-RAM size of proposed STB-FLC architecture is reduced to 1/3 compact and the parallel design of the predication block could improved the processing speed.

Estimation of Differently Exposed Low Dynamic Range Images from a Single Bayer Image (단일 Bayer 영상으로 부터 다양한 노출을 가지는 Low Dynamic Range 영상들의 추정)

  • Lee, Tae-Hyoung;Ha, Ho-Gun;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2011
  • HDR(high dynamic range) imaging techniques supports wider dynamic range than normal images captured from general still camera. These usually need several shots to obtain LDR(low dynamic range) images, causing ghosting artifacts. Accordingly, this paper suggests a method to generate new LDR images from a single Bayer image using Exposure LUT(look-up table) by considering channel dependency. We prior construct exposure LUT for each RGB channel, showing the relationship between input and average output luminance values. In the process, by applying the average luminance of input image and current exposure to LUT, new exposures which are determined by user choice are first estimated. Next, LDR images which are corresponded to new exposures are generated based on each LUT. Saturated areas are improved by considering channel dependency in the last procedure. In the experimental comparison, high PSNR values are obtained between estimated and captured images. Also, we have similar appearance on displayed images.