• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대상중심적 접근

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A forecasting and analysis on the changing process in the spatial structures of southeast region in accordance with development of Seoul-Pusan High Speed Railway -A effects on Ulsan spatiality by Kyongju station of HSR- (경부고속철도 건설에 따른 국토동남권 공간구조 변화과정의 분석과 전망 -경부고속전철 경주역이 울산시 공간에 미치는 영향-)

  • 김성득;최양원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구에서는 국토동남권의 인구와 고용에 따른 공간구조 변화과정을 분석하고 향후 경부고속철도 건설에 따른 변화를 예측하였다. 본 연구의 공간범위는 양산시, 울산시, 경주시, 포항시를 대상지역으로 한 총 52개 지역공간을 기초분석 단위로 하였다. 국토동남권내 인구와 고용의 공간구조를 분석 전망하기 위하여 공간구조 측정방법인 로렌쯔곡선측정식, 중심성측정식, 접근도측정식등의 기법을 이용하였으며 공간적 집중과 분산의 정도를 전망하였다. 본 연구에서는 1970년부터 1994년까지 인구와 고용구조를 조사하여 공간구조의 변화과정을 분석하였다. 그리고 현재까지 계획된 건설 공정을 바탕으로 개통 예정시점인 2006년부터 2016년까지의 국토동남권 공간구조를 전망하기 위하여 3가지 시나리오에 따라 인구와 고용의 공간구조 변화를 예측하였다. 시나리오(1)은 경부고속철도의 서울-대구 구간을 우선적으로 건설하여 운행하고 대구-부산 구간은 경부철도의 기존선을 전철화하여 활용하는 방안이다. 시나리오(2)는 경부고속철도를 기본계획과 같이 2006년 완공하고 국토동남권내 1개 정차역인 경주시 건천역을 개통하였을 경우이다. 시나리오(3)은 시나리오(2)와 같은 조건하에서 국토동남권내 2개 정차역인 건천역과 울산역을 개통하였을 경우이다. 시나리오 (2)와 (3)의 경우는 일본 시즈오카현 노선을 경유하는 신간선 주변의 지역공간 특성이 우리나라 국토동남권과 유사함을 근거로 신간선개통전과 개통후의 지역공간 변화를 분석하여 본 연구와 비교하였다.

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Analyzing user satisfaction factors for mobile health apps (모바일 헬스케어 앱 사용자 경험 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Guyeop;Kim, Hyun K.;Shin, Yuan;Park, Gyuwon;Park, Sunyoung;Lee, Yuryeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • fall
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    • pp.129-131
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구의 목적은 모바일 헬스케어 앱의 사용자 경험 요인을 분석하여 제안하는 데 있다. 의료 관련 앱은 주로 의료 서비스 제공자 중심의 기능으로 디자인되어 개인의 서비스 접근성이 낮으며, 데이터 활용에 대한 고려가 부족하다. 개인이 주도적으로 건강 데이터를 활용하기 위해서는 개인 - 건강 데이터 커뮤니케이션을 고려한 앱 개발이 필수적이며, 이와 관련된 사용자 경험을 평가하는 도구가 필요하다. 먼저 문헌 조사를 통해 사용 편의성, 사용 만족도, 정보 구조, 유용성, 정보 품질, 심미성 6가지 사용자 경험 요인을 수집하였다. 이후, '나의건강기록' 앱을 대상으로 사용자 심층인터뷰를 진행하여 모바일 헬스케어 앱 사용자 경험에 영향을 주는 요인을 분석하였다. 심층인터뷰 결과, 사용자 경험 요인에 정보의 이해용이성 요인이 새롭게 도출되었다. 정보의 이해용이성은 건강 정보를 알기 쉽게 제공하여, 사용자들이 어려움 없이 정보를 이해할 수 있는 능력을 의미하고 건강정보이해능력과 관련이 높다. 각 도출된 요인은 정보 주체(사용자)의 편의성, 활용성, 유지율을 높일 수 있는 모바일 헬스케어 앱을 디자인하는 데 유용할 것으로 기대된다.

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The effects of the organizational characteristics and interorganizational network level on social welfare organizations' effectiveness -Focused on resource capability of women's welfare organization- (사회복지조직의 특성과 네트워크 수준이 조직효과성에 미치는 영향 -여성복지조직의 자원확보능력을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Yeon Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.147-175
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the organizational characteristics and interorganizational network level on social welfare organizationas' effectiveness using structural equation model. For achieving this purpose, this study defined organizational effectiveness as financial, human and physical resource capability according to resource systems approach. Organizational characteristics variables included the number of qualified staff, degree of resource dependency, the proportion of government subsidies, the main organizational philosophy, establishment year, the attitude of top manager and the number of informal ties. Interorganizational network variables were divided by outdegree centrality and indegree centrality. The data collected from women's welfare organizations in Seoul through survey method. The analysis tools used the UCINET 6.245 for the network analysis and AMOS 18.0 for the structural equation model. The results of this study are as follows. The factors affected on the financial resource capacity were the number of qualified staff, the proportion of government subsides and the indegree centrality. Meanwhile, only indegree centrality directly influenced on the human resource capability. The significant affecting factors on physical resource capacity were the number of qualified staff, the attitude of top manager and informal ties. Based on these results, the implications of this study and the ways to enhance social welfare organization's effectiveness were discussed.

