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The Effects of gl, gh and wx Gene on the Grain Yield and Yield Components of Rice Plant (수도의 gl, gh 및 wx유전자가 수도수량 및 수량구성요소에 미치는 영향)

  • 김현구
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-109
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    • 1977
  • Isogenic lines for glabrous leaf (gl), hull color(gh) and glutinous endosperm (wx) were used to clarify the effects of the gl, gh and wx gene on the grain yield and yield components in rice plant. Eight genotypes: glgl ghgh wxwx, glgl ghgh WxWx, glgl GH-wxwx, glgl GH-WxWx, GL-ghgh wxwx, GL-ghgh WxWx, GL-GH-wxwx and GL-GH-WxWx were evalutated in the backcrossed F2 generation. Significant effects were measured for gl genotypes on heading date, gh genotypes on grain fertility, and wxwx genotypes on number of panicles per hill and 1, 000 grain weight. The grain yield of straw hull and non glutinous lines were higher than gold hull and glutinous lines. The interaction of three genes, gl, gh and wx was significant for heading date, but not significant in other characters. The average value of isogenic lines which were combined with two recessive genes and one dominant gene were lower and the C.V. value was higher than the isogenic lines which were combined with two dominant genes and one recessive gene in all characters except plant height and number of grains per plant. The average value of isogenic line combined with three recessive genes was lower and the C.V. was higher than the isogenic line combined three dominant genes in all characters measured.

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Herbicidal Activity of Wood Vinegar from Quercus mongolica Fisch (신갈나무 (Quercus mongolica Fisch) 목초액의 제초활성)

  • Kim, Song-Mun;Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seog;Ahn, Mun-Sub;Heo, Su-Jeong;Hur, Jang-Hyun;Han, Dae-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2000
  • The objective of this study was to determine if wood vinegar of Quercus mongolica Fisch has herbicidal activity. Growth of plants, such as barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-gulli P. Beauv), quackgrass (Agropyron smithii RYDB), canola (Brassica napus L.), velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), indian jointvetch (Aeschynomene indica), and common sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) grown on agar batch treated with 0.01% wood vinegar were similar to that of plant without wood vinegar. The growth of such plants, however, reduced at 0.11 concentrations, and inhibited totally at >5% concentration. In greenhouse study, soil-applied wood vinegar did not inhibit tile growth of canola, barnyard grass, large crabgrass, and Abutilon avicennae even at the highest concentration, 80L 80L110a1, while foliar-applied wood vinegar did inhibit the growth of plants at higher than 40L 80L110a1. Growth of canola, barnyard grass, large crabgrass, and Abutilon avicennae treated with wood vinegar (80L 80L110a1) was reduced by 71, 46, 24, and 47%, respectively. In field experiment conducted at Chunchon and Taebeck, biomass of weeds treated with wood vinegar at less than 40L 80L110a1 were close to that of weeds treated without wood vinegar, while biomass of weeds at 80L 80L110a1 was reduced by 34-36%, compared to that of control, at both sites. However, the herbicidal activity of wood vinegar was much lower than that of glyphosate. Results in this study show that wood vinegar of Quercus mongolica Fisch has herbicidal activity, although the herbicidal activity was lower than that of glyphosate, a commercial herbicide.

