• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대조비 향상

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Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cross Laminated Timber Using Plywood as Core Layer (합판을 코어로 사용한 교호 집성재의 물리·기계적 성질)

  • Choi, Chul;Yuk, Cho-Rong;Yoo, Ji-Chang;Park, Jae-Young;Lee, Chang-Goo;Kang, Seog-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to study physical and mechanical properties of hybrid cross laminated timber (HCLT) with plywood as core layer in order to improve its mechanical properties for wooden housing. MOE, MOR, and dimensional stability of the HCLT were determined, depending on plywood composition and lamination direction. MOR value of the HCLT was improved as much as that of the glued laminated timber, which was 59.6% stronger than that of the cross laminated timber (CLT) control group. All MOE values of the HCLT were similar to glued laminated timber structure control group regardless of plywood composition and lamination directions. The dimensional stability of the HCLT was better than those of the glued laminated timber and CLT control group, owing to the use of plywood in the core.

Effects of Floss Band on Ankle Joint functional Range of Motion and gait ability (발목관절에 플로스밴드 적용이 기능적 관절가동범위와 보행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Byoung-Hyoun;Kim, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study is to verify the effects of the application of flossband to the ankles of healthy adults on the functional range of ankle and walking ability. Total 20 people participated in the experiment, and through the randomization, one foot was set up as experimental side while the other foot was set up as control side. To analyze the two factors(before/after intervention/experimental side and control side), the two way-repeated ANOVA was conducted. The significance level was set up as 0.05. In the results of this study, compared to the control side, the experimental side showed significant increase in WBLT and heel strike(p=.05). In the test before/after intervention, the experimental side showed significant increase in WBLT, heel strike, and toe off(p=.05). The control side showed significant increase in toe off(p=.05). Thus, the application of floss band on ankle joint performed in this study would be helpful for improving the functional range and walking ability in the sports & rehabilitation field.

Growth Inhibition of In Vitro Plantlets and Improvement of Survival Rate of Acclimated Plant of Strawberry according to Polyethylene Glycol during Bioreactor Culture (딸기 조직배양묘의 생물반응기 배양 시 Polyethylene Glycol 처리에 따른 기내 생육억제 효과 및 순화율 향상)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jong Nam;Kim, Ki Deog;Lim, Hak Tae;Yeoung, Young Rok
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.877-882
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out treatment of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in order to increase of survival rate of acclimated plants of strawberry's in vitro plantlets through bioreactor culture. We used PEG with molecular weight 6000 (PEG 6000) in this study. Concentration of PEG is non-treatment, 5, 10, 15, and $20g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ each bioreactor. $5g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of PEG was treated at $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$, and $5^{th}$ week during culture. We investigated growth characteristics of in vitro plantlets after 6 weeks cultivation. Growth amount of all PEG treatment decreased as compared to non-treatment. The more concentration increased, the more plant growth decreased. In $5g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of PEG, shoot length was shorter than non-treatment that shoot length was 7.9 cm and especially fresh weight that is 1.6 g was more decrease than non-treatment. Shoot length was ranged 3.0-3.9 cm at $1^{st}$ week treatment to $4^{th}$ week treatment of $5g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ PEG. The shoot length was not significant by 5.3 cm at $5^{th}$ week treatment. The survival rate was improved 5.4% at the treatment of $4^{th}$ week and was improved 8.7% at the $5^{th}$ week as compared to non-treatment. In order to improve of survival rate of strawberry' in vitro plantlets through bioreactor culture, the method is suitable that adding $5g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of PEG in the medium and $5^{th}$ week's treatment is suitable.