Assessment of the long-term hydrologic impacts on the ungaged Tumen River basin by using satellite and global LSM based on data and SWAT model (위성 및 광역지표모형 기반 자료와 SWAT 모형을 이용한 미계측 두만강 유역의 장기 수문영향 평가)

  • Cho, Younghyun;Ahn, Yoon Ho;Park, Sang Young;Park, Jin Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.94-94
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    • 2020
  • 최근 정부의 신북방정책 추진에 따라 수자원분야에서는 동북아지역 국제 공유하천을 중심의 물 정보 및 연구협력 기회 확보와 지정학적 특성을 고려한 지역 현안해결 중심의 연구가 재조명 되고 있다. 두만강은 이러한 동북아의 중심에 위치하고 있으며, 중국, 북한, 러이사의 국경을 따라 흐르며 지역 수자원의 대부분을 공급하는 국제하천이다. 또한, 지난 2018년 5월에는 하구유역이 람사르(Ramsar) 습지로 승인됨에 따라 철새 등을 포함한 생태가치의 중요성도 크게 증가하였다. 하지만 이 지역은 유역의 지정학적 민감성과 접근이 제한된 관측 정보들로 인해 그 수자원·환경 효용성을 정확하게 파악할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라, 최근 기후변화에 따른 영향으로 홍수, 가뭄 등의 수재해와 수질오염 등의 문제가 발생하고 있어 가용한 기술기반의 직·간접적 접근을 통한 장기수문 및 환경변화 등에 대한 분석과 관리방안 수립 등의 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 미계측 두만강 유역을 대상으로 우선, 가용한 위성자료 및 광역지표모형(MERRA-2) 기반 NASA POWER(Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource) 수문기상 자료와 SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) 모형을 활용하여 장기 수문영향을 평가하고자 한다. SWAT 모형은 전 지구적으로 활용 가능한 격자 해상도 약 30m의 위성기반 수치표고모형(DEM), 광역 토양도, 지역 토지이용도 자료를 활용하여 두만강 유역을 전체 19개 소유역 및 18개 하도, 138개 HRUs의 수문분석 단위로 구축하였으며, 모의는 미국 NOAA NCDC(National Climate Data Center) 및 중국 CMDC(China Meteorological Data Service Center)의 주요 관측지점에서 선별한 총 13개소의 위치에 대해 재분석된 기후/기상자료들(NASA POWER 강수, 기온, 풍속, 상대습도 및 일사량)을 적용, 1990년에서 2019년까지의 30개년도 연속자료를 구축활용 하였다. 한편, 모형의 검·보정은 앞서 언급한 관측 자료의 부재로 과거 문헌 등을 통해 파악할 수 있는 연 단위 수자원 총량 등을 활용해 진행코자한다. 아울러, 향후는 최근 활용 가능한 장기 위성관측 강수량을 적용, 재분석 자료 결과와의 비교를 통해 상호 분석 오류를 줄여나갈 수 있을 것으로도 판단된다.

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A Study on the Children's Adaptation in the Foster Care : An Approach based on Grounded Theory (일반위탁가정 아동의 적응에 대한 연구: 근거이론적 접근)

  • Kim, Jin-Sook;Lee, Hyuk-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.87-116
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the adaptation experience of foster children. This qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interview of 8 foster children in and over 4th grade. In data analysis of this qualitative study, the grounded theory suggested by Strauss and Corbin(1998) was used. The raw data collected from in-depth interview with the participants were analyzed in open coding, through theoretically sensitive and constant comparisons method. As a result, total 11 categories, 30 subcategories and 96 concepts were generated. In summary, the casual condition that caused the core phenomenon was 'family stability collapse'. The core phenomenon that foster children experience during the process of adaptation was 'marginalization'. The contextual condition that affected the outcome was 'cultural shock' and 'loyalty conflict.' The intervening condition that promote or restrain the action/interaction on core phenomenon were, 'support system', 'resilience menifestation', 'negative predestination'. The action/interaction strategy on core phenomenon were 'will to power' and 'pursuing moral superiority'. As a result, two concepts, 'mechanical adaptation to foster care environment' and 'active formation' of foster care environment' were assumed.