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Influence of taper on the screw-in effect of nickel-titanium rotary files in simulated resin root canal (모형 레진근관에서 니켈-티타늄 전동 파일의 경사도가 screw-in effect에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung, Hye-Jin;Ha, Jung-Hong;Kim, Sung-Kyo
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.380-386
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The introduction of nickel-titanium alloy endodontic instruments has greatly simplified shaping the root canal systems. However, these new instruments have several unexpected disadvantages. One of these is tendency to screw into the canal. In this study, the influence of taper on the screw-in effect of the Ni-Ti rotary instrument were evaluated. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 simulated root canals with an S-shaped curvature in clear resin blocks were divided into two groups. ProFile .02, .04, .06 (Dentsply-Maillefer) and GT rotary files .08, .10, .12 (Dentsply) were used in Profile group, and K3 .04, .06, .08, .10, and .12 (SybronEndo, Glendora) were used in K3 group. Files were used with a single pecking motion at a constant speed of 300 rpm. A special device was made to measure the force of screw-in effect. A dynamometer of the device recorded the screwin force during simulated canal preparation and the recorded data was stored in computer with designed software. The data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple range test for post-hoc test. p value of less than 0.05 was regarded significant. Results: The more tapered instruments generated more screw-in forces in Profile group (p < 0.05). In K3 group, 0.08, 0.10. and 0.12 tapered instruments showed more screw-in force than 0.04 tapered one, and 0.08 and 0.12 tapered instruments showed more screw-in force than 0.06 tapered one (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The more tapered instruments seems to produce more screw-in force. To avoid this screw-in force during instrumentation, more attention may be needed when using more tapered instruments.

The Development of Education Model for CA-RP(Cognitive Apprenticeship-Based Research Paper) to Improve the Research Capabilities for Majors Students of Radiological Technology (방사선 전공학생의 연구역량 증진을 위한 인지적 도제기반 논문작성 교육 모형 개발)

  • Park, Hoon-Hee;Chung, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Yun-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kang, Byung-Sam;Son, Jin-Hyun;Min, Jung-Hwan;Lyu, Kwang-Yeul
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2013
  • In the medical field, the necessity of education growth for the professional Radiation Technologists has been emphasized to become experts on radiation and the radiation field is important of the society. Also, in hospitals and companies, important on thesis is getting higher in order to active and cope with rapidly changing internal and external environment and a more in-depth expert training, the necessity of new teaching and learning model that can cope with changes in a more proactive has become. Thesis writing classes brought limits to the in-depth learning as to start a semester and rely on only specific programs besides, inevitable on passive participation. In addition, it does not have a variety opportunity to present, an actual opportunity that can be written and discussed does not provide much caused by instructor-led classes. As well as, it has had a direct impact on the quality of the thesis, furthermore, having the opportunity to participate in various conferences showed the limitations. In order to solve these problems, in this study, writing thesis has organized training operations as a consistent gradual deepening of learning, at the same time, the operational idea was proposed based on the connectivity integrated operating and effective training program & instructional tool for improving the ability to perform the written actual thesis. The development of teaching and learning model consisted of 4 system modeling, scaffolding, articulation, exploration. Depending on the nature of the course, consisting team following the personal interest and the topic allow for connection subject, based on this, promote research capacity through a step-by-step evaluation and feedback and, fundamentally strengthen problem-solving skills through the journal studies, help not only solving the real-time problem by taking wiki-space but also efficient use of time, increase the quality of the thesis by activating cooperation through mentoring, as a result, it was to promote a positive partnership with the academic. Support system in three stages planning subject, progress & writing, writing thesis & presentation and based on cognitive apprenticeship. The ongoing Coaching and Reflection of professor and expert was applied in order to maintain these activities smoothly. The results of this study will introduce actively, voluntarily and substantially join to learners, by doing so, culture the enhancement of creativity, originality and the ability to co-work and by enhance the expertise of based-knowledge, it is considered to be help to improve the comprehensive ability.

