• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도로사면

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Community Distribution on Mountain Forest Vegetation of the Choksangsan Area in the Deogyusan National Park, Korea (덕유산 국립공원 적상산 일대 삼림식생의 군락분포에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Eun;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Oh, Jang-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.460-470
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    • 2013
  • Forest vegetation of Choksangsan area in the Deogyusan National Park is classified into mountain forest vegetation. Mountain forest vegetation is subdivided into deciduous broad-leaved forest, valley forest, coniferous forest, afforestation and other vegetation. Including 103 communities of mountain forest vegetation and 8 communities of other vegetation, the total of 111 communities were researched; the mountain forest vegetation classified by physiognomy classification are 36 communities deciduous broad-leaved forest, 26 communities of valley forest, 10 communities of coniferous forests, 31 plantation and 8 other vegetation. As for the distribution rate for surveyed main communities, Quercus mongolica, Quercus variabilis communities account for 65.96 percent of deciduous broad-leaved forest, Fraxinus mandshurica community takes up 22.50 percent of mountain valley forest, Pinus densiflora community holds 63.27 percent of mountain coniferous forest holds. In conclusion, minority species consisting of Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshurica, Quercus serrata, Pinus densiflora, and Quercus variabilis are distributed as dominant species of the uppermost part in a forest vegetation of Choksangsan in Deogyusan National Park. In addition, because of vegetation succession and climate factors, numerous colonies formed by the two species are expected to be replaced by Quercus mongolica, Carpinus laxiflora and Fraxinus mandshurica which are climax species in the area.

Correlation of Tectolineaments and Discontinuities in connection with Slope Failure (사면 붕괴와 관련 구조선 분석과 불연속면의 상관성 연구)

  • Baek, Yong;Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2001
  • A cut-slope near Guam-Ri Hwado-Eup Namyangju-Si Kyunggi-Do collapsed during a heavy rainfall over 400mm at 28th of August 2000. The cut-slope collapse reportedly developed mainly by block sliding along a set of discontinuities, although slope angle of the cut-slope was 40$^{\circ}$(1:1.2) that agrees with the road construction criteria. This study aims to analyze differences and correlations among several data-collecting methods limited to discontinuity analysis related with cut-slope collapse. This study started with analysing discontinuity surface characteristics, geology of the country rock and orientations of the discontinuities directly related with the collapse. Analysis of aerial photos around the study area provided regional lineament data, and discontinuity plane description and measurements were collected from core logging and Borehole Image Processing System (BIPS). Spearmans correlation ranking coefficient method was used to get correlation of discontinuity planes according to analysis methods. The result suggests that the correlation coefficient is ${\gamma}_s$ = 0.91 Plus, stability analysis of discontinuity plane orientation data using equal-area stereonet revealed that the study area is unstable to planar failure. This study suggests that the cut-slope angles currently applied should be shallower and that significant attention is required to orientation distribution of discontinuities existed in cut-slopes studies.

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농촌어메니티에 기초한 농촌자원의 중요도 평가 및 순위적 관계 분석

