• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단일시점

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Development of Hedging Rule for Drought Management Policy Reflecting Risk Performance Criteria of Single Reservoir System (단일 저수지의 위험도 평가기준을 고려한 가뭄대비 Hedging Rule 개발)

  • Park, Myeong-Gi;Kim, Jae-Han;Jeong, Gwan-Su
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2002
  • During drought or impending drought period, the reservoir operation method is required to incorporate demand-management policy rule. The objective of this study is focused to the development of demand reduction rule by incorporating hedging-effect for a single reservoir system. To improve the performance measure of the objective function and constraints, we could incorporate three risk performance criteria proposed by Hashimoto et al. (1982) by mixed-integer programming and also incorporate successive linear programming to overcome nonlinear hedging term from the previous study(Shih et al., 1994). To verify this model, this hedging rule was applied to the Daechung multi-purpose dam. As a result, we could evaluate optimal hedging parameters and monthly trigger volumes.

Multi-View Image Deblurring for 3D Shape Reconstruction (3차원 형상 복원을 위한 다중시점 영상 디블러링)

  • Choi, Ho Yeol;Park, In Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.11
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct accurate 3D shape object by using multi-view images which are disturbed by motion blur. In multi-view deblurring, more precise PSF estimation can be done by using the geometric relationship between multi-view images. The proposed method first estimates initial 2D PSFs from individual input images. Then 3D PSF candidates are projected on the input images one by one to find the best one which are mostly consistent with the initial 2D PSFs. 3D PSF consists with direction and density and it represents the 3D trajectory of object motion. 야to restore 3D shape by using multi-view images computes the similarity map and estimates the position of 3D point. The estimated 3D PSF is again projected to input images and they replaces the intial 2D PSFs which are finally used in image deblurring. Experimental result shows that the quality of image deblurring and 3D reconstruction improves significantly compared with the result when the input images are independently deblurred.

Fuel Budget Analysis of the COMS Momentum Dumping (통신해양기상위성 (COMS)의 모멘텀 덤핑 사용 연료량 분석)

  • Park, Bong-Kyu;Yang, Koon-Ho;Park, Young-Woong;Choi, Jae-Dong;Lee, Sang-Cherl
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2005
  • This paper analyzes the fuel consumption for the momentum dumping of the COMS which has a single solar array system. First, numerical analyses are conducted to find an optimal momentum dumping time considering the COMS configuration. It is assumed that the momentum dumping is conducted once a day and at a fixed time of a day. Secondly, in an effort to reduce the momentum dumping fuel consumption, this paper proposes a new approach which combines the momentum dumping and the ordinary north/south stationkeeping. Finally, to evaluate the proposed technique, the stationkeeping simulations are conducted and analyzed.

An Edge Removal Algorithm for the Reliability Evaluation of Directed Communication Networks (방향성 통신망의 신뢰도 계정에 관한 에지제거 알고리즘)

  • 임윤구;오영환
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to evaluate the source-to-terminal reliability, the probability that a source node can communicate with a terminal node, in a probabilistic derected graph. By using Satyanaratana's factoring $theorem^{(7)}$, the original graph can be partitioned into two reduced graphs obtained by contracting and deleting the edge connected to the source node in the probabilistic directed graph. The edge removal proposed in this paper and the general series-parallel reduction can then be applied to the reduced graph. This edge reduction can be applied recursively to the reduced graphs until a source node can be connected to a terminal node by one edge. A computer program which can be applied to evaluating the source-to-terminal reliability in a complex and large network has also been developed.

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Development of rehabilitated agricultural reservoir operation for releasing environmental water (둑높이기 농업용저수지의 환경용수 방류를 위한 운영기준 설정)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Choi, Jin-Yong;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Young-Hyun;Kim, Hae-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.447-447
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    • 2012
  • 농업용저수지 둑높이기 사업은 기존 농업용저수지의 둑을 높여 저수량을 추가확보하여 갈수기에 본류 및 지류에 환경용수 공급을 하기 위하여 시행 중이다. 기존의 농업용저수지는 농업용수라고 하는 단일 목적 용수 공급을 위한 저수지로서 용수공급은 대상작물의 재배시기에 맞추어 이루어지고 있다. 둑높이기 대상 농업용저수지는 농업용수 및 환경용수 공급이라는 다중목적을 수행하여 한다. 따라서 기존의 농업용저수지 운영기준과는 차별되는 운영기준 설정이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 농업용 저수지의 농업용수 공급 능력을 유지하며, 하류하천에 유지유량을 공급할 수 있는 운영기준을 설정하였는데, 농업용 저수지의 규모에 따라서 운영기준을 제안하였다. 먼저 중소규모 저수지의 운영기준은 운영기준곡선의 개념을 활용하여 현저수량을 운영기준곡선에 대입하여 적정 방류가능량을 설정하였다. 구체적으로 저수지 유입량을 고려하여 연중 방류 가능한 기준방류량을 선정하고, 기준방류량의 연중 방류에 따른 최대, 최소 방류기준곡선과, 사업 전 저수량을 고려하여 방류제한 곡선을 설정하였다. 한편 대규모 저수지의 경우 기준방류량을 설정하기 위하여 과거 30년 이상의 저수량 모의를 통하여 비관개시 시점의 각 초기저수량에 따라 관개기 시점의 목표 저수량을 만족할 수 있는 초기저수량별 기준방류를 설정하고 이를 바탕으로 운영 기준을 설정하였다. 설정된 운영기준을 적용하여 일별 저수량을 모의하고, 운영기준 적용에 따른 환경용수 공급 능력 및 이수안전도의 분석하였다.