Bending Performance of Glulam Beams Reinforced with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Bonded with Polyvinyl Acetate-Based Adhesive (초산비닐수지계 접착제를 사용한 탄소섬유강화플라스틱 복합집성재의 휨 성능)

  • Park, Jun-Chul;Shin, Yoon-Jong;Hong, Soon-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the bending strength of the Larix glulam beams which were reinforced with CFRP (Carbon fiber reinforced plastic) of which the reinforcement ratios were 0.7% and 2.1% by volume. In the bending test, the rupture shape of the reinforced glulam shows that the reinforced glulam broke firstly in the lowest bottom layer on which tension was loaded, but did not in the upper part reinforced with the CFRP layer. The upper part of the reinforced layer kept strength and did not break when the reinforced glulam broke firstly at the bottom part of the reinforced layer, but broke secondly as loading was increased. In the glulam beams reinforced with CFRP of which the reinforcement ratio was 0.7% by volume, the bending strength of the reinforced beams was increased by 28% at the first break. When beams broke up to the upper part of the reinforced layer, the bending strength of the reinforced beams was increased by 55%, compared to those of control glulam beams. When the glulam beams were reinforced with CFRP of which the reinforcement ratio was 2.1% by volume, the bending strength of the reinforced beams was increased by 77%, compared to those of control glulam beams. The ratio of the height of calculated neutral axis using failure mode recommended by Romani and the height of actual neutral axis using strain gauge was 1.03 and agreed well.

Effect of Sasa borealis Silage Feeding on Daily Gain, Digestibility and Nitrogen Retention in Growing Black Goat (조릿대 사일리지 급여가 육성기 흑염소 일당증체량, 소화율 및 질소축적에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Sang Uk;Jang Yeong, Se Young;Yun, Young Sik;Moon, Sang Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the forage productivity and feed value of Sasa borealis (S. borealis) using growing black goats(S. borealis) in order to improve the utilization of S. borealis and to help mitigate the problem of reduced plant species diversity caused by S. borealis in Hanlla Mountain. One control and three treatments were made by the level of addition of S. borealis silage to the TMR feed. T1(10%), T2(20%), and T3(30%) treatments showed more daily weight gains than control group. Feed conversion ratio of T2 is 4.4g, which is significantly lower than control(P<0.05). The nitrogen retention in the control, which had relatively high dry matter intake, was 12.5g, which was significantly higher than that of T3. Sasa. borealis silage is considered to be able to use as a forage source for black goats, and if it is fed in an appropriate amount, it is considered that it will help improve livestock productivity, such as weight gain and feed conversion ratio.

Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of cookies with added purple kohlrabi powder (자색 콜라비 분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 이화학적 및 관능특성)

  • Cha, Seon-Suk;Jung, Hae-Ok;Son, Hee-Kyoung;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.824-830
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the quality characteristics of cookies with added purple kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) powder were investigated and analyzed through chemical and sensory evaluation. Samples were prepared with different levels (0, 1, 3, and 5%) of freeze-dried kohlrabi powder. The addition of Kolarbi powder decreased the moisture and fat contents, but the ash content was significantly increased (p<0.05). The pH and density of the cookie dough decreased significantly with the increasing levels of kohlrabi powder added (p<0.05). The spread ratio of the cookies generally decreased as more kohlrabi powder was added, but the decrease was not statistically significant. The hardness of the cookies increased significantly, however, with the increasing levels of kohlrabi powder added (p<0.05). The Hunter's color L, a, and b values significantly decreased with increasing kohlrabi powder compared to those of the control (p<0.05). In the sensory evaluation, the cookies to which 3 and 5% kohlrabi powder were added showed remarkably higher values for color, taste and appearance. These results suggest that purple kohlrabi powder is a good ingredient for improving the sensory and quality characteristics of cookies.

Quality Characteristics of Muffins Supplemented with Freeze-Dried Apricot Powder (동결건조 살구분말 첨가량에 따른 머핀의 품질 특성)

  • Lee, Yun-Seon;Chung, Hai-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.957-963
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    • 2013
  • This study evaluated the quality characteristics of muffins prepared with different amounts (0%, 4%, 8%, or 12%) of apricot powder. The moisture content was higher in groups containing 8% and 12% apricot powder. The specific volume of muffins decreased as the amount of apricot powder increased. The lightness value was lower in groups containing apricot powder, with redness and yellowness values increasing with increasing amounts of apricot powder. Rheology tests showed no significant differences in hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness between control muffins and muffins with apricot added. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the number and size of air cells decreased with increasing levels of apricot powder. The substitution of wheat flour with apricot powder yielded muffins with a higher DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical-scavenging activity and total polyphenol content. Consumer acceptance tests revealed no significant differences in appearance, smell, and texture between muffin samples, but the taste and overall acceptability scores were lowest for muffins with 12% apricot added. Therefore, up to 8% apricot powder can be incorporated into muffins to meet the sensory quality and functional needs of the consumer.

