• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동적해석모델

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Representation of Dynamic Stiffness Matrix with Orthogonal Polynomials (직교다항식을 이용한 구조계의 축약된 동강성행렬 표현)

  • 양경택;최계식
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1993
  • A modeling method is described to provide a smaller structural dynamic model which can be used to compare finite element model of a structure with its experimental counterpart. A structural dynamic model is assumed to be represented by dynamic stiffness matrix. To validate a finite element model, it is often necessary to condense a large degrees of freedom (dofs) to a relatively small number of dofs. For these purpose, static reduction techniques are widely used. However, errors in these techniques are caused by neglecting frequency dependent terms in the functions relating slave dofs and master dofs. An alternative method is proposed in this paper in which the frequency dependent terms are considered by expressing the reduced dynamic stiffness matrix with orthogonal polynomials. The reduced model has finally a minimum set of dofs, such as sensors and excitation points and it is under the same condition as the physical system. It is proposed that the reduced model can be derived from finite element model. The procedure is applied to example structure and the results are discussed.

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System dentification of Apartment Buildings with Wall-Slab configuration using Modal Analysis (모드해석을 통한 벽식구조 아파트건물의 System Identification)

  • 장극관;천영수
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 1998
  • This paper described the dynamic characteristics of 20-story apartment buildings from the results of full-scale measurements and analysis. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are quantified by measuring and analyzing ambient vibrations of the structure and compared with the results from dynamic analysis. Comparison with computed mode shapes and frequencies shows good agreement with the experimental results. It proved that it is important to estimate coupling beam and soil parameters through a comparison of the measured results with calculated results.

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A Study on the Thermal and Dynamic Behavior of the Single Combustion Chamber Pulse Burner (맥동 연소식 열교환기의 열적 및 동적 특성에 관한 해석)

  • ;Robert J. Schoenhals
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.810-820
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    • 1985
  • 배기 decoupling chamber룰 갖고 있는 맥동 연소 급수가열기에 대한 수학적인 모델링과 관련된 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 하였고, 이 때 계에 대한 맥동 현상과 관련된 열적 및 동적 특성을 고려 였다. 시뮬레이션결과 시동기간에 대한 계의 각 부분에서 일어나는 열전달, 압력 및 온도를 구 였고 또한 해석의 제한성과 개선의 필요성을 논의하였다. 이 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 도관에서 맥동에 의한 대류열전달을 예측하기 위한 모델을 세우는데 활용될 수 있다.

Dynamic Simulation for the Bench-Scale Heavy Residual Oil Gasification Process (Bench급 중잔유 가스화 공정의 동적모사)

  • 이봉렬;이승종;윤용승
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 검증된 Bench급 석탄 가스화 공정에 대하여 개발된 동적모사 프로그램을 중잔유 가스화 공정 모델에 적용하여 가스화 성능에 크게 영향을 미치는 주요변수, 즉 시료 투입비, 산소 공급비, steam 공급비 및 압력조절밸브 열림궤도의 영향을 파악하고, 공정변수들의 동특성을 해석하였다. 가스화기의 부하변동에 따른 주요 공정 변수들의 변동경향 및 시상수에 대한 신뢰성 있는 모사결과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 개발된 모델을 사용하여 중잔유 가스화 공정설계를 위한 기초 자료를 마련하였다.

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Dynamic Simulation and Control for the Bench-Scale Coal Gasification Process (Bench급 석탄가스화공정의 동적모사 및 제어)

  • 유희종;김원배;윤용승
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구에서는 현재 운용되고 있는 bench급 석탄가스화공정 전체에 대하여 개발된 동적모델을 사용하여, 대상공정에 포함된 조작변수들의 변동에 따른 주요 공정변수들의 동특성 해석 및 대상공정의 제어로직 설계에 활용된 결과를 설명하였다. 가스화기의 부하변동에 따른 주요 공정변수들의 변동경향 및 시상수에 대한 신뢰성 있는 모사결과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 개발된 모델을 사용하여 cascade 및 ratio 방식의 온도제어로직을 설계하였고, 실공정 적용실험을 통하여 모사결과 및 안정된 운전특성을 검증할 수 있었다.