  • 박창석;전영옥;조영국
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.120-123
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 농천어메니티의 개념을 토대로 농촌주민과 도시민의 가치라고 할 수 있는 정주기능으로서의 생활자원화와 방문가치로서의 관광자원화로 구분하고, 이를 토대로 도시민과 농촌주민, 전문가들을 대상으로 농촌자원의 중요도와 순위적 관계를 분석하였다. 구체적인 연구결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 농촌자원을 자연적 자원과 문화적 자원, 사회적 자원으로 구분하여 37개 자원을 설정하였다. 이러한 농촌자원은 농촌어메니티를 형성하거나 형성에 영향을 미치는 대상이라고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 이러한 농촌자원은 농촌주민과 도시민이 지닌 가치에 기초하여 생활자원적 가치와 관광가치적 가치를 동시에 혹은 차등적으로 지닐 수 있다. 이러한 관점은 농촌자원에 대한 중요도 평균에 대한 차이검증(t-test)을 수행한 결과 전체 자원의 56.8%에 해당하는 21개가 유의미한 차이를 보인 결과에 의해 지지를 받는다. 셋째, 농촌자원에 대한 순위적 상관관계분석에서도 전문가와 전체집단에서 생활자원과 관광자원에 대한 순위상관관계가 의미가 없는 것으로 나타나 위의 두번째 결과를 지지하고 있다. 이러한 결과는 농촌자원의 개발 방향과 가치부여가 자원의 속성에 따라 차등적으로 진행되어져야 함을 보여준다. 다섯째, 농촌자원의 유형을 생활자원화와 관광자원화에 대한 중요도의 표준화 점수에 기초하여 4개 유형(유형 I~IV)으로 구분하였다. 이러한 유형별 자원중요도를 고려하여 농촌마을의 개발목적에 비추어 생활자원형이나 관광자원형과의 연계를 통해 마을의 정체성과 특성화에 기여할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.(요약 및 결론에서 발췌)를 고지도와 지리지.읍지를 통하여 살펴봄으로써 변한 것과 변하지 않는 것을 분석하여 시대상의 복원과 지역사회의 정체성 확립에 일조하고자 한다.곡물의 여러 줄기가 합수하고 물이 역류하지 않으며 잘 감아도는 곳으로 표현할 수 있다 이러한 명당의 기본적인 원리는 장풍(藏風)과 득수득파(得水得破)이다. 장풍과 득수란 '국'(局), 즉 산줄기와 수계로 이루어진 일정한 범위 속에 만물이 생태계 속에서 살아가는 모습인 '체형(體形)'의 의미가 나타나야 한다는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 의미는 시대에 따라 달라질 수 있는 것이다.면적의 52%를 점유하여 감자 재배지의 핵심지를 이룬다. 4. 한국 감자 재배지역 중심지의 지리적 특징은, 높은 산지지역의 산록완사면에 밭작물로 재배된다는 점과 교통이 불편한 지역으로서 도시화와 산업화 지역의 그늘 지역이 대부분이다. 강원도의 감자 재배지는 감자재배에 적합한 자연환경과 화전농업의 전통, 감자 재배기술의 전파, 중앙정부와 지방정부가 지원하는 각종 연구소 분포와 영농지도, 씨감자 생산과 협동조합의 판로 개척, 도로 개설과 포장 등의 인문지리적 요인이 영농조건을 개선하고 감자 판매를 위한 시장접근을 용이하게 하여, 남한 최대의 감자 재배지역을 형성하였다. 제주도는 산지지형과 따뜻한 기온으로 2기작이 가능하고, 감자가공 공장설립과 교통발달에 따른 육지 시장과의 접근이 용이해졌기 때문에 남한에서 2번째로 큰 감자재배지역이 되었다.(요약 및 결론에서 발췌)그람양성균에서 효과적이었으며, 농도별 항균력시험 결과 농도가 증가할수록 비례하여 저해율도 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 첨가농도를 달

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우리 나라의 감자재배 중심지

  • 이학원
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.77-80
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문의 연구목적은, 우리나라 감자재배지역의 분포 특징과 그 중심지를 밝혀 보는데 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 위하여 감자가 외국에서 우리나라에 전파해온 경로와 한국 내에서 의 전파경로를 알아보고, 7개 지역의 감자재배지역의 특징, 우리나라 감자재배의 생산량, 재배면적, 재배농가, 각 시기별 감자 재배지의 중심지와 남한의 감자재배 중심지를 구하였다. 이와 같은 연구내용은 주어진 자연환경에 인간이 어떻게 적응해가면서 살아가는지를 공부하는 지리학의 전통적인 개념인 자연과 인간과의 관계를 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 초 중등학교 및 대학에서 공부하는 한국지리 교육과정의 학습자료로서 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 연구방법은 문헌연구과 1970년부터 1995년까지의 전국의 시.군별 감자재배지역의 입지계수를 구하여 연구하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 감자가 한국에 처음으로 재배된 것은 1824년(조선조 순조24년) 인데, 전파과정을 살펴보면, 안데스산지의 페루(1500년대) $\longrightarrow$ 에스파냐(1532년) $\longrightarrow$ 중국(1650년) $\longrightarrow$ 한국(1824년)순으로 전파되어온 북방전래설과 영국의 감자가 1832년 충청도의 서산으로, 일본 감자가 1920년에 수원으로 전파되었다는 남방전래설이 있다 2. 감자는 한국 전 지역에서 재배되는 중요 농작물이다 그러나 우리나라의 지형이 남북으로 깊게 뻗은 반도국이므로 위도와 지형 차이에 따라 기온과 고도가 다르게 나타나는데, 이러한 자연적인 요인의 영향이 가장 큰 요인이 되어 고랭지 여름재배지역.중산간 봄재배지역.중부평야 봄재배지역 남부평야 봄재배지역 남부해안 2기작 재배지역.남부 겨울재배지역.제주 가을 월동재배지역 등 7개 지역으로 구분되어 재배된다. 3. 우리나라(남한)의 감자 재배지의 중심지는 강원도 고랭지 여름재배지역과 제주도 가을 월동재배지역, 소백산맥과 진안고원이 만나는 부근 산지지역의 남원군.구례군 거창군.고령군과 남해안의 밀양군.양산군이다. 강원도 지역과 제주도 두지역이 전테 재배면적의 52%를 점유하여 감자 재배지의 핵심지를 이룬다. 4. 한국 감자 재배지역 중심지의 지리적 특징은, 높은 산지지역의 산록완사면에 밭작물로 재배된다는 점과 교통이 불편한 지역으로서 도시화와 산업화 지역의 그늘 지역이 대부분이다. 강원도의 감자 재배지는 감자재배에 적합한 자연환경과 화전농업의 전통, 감자 재배기술의 전파, 중앙정부와 지방정부가 지원하는 각종 연구소 분포와 영농지도, 씨감자 생산과 협동조합의 판로 개척, 도로 개설과 포장 등의 인문지리적 요인이 영농조건을 개선하고 감자 판매를 위한 시장접근을 용이하게 하여, 남한 최대의 감자 재배지역을 형성하였다. 제주도는 산지지형과 따뜻한 기온으로 2기작이 가능하고, 감자가공 공장설립과 교통발달에 따른 육지 시장과의 접근이 용이해졌기 때문에 남한에서 2번째로 큰 감자재배지역이 되었다.(요약 및 결론에서 발췌)