Influence of the addition of aronia powder on the quality and antioxidant activity of muffins (아로니아 분말 첨가가 머핀의 품질 및 항산화능에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyo-Jung;Chung, Hai-Jung
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.668-675
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of muffins prepared with different amounts (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%) of aronia powder. The moisture content was higher in the groups that contained aronia powder than in the control muffin. The specific volume of the muffins was lowest in the group with 15% aronia powder added. The lightness and yellowness values decreased, while the redness values increased with increasing amounts of the aronia powder. The hardness of the control group was lower than that of the 10% and 15% treatment groups. The consumer acceptance test revealed no significant differences in the taste and texture of the muffin samples, but the overall acceptability scores were lowest for the muffins with 15% aronia powder added. The substitution of wheat flour for the aronia powder yielded muffins with a higher polyphenol content and total flavonoid content. The antioxidant activity measured via the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, metal chelating effect, and reducing power increased as the concentration of the aronia powder increased. The results showed that up to 10% aronia powder can be incorporated into muffins to meet the sensory quality and functional needs of consumers.

Immuno-modulatory and Antitumor Effect of Crude Polysaccharides Extracted from Sclerotium of Grifola umbellata (저령(Grifola umbellata)의 균핵에서 추출한 조다당류의 면역활성 및 항암 효과)

  • Oh, Yun-Hee;Lee, U-Youn;Lee, Min-Woong;Shim, Mi-Ja;Lee, Tae-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2004
  • Neutral salt-soluble, hot water-soluble and methanol-soluble materials (hereinafter referred to Fr. NaCl, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH, respectively) were extracted from sclerotium of Grifola umbellata. The Fr. NaCl and Fr. HW did not show any direct cytotoxicity against NIH3T3, Sarcoma 180 and MCF-7, but Fr. MeOH showed cytotoxicity against these cell lines at the concentration of $1,000\;{\mu}g/ml$. Intraperitoneal injection with Fr. NaCl showed antitumor effect with life prolongation of 66.7% and decrease the number of Sarcoma 180 cells of 54.2% in mice inoculated with Sarcoma 180. Fr. NaCl improved the immunopotentiation activity through alternative complement pathway and the alkaline phosphatase activity by $85.05{\sim}88.73%$ and 6 folds, respectively. The number of peritoneal exudate cells and the circulating leucocytes were increased by 1.7 and 3.6 folds in the Fr. NaCl treating group compared with the control group, respectively. The weight of immunoorgans such as liver, spleen and thymus were also gradually increased. The hematological analysis of the Fr. NaCl group was similar with that of the control group. The total polysaccharide and protein contents of Fr. NaCl were 98.25% and 1.44%, respectively. These results indicate that the antitumor activity of Fr. NaCl was exerted through immunopotentiation, but not through cytotoxicity against the tumor cells.

Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Yogurt Added with Whole Barley Floura (통보릿가루를 첨가한 요구르트의 품질특성 및 항산화 활성)

  • Lee, Mi-Ja;Kim, Kyung-Soon;Kim, Yang-Kil;Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Hyung-Soon;Choi, Jae-Seong;Kim, Kee-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.721-726
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a yogurt containing skim milk powder and whole barley flour was fermented with lactic acid bacteria, and its quality and properties were estimated. The yogurts with 1% and 3% barley flour had lower pH values, higher titratable acidity, and higher Brix values than the control. In addition, the viable cell counts were lower and viscosity was higher. The value of L was low, and the values of a and b were high. The yogurt with 3% barley flour had more lactic acid than the control and showed a substantial increase in the amount of acetic acid. ${\beta}$-Glucan content and antioxidant activity increased with the amount of barley flour added. In sensory evaluation, there was a similar preference for the yogurt with 3% barley flour and the control, and as the barley flour content increased, the preference decreased. Moreover, the preference for the yogurt was higher among old people.