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Online Catalog Use Study in a University Library (대학도서관의 온라인목록 이용특성에 관한 연구 -덕성여자대학교를 중심으로-)

  • Yoo Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.289-318
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to identify users behavioral characteristics for using the online catalog opened in May 1996 at Duksung Women's University Library. 278 student users were surveyed from October 4th to 8th in 1996. Major findings are as follows. 1. Most users$(87.4\%)$ prefer the online catalog to the card catalog and regard the online catalog easy to use$(89.6\%)$ 2. $(65.8\%)$ of users are active users who frequently use the online catalog at least 10 times or more per semester. 3. $10.4\%$ of users feel the online catalog difficult because they do not know how to use it. 4. Most users prefer the menu search mode among menu, command and fill-in-blank search modes offered by DISCOVER. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. 5. User's attitude toward the online catalog is very favorable$(83.5\%)$, however, the search success rate is rather low $(77.0\%)$ compared to that of the card catalog $(87.0\%)$ 6. The title and author are regarded easy to use among access points offered by DISCOVER. Classification numbers and call numbers are the least easy access points to use. 7. Since users show lack of knowledge of how to use the online catalog, education and training programs on the online catalog use for users are needed. 8. Users showed different search patterns for pursuing different search goals. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. These search behaviors are different from those in using the card for both the known-item search and subject search was the title.

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A Comparative Analysis on Classification Systems for Children's Materials of Internet Portals and Online Bookstores (인터넷포털과 인터넷서점의 어린이자료 분류시스템의 비교분석)

  • Bae, Yeong-Hwal;Oh, Dong-Geun;Yeo, Ji-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.321-344
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    • 2008
  • This study tries to compare the classification systems of major internet portals and their sub-portals specialized for the children and of major online book stores. It compares and analyzes the major directories of them and suggests recommendations not only to improve their own systems but also to apply to the development for the classification systems for children's library. Some of them are: (1) The system should reflect information requests and use behaviors of the children netizen. (2) It should select the terms reflecting the children's viewpoints and expressions and suggest the guidelines by ages. (3) It should maintain the clear hierarchies and grouping for the accessability and convenience of the users. (4) It will be helpful to establish the categories to mix the subject- or concept-based categories and the activities and objects of the children. (5) It will also be helpful to establish the categories based on the curricula added by those creating the imagination and interest and to subdivide by subject.

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A Study on Methods for Activating Libraries' YouTube Channel (도서관 유튜브(YouTube) 채널의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Ji-Yoon;Noh, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2020
  • The social media paradigm centered on videos continues to deepen due to the diversification of 5G devices, high-definition and immersive SNS. The purpose of this study is to propose various utilization strategies and measures through the analysis of the current status of YouTube channel operation and provided contents operated in public libraries. In this study, 44 libraries in Korea that have opened and operated Library YouTube Channel and 12 libraries that actively utilize library YouTube channels with more than 1,000 subscribers were surveyed for the current status of subscribers, views, video count data, and contents and delivery methods of Library YouTube Channel. Based on the analysis results, the library's YouTube channel was proposed to utilize the library's YouTube channel, 1) to secure the specificity and purpose of the library's YouTube channel, 2) to promote and enhance access to the YouTube channel, 3) to improve the YouTube channel to user-friendly interface, 5) to plan and provide library expertise and educational contents, 6) to operate the integrated YouTube channel, and 7) to provide user-based content.

Frontier, Transitional Process and Coffee Production's Geography in Dak Lak province, Vietnam (베트남 닥락성(Dak Lak Province)에서의 커피생산지리 변화과정과 그 배경 -변경적 특성, 전환경제적 특성의 영향을 중심으로-)

  • Joh, Young Kug
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.323-343
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    • 2013
  • This study explores spatial and temporal evloution of Dak Lak as one of coffee frontiers in Vietnam. So far, many authiors have studied this region under the framework of global-local interactions and emphasized the impacts from global coffee market. However not only unique past situation as the underdeveloped frontier and also the interventions of Vietamese government for transforming her socioeconomic system have played not less pivotal role than the global market in forging the present geography of Dak Lak. Under this logic, this study have traced restucturing in production system of state farms and smallholders' particpation in coffee farming. This study shows that various and unique localities as a frontier and specific situation accrued from transitional process has reflected in the present geography of coffee production in Dak Lak. Finally, this paper can be arguable to contribute some useful insights for understanding the evolution of coffee frontier in Vietnam.

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The implementation of the search system by Human sensibility Ergonomics for customer shopping benefit based on Internet shopping mall (인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 고객 쇼핑편익을 위한 감성공학적 검색 System 구현)

  • 오진희;김돈한
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2000
  • This study is to implement the search system of human sensibility ergonomics in the internet shopping mall, which is a the electronic commerce in the contemporary as a shopping culture on the internet. Instead a category of business, an item, cost & size is using the keyword of a search in a existing shopping mall, the research is accomplished the center of system selecting products by the sensitivity feeling in products. The search system chooses the proper item and makes database with the sensible vocabulary for its image and then searches the item chosen by customers with keywords of the vocabulary after constructing web-server on the internet. This study - systematizes customers' sensible needs with more practical ways. - recognize the customers' sense on items and provides the applied technology conditions tor customers. - gives more opportunities of choice to customers on the internet shopping mall. - supplies various information and approaches to the customers' needs with practice.

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