• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동질적 행태

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Use and non-use of ICTs: the case of three urban ghettos in Seoul Metropolitan City (도시판자촌지역 주민의 정보통신기술 이용 및 비이용에 대한 탐색적 연구 - 서울 개미마을, 녹천마을, 백사마을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Younghoon;Jung, Jinkyung
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2012
  • The authors utilized two contested perspectives on the use and non-use of ICTs, especially the Internet, to verify three assumptions of urban ghettos as fundamentally excluded from the ICT structure, ghetto people as behaving in the same way, and deficiency as the sole explanatory variable of their non-use. The first assumption that the urban ghettos would be fundamentally excluded from the urban ICT structure can be nullified by our finding about the prevalence of ICTs in that area, albeit apparent lower level of access to ICTs compared to that of the urban core. The second assumption that the urban ghetto residents would display the same information behaviors would be challenged by our finding that the availability and usages of the Internet would be hardly consistent by gender, age, occupation, family size, and locational characteristics. The third assumption that deficiency would capture the Internet non-use by ghetto residents was found very tenable but could be rivaled by the choice perspective that use or non-use is simply a result of situated choice. Theoretical and practical implications were suggested.

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The Differences in Motivation and Usage according to Morphological evolution of SNS - Focusing on university students' use of Facebook and Instagram - (SNS의 형태적 진화에 따른 이용동기 및 사용행태 차이 - 대학생의 페이스북과 인스타그램 이용을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Ran
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the similarities and differences between motivation and usage according to morphological differences between Facebook and Instagram. The formative differentiation of third-generation SNS such as intuitive image and limited network poses the necessity of recognizing individual service users as distinct groups in SNS research. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the differences of motivation and usage, according to the motivation of using Facebook and Instagram by 255 university students. As a result, 7 factors were found as motivation for SNS use, and there were therein motivational differences between Facebook and Instagram users. This study is expected to contribute to the prediction of user's attitude change according to the morphological evolution of SNS in the future, and to expand the application to such related fusion research as GUI design and corporate PR marketing.

Development of A Dynamic Departure Time Choice Model based on Heterogeneous Transit Passengers (이질적 지하철승객 기반의 동적 출발시간선택모형 개발 (도심을 목적지로 하는 단일 지하철노선을 중심으로))

  • 김현명;임용택;신동호;백승걸
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposed a dynamic transit vehicle simulation model and a dynamic transit passengers simulation model, which can simultaneously simulate the transit vehicles and passengers traveling on a transit network, and also developed an algorithm of dynamic departure time choice model based on individual passenger. The proposed model assumes that each passenger's behavior is heterogeneous based on stochastic process by relaxing the assumption of homogeneity among passengers and travelers have imperfect information and bounded rationality to more actually represent and to simulate each passenger's behavior. The proposed model integrated a inference and preference reforming procedure into the learning and decision making process in order to describe and to analyze the departure time choices of transit passengers. To analyze and evaluate the model an example transit line heading for work place was used. Numerical results indicated that in the model based on heterogeneous passengers the travelers' preference influenced more seriously on the departure time choice behavior, while in the model based on homogeneous passengers it does not. The results based on homogeneous passengers seemed to be unrealistic in the view of rational behavior. These results imply that the aggregated travel demand models such as the traditional network assignment models based on user equilibrium, assuming perfect information on the network, homogeneity and rationality, might be different from the real dynamic travel demand patterns occurred on actual network.

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Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Asymmetric Responses and Market Shares (환율 변동의 비대칭적 전이와 시장점유율)

  • Tcha, MoonJoong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.185-209
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    • 2005
  • This study examines ERPT with asymmetric response and both import and export market shares, using wool trade data. The study found that, asymmetric response may be as common as symmetric response. In addition, the responses (both in price and quantity demanded) to the changes in exchange rate are considerably different across goods, and even for the homogenous goods, across countries. In case of depreciation, the export price changes more than appreciation case in general, and as a result the destination price changes less. It is also found that the cases of excessive or perverse pass-through are found more frequently than reported by previous studies. This finding points out that strategic behavior of firms or unexpected response to exchange rate fluctuation takes place more frequently than we commonly expect or take, in particular at disaggregated levels. When the model considers asymmetric responses of the export price to appreciation and depreciation (of exporter's currency), the estimation provided that for 39 trade cases out of 83, export price responded to appreciation and depreciation in different fashions, although the normal response was the dominating phenomenon with 99 cases or about 60% out of 166 cases. Market shares affected the extent and direction of responses in select cases. These findings will have important implications for policy makers and traders.

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