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Experimental Study of Frost Heaving using Temperature Controlled Triaxial Cell (투명 온도제어형 삼축셀을 이용한 흙의 동상 실내실험)

  • Ryu, Byung-Hyun;Jin, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jangguen
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays abnormal coldness happens frequently in Korea and frost heaving causes unexpected ground deformation which results in severe problems for structures such as roadway, railroad and cutoff slope. 'Frost heave' as one of the primary phenomenon is considered to be an important factor together with 'adfreeze bond-strength' and 'creep deformation' for structural design process in permafrost area. Therefore, the fundamental study for frost heave has to be preceded for design of geo-structures in cold region. While various experimental apparatuses have been developed, there still exist a certain level of limitation to evaluate the frost-heave characteristics as design parameters. There are no standard testing method and criteria for analyzing frost heaving in Korea because temperature controlled testing apparatuses including a freezing chamber are expensive. In this paper, a new standard freezing and thawing testing apparatus is introduced, which simulates various freezing and thawing conditions in a soil specimen by using a temperature controlled triaxial cell. Frost heaving tests were performed to assess the new testing apparatus and experimental procedure to evaluate frost heaving for soils is proposed.

Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using TPI-Slope Combination (TPI와 경사도 조합을 이용한 산사태 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Han Na;Kim, Gihong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2018
  • TSI (TPI-Slope Index) which is the combination of TPI (Topographic Position Index) and slope was newly proposed for landslide and applied to a landslide susceptibility model. To do this, we first compared the TPIs with various scale factors and found that TPI350 was the best fit for the study area. TPI350 was combined with slope to create TSI. TSI was evaluated using logistic regression. The evaluation showed that TSI can be used as a landslide factor. Then a logistic regression model was developed to assess the landslide susceptibility by adding other topographic factors, geological factors, and forestial factors. For this, landslide-related factors that can be extracted from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), soil map, and forest type map were collected. We checked these factors and excluded those that were highly correlated with other factors or not significant. After these processes, 8 factors of TSI, elevation, slope length, slope aspect, effective soil depth, tree age, tree density, and tree type were selected to be entered into the regression analysis as independent variables. Three models through three variable selection methods of forward selection, backward elimination, and enter method were built and evaluated. Selected variables in the three models were slightly different, but in common, effective soil depth, tree density, and TSI was most significant.

Analysis of the Correlation between the velocity speed of High-Speed Railways and the Suppressing Effect of lateral Displacement of retaining wall according to the Arrangement of Stabilizing Piles (억지말뚝의 배치에 따른 흙막이의 수평변위 억제효과와 고속철도의 속도와의 상관성 분석)

  • Son, Su-Won;Im, Jong-Chul;Seo, Min-Su;Hong, Seok-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2021
  • In urban areas, structures are installed deep underground in the lower part of the structure to utilize space. Therefore, a retaining wall is used to prevent earth pressure from the ground when constructing a structure. Due to the development of construction technology, retaining wall applied to excavation work are used to prevent danger such as falling rocks and landslides in temporary facilities when construction or retaining walls are installed. In general, the application of a retaining wall to a temporary facility during the embankment construction is the case of expanding an existing roads or railways. Therefore, it is necessary to study the retaining wall applied to the embankment construction such as the double-track site of the high-speed railway. In this study, two types of common one row H-pile retaining wall and two types of IER retaining wall were analyzed, and the stability of the retaining wall applied to the construction of double-track of the high-speed railway was analyzed. The earth retaining wall is a construction method that combines forced pile applied to the stabilization of the slope with the wall of the earth retaining wall. As a result of the analysis, the IER retaining wall had maximum lateral displacement of 19.0% compared to the type with H-plie installed only in the front while dynamic load was applied. In addition, the slower the speed of high-speed railway, the more displacement occurred, and the results show that more caution is needed when designing the ground in low-speed sections.