Association of Lifestyle with Blood Pressure (생활양식과 혈압의 관련성)

  • Joo, Ree;Chung, Jong-Hak
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.3 s.58
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the association of various lifestyle with blood pressure. The data were obtained from the individuals who got routine health examination in Department of Occupational Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital from June to September, 1996. Among these people, we selected 130 cases of hypertensives (97 males, 33 females) and 150 normotensives(70 males, 80 females) and study was conducted. The authors collected the information of the risk factors related to hypertension such as age, family history of hypertension, fasting blood sugar, serum total cholesterol, alcohol consumption(g/week), smoking history, relative amount of salt intake (low, moderate, high), the frequency' of weekly meat consumption, BMI, daily coffee consumption(cups/day) and the frequency of regular exercise(frequency/week) through questionnaire and laboratory test. By simple analysis, BMI was significantly associated with hypertension in male(p<0.05), and the frequency of weekly meat consumption was significantly associated with hypertension in female(p<0.05). Using logistic regression model, elevated odds ratio was noted for fasting blood sugar, serum total cholesterol, family history of hypertension, alcohol consumption, salt intake and BMI, and reduced odds ratio was noted for coffee consumption and exercise in male but fasting blood sugar(odds ratio=1.022, 95% CI=1.000-1.044), family history in both of parents(odds ratio=3.301, 95% CI=1.864-4.738), salt intake(odds ratio=1.690, 95% CI=1.082-2.298) and BMI(odds ratio=1.204, 95% CI=1.065-1.343) were statistically significant(p<0.05). In female, elevated odds ratio was noted in serum total choles terol, family history of hypertension, BMI and meat consumption. Of all these variables, the family history of hypertension in either of parents(odds ratio=4.981, 95% CI=3.650-6.312), family history in both of parents(odds ratio=16.864, 95% CI=14.577-19.151), BMI(odds ratio=1.167, 95% CI=1.016-1.318) and meat consumption(odds ratio=2.045, 95% CI=1.133-2.963) showed statistically significant association with hypertension in female(p<0.05).

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Validation of Load Calculation Method for Greenhouse Heating Design and Analysis of the Influence of Infiltration Loss and Ground Heat Exchange (온실 난방부하 산정방법의 검증 및 틈새환기와 지중전열의 영향 분석)

  • Shin, Hyun-Ho;Nam, Sang-Woon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.647-657
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    • 2015
  • To investigate a method for calculation of the heating load for environmental designs of horticultural facilities, measurements of total heating load, infiltration rate, and floor heat flux in a large-scale plastic greenhouse were analyzed comparatively with the calculation results. Effects of ground heat exchange and infiltration loss on the greenhouse heating load were examined. The ranges of the indoor and outdoor temperatures were 13.3±1.2C and 9.4+7.2C respectively during the experimental period. It was confirmed that the outdoor temperatures were valid in the range of the design temperatures for the greenhouse heating design in Korea. Average infiltration rate of the experimental greenhouse measured by a gas tracer method was 0.245h1. Applying a constant ventilation heat transfer coefficient to the covering area of the greenhouse was found to have a methodological problem in the case of various sizes of greenhouses. Thus, it was considered that the method of using the volume and the infiltration rate of greenhouses was reasonable for the infiltration loss. Floor heat flux measured in the center of the greenhouse tended to increase toward negative slightly according to the differences between indoor and outdoor temperature. By contrast, floor heat flux measured at the side of the greenhouse tended to increase greatly into plus according to the temperature differences. Based on the measured results, a new calculation method for ground heat exchange was developed by adopting the concept of heat loss through the perimeter of greenhouses. The developed method coincided closely with the experimental result. Average transmission heat loss was shown to be directly proportional to the differences between indoor and outdoor temperature, but the average overall heat transfer coefficient tended to decrease. Thus, in calculating the transmission heat loss, the overall heat transfer coefficient must be selected based on design conditions. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the experimental greenhouse averaged 2.73Wm2C1, which represents a 60% heat savings rate compared with plastic greenhouses with a single covering. The total heating load included, transmission heat loss of 84.7~95.4%, infiltration loss of 4.4~9.5%, and ground heat exchange of -0.2~+6.3%. The transmission heat loss accounted for larger proportions in groups with low differences between indoor and outdoor temperature, whereas infiltration heat loss played the larger role in groups with high temperature differences. Ground heat exchange could either heighten or lessen the heating load, depending on the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. Therefore, the selection of a reference temperature difference is important. Since infiltration loss takes on greater importance than ground heat exchange, measures for lessening the infiltration loss are required to conserve energy.