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Ordinal Depth Based Deductive Weakly Supervised Learning for Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation (단안 이미지로부터 3D 사람 자세 추정을 위한 순서 깊이 기반 연역적 약지도 학습 기법)

  • Youngchan Lee;Gyubin Lee;Wonsang You
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.05a
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    • pp.826-829
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    • 2024
  • 3D 사람 자세 추정 기술은 다양한 응용 분야에서의 높은 활용성으로 인해 대량의 학습 데이터가 수집되어 딥러닝 모델 연구가 진행되어 온 반면, 동물 자세 추정의 경우 3D 동물 데이터의 부족으로 인해 관련 연구는 극히 미진하다. 본 연구는 동물 자세 추정을 위한 예비연구로서, 3D 학습 데이터가 없는 상황에서 단일 이미지로부터 3D 사람 자세를 추정하는 딥러닝 기법을 제안한다. 이를 위하여 사전 훈련된 다중 시점 학습모델을 사용하여 2D 자세 데이터로부터 가상의 다중 시점 데이터를 생성하여 훈련하는 연역적 학습 기반 교사-학생 모델을 구성하였다. 또한, 키포인트 깊이 정보 대신 2D 이미지로부터 레이블링 된 순서 깊이 정보에 기반한 손실함수를 적용하였다. 제안된 모델이 동물데이터에서 적용 가능한지 평가하기 위해 실험은 사람 데이터를 사용하여 이루어졌다. 실험 결과는 제안된 방법이 기존 단안 이미지 기반 모델보다 3D 자세 추정의 성능을 개선함을 보여준다.

A Study on the Sensitivity of Conversion Factor According to Change of Base Year (기준연도 조정에 따른 환산지수 민감도 분석 연구)

  • O, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 2020
  • In this study, issues related to changes in base year, which have controversial effects on fees in service contracts, were reviewed. In this regard, sensitivity analysis was conducted on the effects of changes in base year on conversion factor by type. The benefits and disadvantages of each specific type of medical institution were examined. Main conclusions are as follows. First, changing the base year to be closer to the present time had a beneficial effect on the conversion factor of hospitals. Second, changing the base year to be closer to the current point of time had an adverse effect on the conversion factor of pharmacies and clinics and had a significant adverse effect on clinics. Third, assuming that a single conversion factor is collectively applied to all types, a favorable effect occurred in all cases when the base year was changed to be closer to the present time. Base year changes can bring about conflicts of interest between insurer and providers, and within providers. Therefore, changing the base year should be pursued upon mutual agreement on a reasonable basis for resource allocation. In addition, it is necessary to provide incentives for temporary compensation for the types of losses incurred.

Optimal Reservoir Operation Using Goal Programming for Flood Season (Goal Programming을 이용한 홍수기 저수지 최적 운영)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Ahn, Jae-Hwang;Choi, Chang-Won;Yi, Jae-Eung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of multipurpose reservoir operation in flood season is to reduce the peak flood at a control point by utilizing flood control storage or to minimize flood damage by controlling release and release time. Therefore, the most important thing in reservoir operation for flood season is to determine the optimal release and release time. In this study, goal programming is used for the optimal reservoir operation in flood season. The goal programming minimizes a sum of deviation from the target value using linear programming or nonlinear programming to obtain the optimal alternative for the problem with more than two objectives. To analyze the applicability of goal programming, the historical storm data are utilized. The goal programming is applied to the reservoir system operation as well as single reservoir operation. Chungju reservoir is selected for single reservoir operation and Andong and Imha reservoirs are selected for reservoir system operation. The result of goal programming is compared with that of HEC-5. As a result, it was found that goal programming could maintain the reservoir level within flood control level at the end of a flood season and also maintain flood discharge within a design flood at a control point for each time step. The goal programming operation is different from the real operation in the sense that all inflows are assumed to be given in advance. However, flood at a control point can be reduced by calculating the optimal release and optimal release time using suitable constraints and flood forecasting system.

Innovative Method to Expand a Degree of Freedom of Observation in the Depth Direction without Losses of the Horizontal Number of Views in Autostereoscopic Multi-Views 3D Display System (시차장벽식 무안경 다시점 입체디스플레이 시스템에서 수평방향의 시점 수 저하 없이 깊이방향의 자유도를 증가시키기 위한 혁신적 방법)

  • Lee, Kwang-Hoon;Park, Min-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.10
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2013
  • An autostereoscopic multi-view 3D display system has the narrower degrees of freedom in the observational directions, such as the horizontal and perpendicular directions to the display plane, than the glasses-on type of 3D display. In this paper, we propose an innovative method to expand the width of the viewing zone formed in the depth direction while maintaining the number of views in the horizontal direction by using a triple segmented-slanted parallax barrier (TS-SPB) in the glasses-off type of 3D display. The validity of the proposal was verified by an optical simulation based on an environment similar to an actual case. The maximum number of views that can be displayed in the horizontal direction is 2n, and the width of the viewing zone with depth increased up to a factor of 3.36 compared to the existing one-layered parallax barrier system.

The Integration of Segmentation Based Environment Models from Multiple Images (다중 영상으로부터 생성된 분할 기반 환경 모델들의 통합)

  • 류승택;윤경현
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1286-1301
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    • 2003
  • This paper introduces segmentation based environment modeling method and integration method using multiple environment map for constructing the realtime image-based panoramic navigation system. The segmentation-based environment modeling method is easy to implement on the environment map and can be used for environment modeling by extracting the depth value by the segmentation of the environment map. However, an environment model that is constructed using a single environment map has the problem of a blurring effect caused by the fixed resolution, and the stretching effect of the 3D model caused when information that does not exist on the environment map occurs due to the occlusion. In this paper, we suggest environment models integration method using multiple environment map to resolve the above problem. This method can express parallax effect and expand the environment model to express wide range of environment. The segmentation-based environment modeling method using multiple environment map can build a detail model with optimal resolution.

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