Environmental Factors on the Use of Wildlife Bridge by Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agraius) (등줄쥐의 육교형 생태통로 이용에 미치는 환경 특성)

  • Gi-Yeong Jeong;Ji-Hoon Lee;Yong-Won Mo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2023
  • Although wildlife bridge are built as a way to reduce habitat fragmentation caused by road construction, there is still a lot of debate about their effectiveness. Monitoring methods such as footprint traps and camera traps are used evaluate the effectiveness of wildlife bridge, but there is a limit to evaluate of effectiveness. In this study, the degree of use the wildlfe bridge was surveyed by striped field mouse that is likely use the wildlife bridge and surrounding as a habitat with capture-mark-recapture method.(Apodemus agraius). The distance and route of movement were identified by connecting the capture points, and the environmental factors on the use of the wildlife bridge implemented a generalized linear model(GLM) with the capture number of captured as a dependent variable. Consequently of capture, no individuals crossing the wildlife bridge, striped field mouse use the wildlife bridge as a habitat.The environmental factors affecting the use of mice were vegetation cover(1~2m, 2~8m, over 8m), vegetation construction, maximum diameter at breast height were positively correlated and slope was nagatively correlated. In conclusion, it is expected that the effectiveness of the wildlife bridge will be further improved by planting shrubs and trees and preventing high slope and cut slope increasing the utilization of the rat, such as being used as a food source in the ecosystem.

A Study on the Location of Urban Parks for Green-Network Revitalization - Based on Downtown of Busan - (도시공원 입지특성에 따른 그린네트워크 활성화 연구 - 부산광역시 도심권을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Gyu-Hong;Park, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2010
  • Seen topographically, Busan is a city that is coastal and hilly. In the city, most parks have been formed around mountain areas that are not so useful. They also are unbalanced in location among different regions of the city. The purpose of this study is to find how to manage urban parks towards green network promotion. For the purpose, this researcher first analyzed physical and environmental characteristics of urban parks located within the main living spheres of Busan. Then, the researcher examined interactive relations between those parks and downtown areas surrounding them to classify types of the parks. In association, the researcher classified the entire of the city into inland and coastal regions. And the researcher examined mountainous and hilly urban parks that were 150 to 300 meters above sea level in the former region and 100 to 150 meters above sea level in the latter. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. The above examination found that parks of Busan feature physically penetrating and overlapping with downtown areas of the city. How well the green zones of Busan in form of urban park are inter-connective and influential to each other heavily depends on shapes and functions that the downtown areas of the city have. In this study, urban parks of Busan were grouped according to their types and then analyzed. Based on results of the analysis, the researcher tried to find how to increase the utility of another urban parks that are expected to be formed and how to promote so-called the green network that integrates greens. Considering findings of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. In case of forming an urban park in a gently sloped green zone which is easily accessible and noticeable, it's important that the park should include a stream to which another green zone is converged or, if the park is located near a costal area, contribute to promote urban functions and openness. While, in a high-altitude green zone, it's more effective to form so-called the green way that consists of some limited usable site of the zone and greens behind it and then form a hub of regional community at the intersection between the main road and main gate to the urban park, contributing to the green network promotion.

The Potential Acid Sulfate Soils Criteria by the Relation between Total-Sulfur and Net Acid Generation (전황함량과 순산발생능력의 상관관계를 통한 잠재특이산성토양 기준 설정)

  • Moon, Yonghee;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2012
  • Acid sulfate soil (ASS) and potential acid sulfate soil (PASS) are distribution in worldwide and originate from sedimentary process, volcanic activity, or metamorphism and are problematic in agriculture and environmental due to their present and potential acidity developed by the oxidation. The PASS was defined as soil materials that had sulfidic layer more than 20 cm thick within 4 m of the soil profile and contained more than 0.15% of total-sulfur (T-S). A tentative interpretative soil classification system was proposed weak potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.15-0.5%), moderate potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.5-0.75%) and strong potential acid sulfate (T-S, more than 0.75%). PASS due to excess of pyrite over soil neutralizing capacity are formed. It provides no information on the kinetic rates of acid generation or neutralization; therefore, the test procedures used in acid base account (ABA) are referred to as static procedures. The net acid generation (NAG) test is a direct method to measure the ability of the sample to produce acid through sulfide oxidation and also provides and indication. The NAG test can evaluated easily whether the soils is PASS. The samples are mixed sandy loam and the PAS from the hydrothermal altered andesite (1:3, 1:8, 1:16, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80 and 1:200 ratios) in this study. We could find out that the NAG pH of the soil containing 0.75% of T-S was 2.5, and that of the soil has 0.15% of T-S was 3.8. NAG pH test can be proposed as soil classification criteria for the potential acid sulfate soils. The strong type has NAG pH of 2.5, the moderate one has NAG pH of 3.0, and the weak one has NAG pH of 3.5.