Meditating effect of Planned Happenstance Skills between the Belief in Good luck and Entrepreneurial Opportunity (행운에 대한 신념과 창업 기회 역량과의 관계에서 우연기술의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, YoungJun;Kim, Hong-Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2019
  • When asked about the success factors of successful entrepreneurs and celebrities, he says he was lucky. The remarkable fact is that the attitude about luck is different. However, despite the fact that the belief that we believe is lucky is actually a dominant concept, there has not been much scientific verification of luck. In this study, we saw good luck not being determined randomly by the external environment, but by being able to control luck through the internal attributes of individuals. This study is significant that we have empirically elucidated what kind of efforts have gained good luck, whereas previous research has largely ended in vague logic where luck ends up with an internal locus of control among internal entrepreneurial qualities and efforts can make a successful entrepreneur. We introduced the concept of good luck belief to avoid confirmation bias, which is, to interpret my experience in a direction that matches what I want to believe, and used a good luck belief questionnaire in previous studies and tried to verify that those who have a good belief can increase entrepreneurial opportunity capability through planned happenstance skills. The reason for choosing the entrepreneurial opportunity capacity as a dependent variable was based on the conventional research, that is, the process of recognizing and exploiting the entrepreneurial opportunity is an important part of the entrepreneurship research For empirical research, we conducted a questionnaire survey of a total of 332 people, and the results of the analysis turned out that the belief of good luck has all the positive impacts of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors: curiosity, patience, flexibility, optimism and risk tolerance. Second, we have shown that only the perseverance, optimism, and risk tolerance of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors have a positive impact on this opportunity capability. Thirdly, it was possible to judge that the sub-factors of planned happenstance skills, patience, optimism, and risk tolerance, had a meditating effect between belief in luck and entrepreneurial opportunity capability. This study is highly significant in logically elucidating that people in charge of business incubation and education can get the specific direction when planning a training program for successful entrepreneur to further enhance the entrepreneurial opportunity ability, which is an important ability for the entrepreneur's success.

A Survey on Consumer Perception on Removability of PET Bottle Labels (PET병 라벨의 분리용이성에 대한 소비자의 인식 및 실태 조사)

  • Kang, Wook Geon;Kim, Jongkyoung
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2021
  • As the government strengthens its policy of separating and discharging packaging materials, consumers are increasingly dissatisfied. In order to increase consumer participation in separate discharge policy of packaging materials, it is necessary to increase the willingness to participate by reducing potential consumer problems such as removal of packaging labels. This study conducted a survey of 300 consumers aged 14 and over who recycle and discharge directly from their homes. Ninety-nine percent of consumers said PET bottles are released separately. However, only 65% of consumers removed labels (attachment labels, shrink labels) and other materials (caps, vinyl coatings, tapes, handles, bases, etc.) during separate discharge process. Nearly 52% of consumers cited 'difficulty of separation' as the main reason for not removing labels and other materials. One-way ANOVA analysis showed that 'strong adhesion', 'removal initiation problem' and 'material strength' had high mean regardless of age, which are major factors impedes label removal. Using shrink labels with perforated lines rather than adhesive labels would be more beneficial to encouraging participation in separate discharge. However, if the shrink labels do not have perforated lines or are difficult to remove, adhesive labels are often easier to remove than shrink labels because of the strong cohesiveness of shrink labels. As a result, how easy it is for consumers to remove the label is more important than technological differences. In order to increase consumer participation in packaging material and label separations, improvements in structural design are needed along with the selection of materials that are easy to separate. This study is meaningful in examining consumer perceptions, deriving problems and suggesting directions for policy improvement.

