• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대동아공영권

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The Sea and Hometown:Space of solidarity, Place of blood ties -focused on Han Seol Ya's fictionsin Japanese colonial period- (바다와 고향:연대의 공간, 혈연의 장소 -식민지 시기 한설야 소설을 중심으로-)

  • 하신애
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.51
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    • pp.317-338
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    • 2018
  • 이 글에서는 식민지 시기 발표된 사회주의 계열의 문학 작품-특히 한설야의 작품-에 '바다'로 대표되는 매끈한 공간에 대한 지향과 더불어 사회구성체의 일원으로서 그간 일궈 왔던 '고향'-홈 패인 공간에 대한 향수(鄕愁)가 동시에 드러나고 있다는 점에 주목했다. 심훈의 『동방의 애인』을 비롯한 1930년대 전후 사회주의 문학작품에서는 "민족에 대한 전통적 애착심마저 버리고" 프롤레타리아 국제 연대의 '바다'로 나아갈 것을 결의했으나, '고향'에 대한 향수에 붙들려 기존 홈 패인 공간의 질서 속으로 회귀하고야 마는 사회주의자들의 면모가 드러나며, 이러한 사회주의자들의 면모는 식민지 말기에 이르러 다시금 대두된다. 식민지 말기는 총력전 체제의 강화 및 동아봉쇄주의로 인해 사회주의 투사들 대부분이 "구금되었거나 운동을 정지하고 어쩔 줄 모르는" 상황에 놓였으며, 이로 인해 해외 혁명 거점들로부터 단절되어 "절해고도(絶海孤島)"와 같은 위치에 놓인 사회주의자들에게 제국이 보낸 '전향'의 메시지가 도착한 시점이었다. 그렇다면 '고향'에 대한 향수에 붙들리는 한편, 식민지 말기 "절해고도"와 같은 경성의 '닫힌 공간'에 직면하여 제국의 전향 요구를 수취해야만 했던 조선의 사회주의자들은 위와 같은 민족·제국의 호명/향수를 뿌리치고, 다시금 '너른 바다'를 추구할 수 있었던 것일까? 이 글에서는 「과도기」·「씨름」·『마음의 향촌』·「피」 등 식민지 시기 한설야 소설에 나타난 바다/고향 표상을 분석함으로써, "너른 바다"로 표상되는 매끈한 공간성을 성취하고자 했던 당대 사회주의자들의 투쟁이 제국에 의해 포획되어 홈 패인 공간으로 조직된 식민지 조선의 지형에 어떠한 변화를 초래하는지, 나아가 식민지 말기 사회주의자들이 담지했던 사상적 전망이란 대동아공영권이라는 제국의 두터운 '홈'에 직면하여 어느 정도의 문화적 융해를 가능케 했는지 그 경합의 과정들을 가늠해 보고자 한다. 한설야 등 기존 식민지 말기 사회주의자들의 텍스트에 접근하기 위한 키워드가 "전향"이었다면, 이 글에서는 그럼에도 불구하고 이들이 좌절의 위기에 직면한 사상적 전망을 "살려 나가기" 위해 "바다"라는 매끈한 공간의 표상을 동원했으며, 이를 통해 여전히 "투쟁"의 흐름 속에 스스로를 위치시키고자 했음을 제시할 것이다. "바다"라는 공간적 표상에 입각한 이러한 문학적 상상은 비록 실현 불가능한 층위에 머무른다 할지라도, 그 자체로 당대 정치지리적 경계 너머로 나아가기 위한 문화적 도전이라는 측면에서 주목할 만한 시대적 의의를 지닌다.

A Study on Japanese' Conception of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere from the Viewpoint of Multilateralism - With Focus on a Theoretical Analysis on Peacelessness - (다자주의(多者主義) 시각(視角)에서 본 일본(日本)의 대동아공영권구상(大東亞共榮圈構想) 연구(硏究) - 비평화성(非平和性)에 대(對)한 이론적(理論的) 분석(分析)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • 김경일
    • Korean Journal of Japanese Language and Literature
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    • no.80
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    • pp.423-442
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the practical meaning of the conception of the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere in the modern era in Japan through the research using the theoretical framework of multilateralism that is a universal approach to international peace and cooperation in the 21st century. Especially, the analysis of applying the conceptual matters and the components of multilateralism to the conception of the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere in modern Japan is the central research method of this paper, and through this research, I would like to present systematically the peacelessness in the conception of the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere. From the viewpoint of the conceptual aspects of multilateralism, it can be said that the conception of the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere lacks the equality and autonomy among countries, and it does not conform to the multilaterality with core contents of cooperation and peace. From the viewpoint of the aspects of multilateralism, it can be said that the conception of the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere does not satisfy the indivisibility of related value, the generalized principles of conduct and the comprehensive reciprocity. I expect that this research can provide certain criteria for the preparation of the theoretical foundation of regional cooperation in East Asia and regional peace building plan in progress.

Geopolitical Interpretation of China's Island Chain Strategy (중국의 도련선(島摙線) 전략에 대한 지정학적 해석)

  • Lee, Yeoung-Hyeong
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.137-162
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    • 2018
  • This paper covers the issues including geopolitical effects of sea power on sea space in East Asia and its nature in a perspective of the past and the present. This paper analyzes the significance of Sea Power which is emphasized in Mahan's Theory of Insular Dominance and grasps the geopolitical nature of Sea Power. Along with this awareness, it deals with the problem of designated strategic phenomenon that is spreading to the Pacific Ocean with the concept of the Island Chain in China in the 21st century. Around the turn of 20th century, Japan materialized the policy of Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere which was planned to expand power sphere in sea space in the East Asia based on sea power and China took shape of the concept of Island Chain in the 21st century, which has divided sea space in East Asia. Under the circumstance that China's policy of island chain faced the resistance from countries in the East Asia as well as the USA, the question about whether Korea's policy of depending on sea power is valuable even in the 21st century has been raised.

Russia Represented the Novel of Dae Hun Ham before and after the Liberation (해방전후 함대훈 소설에 나타난 '러시아' 표상 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Hoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.44
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    • pp.87-121
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    • 2016
  • Daehoon Ham's novel 'Cheongchunbo' features a studier as the main character who majored in Russian literature and admired the culture of the Soviet Union. From his viewpoint, the novel reproduces North Korean society before and after its independence from Japan. In this regard, it shows multilayered presence related to Russian culture and Soviet Russia. Such an aspect is based on the sense of sympathy that the main character has. The sense of sympathy is originated from the main character's admiration for the exoticism of Soviet culture which was forbidden during the late Japanese occupation. After Korea's independence from Japan, Russian was replaced by English. Such change also occurred in the main character's viewpoint. He underwent a change in his integrative viewpoint on Russian and Soviet under the name of Red Army. After defecting to South Korea, he began to put Russia down as a den possessed by the devil called 'communism.' In the meantime, Russia and Soviet have been separated from each other in ideological terms. The novel 'Cheongchunbo' stresses that the decisive cause of such changes is argued over trusteeship. The main character, fascinated by the presence of exotic Soviet, predicates that Soviet is a political symbol around the national division caused by the trusteeship. His change alluded to the life path of Korean authors who translated Russian literature after independence. During the Japanese occupation, Russian literature translated into Korea was a longing for forbiddance and admiration for Russia. However, the Russia presented in Daehoon Ham's novel before and after independence implies that the romantic translation has ended.