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공작기계 이송계의 동적 시뮬레이션 모델의 개발

  • 정영훈;민병권;조동우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.319-319
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    • 2004
  • 최근 컴퓨터 기술의 급속한 발전과 함께, 생산품질의 향상과 생산주기의 단축을 목적으로 유한요소법(FEM)과 다물체 동역학(multi-body dynamics)과 같은 시뮬레이션 기술(math-based engineering)이 산업계 전반에 폭넓게 적용되고 있다. 생산시스템 분야에서는 디지털 생산기술(digital manufacturing) 및 가상 생산기술(virtual manufacturing)의 개념이 소개되면서 생산시스템의 모델링 및 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구가 활발히 시도되고 있다. 그러나 아직까지 대부분의 시뮬레이션 기술이 구조해석과 같은 제한적으로 부문에서만 활용되고 있는 실정이며, 시뮬레이션 모델은 대상이 되었던 몇몇 특수한 경우에 제한적으로 사용될 수 있는 등의 한계를 보여 왔다.(중략)

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Dynamic Nonling Analysis Model for Reinforced Concrete Elements Considering Strain Rate Effects under Repeated Loads (변형율속도를 고려한 반복하중을 받는 철근 콘크리트 부재의 동적 비선형 해석모델)

  • 심종성;문일환
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1990
  • The current analytical techniques for R/C elements under severe dynamic repeated loads, like earth¬quake or impact, have two major problems; one is that the effects of strain rate are not considered and the other one is the current analytical model was developed based on flexural behavior only. This study develops computer software that can idealize the flexural and shear behavior of R/C elements using several parameters and also can consider the effects of strain rate. The analytical results using the developed technique were compared with serveral experimental results and they were generally satisfied.

Blast Performance Evaluation based on Finite Element Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Columns with Shear and Flexure Failure Modes (유한요소해석 기반 휨 및 전단 파괴형 철근콘크리트 기둥의 폭발 성능평가)

  • Ye-Eun Kim;Quoc To Bao;Kihak Lee;Jiuk Shin
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to evaluate the blast performance of shear and flexure failure modes of reinforced concrete columns using finite-element analyses. To accomplish this goal, finite-element models of flexure- and shear-governed columns were developed and validated using previous experimental results. A blast simulation model was developed using a coupling-modeling method, and the modeling method was applied to the validated-column models. Blast responses were obtained for various blast loading scenarios, and the blast performance was determined using limits based on ductility and axial loading capacity.

Dynamic Interaction of Track and Train System on Open Gap by Rail Breaks (레일 파단시 장대레일 개구부에서의 궤도-차량 동적상호작용)

  • Kang, Yun Suk;Kang, Young Jong;Yang, Shin Chu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6D
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    • pp.895-904
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    • 2008
  • CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) may be broken when a temperature drop below the neutral temperature changes in axial force, causing tensile fracture and rail gap, in winter. Rail-breaks may lead to the damage of the rail and wheel by dynamic load, and the reduction of running safety if not detected before the passage of a train. In this study, the track and train coupled model with open gap for dynamic interaction analysis, is proposed. Linear track and train systems is coupled by the nonlinear Herzian contact spring and the complete system matrices of total track-train system is constructed. And the interaction phenomenon considering open gap, was defined by assigning the irregularity functions between the two sides of a gap. Time history analysis, which have an iteration scheme such as $Newmark-{\beta}$ method based on Modified Newton-Raphson methods, was performed to solve the nonlinear equation. Finally, numerical studies are performed to assess the effect of various parameters of system, apply to various speeds, open gap size and the support stiffness of rail.

Development of Model for Seismic Qualification of Electronic Enclosure for Nuclear Power Plant (원자력발전소용 전자기기함을 위한 내진검증 해석 모델 개발연구)

  • Sur, Uk-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we describe the development of a finite-element model for seismic qualification. This paper presents finite-element analysis model of the electronic enclosure to be used at Arkansas nuclear power plant, USA. The verified model predicts natural frequencies within 5% error for all major modes below 50 Hz. The finite element lumped mass approach and the finite element stiffness approach using the COSMOSM finite element code is applied for static, eigenvalue, and dynamic analyses of the mathematical model of this system. The FEM model indicates that the stress levels corresponding to the specified loading conditions are below the allowable stress levels that have been specified in the AISC Code. The findings conclude that the electronic enclosure will withstand the seismic levels stated in the reference documents.