Could a Product with Diverged Reviews Ratings Be Better?: The Change of Consumer Attitude Depending on the Converged vs. Diverged Review Ratings and Consumer's Regulatory Focus (평점이 수렴되지 않는 리뷰의 제품들이 더 좋을 수도 있을까?: 제품 리뷰평점의 분산과 소비자의 조절초점 성향에 따른 소비자 태도 변화)

  • Yi, Eunju;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.273-293
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    • 2021
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the size of the e-commerce has been increased rapidly. This pandemic, which made contact-less communication culture in everyday life made the e-commerce market to be opened even to the consumers who would hesitate to purchase and pay by electronic device without any personal contacts and seeing or touching the real products. Consumers who have experienced the easy access and convenience of the online purchase would continue to take those advantages even after the pandemic. During this time of transformation, however, the size of information source for the consumers has become even shrunk into a flat screen and limited to visual only. To provide differentiated and competitive information on products, companies are adopting AR/VR and steaming technologies but the reviews from the honest users need to be recognized as important in that it is regarded as strong as the well refined product information provided by marketing professionals of the company and companies may obtain useful insight for product development, marketing and sales strategies. Then from the consumer's point of view, if the ratings of reviews are widely diverged how consumers would process the review information before purchase? Are non-converged ratings always unreliable and worthless? In this study, we analyzed how consumer's regulatory focus moderate the attitude to process the diverged information. This experiment was designed as a 2x2 factorial study to see how the variance of product review ratings (high vs. low) for cosmetics affects product attitudes by the consumers' regulatory focus (prevention focus vs. improvement focus). As a result of the study, it was found that prevention-focused consumers showed high product attitude when the review variance was low, whereas promotion-focused consumers showed high product attitude when the review variance was high. With such a study, this thesis can explain that even if a product with exactly the same average rating, the converged or diverged review can be interpreted differently by customer's regulatory focus. This paper has a theoretical contribution to elucidate the mechanism of consumer's information process when the information is not converged. In practice, as reviews and sales records of each product are accumulated, as an one of applied knowledge management types with big data, companies may develop and provide even reinforced customer experience by providing personalized and optimized products and review information.

Longitudinal Relationship between Public Care and Family Care: Focusing on Home Care for Older People in South Korea (공적돌봄과 가족돌봄의 종단적 관계: 재가 노인 돌봄을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seungho;Shin, Yumi
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1035-1055
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between public care and family care. Public care for older adults began in 2008 with the implementation of the Long-Term Care insurance in South Korea. Although the expansion of public care has the purpose of reducing the care burden for the family, it is not easy to say whether the developments of public care system reduce the amount of family care for older family members. Theoretically, public care and family care are expected to have various relationships depending on the degree of the role and function(substitution, hierarchical compensatory, task specific, supplementation, complementarity). And literatures have showed inconsistent results depending on the country, data, and methods. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between two care types focusing on home care services for older persons. Analyses were based on data from the second(2008) to sixth(2016) waves of Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing(KLoSA). To investigate elderly care dynamics in the households, we pooled the data for four changes between two periods(2008-2010, 2010-2012, 2012-2014, and 2014-2016). This study used an analytic sample of 262 older adults, who are aged 55 over and experienced public care at least one point of time. We used Fixed-Effects(FE) model to analyze the differences within the same individuals under the condition that time-invariant unobserved factors are controlled. This study distinguished the cases of entry into public care and other cases of exiting public care. The results showed that older people who are dependent on public care are less dependent on family care than before. In both entry and exit groups, negative relations were maintained, but in the entering stage of public care, the degree of negative relations was relatively small, whereas in the stage of maintaining or departing from public care, relatively negative relations were strong. At the beginning periods, even though public care increased, family care did not decrease significantly. On the other hand, at the time of ending public care and relying on family care, family care increased significantly. The results of this study show that the relationship between public care and family care is close to hierarchical compensatory model and varies according to the stage of caring transition. Also, it was found that the cases of transition from public care to family care have the biggest burden of elderly care than other groups.